Mark Barrett  P. Eng.
Professional  Environmental  Municipal  Engineer  Project Manager
International Development / Humanitarian Relief

CV ~ Resume

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Hifab International AB
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Municipal Infrastructure Specialist


Kerail Boatman BangladeshPreparation of Municipal Development Programs, a World Bank funded project under Bangladesh Local Government Engineering Department to assess 25 municipalities and city corporations and to prepare urban profiles and medium term infrastructure and institutional development programs.
Work included municipal infrastructure assessment, pre feasibility analysis, preparation of municipal development plans, preliminary cost estimates, and preliminary engineering design of roads, drainage, water supply and distribution networks, sewerage and solid waste management, public markets, and bus terminals.

Supervision and technical direction of a four member team of senior municipal engineers to assess municipal technical capacity and develop preliminary engineering designs and cost estimates for the municipalities under study. Provision of recommendations for climate change considerations in municipal planning and infrastructure. Responsible as well for technical inputs for municipal planning, financing, and feasibility analysis. Establishment of document management GIS/ACAD support unit.

United Nations Office for Project Services UNOPS / United Nations Office of the Iraq Program
Sulaymani, Iraq   2003

Field Coordinator


Sulaymani pump stationTea House Sulimani IraqUNOPS Urban Water and Sanitation Program, a $350 million program for the rehabilitation of the urban water and sanitation sectors in the cities of Duhok, Erbil, and Sulaymani, Iraq. Work performed included assessment and engineering design of water distribution networks, sewerage networks, water treatment and sewage treatment plants, and institutional strengthening and capacity building. Technical assessments and design were carried out by international consulting companies and the World Health Organization under the management and supervision of UNOPS. As well, a large public works maintenance facility was established and equipped, a leak detection training program conducted, and a number of smaller projects to effect urgent repairs to the water supply infrastructure were undertaken by local contractors.

Responsible for the management of the Urban Water and Sanitation Program in Sulaymani Iraq. This included supervision and technical direction of international consultancies, local construction contracts, and implementation of institutional strengthening and capacity building initiatives.

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UN Habitat / United Nations Office of the Iraq Program
Erbil, Iraq   1999 - 2000

Deputy Chief Technical Adviser / Officer in Charge

ProjectInternally displaced persons awaiting resettlement in UN provided housing

The UNCHS Resettlement in Northern Iraq Program, a USD 1.2 billion program to resettle displaced persons and other vulnerable populations who were affected by war and internal conflict. Works comprised over 2500 projects involving the design, tendering, contracting, construction or rehabilitation of settlements, housing, schools, health centres, public administration facilities, and infrastructure including roads, bridges, sewer, water, and storm water drainage systems. These works have also required international procurement of USD 75 million of construction equipment and materials and production facilities. The program support unit is composed of four offices and three warehouses, with 290 national technical staff and 9 international staff, altogether supervising 500 construction contractors employing about 20 000 people.

Responsible for the day to day supervision of program planning and implementation units as well as international consultancies. Act as Officer in Charge in the absence of the Chief Technical Adviser.

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UN Habitat

Islamabad, Pakistan   Jan 99 - Mar 99


Mission to provide technical assistance in urban environmental sector to the Rebuilding Urban Communities in Afghanistan program.

DANIDA / Ramboll, Denmark
Vientiane, Lao PDR   1998


Nasa Kang Village, Huapan, Lao PDRFormulation of proposal for pilot community based environmental improvement project in Lao PDR. This Danish International Development Agency project aimed to achieve small scale infrastructure / environmental improvements in provincial towns through capacity building in municipal technical departments and strengthening community participation processes.
Member of mission to identify needs in capacity building and institutional strengthening in Environmental and Natural Resources Management at the national level in Lao PDR.
Adviser for baseline study on the urban environmental sector in Vientiane.

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UN Habitat
Vientiane, Lao PDR   1995 to 1997

Chief Technical Adviser

Inspection of Nam Pasak Canal, Sihom ProjectThe Sihom Rehabilitation Project, a USD 3.5 million project to rehabilitate a 52 hectare site in downtown Vientiane. The site is home to more than 9000 people. Civil works comprised landfilling and rechannelization of canals, construction and rehabilitation of roads, culverts, water distribution, and storm water drainage systems, as well as construction of a school. Noteworthy community development initiatives included establishment of a savings and credit scheme, and an environmental program to address sanitation, solid waste management, drainage and access issues at the community level. Development of methodologies for implementation, institution building, training, and community involvement were important aspects of this pilot project.

Overall responsibility for UNCHS projects in Lao PDR, project engineering, and UNCHS representative for Lao PDR.

United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UN Habitat
Vientiane, Lao PDR   1993 to 1995

Project Engineer


The Sihom Rehabilitation Project.

Overall responsibility for management of the technical components of the Project.

LANDPLAN GROUP Inc   an environmental / municipal engineering consulting firm
Vancouver, BC, Canada   1991 to 1992

Project Manager

Typical residential development, Vancouver, CanadaProvision of project management, environmental / municipal engineering design, and construction services for a variety of residential and commercial construction projects in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, Canada.

  • Project management, liaison with government agencies, clients, and affected residents, coordination with utility companies.
  • Preparation of project documents for government approval, preparation of specifications, tender and contract documents, capital cost recovery, bid evaluations, site inspection, engineering estimates and budgets.
  • Design of road, water, and sewer services, sedimentation ponds, siltation control and other environmental works, hydraulic structures.

Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Ltd   a major environmental engineering firm with offices across Ontario, Canada
Whitby, Ontario, Canada   1989 to 1990

Project Engineer


Environmental engineering projects such as solid waste management, engineered solid waste landfill sites, water and sewer systems, and sewer rehabilitation. Typical projects included solid waste landfill design, siting, establishment, and closure, groundwater monitoring, solid waste recycling, source reduction programs; design of a $4 million hazardous waste transfer station; needs studies and rehabilitation programs for sanitary sewer and water systems.

  • Prepare engineered solid waste landfill establishment, expansion, and closure plans and follow through government approval.
  • Design and conduct solid waste landfill monitoring programs.
  • Design and conduct solid waste management programs including municipal waste collection, recycling, composting, source reduction, hazardous waste, and public awareness components.
  • Prepare tender documents, evaluate municipal water and sewer bylaws and rate structures, propose capital cost recovery, prepare reports and proposals, engineering estimates and budgets, supervise preparation of drawings.
  • Prepare routine engineering designs for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water supply systems.
  • Conduct sewer rehabilitation studies.

    Government of Thailand, Rural Initiatives Department
    Uttaradit, Thailand   1987 to 1988

    Water Resources Engineer


    Rural water supply and irrigation works.


    Prepare designs for water supply systems, small dams, weirs, and canals in response to community needs. Conduct on the job training in coordination, scheduling, supervision and monitoring of construction and rehabilitation activities, surveying and setting out.

    Brikon Masonry   a major construction contractor with offices in Quebec and Ontario, Canada
    Hull, Quebec, Canada   1985 to 1987

    Project Engineer

    Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa, Canada / photo Harry FosterSubcontractor for $15 million in construction contracts for a new National Gallery of Canada and Canadian Museum of Civilization.


    Contracts coordination and administration, supervision and monitoring of construction, scheduling, quality control and inspection, quantity and cost estimates, field design.

    Golder Associates   a major environmental / geotechnical engineering consulting company with offices around the world
    St John's, Newfoundland, Canada   1983

    Engineering Technician

    Rock core drilling for airport expansion project, St John's, Canada Typical projects included - geotechnical field investigations for St John's airport expansion, water and sewer systems, roads, buildings and shore structures.

    Supervision of geotechnical field surveys, geotechnical drilling, including power auger borings and core drilling of bedrock, test pit programmes, field and laboratory testing of soils, concrete and asphalt, and preparation of geotechnical reports.

    Department of Mines and Energy, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
    St John's, Newfoundland, Canada   1982 to 1983

    Engineering Technician

    Installation of environmental monitoring station, Labrador, CanadaResponsibilities
    • Evaluation of mini-hydro, wind, and solar energy projects for technical and economic feasibility, evaluation of building designs for energy performance.
    • Research studies of solar radiation in Newfoundland and Labrador, solar heating design, efficiency of wood burning appliances. Design of wood chip fuel handling facility.

    Nordco Limited   a company engaged in cold oceans engineering research and development
    St John's, Newfoundland, Canada   1978 to 1982

    Engineering Technician

    Typical Projects

    A number of environmental impact assessment related projects including:
    • Implementation of environmental / oceanographic monitoring programmes aboard drill platformEstablishment of environmental and oceanographic monitoring stations.

      Radar tracking / environmental monitoring station, Bylot Island, CanadaRadar tracking / environmental monitoring station, Bylot Island, Lancaster Sound, CanadaEstablishment and operation of radar stations for tracking icebergs in the Canadian Arctic.

      Measuring ice / icebreaker parameters, CCGI Franklin, Lake Melville, CanadaFeasibility study of winter ship navigation in Lake Melville, Labrador.

      Ice trials of CCGI Franklin, Lake Melville, CanadaIce trials of CCGI Franklin, Lake Melville, CanadaSea ice trials of Canadian Coast Guard Icebreaker Franklin.

    • Iceberg towing trials, Labrador Sea, CanadaIceberg towing and observation programme for oil drilling vessels.


    • Establishment and supervision of field camps and shipborne environmental and oceanographic observation programmes, principal meteorological officer, radiotelephone operator, training and supervision of field personnel in meteorological, ice, and environmental observation, scientific equipment operation and data collection. Development of computer model to simulate icebreaker performance.
    • Data collection and analysis, and operation of oceanographic instrumentation and scientific or research equipment.

    Remotec   a company engaged in remote sensing research and development
    St John's, Newfoundland, Canada   1980

    Engineering Technician

    Measauring iceberg paramneters, Lancaster Sound, Canada
    Iceberg, Lancaster Sound, CanadaProject
    Evaluation of ship based sea ice detection techniques in the Canadian Arctic.

    Operation of radars, sonars, infra red cameras, night vision devices, oceanographic instrumentation, meteorological and ice observation, data collection and analysis.

    MacLaren Atlantic   an environmental engineering consulting company with offices in Eastern Canada
    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada   1977

    Engineering Technician

    Lady Johnson II in pack ice, Baffin Bay, Canada
    Benthic sampling, Baffin Bay, CanadaProject
    Conduct baseline studies of environmental, climate, and biological conditions for environmental impact assessment of activities in the Canadian Arctic.

    Preparation of reports on environmental and climate conditions in the Davis Strait, conduct field ice study program, principal meteorological officer, radiotelephone operator, satellite navigator, operation of radar and sonar equipment, oceanographic and meteorological instrumentation, and biological observer.

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