Neil and Margery Murphy McKenty
NEIL MCKENTY was born in 1846 in Ireland, and died
April 28, 1888. He married MARGERY MURPHY on January 11, 1875 in Hastings . She
was likely the daughter of PATRICK MURPHY and BRIDGET MCKINTY. Margery was born in
Ireland in 1851 and died March 02, 1891.
As a matter of interest there were a number of McKenty/Murphy marriages
including a Hugh and Nancy (Ann) Murphy McKenty who lived in the Amherst
Island area . Their daughter Catherine appears to have married twice. The first,
in the Registers of St Mary's Cathedral 1816-1869 Kingston was to John
McCarey on November 22 1841. It says they were from the Isle of Tanti
(Amherst Island). The second , in Gananoque, was to Patrick Keys on September 12
The Canadian marriage registration says Neil was the son of Alexander and
Hannah McKenty. In Antrim there is a baptismal record for Neil, son of
Alexander and Ann McKenty, born 1846. This is likely the same Neil. Besides Neal, Alex and Ann had other children in Ireland including John
1835, Henry 1836, Hugh 1838, and Patrick 1839. In Glenarm Ireland,
Alex McKenty was also the baptismal sponsor for Rosa, the daughter of Henry and
Martha McNeil McKenty born 1826. This is likely the same Alex, Neil's father
In 1854 there was a John Murphy living alongside Neal McKinty
in Nappan Antrim.
Neal and Margery's wedding took place in Madoc, the home of Bridget and
Henry McKenty. Ellen Mooney and Daniel McAteer were the witnesses. Ellen was
the sister of Bridget Mooney McKenty. She and Dan are buried next to Henry and
Bridget McKenty in Madoc. Margery's sister Rose married Hugh McKenty in Glenarm.
Their daughter Ann was born Nov 5, 1864. The baptismal sponsors were Mr. & Mrs.
Daniel Black.
Coincidentally the 1871 census has a Daniel Black age 60 and
Michael Black age 65 living in Tyendinaga Hastings . Henry and Bridget's
daughter Mary married a Henry Black
It's obvious Neal and Henry of Madoc were closely related . They also
seem to be connected to the families of Henry&Mary McKillen McKenty, Alexander&
Ann McKenty, Henry&Martha McNeil McKenty, and Patrick and Bridget McKinty
The 1880/1881 census of Frontenac, Kingston shows Neill age 35, Catholic
and wife Margery age 28 Ireland, RC with son Hugh 5, Rose 4 , John A 6mons..
The birth certificate for John A has Neal living in Collinsby (by Henry's
first home) and working as telegraph operator. For his son Joseph's baptism Hugh and Ann McKenty were listed as sponsors.
In the birth registration for son Hugh, Neil was listed as baggage man for the railway
working in Napanee. John and Bethia Rennie Mckenty were living in Napanee
as well.
Their tombstone in St Paul's Cemetery Norwood reads " Margery McKenty w/o
Neil D. Mar 2 1891 age 40 yrs Co Antrim ..Neil Mckenty d. April 28 1889 age 45
Children of
born 1826 in Ireland, and died February 01, 1890 in Hamilton. He married JANE.
She was born 1833, and died November 01, 1920 in Hamilton. A scribbled
birth registration for one of their children indicated Jane's maiden name may have been Car. It was difficult to
John may have been a ship Captain, possibly known as Crackity Jack.
Some records appear to be somewhat contradictory. He captained
various ships on the Great lakes which sailed from a number of different
ports, predominantly Cleveland and Buffalo.
Marine records from U S Enrolments has John as Captain of the schooner Hiram , port of Cleveland....the registered owner of the Lexington out of
Buffalo, ... Captain of the Martha Freme out of Buffalo
... Captain of the Brigantine Ansell R Cobb out of Cleveland ...and owner of the
schooner Watts Sherman out of Cleveland June 1853. These ship records gathered
from the internet, have John as Captain starting in the 1840's. This
doesn't seem to blend considering his age. Either his birth date is
incorrect, or the ship record dates are wrong, or the ships were really small,
or he was one of the youngest captains or its the wrong John??!!
It appears John may have had a sister Rose. Both John and Rose lived in
Hamilton and were in the same age group. According to the Hamilton Spectator
Rose McKinty married John P Hart, a saddler at St Mary's on Jan 16 1857. On July
6th 1826 in Carnlough/Glenarm there is record of the birth of a John McKenty,
son of James McKenty and Doherty. A daughter Elizabeth was baptized in Layde July 23 1838. Sponsors were Mary Black and Charles Douay....probably
a long shot
The records in Hamilton tell us John and Jane had a number of
children, many of whom died in infancy/childhood. I didn't record all of them. There
is a death notice in both the Hamilton Funeral Directory and Hamilton Spectator dated Aug 9,
1865 for a John McKinty, son of Capt John and Jane. On Oct 9 1865 there is
another death notice for Robert James, age 7yrs 10 months, Wellington St, son of
Capt John and Jane
The 1871 census has John McKinty 48, Ireland, RC, sailor, wife Jane 38
, RC Irish, Rose 14, Thomas 15, Minnie 9 William, 6, and Kate 4. A Hugh Daley
19, was living with them at the time. It appears John and Jane had another daughter not
listed in the census records. There was a marriage registration for a Catherine McKinty
age 25, of Hamilton, daughter of John and Jane (Carr? ) She married Hugh
Hickey(?) 32, of Michigan, son of Jas Hickey and Catharine Stafford. Witnesses
were T W Edwards of London and Mme McKinty 19 of Hamilton. At the time of
marriage Catherine was working as a housekeeper.
The death notice for Captain John in the
Hamilton Spectator indicates he had been
living at 27 Barton St E in Hamilton and was buried there in Holy Sepulchre
Cemetery. The Spectator notes Jane's death on Nov 1, 1920 . I visited the
cemetery and they're all buried together along with many of the children. Close
by is another Mckenty family, John Augustus and his kin
Children of JOHN MCKENTY and JANE CAR are: