The McKinty/McKenty
surname appears to have both Irish
roots and Scottish connections. Both Fr. Woulfe, in “The Origins of Irish
Surnames”, and MacLysaght in “The
Surnames of
say the names McKenty, McKinty, and MacKi(e)nty are really variants of MacEntee, McEntee, and McIntee, from the
Oriel and Offaly districts and counties Armagh and Monaghan. Some say the
name has been used as a variant of McGinty in Donegal. There is evidence of some
families using McGinty while living in Scotland and reverting back to McKenty on
Scottish Connections
Black, in his text
“Surnames of
connects the surname to Aberdeen, Scotland. A variety of vital statistics
from the cathedral in Edinburgh support the McKenty McKinty presence there.
The Ordnance Survey Memoirs for Antrim 1831-1838 also confirms the Scottish
influence in Antrim by noting “there is no doubt that the Scottish made
this part of the country the scene of many of their incursions ...and the
present inhabitants are evidently the descendents of the Scottish settlers
of the 16th century.”
Our Antrim Roots
There appears to be little evidence of the McKenty name in any other county
before it's appearance in Antrim
in the early 17th century
. Griffiths
Valuation for Antrim 1848-1864
lists only 24 properties headed by a McKenty, and 3 with the name
McKinty. The Valuation lists
no other McKinty/McKenty households anywhere else in all of
Ireland at that time. It is important to note that of those registered,
there were 3 James’s, 6 John’s, 4 Patrick’s, and 4 Sarah’s. People at that
time could hold more than 1 property. This does not
include the possibility of both parent(s) and/or siblings from the same family holding properties. This would significantly reduce the actual number of McKe(i)ty
families during this period.
small number of McKenty households just seems to support the notion that the
families which emigrated to Canada, the United States, Australia, and New
Zealand were closely related. Geographically speaking, it's amazing how close they
actually lived to each in
According to
Griffith records eleven of the McKenty properties were in the parish of
Ardclinis. This area borders the parishes of
Layd and Tickmacrevan where more McKenty families lived.
Ancestral Families
Records from
Ireland including the Valuation , the
Memoirs and
three very informative published works by
Felix McKillop
outlining the histories of Larne,
Glenarm, and Glencloy tell us about specific families/individuals.
Information from the texts, Felix's works, and records from PRONI and
the National Library in Dublin are outlined below.
In them there is mention of a Paddy McKenty
1770 of
Raloo, one of the Steelboys, who terrorized the established
authorities and landlords. These groups were protesting rent increases and evictions
experienced by many tenant
There is also mention of another Paddy McKenty of Larne who had been
bailiff of the Earl of Antrim's estate in the latter part of the 18th
Hearth Money Rolls of 1669 identifies
households who had to pay a tax if they had a hearth. Included in this list
were Dermott,
Hugh, John, and Shane
McKenty, residents of Ardclinis parish. Dermott is also listed
in Tickmacrevan . During this period the records and literature from Ireland
seem to suggest that the vast majority of Antrim McKentys may have lived in this
region which encompasses parts of the parishes of Layd, Ardclinis, and
Tickmacrevan. The distance between there homesteads was miniscule,
often the same or adjacent farm lands
In the late 1700’s mass
in this area was apparently celebrated at the
home of Patrick McKenty of Carnlough.
Nearby a Patrick McKenty of Creggan
was involved in the 1798 rebellions.
Records show he testified in defence of one of the leaders of the rebellions, Rev. Acheson.
Shane, Daniel,
Patrick, another Shane, Alex, Bernard, Duncan, Neal, and Hugh
jointly leased property in this region from the Earl of Antrim in
1794 . The property
was located on a very large mountain side area beside Gortin/Aghalum
and Glenravel. In this group Duncan may have been the father of
Bernard, Shane, and Neal.. The
Patrick Mulvenna who was involved in the
lease agreement may also have been the Patrick
who settled with the McKentys in Quebec in the early 1800's.
A few years later in this area
Henry McKenty of
Creggan supported a land grant petition for a Catholic church to be
built in Glencloy. The eventual lease for the
church, signed in 1814,
was witnessed by Bernard McKenty (1757-1817).(see
Families below )

The list of
residents for Glencloy in 1814 includes
Shane, Bernard, Alex, Neal,
Patrick, and Hugh McKenty in Aghalum, and Stewart McKenty in Carnlough. Shane McKenty
died around 1820 when his will was registered in Glenarm. (This will is outlined
in the Quebec McKentys page of website). It reveals Shane children
included a John, Bernard , Patrick, Sally, Kitty, Mary and a grandson Patrick
Henry McKinty and Neal McBride shared land at Carnlough. (see
thumbnail map)
The Tithe
Applotment records
in 1828
researched by Jim McKinty
reveal Alexander, James,
Neal, Patrick and Hugh McKenty/McKinty households in Aghalum
and Henry and Shane McKenty were in nearby Carnlough
and Creggan , and a Hugh in
In 1830,
Raloo parish, there was a
Daniel and Patrick
McKinty in Ballyvallagh, and a Widow McKinty in Larne parish.
The 1851 Census of Antrim ( only fragments remain) finds
some McKintys near Larne, including Patrick McKinty(b.1797)
and his wife
Elizabeth(b.1791), son John
There is
William b.1821, his wife
Margaret b.1825 and children
Mary 1845, Edward 1846, and
William 1849; ...and the widow
Cecilia b.1791 and her children
Margaret 1827, granddaughter
Ann 1838, Catherine
1849. Also listed is the widow Sarah b.1805 with her children
William 1843,
Catherine 1846, and John
1850. A James McKinty is recorded in the parish of Dunaghy
1860 the list of tenants and freeholders show a Neal, Patrick,
and Margery in Aghalum; Daniel and James in the town of Carnlough, John in
Creggan, Alexander in Gortin, and another John in Lemnalary.
Strangely enough, there are few if
any McKe(i)nty families in Carnlough/Glencloy region today. Most live in the
area of Larne and southwards.
Some Families in Antrim: The following list is based on research I did while
visiting the archives and cemeteries in Ireland. It is supplemented by the work
there by Mary Ann Carey with a few minor additions from IGI records.
Many of the families listed may have stayed in Ireland but a significant
number and their descendants probably emigrated. Obviously there were
numerous other McKe(i)ty
families not listed here. For the sake of simplicity I’ve spelled most
here with an ‘e ‘despite the fact many may have had them with an I or
both. There is no implied relationship or connection between the families
outlined here. They are listed in random order grouped by father’s
A special thanks to
Alastair McQuillan who helped with some pertinent insights into the
records in Ireland.
Bernard McKenty
Apparently Bernard loved his first cousin
Mary O'Neil. Since any potential marriage was frowned upon he went to
Jamaica and became part owner of a plantation, Golden Grove, in
Kingston. After he spent some time there he returned to Antrim. He gave
money for some nieces and nephews to go to school in Spain. He then married
Mary O'Neill, the daughter of his first love Mary O'Neill. He may also
have been the Bernard whom ship records indicate came to the U.S. during the
war of 1812.
Bernard and his wife Mary O'Neill
(1794-1875) had 3 children, Mary, Charlotte, and John.
Bernard is buried in old graveyard in Glenarm.
Near him Catherine McKenty McNaughten
was buried in 1794. She was the daughter
of Neal McKenty of Crany.
son John was a surgeon and died in Africa.
After Bernard's death in
1817 Mary
married Charles McAuley and had 3 more children.
Mary Anne (m Spence), Alicia (married John McGalliard, Rosetta (married
Archibald McNeill.0 Rosetta's son Eoin was a cofounder of the gaelic League,
and son James became the Irish Free States first High Commisioner and later
its' Governor General.

Patrick McKenty
born17** married __Hunter
Children of Patrick and Ms Hunter
i Neil 1784- 1864...son
Neil...son Neil
ii Hugh
Generation 2
Hugh McKenty
married Catherine
Children of
Hugh and Catherine
i Patrick 1827-1899 baptismal sponsors Alex McKenty& Catherine
McCormick. He married Margery
ii Mary ..July 25 1828 sp Henry and Nancy Mulvena
..married a McKenna from Carnlough
iii Sarah ..she married a Mulvenna from Larne
iv Margaret.. she married a Thompson
Generation 3
Patrick McKenty married Margaret (Margery)
O' Connor 1840-1912 from
Children of Patrick and
O'Connor McKenty
May 29th 1852 sp
Sarah McFall & Archie Connor....went to
Scotland..died in Mothwell
ii Patrick (Jan 15 1854 -1910)
baptismal sponsor was Margaret
McKenty... He married Mary Foxton. He was a ship Captain emigrated from
Carnlough to Australia
iii Mary ..died
age 3
iv George New Zealand?
v Neal
1860 sponsors Henry Hugh and Rose
Connor.. to USA?
vi Catherine
Aug 10 1862 sponsors
Thomas&Catharine Conway …married John
Archibald 1865-1951
sponsors Wm Ryan & Jane Campbell ..
viii Sarah
…born 1871-1919...married Neil Hunter 1866-and emigrated to the United States for this
family and descendents
...See California on
More American
Cousins Page
son of Patrick and Margaret,
married Mary McGavock
Children of Archie and
Mary McGavock
1901 census has children Archie Jr and his sister Catherine apparently
single, still living at home...... A
pic of Archie Sr's tombstone is below
Children of Archie and Mary
i Kathleen d 1916 ..
ii Archie
died 1928,
iii Patrick d. 1929,
iv George died 1936,
v Mary Agnes
1904-2000... married James Esler
The Stanburys
of Australia, descendents of Patrick
McKenty and Mary Foxton

1796-1888 and
Martha McNeil McKenty
They first took up a tenancy on the land at Mullaghconnolly
with the Antrim Estates in 1843. They may have had 11 children but only
the names of 9 are known. Henry and Martha died on the same day,
Mar 8 1888. Apparently they were found by their grandson Henry.
In his will dated March
23 Henry left 2 cows and 1 colt to his wife Martha, 3 each pounds to his
son John, his daughters Mrs. Alice McGavock,
Mrs. Ann Black, Mrs. Margaret McRandle, Mrs. Rose
McFall, Mrs. Jane McKay, Mrs. Martha
McCurry, and to Patrick
McLoughlin widower of daughter Mary. The rest, including the farm
and contents was left to his son Neil.
Children of Henry and Martha
Annie..baptized 9Oct 1826 Parish of Tickmacrevan sp Dan Blaney and Rose McBride.
She married Charles Black Feb 5 1851 witnesses
Denis Galvin and Mrs. McNeill. Charles owned parcel #2 at Mullaghconnolly
next to Henry and Martha.
ii Rose ..
baptized Dec 18 1828 sp Alex McKenty and
Catherine McCormick
Ally (Alice)1839 sp Alex and
Mrs. McKenty
iv Margaret 1850 sp John Murphy and
Mary McNeill of Mullaghconnelly
v Neil 1840
vi John 1830-1920 married Sarah 1840-1923
vii Jane…married .._____McKay
viii Martha …married____
Mary married
Patrick McLoughlin
Generation 2
Annie (Henry and Martha)...she married Charles Black 0n Feb 5 1851 Tickmacrevan
Children of Annie and Charles
i John Black bapt Nov 30 1851
ii Charles Black
bapt. Jan 11, 1867
iii Henry ?
2 Rose
Henry and Martha married Neal
McFall, farmer of Glenarm . They had at least one
child i
William McFall Oct 20 1874
2 John McKenty
(1830-1920..buried Feystown(
Henry and Martha married Sarah
Darragh in 1862 Children of John and Sarah
i Ann bapt Oct 1867 Tickmacrevan
ii John baptized 1870
iii Sarah (1873-1949) married Henry Magill (1867-1916) of Campbelltown,
Cairncastle Children of Sarah and Henry
1 Charles Magill (1911-1974)
2 Ann Magill (1908-1994) who married Robert McKillop. There children
were Robert, Tommy, Charlie (married Margaret mcAuley), Felix
(married Jane Conlan)
iv James McKenty bapt Nov 7 1875
v Maggie McKenty (1876- ) married William Todd of Glenarm (1877-1953)
vi Mary McKenty (1880- )
2 Alice McKenty (
Henry and Martha) married Charles Mcgavock of Deer Park in
Children..... Mary
Mcgavock bapt Apr 25 1875 and Martha McGavcock bapt Mar 10 1878
Neil McKenty(
Henry and Martha)
married Margaret
Mulvena He
was the son of
Henry and Martha McNeil McKenty. He married Margaret Mulvena
of Deer Park
Children of Neil and Margaret
i Martha
(1872- ) she married W.Simms, went to Canada, then possibly
Three children?..Margaret, Kathleen,
ii Annie (1874-
iii Jane ( June 20 1875-Glenarm 1958)
married Robert McErlean (1869-1941) lived in
Larne, 11 children: John, Harry, Margaret, Colin, James, Gerald, Alphonsus,
Malachy , Laurence, Eileen, and Brian
iv Henry 1877-
1962 ..never married
v Margaret Ann
( Maggie) 1879 sponsors John
McKenty and Martha Black. She married
Matthews They had 7 Children: Louisa, Hester, Daniel, Neal, Alexander,
and Winifred
vi Charles (Charlie) McKenty
1882-1962 married Mary O'Donnel ( -
1937..buried in Carnlough
vii John McKenty 1884-1962
married Minnie Mullan in 1926
viii Neil 1886- 1929
married Mollie O'Neil
ix Alicia
(Alice) 1888-1920 married J P McGuire
x Rose McKenty 1897- 1965 married Henry
2 Margaret McKenty (1850- )(
Henry and Martha) married BernardcRandle/McRandal
on Feb 17 1870 at Feystown.
bernard was a farmer at Craigy Hill farm near Dunteige. They had
at least one child.. Hugh
McRandle 1873- early 1950s
2 Jane McKenty Henry
and Martha) married Alex McKay , James McKay bapt May
18, 1878
2 Mary McKenty Henry and
Martha) married Patrick McLoughlin
Generation 3
1796-1888 and
Martha McNeil McKenty
3 Martha
McKenty (Henry&Martha, Neil,..) 1872- married W Simms
moved to
Winnipeg Canada then to California
Their Children
i Margaret
ii Kathleen
iii River Sims ..died at birth
3 Jane McKenty
d 1955 age 79 (Henry, Neil,..) dau of Neil, married
Robert McErlean
(1869-1941). They had 11 children
i John McErlean 1898 Feystown died at 9 ons
ii Henry (Harry) went to USA in 1923, age 25 married Bridget Kelly
iii Margaret 1900-1995 married Frank McLarnon in 1923 went to USA
iv Colin Joseph McErlean Oct 8 1901Deer Park- Mar 1973 Larne married
Thompson Ran Con's bar in Balleymena. Con was the All Ireland Billiards
Champion a couple of times
v James 1904 feystown-1977 Larne, married Eileen Kane Randallstown
,to USA
vi Patrick 1906Feystown-1968 Brooklyn went to USA married Peggy Quinlan
in 1933
vii Malachy McErlean 1908, went to USA married Margaret Delargy, dau of
Stewart Delargy Cushendall
viii Gerald 1910Larne- 1985 , never married
ix Laurence 1913-1983 Coventry England, never married
x Eileen 1916 -2002 married Bob Rea, Larne
xi Brian 1919 Larne- 1981 lived in Coventry UK
3 Henry McKenty
1877-1962 (Henry&Martha, Neil,..) at aged 11 found his
grandparents. never married ..stayed on the old farm at
Mullaghconnelly..ran a
farming operation
and a butchery
Moving on
from the Coalpit brae we come to a level stretch of road known as McKenty’s
level, so named after a local family who lived there in the past. This is
the townland of Mullaghconnelly. One of the family, Henry McKenty, was a
well known, respected and famous character. He built an abattoir here and
ran a butchery business as well as an extensive farming operation. He had a
novel way of keeping debt to a minimum. The names of debtors and the amount
they owed was written on the inside of the back door of the horse-drawn
butcher’s cart, so the information very soon became public knowledge and as
the saying goes, got no smaller in the telling. Henry McKenty had the
unfortunate experience, at a young age, of seeing both his parents pass away
on the same day – 8th May 1888Moving on from the Coalpit brae we come to a
level stretch of road known as McKenty’s level, so named after a local
family who lived there in the past. This is the townland of Mullaghconnelly.
One of the family, Henry McKenty, was a well known, respected and famous
character. He built an abattoir here and ran a butchery business as well as
an extensive farming operation. He had a novel way of keeping debt to a
minimum. The names of debtors and the amount they owed was written on the
inside of the back door of the horse-drawn butcher’s cart, so the
information very soon became public knowledge and as the saying goes, got no
smaller in the telling. Henry McKenty had the unfortunate experience, at a
young age, of seeing both his parents pass away on the same day – 8th May
Altmore Street to the Headless Cross
Glens of Antrim Historical Society
Mulvenna - 02/02/2002
3 Margaret (Maggie) McKenty
(Henry&Martha, Neil,..) 1879 married Dan
Matthews Their children
i Louisa, ii Hester, iii Daniel, iii Neal, iv
Alexander, v Margaret, vi Winifred
Charles McKenty 1882-1965 (Henry&Martha, Neil,..)
Mary O'Donnel,
lived in Carnlough. Children
i Neil..never married ii Eileen ..d Mar 14 1944
iii Rosaleen married Anthony O'Prey, son Anthony
iv Patricia McKenty d 1996 daughter Maire
John McKenty (Henry&Martha, Neil,..) married Minne Mullan
1926, no children
3 Neil McKenty (Henry&Martha, Neil,..)
married Molly O'Neill
Alicia McKenty (Henry&Martha, Neil,..) married JP McGuire
3 Rose McKenty
1897-1965 (Henry&Martha, Neil,..) married Henry McQuillan in
no children

Shane (John) McKenty (died 1820) and
......Shane was married at least twice. According to the memoirs of Mary
McKenty Schmidt he was the father of Hugh from Amherst Island and John in
Quebec. The
children below, if correct, appear to be from a later marriage. His
will was registered in Glenarm in 1820
i Patrick
ii Bernard
iii John
iv Sarah
v Catherine (Kitty)
vi Mary
vii Hugh

John and Sarah
Darragh (Tickmacrevan)
Ann Oct 1867
ii John May 1870
iii Jas 1875
iv Mary 1880

John and
Letitia Robinson McKenty
John 1854
ii Daniel 1862 sp Arthur
Robinson and Margaret McKenty
iii Mary 1864
iv Catherine 1866
v Patrick 1869

John McKenty and
Catherine Thompson married 1827
i Rose
April 1828 sponsors Robert and Ellen McLaughlin
ii Robert June 7 1830 sp Henry

and Marie Hamil McKinty
Elenor 1826
ii Daniel 1829
iii John 1830
John and Mary
Mulvena McKenty
Hugh 1827 sp Alex and Ann Black
ii Rose 1826
John& Mary
McKenty married July 28 1828
John 1830
ii Alex 1832 sp Alex Mckenty
iii Neil 1834 sp Bernard McKenty and Rose
iv Margaret Nov 27 1838 sp John Murray and
Rose Darragh
v Arthur 1839 sp Alex Glass and Mrs
Henry Magill
vi Patrick April 6 1841 sp John
Kennedy and Rose McKinty
vii Hugh 1842 sp Henry McKenty
and Susan Kennedy
viii Margaret 1849
ix Charles Feb 25 1851 sp Mr & Mrs Alex
McKenty of Creggan

and Sarah married 1841
William 1843
ii Mary 1847
iii John 1849

James and
Jane (Jenny?) McNeil McKenty married
Sept 1840 Glenarm RC church records
i Mary Sept 21
1841 sp John Lynn and Martha McNeill
ii Catherine 1845
iii James 1847
iv Margaret 1851
v Anne 1852 sp Hugh McKenty and Catherine
vi Jane 1852
vii Bernard 1854
vii Denis June 17 1858 sp John
Conway and Ann (AMY?) McKenty

James and
Catherine McNeill McKenty
i John
1843 sp Bernard O’Neill and Mary Ann McAuley
ii Catherine 1845 sp Neil McKenty
and M.A. McAuley

James and Grace
Doherty McKenty
John July 2 1826 sp Hugh Black and Jane McGillan
ii Elizabeth 1838..sp Mary Black
iii Catherine 1839

Neil and
Catherine McLaughlin married Nov 1843
I Neil 1840

Neal and Sally
Mary sp Patrick Darragh and
Mary Mulvena
Daniel and Jane
McAnally McKenty
i Ann
Sept 25 1831
ii Francis 1834
iii Ellen 1837 Sp John
iv John Aug 23 1840 sp Wm
Duffin and sister
Catherine 1846

Samuel McKinty
married Elizabeth Stoddart Nov 1845 County
William McKinty
married Margaret 1842 Larne ..This maybe the same
couple who moved to Harvey
Township Ontario?
See Ontario Families

Alex and Jane
Magill McKenty(Gortin)
i Ann 1843
ii Rose 1850 sp Neal & Ann McKenty of Gortin

Alex and Ann
married Ann (Hannah) June 6 1834. She was the 3rd daughter of
John Magill ..Reverend Bernard
McAuley from Ballymena
i John
1835 sp Henry Magill and wife
ii Henry Aug 20 1836 sp John McKenty and wife
iii Hugh July 28 1838 sp Henry
iv Patrick 1839 sp Patrick and M.A. Lynn
v Neil 1844??? I'm guessing here . The Neil who moved to
Ontario and married Margery Murphy, marriage registration says his parents
were Alex and Hannah(Ann)

Alex and Mary
Robinson McKenty married Oct 1855
i Margaret 1862 sp
Wm McKenty and Mary Robinson
Hugh and Helen
Hamil McKinty m.1835 John McKenty&
Henry McAuley witnesses
i Catherine 1836
ii Henry baptized June 29 1840 sp Arthur
Morgan and Eliz Black
iii Jane 1844 sp Nancy Blaney and
Catherine Black
Hugh and Ann Black McKenty
married 1838 Glenarm R.C. church
i John 1856 Midlothian Scotland
Hugh and
Catherine McKenty (Tickmacrevan)
John 1867
Captain (Hugh?)
and Rose Murphy McKenty
i Ann
1864 sp Neal and Ann Murphy
ii Bridget 1866
There is record of Hugh and Rose in Canada, sponsors at the birth of
Nicolas Stewart and Margaret
McKenty(alias Glass) married October 10th 1840,
Daniel Galvin & Mrs. McKenty's sister. Margaret had first married
Alex Glass
(from Nappan outside Carnlough) on Jan 23 1836 Wts were
Neil and John McKenty.
Alex died 1838 age 65
Some Registered
Deaths Carnlough/Glenarm
Shane Mckenty
Neal McKenty 1763- is buried
with his wife Ally in Carnlough
Patrick McKenty d.Feb 8
1832?7 age 46
Nancy Mckenty buried Dec17 1837 age 50
Bernard McKenty died July 12 1837 age 23
John McKenty died Oct 9 1831 age 39
Francis McKenty & Sarah Crooks
Alex McKenty to Margaret Robinson
wts John Mckenty & James Robinson
Neal McKenty & Catherine McLaughlin 1843
wts Mrs McNeil
Stewart? To Marg McKenty(alias
Glass) 1840 wts Mrs Mckenty & sister
Hugh McKenty to Elen
Hamil wts
John Mckenty & Henry McAuley 1835
John McKenty to Mary
July 20 1828
Charles Black married Ann McKenty