Released October 2002 "The Psychological Significance of Human Behavior in Folk Music as Interpreted by a Sensitive Singer Songwriter"
"Cam Kemp is a folksinger in the "old" sense of the word. As both a songwriter and interpreter of others' songs, he's deeply rooted in the balladeer tradition of Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger, with a winning combination of a sure moral compass and ready sense of humor. Nice stuff." review from Sing Out Vol. 47 #1 (spring 2003) Getting By, Getting High; Talking Sensitive Singer Songwriter Blues; Dinks Song; Pussy Cat Rag; Pastures of Plenty; Mabel's Dream; Bomb The Children; The Dog Song; Jophias And Bochuncas; Charlie Howard; Li'l Sadie's Blues; They're Closing The Mine; Leaving In The Rain; Days Of Youth. Featuring: Cam Kemp (Vocals, Guitar, Banjo) with guests, Terry Golletz (Vocals, Mandolin); Bob Norris (Guitar, Bass); Glen Soulis (Fiddle); Beverlie Robertson (Vocals), and Ian Kemp (Vocals)
$15.00 Canadian/$10.00 US (Shipping $1.50Cdn/$1.00 US)
Released July 1998
Ramblin on My Mind
Out of Print!
Me And Billy The Kid; Cocaine; Jimmie Brown The Newsboy; I Wish I Was A Rock; Greenville Trestle; The English Blues; South Coast; Talking Merchant Marine; 1913 Massacre; The Fox; Shake That Thing; Girl From Sunny Tennessee; Precious Lord; Billy Grey. Cam Kemp (Vocals, Guitar, Banjo) ALSO
"LIVE AT THE BLACK WALNUT" Various Performers Cam - "Buffalo Skinners" 1999 Blue Light DRH 214
TO ORDER RECORDINGS mail cheque or Money Order to:
Cam Kemp 190 Sunset Blvd, Cambridge, ON. CANADA N1S 4G9