Mark Barrett  P. Eng.
Professional  Environmental  Municipal  Engineer  Project Manager
International Development / Humanitarian Relief

CV ~ Resume

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Mark Barrett has more than twenty years experience as a professional civil / environmental urban / municipal engineer and manager with a solid background in the fields of international development and humanitarian relief. He holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Management and a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree with a specialization in environmental engineering. He has participated in United Nations, World Bank, bilateral, and local government projects large and small in Asia and the Middle East including the United Nations Iraq and Afghanistan programs, as well as working for consulting engineering firms in Canada.

He has managed and participated in all phases of the project cycle ? project formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, as well as policy development, institutional strengthening and capacity building and training. He has implemented large scale projects to village level initiatives using conventional, multi sectoral, and community based approaches.

He has been involved with urban / municipal infrastructure planning, design, construction, and rehabilitation projects including road, water, sewer, treatment plants and solid waste management as well as housing and residential developments. He has managed large scale projects for slum upgrading and the resettlement of IDPs / internally displaced persons.

As an environmental manager Mark Barrett has a thorough knowledge of the science, literature, international protocols and policies on the subject of climate change and related issues. As an environmental engineer he is in a unique position to understand the potential technical, economic and social impacts of climate change and measures for mitigation and adaptation. He participated in his first environmental assessment in 1977 and has participated in workshops on Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), green infrastructure and green building. He is a Government of Canada accredited meteorological observer as well as an oceanographic and biological observer.

He has very good administrative, organizational, and research skills, and possesses considerable expertise in computer information technology and management, GIS / GPS, and logistics.

Mark Barrett most recently worked in Bangladesh as a Municipal Infrastructure Specialist on a World Bank funded project advising, among other things on climate change mitigation and adaptation considerations for municipal infrastructure.

His goal is to obtain a senior level engineering or management position in south or south east Asia, with a particular interest in Myanmar. A short or long term position is acceptable.

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