
Published Articles

The Dot-02 Fighter Kite
This is my first published article ever. It came out in the AKA (American Kiting Association) magazine called "Kiting" in the Summer issue, 2003. It is the plan for my very own dot-02 fighter kite. What an exciting time.
The Remaking Of A Legend
My second article appears in the December 2005 issue of Kitelife magazine.

It is an article on the making of a modern train of tailless Eddy kites flown by William Abner Eddy himself in 1896. It was an exciting project from beginning to end. I learned a lot about the history, the man, and of course the kite.
The Original Eddie Kite
This is a follow up to the Eddy train article. In it I have made the plans for building your own modern Eddy kite. I like sharing the fun. ;)
What are you flying? Oh... Nothing
This article appears in the December 2006 issue of Kitelife Magazine.
It depicts the fun I had building and flying a Circoflex kite.
*This page was updated on March 18th, 2021

This site has been modified on March 18th, 2021
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