Friends, Clubs, Hero's, Etc. SOME FRIENDS: "Doug McArthur" is an old friend that I first met in St. Catharine's when I arrived in Canada. He had just left school and was traveling, writing songs and playing an old twelve string. He was, and still is, one of Canada's best song writers. "Alfie Smith" is a young singer/songwriter blues performer from Hamilton, Ontario that's going to go places. If you get a chance to see him ... go! You won't regret it! "Northern City Limits" a bluegrass group you should definitely see when they are in your area. "Jack Cooper" is one of the best songwriters around and has several CD's available. Check him out! More to come! FOLK CLUBS IN THE AREA: If you really want to know what is going on in folk music in South Western Ontario then check out this site run by "Jeremiah Budnark McCaw" it's the most comprehensive one out there and he welcomes additional material if you are doing a gig in this area. Jeremiah is also a member of "Ezeduzit". There's an amazing amount of talent out there that only does open stages at Folk Clubs and these are three in this area. The BLACK WALNUT FOLK CLUB in the Mill Courtland Community Centre, Kitchener, on the 3rd Friday of the month. To contact call "Jakki Ridley" (519) 742-2584 The OLD CHESTNUTS SONG CIRCLE on the 4th Saturday of the month Call "Jack Cole" (519) 578-6298, at Jacks house. Jack also runs a concert series so get on his email list. The MILL RACE FOLK CLUB on the first Saturday of each month at Earnies Roadhouse. Call "Brad McEwan" (519) 621-7135 SOME HEROES WEB SITES: