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The Spiral Maze
Thistledown Press, 1997  ISBN 1-895449-68-5


The dark yew maze stands on a hill above Amstey. There is only one way into it, but there are two ways out, and one of them leads into the terrifying mind of the undead Dexter Gunn. His great-great-grand-nephew, Neil, is called upon to make that journey and set free a young woman imprisoned since the last century.


With the help of his new friend Fleur and what may or may not be the ghost of his own twin brother, Neil evades Dexters shape-shifting, half-animal agents as he seeks the hidden way to a world from which there may be no return.


“Gripping and suspenseful from the moment Neil glimpses his dead twin brother through a window, the story propels the reader breathlessly forward to the final classic confrontation of good and evil forces.... Bow develops a highly original concept of a new world being created through the dreams of Charlotte, who is imprisoned there, and her long-time jailer Dexter... a sophisticated mix of suspense, mystery, and thriller with a good measure of fantasy thrown in.” —Canadian Materials, vol. 4, no 16 



BoneFluteThe Bone Flute
Orca Book Publishers, 2004  ISBN 1-55143-301-x


Camrose Ferguson is a perfectly normal 12-year-old living an ordinary life in a small Ontario town. Extraordinarily, she has inherited responsibility for an ancient bone flute, an object of quest for two time-wandering rivals. With the help of her level-headed friend Mark and the not-quite-human Miranda, Camrose puzzles out the flute's hiding place and restores it to its rightfuland unexpectedowner.


The Bone Flute is about the very thin wall that separates our everyday world from an equally real world of wonders and terrors. Above all, it's an adventure, meant to be read for the pleasure of the story alone.    Read a review here.



RubyCover.gifThe Ruby Kingdom
Book 1 of the Passage to Mythrin series, Dundurn Group 2007  ISBN 9781550026672


Mountains, travel, adventure Amelia Hammer wants it all. Instead, her globe-trotting parents have dumped her in tiny, boring Dunstone in the middle of winter with her grandmother and her cousin Simon. Simon isnt having much fun either, saddled with this sulky stranger in black leather and neon hair.


But life in safe little Dunstone turns dangerously exciting when Mara comes to town. Amelia is enchanted by this tall, proud, fearless girl, but Simon worries Maras mixed up in something weird. Hes right. Mara is not what she seems, and neither is the shape-shifting assassin whos tracking her. When Amelia and Simon take Maras side in a war for an alien world, Amelia has to spread her wingsliterallyand Simon must find out how far he will go to save a cousin who has become a friend.



image008.jpgThe Prism Blade
Book 2 of the Passage to Mythrin series, Dundurn Group 2008  ISBN 9781550028096


Its the day of the annual Dunstone and Area Weird Games (DAWG). Since its the only games competition anywhere that favours geeks over jocks, Simon and Ike figure they stand a good chance of winning.


Just then, Mara, chief of the Urdar, seeks Amelia's help. The Casseri, a group of human refugees from another world, have come to Mythrin searching for the Prism Blade, a legendary weapon forged at the beginning of time. Both the Urdar and the Casseri seek the Prism Blade; both fear it falling into each other’s hands.


Caught in the middle, Amelia, Simon, and Ike are also caught by surprise when they discover that the Prism Blade has been hidden in plain sight in the least likely of all places. They need to get to it before someone can use it to destroy Maras people or the human refugees. And to do that, they have to win the Weird Games.



TSW cover5.jpgThe Starry Window
Book 3 of the Passage to Mythrin series, 2012  ISBN: 978-0-9917814-1-6


Something is poisoning the hidden gates linking Earth and Mythrin. And on Mythrin, dragons are being enslaved. When two confused strangers appear in Dunstone, Amelia knows in her bones that the boy is her dragon friend Ty. But who is the man with lilac eyes?


Amelia and Simon trace the poison to a gate under Dunstone’s new mall, where escalators are turning carnivorous, and to the sinister school that once stood there. The gate is a copy of the starry window on Mythrin that shows Simon’s image, but it’s gone bad; and he hears someone calling for help from beyond.


 The strange brew comes to a boil, causing mayhem in quiet little Dunstone and sending the cousins on a series of dangerous journeys. Into the wild landscape of Ty’s mind. To Mythrin, and a dragon death-battle. And finally, answering that call for help, into the shadow lands beyond the starry window.


Visit my Passage to Mythrin site for more about the Mythrin books, and about Mythrin, its ruling race of shape-changing dragons, and the world gates.



image010.jpgNon-fiction books

Chimpanzee Rescue  (Firefly Books, 2004 ISBN 1-55297-908-3) introduces readers to our closest relatives: the chimpanzee and the bonobo. Able to make and use tools and to communicate by signs, capable of friendship and war, they are so much like humans that scientists are studying them for clues to how our distant ancestors lived and behaved. But now their survival is threatened. This book profiles several of the projects and people dedicated to helping chimps and bonobos survive.


Tennis Science (Crabtree Publishing Company, 2009 ISBN 978-0778745563) looks at the lightning-fast, hard-hitting game of modern tennis. It explains how players are turning to science and technology to help stay on top of their game. Find out about all these developments and many more in this colourful and exciting title from Sports Science.

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