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Dipkloma from Selkirk college in web daesign and optimization 

In the world of web page design work there are many, many variables that come into play. For this reason I have a flat rate of $20/hr.  Pricing is sometimes negotiable depending on what you want, how much do you want to do.

Regardless, I keep a log book for each and every project that is available at any time for viewing by the client. The log book gives the client a better idea on just what his hard earned money has obtained for him or her.

Besides actual creation of the site I can find a host site for you, or assist in purchase of a domain. I will also submit your new site into the search engines for you. Keep in mind that in the beginning you are the only one who knows your new virtual site address.

While creating your site I will also suggest things that you can do to promote your site at no cost to your pocket book. Remember it is your site so as the boss, you get to control the visual effect of what the surfer sees. If you are a non profit organization or registered group with little or no money fear not, pricing can be fitted to your requirements and remember cash is not always necessary for payment. I am open for barter but you have to make the first contact.

I can be contacted at