Some Descendants of Nicholas Moore


First Generation  Next

1. Nicholas Moore 1,2,3,4 was born on 25 Sep 1539 in St. Michael's, Bewardine, Worcestershire, England,3,5,6 died on 8 Oct 1594 in Essex, England,3,5,6 and was buried in Maldon, Essex, England.3,7

General Notes: Nicholas' birth date is often recorded as 1559 but many assume this is incorrect because of his childrens' birth dates and his wife would be twenty years older than he. Also, his son could not have become a clerk and an attorney by 1590 if 1559 was correct for Nicholas' birth. It is likely a simple misreading of 1539 as 1559. 1539 is also frequently listed as his birth year.

Paul Bingle's notes are as follows:

Nicholas Moore was christened on SEP 25 1539 in St Michael's, Bewardine, Worce,
Worcestershire, England.(1) He died on OCT 8 1594 in Essex, England.(1) He was buried
on OCT 8 1594 in Maldon, Essex, Eng. Some records show his year of birth as 1559 but this likely an error.
ST. MICHAEL, BEDWARDINE, a parish, in the Lower division of the hundred of Oswaldslow, union of Worcester, W. division of the county of Worcester; locally forming part of the city of Worcester, and containing 476 inhabitants. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the king's books at £7. 12. 1.; net income, £90; patrons, the Dean and Chapter of Worcester. Here is an endowed school.
From: 'Mettingham - Micklehurst', A Topographical Dictionary of England (1848), pp. 298-301.
1871 Census of England and Wales
Civil Parish abolished 1898
Bedwardine St. Michael, adjacent to Bedwardine St. John and within Worcester city. Acres, 12. Real property, £5,389. Pop., 570. Houses, 100. The living is a rectory in the diocese of Worcester. Value, £90. Patrons, the Dean and Chapter of Worcester. The church was recently rebuilt. Charities, £113.
(John Marius Wilson, Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (1870-72))

The Will of Nicholas Moore Sr:

In the name of God amen Anno 1590 the 18th daye of August in the 32nd yere of the Reigne of
Soverigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Queene Defender of the Faith I Nicholas Moore of Maldon in the County of Essex and...diocesse Sick of body but of sound and perfect memory god be thanked doe ordayne and make this my...last will and testament in manner and forme folowinge First I bequeath my soule into the hands of almight God my creator and Redeemer and my body to the earth in sure hope of Resurrection with the Just through my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus Item I give and bequeath unto Willamin my wife my notage [?] or tenament situated in Maldon aforesaid in the street called Fulbridge street now in the tenure and occupation of Thomas Moore my son and his assignes, to have and to hold the same to her and her heirs forever Item I give and bequeath unto her my said wife my lease and tenure of...that I have in the house that I now dwell in To have and to hold the same unto her and her assignes payinge the rent and discharging the covenante in the same lease specified. Lastly I give and bequeath unto the said Willamin my wife all and singular my other moveables good debts Stock of leather...Tallow oile and all other my chattles and Implements of household in hand I make and
ordain my sole executrix revokinge all...wills whatsoever In witness whereof I have to this...set my hand and seale the Daye and Year above written Signum hefi [i.e. the mark of] Nicholas Moore In the...of Enoch Moore Nicholas Moore the Younger
Et mei Samueila Moore Script

This will of Nicholas Moore Sr. was written by his son Samuel as clerk, 18 Aug 1590, and wasproved in Chelmsford, 22 Oct 1594, by Samuel as attorney for his mother Willamin. Enoch Moore and Nicholas Moore the Younger served as witnesses

Burial: 8 Oct 1594 All Saints, Malden, Essex


This writer has a great temptation to record Nicholas Moore's father as "Willyam More b.1507, England" like so many available family trees do but, having scoured a considerable amount of material and requested confirming information from numerous sources, beginning some thirteen years ago, I have decided that there is no evidence to conclude that this is likely. I would be happy with one or two meagre, historical clues but, as of yet, none have surfaced.

Noted events in his life were:

• Will filed: 18 Aug 1590, Chelmsford, Essex, England. 7

• Residence: Fullbridge St., 8 Oct 1594, St. Peter's Parish, Maldon, Essex, England. 7

• Occupation: Shoemaker or saddle maker.

• Will proved: 22 Oct 1594, Chelmsford, Essex, England. 4,7

Nicholas married Willamin 1,3,9,10 before 1560 in , Maldon, Essex, England 3,4.,5 Willamin was born about 1539 in , , England,3 died on 12 Sep 1606 in Chelmsford, Essex, England,3 and was buried in 1606 in Maldon, Essex, England.3

General Notes:
Note: Willamin's Will was executed 30 Aug 1603 and proved in 1606. Source: New England Historical Genealogical Register in the article "Sara, First Wife of Edmund Greenleaf (1588-1663)" by Dorothy Greenleaf Boynton [NEHGR 122:28-36].

Estate of Willamin Moore of Malden, Essex, England Grandmother of Sara Moore, wife of Edmund Greenleaf.

In the name of God Amen the thirtieth daye of August in the year of our Lorde James by the grace of god now kinge of Englande, I Willamin Moore of the parish of All Saints in Maldon in the county of Essex Wyddow being now very weak en bodye by reason of my great age and years whereby I am put in remembrance that my time and end approacheth and cometh on a pace, do therefore make, publishe and declare this my last will and testament in writing in manner and forme following: First I commend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God the Father, the Sonne and the Holy Ghost assuredly believing that all my Sinnes of gods great mercy in Jesus Christ are doomed and done away. And my bodie I comytt to Christian buryall at the discretion of the executor of this my last will and testament here under named. Item: I will and give unto my sonne Nicholas Moore my tenement with the appertances situated and being in or near agenst Fulbridge Street in the parish of Saint Peter in Maldon aforesaid now in the tenure and occupation of [?] hybberd wyddow or her assigns to have and hold the said tenement with appertances unto the said Nicholas his heirs and assigns forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto the said Nicholas a hall bedstead standing in the chamber over the hall of the messauge in which I now dwell and a downe bed now being thereon and other the bedding and furniture thereunto belonging in all things fully furnished and a ...chest in the same chamber with all the linen in the same chest And it is in my minde and will that if in future the said Nicholas (after my death) to marrye or to settle and occupe (by himself) the trade of a shoemaker that then the executor of this my testament shall immediately thereupon pay and deliver to him the said Nicholas (as my gift) 10£ of lawful money of England.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Sara Moore the daughter of my sonne Enoch Moore 5£ of lawful English money to be payd her by my executor at her age of 21 years or day of marriage which shall first happen Then I will and give to be paid by my executor uppon my buryall unto my sonnes Samuel, Enoch, and Thomas Moore and to my daughters Anne and Phillip[pa] to everyone of the same my children (in token of a friendly remembrance) 5s. a piece and no more for that my said daughters and ye one of my said sonnes last named have had already their full portions All the rest of my goods moveable household stuff and implements of household and whatsoever ellse I have or may dispose of that is testamentary I give fully and wholly unto Edward Moore my Sonne whome I do make constitute and ordain sole and only executor of this my last will and testament and him do appoint and require to pay my funerall and debts and the legacies of this my testament In witness whereof I have hereunto put my Seale subscribed my name the day and year first above written the mark of Willamin Moore widdow In the prive of George Purcas [?] Thomas Chesse the writer hereof

Willamin refers to "Sara Moore the daughter of my sonne Enoch Moore" who later becomes the first wife of Edmund Greenleaf.

Noted events in her life were:

• Will: Will of Willamin, 30 Aug 1603, Chelmsford, Essex, England. 7,11

• Will proved: 1606. 7,11

• Residence: 7

Children from this marriage were:

+ 2 M    i. Enoch Moore 1,3,4.,12

   3 M    ii. Samuel Moore 1,3,4,14 was born about 1562 in Maldon, Essex, England.3,5

General Notes: The will of Nicholas Moore Sr. was written by Samuel Moore, his son, the attorney, as clerk. He served as attorney for his mother, Willamin.

+ 4 M    iii. Thomas Moore 1,3,4,15 was born about 1564 in , , England3 and died on 19 Sep 1624 in All Saints Parish, Maldon, Essex, England.4,16

   5 M    iv. Edward Moore 1,3,4,17 was born about 1566 in , , England3,5 and was buried on 6 Nov 1619 in Maldon Essex England.4

General Notes: Edward MOORE signed a will on 30 Apr 1617. In it he refers to:
Elzabeth, his wife;
Thomas, his brother;
John Hewster, brother-in-law, likely married to his sister Anne, not mentioned in his will;
Nicholas(Jr.) his brother;
"customary or copyhold to the manor of Bradwell Juxta Mare" (one property called Reeves and one called Feldmans);
Francis Moore, nephew, son of brother Enoch (later known as Francis Moore Sr. of Cambridge MA)
Phillip (female) and Nicholas, niece and nephew, daughter and son of brother Thomas;
Enoch Moore, his brother;
Phillip (female), his sister.

The Will of Edward Moore

In the name of god amen the Thirtieth day of April in the yere of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred and seventeen and in the fifteenth yere of the reigne of our Soveringne Lord James by the grace of god now king of England I Edward Moore of the parish of All Saints in maldon in the county of Essex shoomaker being weeke in body yet of sound and perfect memory (thanks be god) knowing that all men are subject to mortality do therefore make publize and declare this my last will and testament in writing in manner and form folowing

First and principally I commend my Soule into the hands of almighty god (that blessed trinity) the father the sonne and the holy ghost assuredly believing by faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of god's great mercy in him that all my synnes are freely forgiven and that eternal life in the heavens is reserved for me after the end of this mortall life. And my body I comytt to christian Buryall at the discretion and appointment of Elizabeth my well beloved wife and of the executor of this my last will and testament hereinafter named.

And as touching my Lands and possessions and other things of this life my minde and will is there of as followeth:

First I give unto the sayd Elizabeth my wife all the movable goods household stuff and Implements of household and bedding which she had before my intermarraige with her. (Excepting the linen brass and pewter which I had with her)

Item I give to the sayd Elizabeth my wife all the wearing apparell linen and rayment and also a featherbed a feather bowlster a great joined chest…with a drawer which now standeth in the chamber over the Buttery

And I give unto the said Elizabeth one half of all the linen brass and pewter whatsoever whereof I am now possessed Excepting only the brass pannies now used for my trade for stuffing [?] or currying of Leather to be indifferently divided and set out unto her by my brother Thomas Moore and my Brother-in-law John Hewster or the survivor of them with all convenient speede next after my death and also I give unto the said Elizabeth 5£ of lawful money of England to be payd unto her by my said Executor within one month next after my death

Item I give unto the said Elizabeth one of my two drawing tables (to be taken at her choice) my settall in the hall and two reasonable loads of wood

Item my minde and will is that the said Elizabeth my wife shall have and enjoy for and during the time of her naturall life if she so longe for time to life solo and unmarryed and not other wife the use and occupation of the great chamber over the shopp of my now dwelling house with convenient room and place in my yarde or backside for laying and bestowing of her wood and also a piece of my garden (of twenty feet square) and also the joint or common use and benefitt (with the tenent or dweller in my dwelling house for the time being) of one chamber therein called the storyers chamber hanging and drying of the linen with free accesse ingresse egresse and regresse by and through my said dwelling house unto and from the said chamber's yard and garden and any of them at all times and from time to time without any lett or molestation whatsoever.

Item I give and will to be payd unto the sayd Elizabeth by my said executor or his assignes after my death yearly every year during the time of her natural life (at the messauge in which I dwell one early sume of 5£ of lawful money of England at the four usual feasts and times of payment in the year by equal portyons for and in full compensation and satisfaction of the estate jointure dower or things which to her shall or may arrive or grow after my death of in and to or out of my lands and tenaments whatsoever either freeholds or copyholds which I am now seized or shall be seized at my death or an estate of inheritance (the first payment thereof to begin and to be made at first one of the said feasts which shall first happen and come next after my death)

Item I will and do devise and give unto my Brother Nicholas Moore his heirs and assigns forever those two tenements (customary or copyhold to the manor of Bradwell juxta [?] Mare in the said county of Essex) whereof one is called Reeves containing by estimation ten acres of land and that which is called feldmans containing by estimation eight acres of land with their appertances and all my estate reversion [?] and remaynder of and in the said tenements and lands after the death of the said Elizabeth my wife

Item I devise will and give unto my sayd Brother Nicholas Moore his heir and assignes forever the said messauge (in which I dwell) situated and being in the said parish of All Saints in maldon aforesaid with the edifice [?] buildings yards backsides gardens and orchards ways and easments to the sayd messauge belonging or now used and other appertances.

Item I will and do give unto the said Nicholas Moore my Brother one meassauge and six acres of land with the appertances called Myllers late in the tenure and occupation of Robert Sooke in the said county of Essex to have and to hold to the sayd Nicholas Moore his heirs and assignes forever according to the custom of the said manor

Item I give and bequeath unto Francis Moore the sonne of my Brother Enoche Moore 10£ of lawful english money to be payed to him by my sayd Executor within one yere next after my decease (over and besides the 10£ which I am to pay him for and out of the rent and profitts of a certain shop situated in the sayd parish of all Saints near unto the fish stalls)

Item I give unto Nicholas Moore and Phillip Moore the sonne and daughter of my Brother Thomas Moore to either of them 10£ a piece of like money to be payd within one year next after my decease by my said Executor

And I give unto my said Brothers Enoch and Thomas Moore to either of them 10s. a piece and to my Sister Phillip 5s. of lawful english money as a small remembrance of my Love and goodwill to them

Item I give to the poor of All Saints parish in maldon aforsaid 6s.8d. to be payd to the overseers of the said poore within three months next after my death

All the rest of my goods chattles movables household stuff and implements of household wares shop stuff ready money and debts and whatsoever ellse I have or may dispose that is testamentary I do give fully and wholly unto the said Nicholas Moore my brother which said Nicholas I do make and constitute sole and only Executor of this my last will and testament and I require and charge him duly and truly to pay my funerall charges and debts and the legacies and portions of money by this testament bequeathed provided always and nevertheless my minde and full meaning and will is that if at the time of my decease there shall be a surrender in force to the use of my will of and concerning my said coppyhold lands and tenements holden of the manor of Walton aforsaid that then the said Nicholas Moore my Brother after my decease and before probate of this my testament shall become bounden by Deede obligatory sufficient in the…unto the said Elizabeth my wife in the Some of 30£ of lawful money of England with condition theron for the sure payment of the said yearly Some of 5£ by the year to the said Elizabeth yearly during her life in the manner and order and according to the effect and purpose afore declared in this my will; But if no sure Surrender shall from time to be at my death of the said copyhold lands and tenements last mentioned for the use of my will that then the said gift of 5£ a year to my wife yearly during her life shall be voided and of no effect (any thinge afore in this my will confirmed to the contrary in any wise not withstanding). In witness whereof I the said Edward Moore to this my last will and testament have put my seale and subscribed my name the day and year first above written in the presence of the persons herein-under named Joseph Walker John Dandy and Thomas Chese [? Chase, one of Enoch's daughters married the apothecary Thomas Chese of Boston] Edward Moore

Note: This will of Edward Moore was executed 30 Apr 1617 and was proved approximately a month after he was buried on 10 Dec 1619. He was buried on 6 Nov 1619 in Maldon, Essex, England. (Parish Records of All Saints, Maldon, Essex, England.) Will (proved) on 10 Dec 1619.

Edward married Elizabeth Burton 1,19 on 6 Feb 1606 in St. Peter's, Maldon, Essex, England 4.,19 Elizabeth was buried from 9 Feb 1622 to 1623 in All Saints Parish, Maldon, Essex, England.

Marriage Notes: They had no children.

   6 F    v. Anna Moore 1,3.,4.,20

General Notes: Anna was referred to in the will of Samuel Moore, her nephew, as Anna Hewster. One of the witnesses of the will was John Hewster and Edward Moore refers to him in his will as his brother-in-law.

Anna married John Hewster.

   7 F    vi. Phillip Moore 1,3.,4.,21

General Notes: In her uncle Edward's will, her name is written as "Phillip" (a.k.a. Felice) and he indicates he is referring to his brother's daughter.

Phillip married William Harrington.

Marriage Notes: There is a parish record of a wedding between Phillip Moore and William Harrington, 31 Aug 1616. Phillip had a neice, however, with the same name (who may be the Felice in the parish record baptism 1594) who was of marrying age by 1616..

+ 8 M    vii. Nicholas Moore Jr. 1,3,4,22 was born in , , England.3,5


previous  Second Generation  Next

2. Enoch Moore 1,3.,4.,12

Birth Notes: Enoch was born 19 Jan 1561.

General Notes: Enoch was a witness to the will of his father Nicholas.

Enoch moved to Haverhill, Suffolk, Eng. Still living there at time of son Samuel's will in 1615. Samuel calls him "my father Enoch" Willamin calls him one of "my sonnes". He may have resided there between 1599 and 1615.

daughter 1588 Sara, First Wife of Edmund Greenleaf (1588-1663

c1578 Samuel's Will 1615:
...Item I give unto my father Enoch More of Haverill the like summe of 20s. :
Item I give unto Enoch More my brother and to my two sisters Merry and Judith to each of them 6s.8d.
All the residue of my goods and shattells unto him as well moveables and imoveables I give unto Francis More my brother Nicholas More of Mauldon my Uncle to be supervisor unto this my will unto whom I give for his payment 20s.
In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand the Day and Year above written
Samuell More
His mark
In presence of
Robert Ham (?)
Edward-----(maybe Bailer or Kailer)
John Hewster
Arthur Gaywood (Bishop of London Commissory in Essex, Essex Record Office, Chelmsford)..

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: Haverhill, Suffolk, England. 7,23

• Enoch was shown to have had a second marriage to an unknown person according to the Greenleaf Genealogy.

Enoch married Unknown.

Children from this marriage were:

   9 F    i. Jane Moore 1,3,24 was born about 1594 in All Saints, Maldon, Essex, England.3,5

General Notes: Jane probably died young. She wasn't mentioned in later wills.

   10 F    ii. Judith Moore 1,3,25 was born about 1597 in All Saints, Maldon, Essex, England.3,5

General Notes: Accordingto Boynton, Judith may have been the daughter of Enoch Moore that married Thomas Chase (also spelled Chese) an apothecary of Boston MA.

   11 F    iii. Mary Moore .

General Notes: Mary may have married another Greenleaf as suggested by Boynton.

Enoch next married Catherine,1,3,26 daughter of Unknown 1,3,9 and Unknown, on 23 Nov 1585 in Maldon, Essex, , England 3,5.,7 Catherine was born about 1553 in , , England,3 died on 11 Oct 1593 in Maldon, Essexshire, England,3,5 and was buried in All Saints Parish, Maldon, Essex, England.3

Marriage Notes: Among the children of Enoch and Catherine is sometimes listed a Frances (female) born 2 Sep 1592 which is the same date often shown for a sibling, Francis (male) born 2 Sep 1592. The year of death of the female Frances is lilsted as 1593, i.e., dying as an infant. There are too many questions and not enough evidence for this writer to include Frances.

General Notes: One internet source (Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias) states that Catherine was the daughter of Henry Norreys (Norris), First Baron Norreys and that she married her first husband, Enoch Moore, on 23 Nov. 1585 in Maldon, Essex, England. It states they had three children, Sarah, Samuel and Francis. Her second marriage was to Sir Anthony Paulet, Governor of the Isle of Jersey in about 1591 according to this report. Since Enoch is recorded to have lived until 1560, this would imply a divorce before the marriage to Sir Anthony which would be unlikely at this time. The only source that is referenced is "David Nash Ford's Royal Berkshire History" but when one visits the website, there is no mention of a first husband of Catherine Norreys, Enoch Moore. A few alternative accounts describe Catherine as the daughter of Baron Norreys and the wife of Sir Anthony Paulet but also make no mention of Enoch Moore. More evidence is required to claim that Enoch Moore's wife and Catherine Norreys are the same person.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 12 F    i. Sarah Moore 1,3,4,27 was christened on 13 Dec 1588 in All Saints, Maldon, Essex, England7 and died on 18 Jan 1663 in Boston, Suffolk, MA.3

   13 M    ii. Samuel Moore 1,3,28 was christened on 20 Apr 1591 in All Saints, Maldon, Essex, England,3 died after 24 Dec 1615 in Much Totham Par., Co. Essex, England,3,5 and was buried before 2 Feb 1616 in Much Totham Par., Co. Essex, England.3,5

General Notes: Estate of Samuel Moore (More) of Much Totham, Essex, England
Samuel is the brother of Sara Moore, wife of Edmund Greenleaf. In this will, he makes no mention of a wife or children. He refers to:
Sara, his sister, wife of Edmund Greeleaf;
Sara's sons, his nephews, John and Enoch, who were still young;
Sara's husband, Edmund Greenleaf, father of the above two boys;
Anna Hewster, his aunt, daughter of Enoch b.1561, likely married to John Hewster, referred to by Edward c.1566 in his will as his brother-in-law.

In the name of God Amen the 24th day of December in the year of our Lord god 1615. I Samuell More late of Much Totham in the county of Essex husbandman being poor of body but of good and perfect remembrance (thanks be given unto allmighty god) Do make and ordayn my last will and testament in manner and forme following:
First I commend my soule into the hands of god my creator hoping through the...merits of Jesus Christ my Blessed savior that att the generall resurrection both body and soule shall be rejoined together and made perteker of his everlasting kingdom: I bequeath my body unto the earth from which it first came to be buried in decent Christian burial att the Discretion of my Executor.
Item I give to the poor of Much Birch at the time of my...6s.8d. to be payd at the discretion of the minister and brothers:
Item I give unto my sister Sara the wife of Edmund Grinleaf of Ipswich in the county of Suffolk a Bedsted [and] a flockbed one bolster two pillows.
Item I give unto her two children John and Enoch either of them 10Β£. of lawful english money...sayd summe my will is shall be paid by my executor to Edmond Grinleaf their father for their use and he enter bond unto my sayd executor for the true payment thereof and...from me when they shall come to the several ages of one and twenty years:
Item I give to Anna Hewster my Aunt 20s. to buy her a gold ring to be worn by her for my sake.
Item I give unto my father Enoch More of Haverill the like summe of 20s.:
Item I give unto Enoch more my brother and to my two sisters Merry and Judith to each of them 6s.8d.
All the residue of my goods and shattells unto him as well moveables and imoveables I give unto Francis More my brother whom I nominate and ordayn my sole Executor: And lastly I do...Nicholas More of Mauldon my Uncle to be supervisor unto this my will unto whom I give for his payment 20s.
In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand the Day and Year above written
Samuell More
His mark
In presence of
Robert Ham (?)
Edward-----(maybe Bailer or Kailer)
John Hewster
Arthur Gaywood (Bishop of London Commissory in Essex, Essex Record Office, Chelmsford).."

+ 14 M    iii. Francis Moore Sr. 1,3,29,30 was christened on 2 Sep 1592 in Maldon, Essex, England3 and died on 20 Aug 1671 in Newberry, Essex, MA.3

   15 M    iv. Enoch Moore 1,3,4,9 was born about 1593 in All Saints, Maldon, Essex, England.3,5

General Notes: Enoch was named in his brother Samuel's will.

4. Thomas Moore 1,3,4,15 was born about 1564 in , , England3 and died on 19 Sep 1624 in All Saints Parish, Maldon, Essex, England.4,16

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: Fulbridge Street, 18 Aug 1590, Maldon, Essex, Eng. 4

Thomas married Bridget Lufkin 1,4,16 on 31 May 1612 in Maldon, Essex, Eng 4.,16 Bridget was buried on 12 Sep 1617 in All Saints Parish, Maldon, Essex, England.4

Marriage Notes: There is an unsourced record stating that the three children shown from this marriage may have come from Thomas' second marriage to an unknown woman. Boynton suggests that their marriage may have been Thomas' second marriage but any specific reference to the first has not been found. 4

General Notes: Bridget's surname is recorded as "Lusk" in St. Peter's.

Children from this marriage were:

   16 M    i. Nicholas Moore .1.,19

   17 F    ii. Anne Moore 1,4,19 was christened on 8 May 1590 in All Saints Parish, Maldon, Essex, England.4

   18 F    iii. Felice Moore 1,4,19 was christened on 4 Jul 1594 in All Saints Parish, Maldon, Essex, England.4

8. Nicholas Moore Jr. 1,3,4,22 was born in , , England.3,5

General Notes: Nicholas was witness to will of his father, NIcholas. He was described as "Nicholas Moore the Younger."

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Name: Niicholas the Younger. 4

• Will filed: Chelmsford, Essex, Eng.

• Inheritance: After 9 Feb 1622-1623.

Nicholas married Margaret 1,3,4.,31 Margaret was born in , , England.

The child from this marriage was:

   19 M    i. Edward Moore 4 was christened on 14 Jul 1622 in All Saints, Maldon, Essex, England.4


previous  Third Generation  Next

12. Sarah Moore 1,3,4,27 was christened on 13 Dec 1588 in All Saints, Maldon, Essex, England7 and died on 18 Jan 1663 in Boston, Suffolk, MA.3

General Notes:



By MRS. DOROTHY GREENLEAF BOYNTON, of Elkhart, Indiana, 1968

Edmund Greenleaf, the original ancestor of the Greenleaf family in America, is known to have come from Ipswich, Suffolk, where the registers of St. Mary's at the Tower and St. Margaret's record the baptism of his children between 1613 and 1631. Numerous efforts have been made to determine Edmund's ancestry without success, although bits of information have been found but all is speculation so far, for example see J. Gardner Bartlett's note in THE REGISTER, vol. 69, p. 358-359, October 1915. Thirty years before this William Sumner Appleton, in an article "The Greenleaf Ancestry" pointed out that the will of Edmund, dated 25 Dec. 1668, made a bequest to his eldest son's son James when actually no such grandson could be found (ibid., vol. 38, p. 299-301, July 1884; see also p. 322 in the same volume for detail about Edmund's second wife).

In the obituary of Charles C. Beaman of Boston in THE REGISTER, vol. 38, p. 100, January 1884, it is definitely stated that Edmund's wife was named Sarah Dole. James Edward Greenleaf's Genealogy of the Greenleaf Family, 1896 (pp. 71-74, 190), continues this claim and gives information on the Dole family.

With the help of Mr. T. Woodard of Laughton, co. Essex, I have attempted to solve the question of Edmund's parentage. Mr. Woodard reports that not all Ipswich parish records are available and that some are known to be copies from older registers, which means that errors and omissions are quite possible. In our search some few additional facts have been turned up but nothing conclusive. However, a real step toward the solution of the Greenleaf puzzle can be reported because definite proof of the parentage of Sarah, the mother of his children, has been found.

The author by chance saw in the Essex volumes of the Boyd Marriage Index an entry, "Moor Sar and Edm Greenleaf Langford" Women's Volume, p. 33, copy in Salt Lake City). The time, 1611, was about right, the names are right and seemed to explain the Cousin Thomas Moor, the overseer of Edmund's will.

To be absolutely sure Mr. Woodard was employed to look for proof. This he found in the will of Samuel More of the Parish of Much Totham, co. Essex, dated 24 Dec. 1615 and proved by his brother Francis More the 2nd of February following. A transcription of the will follows: In the name of God Amen the 24th day of December in the year of our Lord god 1615. I Samuell More late of Much Totharn in the county of Essex husband-man being poor of body but of good and perfect remembrance (thanks be given unto almighty god) Do make and ordayn my last will and testament in manner and forme following: First I commend my soule into the hands of god my creator hoping through the . . merits of Jesus Christ my Blessed savior that att the generall resurrection both body and soule shall be rejoincd together and made perteker of his everlasting kingdom: I bequeath my body unto the earth from which it first came to be buried in decent Christian burial att the Discretion of my Executor.

Item I give to the poor of Much Birch at the time of my . . . six shillings eight pence to be payd at the discretion of the minister and brothers:

Item I give unto my sister Sara the wife of Edmund Grinleaf of Ipswich in the county of Suffolk a Bedsted [and] a flockbed one bolster two pillows.

Item I give unto her two children John and Enoch either of them ten pounds of lawful english money . . .sayd summe my will is shall be paid by my executor to Edmond Grinleaf their father for their use and he enter bond unto my sayd executor for the true payment thereof and . - . from me when they shall come to the several ages of one and twenty years: Item I give to Anna Hewster my Aunt twenty shillings to buy her a gold ring to be worn by her for my sake.

Item I give unto my father Enoch More of Haverill the like summe of twenty shillings: Item I give unto Enoch more my brother and to my two sisters Merry and Judith to each of them six shillings eight pence.

All the residue of my goods and shattells unto him as well moveables and imoveables I give unto Francis More my brother whom I nominate and ordayn my sole Executor: And lastly I do -- . Nicholas More of Mauldon my Uncle to be supervisor unto this my will unto whom I give for his payment twenty shillings: in witness whereof I have hereto set my hand the Day and Year above written

Samuell More In presence of

His mark Robert Ham (?) Edward ------ (maybe Bailer or Kailer)

John Hewster

Arthur Gaywood (Bishop of London Commissory in Essex, Essex Record Office, Chelmsford).

Reference to the parish registers of Maldon, co. Essex (to be found in the old library attached to the medieval tower of St. Peter's church) gives a few of the vital statistics of the family, though they have to be used in conjunction with the existing wills, two of which are those of Nicholas and Willamin Moore, the paternal grandparents of Sara (More) Greenleaf. Nicholas Moore, according to the parish records of St. Peter's, was living in that parish when his son Enoch was baptized, 19 Jan. 1560-1, but by 17 Sept. 1570, when Nicholas the Younger was baptized, the family was in All Saints parish. No other baptisms of their children are recorded though there were sons Samuel, Thomas and Edward, and daughters Anna and Phillip, according to the various wills.

Marriages [Moor- Moore]

1585 Enoch and Catherine

23 November 1605-6 Edward and Elizabeth Burton

6 February 1612 Thomas and Bridget Lufkin

31 May [Recorded as Bridget Lusk in St. Peter's]

1618 Phillip and William Harrington 31 August

Burials [Moor-Moore]

1593 Catherine

11 October 1594 Nicholas

8 October 1606 Willamin

20 July 1617 Bridget

12 September 1619 Edward

6 November 1622-3 Elizabeth

9 February 1624 Thomas

19 September 1646 Nicholas

30 May

Baptisms [Moor-Moore]

(St. Peter's)

1560-1 Enoch Jan. 19

(All Saints) 1570 Nicholas the Younger

17 September 1588 Sara daughter of Enoch

13 December 1590 Anne daughter of Thomas

8 May 1591 Samuel son of Enoch

20 April 1591 Nicholas son of Thomas

6 October 1592 Francis son of Enoch

2 September 1594 Felice daughter of Thomas

4 July 1622 Edward son of Nicholas

14 July

As is apparent from the above records the parents of Sara were married in All Saints parish 23 Nov. 1585. Sara herself was baptized there 13 Dec 1588, probably not far inside the curious triangular tower to be seen in Maldon today. Her mother died in that parish a little more than a month after the birth of Sara's brother Francis and was buried 11 Oct. 1593. At some time, perhaps after his father's death in 1594, Enoch Moore moved to Haverhill, co. Suffolk. By 1599, according to a fragmentary record found in the Withington material (Essex Institute, Salem, Mass.), Enoch had married again for the baptism of daughters Mary and Jane occurred in Haverhill. This scrap may have come from the Bishop's transcripts and could be an indication that other bits of information will in time turn up even though the Haverhill parish records are said not to have survived.

It would appear that the daughter Jane did not live because the will of Samuel of Much Totham, given above, speaks of only sisters Merry and Judith in addition to Sara. It tells us, however, that Samuel had a brother Enoch, that Enoch, Sr., was still living in Haverhill in 1615 and Francis was the brother he chose as his main heir.

One of the most important facts given in Samuel's will is that Sara and Edmund had in 1615 two sons, John and Enoch. The list of children baptized in Ipswich does not include John, the first born, nor was he baptized in Langford or Maldon, the parish records of which have been examined. The second son Enoch was baptized 1 Dec. 1613 at St. Mary's le Tour in Ipswich. Then Edmund and Sara moved to St. Margaret's parish, where we find the following Greenleaf entries:


1615-6 Samuel son of Edmund and Sarah

8 January 1617-8 Enoch son of Edmund and Sarah

20 March 1620-1 Sara daughter of Edmund and Sarah

26 March 1621-2 Elizabeth daughter of Edmund and Sarah

16 January 1624 Nathaniel son of Edmund and Sarah

27 June 1626 Judith daughter of Edmund and Sarah

29 September 1628 Stephen son of Edmund and Sarah

10 August 1631 Daniel son of Edmund and Sarah

14 August Burials 1617 Enoch son of Edmund and Sarah

12 September 1616-7 Samuel son of Edmund and Sara

5 March 1633 Nathaniel son of Edmund and Sara 24 July

The naming of John, the first born son, in the will of his uncle, Samuel More, who, as far as we can know, survived baby-hood, explains the bequest of Edmund Greenleaf to a grandson James, his eldest son's son. One cannot help surmising that John Greenleaf, the silk dyer of St. Andrews Undershof, London, who married Hester Hoste, daughter of James Host of Stepney, 18 May 1636, in St. Augustine's church near Paul's Gate in London, may have been that eldest son and elected to remain in England when the rest of the family migrated. For him the usual pattern would be to name a son James. It might also be that the John Greenleaf who married in Braintree, Mass., whom nobody has been able to place might be another grandson though it is granted that actual proof is needed. Also curiously an Edmund Grenelif, a mariner, in the City of Tangier, made a will, dated 10 April 1670, in which he left a dwelling in the parish of Stepney to his wife, if she was living-it was proved 21 Jan. 1670-1 by Hannah Greneleafe, the widow (see James Edward Greenleaf, op. cit., p. 499, under "Enoch Greenleaf;" also p. 472, the account of John of Braintree; the will of Edmund of Tangier is filed in London).

Returning to the history of Sara (More) Greenleaf, is seems apparent that she came from a family of considerable substance; possibly a search of the town records of Maldon would reveal interesting information. The wills of her grandparents, Nicholas and Willamin Moore and their younger sons Nicholas and Edward as well as the latter's wife, are all to be found in Chelmsford, the shire town of Essex.

The oldest will so far found is that of Nicholas Moore, written by his son Samuel as clerk, 18 Aug. 1590, and proved in Chelmsford by Samuel as attorney for his mother, 22 Oct. 1594. Enoch and Nicholas the Younger were the witnesses.

In the name of god amen Anno 1590 the 18th daye of August in the 32nd yere of the Reigne of Soverigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France and Ireland Queene Defender of the Faith 1 Nicholas Moore of Maldon in the County of Essex and . . diocesse Sick of body but of sound and perfect memory god be thanked doe ordayne and make this my . . . last will and testament in manner and forme folowinge.

First I bequeath my soule into the hands of almight god my creator and Redeemer and my body to the earth in sure hope of Resurrection with the Just through my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

Item I give and bequeath unto Willamin my wife my notage (?) or tenament situated in Maldon aforesaid in the street called ifulbridge street now in the tenure and occupation of Thomas Moore my son and of his assignes, to have and to hold the same to her and her heirs forever.

Item I give and bequeath Unto her my said wife my lease and tenure of.. -that I have in the house that I now dwelt in To have and to hold the same unto her and her assignes payinge the rent and discharging the covenante in the same lease specified.

Lastly I give and bequeath unto the said Willamin my wife all and singular my other moveables good debts Stock of leather.. . Tallow oile and all other my chattles and Implements of household in hand I make and ordain my sole executrix revokinge all - - wills whatsoever In witness whereof I have to this... set my hand and seale the Daye and Year above written Signum hefi [i.e. the mark of] Nicholas Moore In the ...of Enoch Moore Nicholas Moore the Younger Et mei Samueila Moore Script

Then in 1603 the following will was written for Willamin, his widow:

In the name of god Amen the thirtieth daye of August in the year of our Lorde James by the grace of god now kinge of Englande I willamin Moore of the parish of all Saints in maldon in the county of Essex Wyddow being now vely weaken bodye by reason of my great age and years whereby I am put in remembrance that my time and end approacheth and cometh on a pace, do therefore make pubushe and declare this my last will and testament in writing in manner and forme following: First I commend my Soule into the hands of almighty god the Father the sonne and the holy ghost assuredly believing that all my Sinnes of gods great mercy in Jesus christ are doomed and done away And my bodie I comytt to christian bury-all at the discretion of the executor of this my last will and testament here under named.

Item I will and give unto my sonne nicholas Moore my tenement with the appertances situated and being in or near agenst Fulbridge street in the parish of Saint Peter in maldon aforesaid now in the tenure and occupation of [?] hybberd wyddow or her assigns to have and to hold the said tenement with appertances unto the said nicholas his heirs and assigns forever.

Item I give and bequeath unto the said nicholas a hall bedstead standing in the chamber over the hall of the messauge in which I now dwell and a downe bed now being thereon and other the bedding and furniture thereunto belonging in all things fully furnished and a . -- chest in the same chamber with all the linen in the same chest.

And it is in my minde and will that if in future the said nicholas (after my death) to marrye or to settle and occupe (by himself) the trade of a shoemaker that then the executor of this my testament shall immediately thereupon pay and deliver to him the said nicholas (as my gift) ten pounds of lawful money of england.

Item I give and bequeath Unto Sara Moore the daughter of my sonne Enoch Moore Five pounds of lawful english money to be payd her by my executor at her age of 21 years or day of marriage which shall first happen.

Then I will and give to be paid by my executor uppon my buryall unto my sonnes Samuel Enoch and Thomas Moore and to my daughters Anne and Phillip to everyone of the same my children (in token of a friendly remembrance) Five shillings a piece and no more for that my said daughters and ye one of my said sonnes last named have had already their full portions.

All the rest of my goods moveable household stuff and implements of household and whatsoever ellse I have or may dispose of that is testamentary l give fully and wholly unto Edward Moore my Sonne whome I do make constitute and ordain sole and only executor of this my last will and testament and him do appoint and require to pay my funerall and debts and the legacies of this my testament In witness whereof I have hereunto put my Seale subscribed my name the day and year first above written.

the marke of In the prive of George Purcas [?]

Willamin Moore widdow Thomas Chesse the writer hereof

The above will was proved in 1606. It indicates that Willamin and her husband must have had quite a little property since five of their children had already had their portions. One wonders also whether Sara had not made her home with her grandmother as she is the only grandchild mentioned, although both Thomas and Enoch had other children. Sara had been about six when her mother died and fifteen when her grandmother's will was drawn and past seventeen when Willamin actually died- In July 1611 Sara was still in the Maldon area as Langford and its church of St. Giles in which she and Edmund were married is practically a part of Maldon today.

Edward Moore's will was drawn up 30 April 1617 and was proved 10 Dec. 1619, about a month after his burial- His will provided care-fully for his wife thus giving us a pretty good picture of the kind of home in which the Moores evidently lived and some idea as to where their property was located, Searching in those areas might take us back further in time. One might surmise that the brother Samuel had died since he is not mentioned. The mother's will was written in 1603. The will follows:

In the name of god amen the Thirtieth day of April in the yere of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred and seventeen and in the ffifteenth yere of the reigne of our Soveringne Lord James by the grace of god now king of England I Edward Moore of the parish of All Saints in maldon in the county of Essex shoomaker being weeke in body yet of sound and perfect memory (thanks be god) knowing that all men are subject to mortality do therefore make publize and declare this my last will and testament in writing in manner and form following.

First and principally I commend my Soule into the hands of almighty god (that blessed trinity) the father the sonne and the holy ghost assuredly believing by faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of god's great mercy in him that all my synnes are freely forgiven and that eternal life in the heavens is reserved for me after the end of this mortall life. And my body I comytt to christian Buryall at the discretion and appointment of Elizabeth my well beloved wife and of the executor of this my last will and testament hereinafter named.

And as touching my Lands and possessions and other things of this life my minde and will is thereof as followeth: First I give unto the sayd Elizabeth my wife all the movable goods household stuff and Implements of household and bedding which she had before my intermarriage with her (Excepting the linen brass and pewter which I had with her).

Item I give to the sayd Elizabeth my wife all the wearing apparell linen and rayment and also a featherbed a feather bowlster a great joined chest... with a drawer which now standeth in the chamber over the Buttery

And I give unto the said Elizabeth one half of all the linen brass and pewter whatsoever whereof I am now possessed Excepting only the brass pannies now used for my trade for stuffing [?] or currying of Leather to be indifferently divided and set out unto her by my brother Thomas Moore and my Brother-in-law John Hewster or the survivor of them with all convenient speede next after my death and also I give unto the said Elizabeth five pounds of lawful money of England to be payd unto her by my said Executor within one month next after my death

Item I give unto the said Elizabeth one of my two drawing tables (to be taken at her choice) my settall in the hall and two reasonable loads of wood.

Item my minde and will is that the said Elizabeth my wife shall have and enjoy for and during the time of her naturall life if she so longe for time to life solo and unmarryed and not other wife the use and occupation of the great chamber over the shopp of my now dwelling house with convenient room and place in my yarde or backside for laying and bestowing of her wood and also a piece of my garden (of twenty ffeet square) and also the joint or common use and benefitt (with the tenant or dweller in my dwelling house for the time being) of one chamber therein called the storyers chamber hanging and drying of the linen with free accesse ingresse egresse and regresse by and through my said dwelling house Unto and from the said chamber's yard and garden and any of them at all times and from time to time without any lett or molestation whatsoever.

Item I give and will to be payd unto the sayd Elizabeth by my said executor or his assignes after my death yearly every year during the time of her natural life (at the messauge in which I dwell one early sume of Five pounds of lawful money of England at the ffour usual ffeasts and times of payment in the year by equal portyons for and in full compensation and satisfaction of the estate jointure dower or things which to her shall or may arrive or grow after my death of in and to or Out of my lands and tenements whatsoever either freeholds or copy-holds which I am now seized or shall be seized at my death or an estate of inheritance (the first payment thereof to begin and to be made at first one of the said ffeasts which shall first happen and come next after my death)

Item I will and do devise and give unto my Brother Nicholas Moore his heirs and assigns forever those two tenements (customary or copyhold to the manor of Bradwell juxta Mare in the said county of Essex) whereof one is called Reeves containing by estimation ten acres of land and that which is called ffeldmans containing by estimation eight acres of land with their appertances and all my estate reversion [?] and remaynder of and in the said tenements and lands after the death of the said Elizabeth my wife.

Item I devise will and give unto my sayd Brother Nicholas Moore his heir and assignes forever the said messauge (in which I dwell) situated and being in the said parish of All Saints in maldon aforesaid with the edifice [?] buildings yards backsides gardens and orchards ways and easments to the sayd messauge belonging or now used and other appertances.

Item I will and do give unto the said Nicholas Moore my Brother one messauge and six acres of land with the appertances called Myllers late in the tenure and occupation of Robert Sooke in the said county of Essex' to have and to hold to the sayd Nicholas Moore his heirs and assignes forever according to the custom of the said manor.

Item I give and bequeath unto Francis Moore the sonne of my Brother Enoche Moore ten pounds of lawful english money to be payd to him by my sayd Executor within one yere next after my decease (over and besides the ten pounds which I am to pay him for and out of the rent and profitts of a certain shop situated in the sayd parish of all Saints near unto the ffish stalls).

Item I give unto Nicholas Moore and Phillip Moore the sonne and daughter of my Brother Thomas Moore to either of them ten pounds a piece of like money to be payd within one year next after my decease by my said Executor.

And I give unto my said Brothers Enoch and Thomas Moore to either of them tenne shillings a piece and to my Sister Phillip ffive Shillings of lawful english money as a small remembrance of my Love and goodwill to them.

Item I give to the poor of All Saints parish in maldon aforesaid Six shillings and eight pence to be payd to the overseers of the said poore within three months next after my death.

All the rest of my goods chattles movables household stuff and implements of household wares shop stuff ready money and debts and whatsoever ellse I have or may dispose that is testamentary I do give fully and wholly unto the said Nicholas Moore my brother which said Nicholas I do make and constitute sole and only Executor of this my last will and testament and I require and charge him duly and truly to pay my funerall charges and debts and the legacies and portions of money by this testament bequeathed provided always and nevertheless my minde and full meaning and will is that if at the time of my decease there shall be a surrender in force to the use of my will of and concerning my said coppyhold lands and tenements holden of the manor of Walton aforesaid that then the said Nicholas Moore my Brother after my decease and before probate of this my testament shall become bounden by Deede obligatory sufficient in the - . unto the said Elizabeth my wife in the Some of Thirty Pounds of lawful money of England with condition thereon for the sure payment of the said yearly Some of ffive Pounds by the year to the said Elizabeth yearly during her life in the manner and order and according to the effect and purpose afore declared in this my will; But if no sure Surrender shall from time to be at my death of the said copyhold lands and tenements last mentioned for the use of my will that then the said gift of ffive Pounds a year to my wife yearly during her life shall be voided and of no effect (any thinge afore in this my will confirmed to the contrary in any wise not with-standing). In witness whereof I the said Edward Moore to this my last will and testament have put my seale and subscribed my name the day and year first above written in the presence of the persons herein-under named Joseph Walker John Dandy and Thomas Chese [? Chase, one of Enoch's daughters married the apothecary Thomas Chese of Boston] Edward Moore.

Elizabeth, the widow of Edward Moore, had her will drawn 18 Jan. 1622, giving the property that was hers to distribute to her children of her first marriage, a son William Burton and a daughter Elizabeth, then the wife of a John Merrill, with two sons John and William. From the Greenleaf-Moore point of view this will has little of interest.

Nicholas Moore the Younger left a will, also available in Chelmsford, dated 21 April 1646 and probated 23 June. Like his brothers he could sign his name at least indicating reasonable education for the time. His property went to his widow Margaret except for a silver wine bowl as he said his son, Edward, had had his share already though likely as an only child he would in the end get the rest just as he got the Bradwell juxta Mare property after his Aunt Elizabeth's death as his Uncle Edward had directed.

Unfortunately no wills have been found for either Samuel, who seems to have gotten special education, Thomas, or Sarah's father Enoch, though perhaps through related families some more information may yet be garnered.

Of special interest, however, is Sarah's brother Francis who appears in two of the wills. It seems reasonable to think that he was the father of Cousin Thomas Moore, the mariner of Boston, who Edmund years later on this side of the Atlantic made overseer of his will.

Francis Moore, Jr., of Cambridge, Mass., called Thomas Moore of Boston his brother in his will, probated 23 Feb. 1689. Francis, if his recorded age at death was correct, was born about 1620. Thomas who was reported to have died at 66 on 5 Jan. 1689-90 would have been born about 1623 (see Lucius R. Page's History of Cambridge, Genealogical Register Supplement and Index by Mary Isabella Gozzaldi, 1980, p.517, reference 611).

The father of these men, Francis Moore, Sr., according to Savage's Dictionary, became a freeman in Cambridge 22 May 1639. His wife Katherine died in 1648, after having several children born in Cambridge. The family names Francis, Samuel, Thomas, John, Anne and Sarah fit remarkably with the family in Maldon, co. Essex. The only problem is that his age 85 at death 20 Aug. 1671 given in the Cambridge record and Savage, does not jibe with the baptismal date, All Saints, Maldon, which is 1593 instead of 1586. However, it must be remembered that elderly people did (and do) make mistakes in recalling their age. Note that the birth of the first child at 27, Francis, Jr., would be much more reasonable than at 34 if the earlier date is to be taken as correct.

While there are quite a few court records about the marine experiences of Thomas Moore, the Boston mariner, thus far the writer has found no clear connection with the Greenleaf's even though a number of business associates appear in both family records. Only one possible evidence has turned up and that in the Suffolk Superior Court Records which show that a Thomas Moore, in July 1675, was bound for the appeal of John and Thomas Wells, carpenters, in a case brought by Timothy Batts. John Wells was the husband of Mary Greenleaf, possibly one of Enoch's daughters. While there is nothing conclusive about this other evidence may still be found. Samuel Moore, one 0£ the brothers, was in the Barbadoes. We know Edmund had trading ventures in the West Indies involving his Hill stepson (see his will) so records in that area may give further evidence. A further search for a record of the marriage of Francis, Sr., and Katherine might be informative.

In any case the discovery of this Moore material gives more substance to the story of Edmund Greenleaf, the identity of his wife Sara, and adds to our knowledge of his descendants and progenitors.

The "Genealogy of the Greenleaf Family" by J.E. Greenleaf mentions 9 children found on the parish records of St. Mary's la Tour. He speculated that there might be two more: John, born about 1632, and who died in Boston, 16 Dec. 1712; Mary, referred to in "Savage's Dictionary," Vol. IV. p. 476: "John Wells, of Newbury, took oath of allegiance, May, 1669, and was made a freeman the same month, a carpenter, married 5 March 1669, Mary, probably a daughter of Edmund Greenleaf, and had, 16 December, Mary, who died the year following. Mary, again, born 16 Feb. 1673. William, born 15 Jan. 1675."17 "Sara, First Wife of Edmund Greenleaf" - Summation of Evidence


In Mrs. Dorothy Greenleaf Boynton's article, of January 1968 in the

[NEHGR 122:28-36], she admits that not much headway had been made in

determining Edmund Greenleaf's ancestry.

There had also been prior articles that commented on Sara's ancestry.

The [NEHGR 38:100], in January 1884, contained an obit for a Charles

Beaman that positively stated that the wife of Edmund Greenleaf was

Sarah DOLE. That same assurance was given in James Edward Greenleaf's

"Genealogy of the Greenleaf Family, 1896, pp.71-74, 190; which said,

"Edmund Greenleaf married Sarah Dole." This error has carried on to

the present day.

Mrs. Boynton states that she, "by chance", noticed in the Essex

volumes of the "Boyd Marriage Index" this entry, "Moor Sar and Edm

Greenleaf Langford". She noted that the time of their 1611 marriage

appeared to fit, and this appeared to offer a reason for Thomas Moor

overseeing Edmund's will.

Roger D. Joslyn wrote an article, "Edmund Greenleaf & Sarah Moore

Further On the Marriage", in 1980 in [TAG 56:107], that Sara and

Edmund were married in Langford Parish, Essex, England. The entry

for 1611 reads: "Edmund Greeneleaf and Sarah More were married the

ijcond of Julye." This entry can now be found in the Essex Record

Office in Chelmsford, Essex, England.

Mrs. Boynton engaged the services of Mr. T. Woodard to search the

records in England for proof, so that she could be clearly certain.

The recently posted Vital Records and wills are what were found

that prove that Edmund's wife was Sara MOORE.

We have the wills, first of all, of Sara's paternal grandparents,

Nicholas and Willamin MOORE. Although wills for Sara's father,

Enoch, or mother Catherine, have not been found; the will of her

brother, Samuel MORE and her uncle, Edward MOORE, we have.

First, in Samuel Moore's will, he clearly says, "Item I give unto my

sister Sara the wife of Edmund Grinleaf of Ipswich in the county of

Suffolk.." And, Samuel's will goes beyond identifying Sara as his

sister. Samuel also identifies their father as Enoch Moore, saying,

"Item I give unto my father Enoch More of Haverill..." That alone,

without going further, is proof.

While Nicholas Sr.'s will does not identify Sara Moore Greenleaf,

Willamin's will clearly identifies Sara Moore as the daughter of her

son Enoch, saying, "Item I give and bequeath unto Sara Moore the

daughter of my sonne Enoch Moore..."

Nicholas' will identifies his wife as Willamin, saying, "Item I give

and bequeath unto Willamin my wife..." He also identifies one of his

sons as Thomas Moore, saying, "now in the tenure and occupation of

Thomas Moore my son..."

Edward's will identifies both Thomas Moore and Enoch Moore as his

brothers, hence sons of Nicholas Moore Sr. and Willamin. In Edward's

will he says, "my Brother Enoche Moore" and "my Brother Thomas Moore".

Therefore, we can clearly see that Nicholas & Willamin Moore are

the paternal grandparents of Sara (More) Greenleaf, and Enoch is

her father.

In addition, vital records at All Saints Parish, Maldon, Essex, Eng.,

show that Catherine became Enoch's wife on 23 Nov 1585, and their

daughter Sara, was baptized there, 13 Dec 1588. These facts close

the case of Sara (More) Greenleaf's ancestry.

Other valuable points that stand out in this article are these:

Samuel's will clearly states that in 1615, when his will was executed,

that Sara and Edmund had two sons, John and Enoch. Based on the

baptismal records alone, since there has never been found a baptismal

record for John, we would not have known of a firstborn son named

John. This, according to Mrs. Boynton, "explains the bequest of

Edmund Greenleaf to a grandson James, his eldest son's son."

Also, Mrs. Boynton remarks regarding Sara, that it "seems apparent that

she came from a family of considerable substance". The contents of the

wills bear testimony to that.

There are also other family wills that have been found. The will of

Elizabeth, the widow of Edward Moore, executed 18 Jan 1622, bequeathed

her property to her children of her first marriage, and is of less

interest to the Greenleaf-Moore descendants.

However, Nicholas Moore the Younger's will, executed 21 April 1646,

and probated 23 June 1646, may be of interest. Also the will of

Francis Moore, Jr., of Cambridge, Mass, that was probated, 23 Feb 1689,

may be of interest to some. Francis Moore, Jr, Sara's nephew, called

Thomas Moore, the mariner of Boston, his brother.

The Moore wills of England are located in Essex Record Office of

Chelmsford, Essex, England.

--Sandi Goetze <>.18

The 12 known children of Edmund2 Greenleaf and Sarah Moore were as follows:

3. i. John3 Greenleaf14,13,13 was born circa 1612 in co. Suffolk, England.14 He died after 1615 in England.14

4. ii. Enoch Greenleaf3,3,3 was baptized on 1 December 1613 in St. Mary's la Tour, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England.14,9 He was buried on 12 September 1617 in St. Margaret's parish, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England.19,9

5. iii. Samuel Greenleaf3,3,3 was baptized on 8 January 1615/16 in St. Margaret's parish, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England.14 He was buried on 5 March 1616/17 in St. Margaret's parish, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England.19,9

+ 6. iv. Enoch Greenleaf, baptized 20 March 1617/18 in St. Margaret's parish, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England; married Mary [_____].

+ 7. v. Sarah Greenleaf, baptized 26 March 1620/21 in St. Margaret's parish, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England; married William Hilton.

+ 8. vi. Elizabeth Greenleaf, baptized 16 January 1621/22 in St. Margaret's parish, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England; married Giles Badger; married Richard Browne.

9. vii. Nathaniel Greenleaf20,20,20 was baptized on 27 June 1624 in St. Margaret's parish, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England.21,19,9 He was buried on 24 July 1633 in St. Margaret's parish, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England.19

+ 10. viii. Judith Greenleaf, born 2 September 1625 in Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England; married Henry Somerby; married Tristram Coffin Jr.

+ 11. ix. Captain Stephen Greenleaf Sr., baptized 10 August 1628 in St. Margaret's parish, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England; married Elizabeth Coffin; married Esther Weare.

+ 12. x. Mary Greenleaf, married John Wells.

13. xi. Daniel Greenleaf22,22,22 was baptized on 14 August 1631 in St. Margaret's parish, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England.23,19,9 He died on 5 December 1654 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, at age 23.9,24

He was also known as Daniell Grenleife.24

+ 14. xii. John Greenleaf, born circa 1632 in co. Suffolk, England; married Hannah Veazie.

Sarah Jurdaine and Wilson were married before 1662. She and William Hills were married before 1663. She died in 1671 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. Sarah's marriage to Edmund was a rather unhappy one.

There were no known children of Edmund2 Greenleaf and Sarah Jurdaine.

Sarah married Edmund Greenleaf,1,3,5,32 son of John Greenleaf and Margaret, on 2 Jul 1611 in Langford, Essex, England 3,5,7.,32 Edmund was christened on 2 Jan 1574 in St. Mary's la Tour, Ipswich, Suffolk, England and died on 24 Mar 1671 in Boston, Suffolk Co. MA.

Marriage Notes: Langford is part of Maldon, Essex, England today.

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Church: St. Giles Church. 4

General Notes: From the notes of Lynn Beedle ("Old Times, Vol.1, No. 1, Page 2.)

Edmund Greenleaf came to America about 1635. He was one of the first 18 principal settlers of Newbury, Massachusetts. He was born in 1573 or 1574 in England and died in 1671 in Boston, Massachusetts. His second marriage was to Mrs. Sarah Hill. Edmund was a silk-dyer by trade.

St. Mary's La Tour, Ipswich, County Suffolk, England. Ancestors believed to be Huegenots (Fr. "Feuillevert"), came as refugees from France in the 16th Century. (See "The Greenleaf Family", by Jas. Greenleaf)

Edmund Greenleaf married second Mrs. Sarah (Jordan) Hill, daughter of Ignatius Jordan.

Edmund was one of the original settlers of Quasca Cunquen, afterward Newbury, where each of the first settlers was granted a house lot of at least four acres, with a suitable quantity of salt and fresh meadow. In addition to this, he had a grant of twelve acres, which shows him to have been one of the eighteen principal pioneer settlers. Edmund lived near the old town bridge in Newbury, where he kept a tavern. By trade, he was a silk dyer. He was Ensign in 1639, Lieutenant in 1645, and Captain of the Militia under William Gerrish. He and Sarah moved to Boston about 1650.

Edmund2 Greenleaf (John1)3,2,2 was baptized on 2 January 1573/74 in St. Mary's la Tour, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, England.3 He and Sarah Moore were married on 2 July 1611 in Langford, co. Essex, England.4 He and Sarah Jurdaine were married after 1663 in Massachusetts.5 He died on 24 March 1670/71 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, at age 97.3,6

He was also known as Capt. Edmund Greenleaf.7 He immigrated in 1635 to Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts.2 He was made a freeman on 13 March 1638 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts.8,2 As of 1642, he was also known as Lieutenant Edmund Greenleaf.9 He ended military service on 11 November 1647 in Massachusetts; Requests discharge from military service.7 He and Sarah Moore emigrated circa 1650 from Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.7 He left a will on 25 December 1668 in Massachusetts; Estate of Edmund Greenleaf of Newbury/Boston

Essex Probate Docket # None

In the name of God, Amen. The two and twentieth day of December, sixteen hundred and sixty-eight, I, Edmund Greenleaf mindful of my own mortality and certainty of death, and uncertain of the same, and being desirous to settle things in order, being now in good health and perfect memory, do make, appoint and ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following; that is to say first and principally, I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of my blessed Redeemer, the Lord Jesus, who hath died and gave himself for me and his blood cleanseth from all sin, and through his righteousness I do only look for justification and salvation; and do commit my mortal body after this life is ended, into the dust from whence it was taken there to be preserved by the power and faithfulness of my Redeemer Jesus Christ until the resurrection of the just, and then to be raised up by the same power to immortality and life, where I shall see him as he is, and shall ever be with him; and in this faith and hope I desire, through his grace and assistance, to live and die, and at last to be found of him in peace.

Nextly, my will is, being according to God's will revealed in the word, that we must pay what we owe and live of the rest unto whose rule the sons of men ought to frame their wills and actions; therefore my mind and will is that my debts shall be truly and justly paid to every man to whom I shall be indebted, by my executors hereafter named.

And first I do revoke, renounce frustrate and make void all wills by me formerly made ; and I declare and appoint this to be my last will and testament.

Imprimis - I give unto to my son Stephen Greenleaf, and to my daughter Browne, widow, and to my daughter Coffin to each I twenty shillings apiece.

Item - I give unto my grandchild Elizabeth Hilton ten pounds.

Item - I give unto my grandchild Enoch Greenleaf ten pounds.

Item - I give unto my grandchild Sarah Winslow, five pounds if her, father pay me the four pounds he oweth me.

Item - I give unto my eldest son's son, James Greenleaf, twenty shillings; and after my funeral debts and legacies are discharged,

I give and bequeath the rest of my estate unto my son Stephen Greenleaf, and to my daughter Elizabeth Browne and to my daughter Judith Coffin, equally to be divided amongst them and their children.

And, further, I desire ad appoint my son Stephen Greenleaf, and Tristram Coffin the executors of this my will see it executed and affirmed as near as they can; and I further entreat my cousin Thomas. Moon (Thomas Moor?), mariner to see to the performance of this my will.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this twenty-fifth day of December, 1668.

(Signed) EDMUND Greenleaf [L.S.]

Signed, sealed, published, and declared to be my last will in the presence of us,

George Ruggell

John Furnside

The inventory of Mr. Greenleaf's estate, which was, appended to the will amounted to £131-5s-9d The following paper is also recorded in the "Probate Records," appended to the will, as, probably, assigning the reason why the name of his second wife, who appears to have outlived him, was not mentioned:

I married my wife I kept her grandchild, as I best remember, three years to schooling, diet and apparel; and William Hill, her son, had a bond of six pounds a year, whereof I received no more than a barrel of pork of £3. 0s. 0d of that £6. 0s. 0d. a year, he was to pay me, and sent to her son Ignatius Hill, to the Barbados, in mackeral cider, and bread and pease, as much as come to twenty pounds, and never received one penny of it. His aunt gave to the three brothers £50 apiece. I know not of whether they received it or no; but I have or received any part of it.

Witness my hand. (Signed) Edmund Greenleaf

Besides when I married my wife, she brought me a silver bowl a silver porringer, and a silver spoon. She lent on gave them to her son, James Hill, without my consent.

Source: Boston Probate Records 1669-1674, pg. 112 as printed in:Genealogy of the Greenleaf Family, James Edward Greenleaf, Boston, 1896.10 He will was proven on 12 February 1671/72 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.7

Of the origin of the family, from all that can be gathered, it is believed that the ancestors of Edmund were Huguenots, the name being a translation of the French "Feuillevert." As the name has not been found among the English parishes, other than at Ipswich, County of Suffolk, England, it is believed that the family (Feuillevert) came as French refugees to England with many other Huguenots, who fled from their homes on account of their religious principles, and settled in England some time in the sixteenth century. Edmund Greenleaf was a silk-dyer by trade; a trade that does not appear among the English industries until about the time of the coming of the French refugees.

On the parish records of St. Mary's la Tour in Ipswich, County Suffolk, England, is recorded: "Edmund Greenleaf, son of John and Margaret, was baptized 2 Jan. 1574." This may be too early for the Edmund Greenleaf who came to America. Other sources suggest a birth date about 1590.

In 1634 he came to Massachusetts from England aboard the Mary and John. He was one of the first settlers to come by water to Newbury, Massachusetts, Agawan Plantation near Ipswich, Massachusetts. He had nine children in England. In Newbury, Massachusettshe was made a freeman on 13 March 1638/9. 22 May 1639 he was permitted to keep a house of entertainment. Captain, later an Ensign was granted 122 acres. Lived by the old town bridge in Newbury. He also had a tavern. Commissioner of the General Court to end small businesses in 1642. By trade he was a silk-dyer. Removed to Boston about 1650; his dyehouse located by the spring 30 (5) 1655. His will dated 22 Dec. 1668, probated 12 (2) 1671.

Among the family relics still preserved is the cane brought to this country by Edmund Greenleaf; it bears the initials "J. G." on a silver band near the handle.

All of the nine children named in the chart, and whose baptismal records and deaths appear on the parish records of St. Mary's before mentioned, were born in England. Mr. Greenleaf lived near the old town bridge in Newbury, where for some years he kept a tavern. He was admitted a freeman on 13 March 1639,* and on 22 May of the same year was "permitted to keep a house of entertainment."

[* A freeman in the early days of the colonies was one who held the right of franchise. No one was allowed that right without first becoming a member of the church. The laws were made by a quorum of the "assistants" or "magistrates" sent out and commissioned by the company in London, which held the charter.

The law compelling church membership was passed by the "assistants" in 1631. In 1676 five sixths of the people of Boston were non-voters, because they were not church members, and were thus shut out from any participation in the local government.]

The name of Edmund Greenleaf appears: - June 1, 1642.- "On a commission of Newbury." Sept. 8, 1642.- "Ordered to send home an Indian woman." Sept. 27, 1642.- "On a committee to take charge of certain orders by the council." Nov. 11, 1647.-Requests his "discharge from military service." May 2, 1649.-On appraisement of real estate. (Massachusetts Bay Records, Vol. I. page 258; Vol.II. pages 16, 23, 30, 215, and 276).

Capt. Edmund Greenleaf moved to Boston with his wife Sarah about 1650 (New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. VI. Page 102), where he buried his wife, and afterwards married Mrs. Sarah Hill, widow of - Wilson, 2d, of William Hill, of Fairfield, Connecticut, who had several children by her former marriage. This marriage was rather an unhappy one. In the early part of 1671 Mr. Greenleaf died. His will, a very curious document, written, as is supposed, by himself, was proved 12 Feb. 1671, and is recorded in the "Probate Records" in Boston, in the volume for 1669 to 1674, page 112.


President Gerald R. Ford, Vice President Elbridge Gerry (Signer of the Declaration of Independence), author Herman Melville, poets John Greenleaf Whittier, T. S. Eliot, and Edward Arlington Robinson, and playwright Tennessee Williams are descendants
(source unknown)

Noted events in his life were:

• Will filed: 25 Dec 1668, Boston MA.

• Will proved: 12 Feb 1672.

Children from this marriage were:

   20 M    i. John Greenleaf was born circa 1612 in Suffolk, England4 and died after 1615 in England.4

   21 M    ii. Enoch Greenleaf was christened on 1 Dec 1613 in St. Mary's la Tour, Ipswich, Suffolk, England4 and was buried on 12 Sep 1617 in St. Margaret's Parish, Ipswich, Suffolk, England.4

   22 M    iii. Samuel Greenleaf was christened on 8 Jan 1616 in St. Margaret's Parish, Ipswich, Suffolk, England4 and was buried on 5 Mar 1617 in St. Margaret's Parish, Ipswich, Suffolk, England.4

   23 M    iv. Enoch Greenleaf .

Enoch married Mary.4

   24 F    v. Sarah Greenleaf .

General Notes: Boynton shows her as christened 26 Mar 1620-1621.

Sarah married William Hilton.4

+ 25 F    vi. Elizabeth Greenleaf .

   26 M    vii. Nathaniel Greenleaf was christened on 27 Jun 1624 in St. Margaret's Parish, Ipswich, Suffolk, England4 and was buried on 24 Jul 1633 in St. Margaret's Parish, Ipswich, Suffolk, England.4

   27 F    viii. Judith Greenleaf .4

Judith married Henry Somerby.4

Judith next married Tristram Coffin Jr..4

   28 M    ix. Captain Stephen Greenleaf .4

Stephen married Elizabeth Coffin.4

Stephen next married Ester Weare.4

   29 F    x. Mary Greenleaf .4

Mary married John Wells.4

   30 M    xi. Daniel Greenleaf 4 was christened on 14 Aug 1631 in St. Margaret's Parish, Ipswich, Suffolk, England4 and died on 5 Dec 1654 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA.4

General Notes: Daniel was also known as Daniell Grenleife.

14. Francis Moore Sr. 1,3,29,30 was christened on 2 Sep 1592 in Maldon, Essex, England3 and died on 20 Aug 1671 in Newberry, Essex, MA.3

General Notes: With regard to the theory that Samuel Moore and Matthew Moores were the sons of Francis Moore of Cambridge, Paul Bingle, in his book In the Shadow of the Escarpment Vol. Four (First Choice Books © 2012 pg. 41) writes, "While not everyone believes that the body of proof is substantial enough to identify these two as brothers [Samuel Moore Sr. and Matthew Moores Sr.] there really ought not to be any doubt as it is confirmed in at least two of the histories of Woodbridge. It was Matthew Sr. himself who began the practice of signing his name with an "s" at the end of his surname. The father of both these siblings (and at least two others) was almost certainly Francis Moore Sr. of Newbury, Essex MA (born in Maldon, Essex, England)........"


This writer is aware of conflicting information about a birth of Frances Moore, 2 Sep 1592 and Francis Moore recorded also as 2 Sep 1592 and in the year 1586. It is most likely that this is one person, Francis (male) and that a baptism took place 2 Sep 1592 at All Saints, Maldon, Essex, England. It is possible that the year of birth may have been 1586 but it would be unusual for an established family within the town of Maldon to delay a baptism by six years. According to Savage and the Cambridge records as reported by Boynton, the age of Francis at the time of his death was eighty-five which implies his birth year was 1586. Some other less credible records, such as those of the LDS, also state his birth year to be 1586. Boynton questions this year on the basis of his age at the birth of his first child, twenty-seven being more common that thirty-four and suggests that because he was advanced in years he may have reported his age incorrectly.

Francis MOORE (1586 - 20 August 1671)
He was one of the wealthiest and most respected citizens of Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA. in his time.
Sources: "New England Families", Vol. II, p.519, William Richard Cutter, Woburn, Mass., 1913.


p 653 of Ancestors and Descendants of Lewis Ross Freeman . . . by Patty Myers
Monnette claimed that Samuel and Matthew Moore(s) were sons of Francis Moore of Cambridge, Mass. and that Samuel had a son Francis, named after his grandfather. A Francis Moore d. Elizabethtown, N.J., 1729, will made 31 Jul 1729, proved 15 Sept 1729. He named wife Jane, and children: William, Samuel, Francis(underage), James (underage), Anna, Mary, Hannah, Jane. Executors - wifeand son Samuel. Witnesses - William Marshall, John Rolph, Daniel Terrill. (N.J. Arch., 23:323-4). The will of Samuel Moore does not mention a son Francis.
There is a lot of confusion regarding the children of Francis Moore and which of his wives are the birth mothers. See listings under Rootsweb WorldConnect. This writer has decided to assume that Katherine Montfort and Catherine Montford (and other spellings ) are the same person.

Savage says this about Francis Moore Sr. of Cambridge:
Cambridge, freem. 22 May 1639, brot.
w. Catharine, wh. d. 28 Dec. 1648, had ch. Francis, Samuel, John, and
Ann, first two b. in Eng. but John, certain. b. 20 Mar. 1645, and, perhaps,
Ann, were bapt in ch. of C. and Sarah, b. there 3 Apr. 1643 and
prob. Thomas, nam. with John, in the will of br. Francis, m. sec. w. 6
Dec. 1653, Elizabeth wid. perhaps of Thomas Periman; He d. 20 Aug.
1671, aged 85, and his wid. d. 5 Nov. 1683, aged 84. Ann m. James
Kidder. FRANCIS, Cambridge, s. of the preced. b. in Eng. by w. Catharine
had John, b. 20 Mar. 1645, and m. 7 Sept. 1650, Abby Eaton,
prob. had no ch. at least none to live until he made his will, freem. 1652,
selectman 1674-81, and some yrs. d. 23 Feb. 1689, aged 69.

Pope says the following about Francis Moore Sr:
Francis, Sen., Cambridge, propr., frm.
May 22, 1638. He m. 1, Katharine, who was
bur. 3 (2) 1643; he m. 2, Elizabeth. Ch.
Francis, Samuel, (9 years of age when his
father joined the chh. of Camb., having been
bapt. in Eng.; was in Barbadoes in 1658;)
Anne, (now Kidder,) Rebecca; ("Elizabeth,
wife of F. M. hath 3 children at the time of
her joining Camb. chh., the youngest, Rebec-
ca, being 15 at the time of her joining the
chh. which was (1) 1657." [Mi.]

He d. 20 Aug. 1671, ae. 85 years. Inv. of
his est. taken 24 (8) 1671, was burnt with the
records of the court, and a copy which had
been made was afterwards filed. The widow
Elizabeth d. 5 Nov. 1683, ae. 84 years. [Gr.


Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: 1586. 35

• Freeman: 22 May 1639, Cambridge MA. 36

• Alt. Name: Elder Francis Moore.

• Residence: Cambridge, Middlesex, MA, USA. 4

Francis married Catherine Montfort.37 Catherine was born in 158537 and died on 28 Dec 1648.8,37 Another name for Catherine was Mrs Francis Moores 3.,38

General Notes: Many records show different spellings of Catharine or Katherine's surname: Monford, Montfort, Monfort, Montford. The majority with the greatest nnumber of sources use Catharine Montford.

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Birth: Abt 1590. 3,5

• Residence: Of Newbury, Essex, MA, Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 31 M    i. Francis Moore Jr. 34.,36

   32 M    ii. Thomas Moore was born circa 16234 and died from 5 Jan 1689 to 1690.4

General Notes: Thomas is likely "Cousin Thomas the mariner of Boston." Edmund Greenleaf appointed Thomas, his wife's nephew, to be overseer of his will.

+ 33 M    iii. Matthew Moores 1,3,39 was born about 1628 in Essex, England3,5,8 and died on 20 Mar 1691 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.40

+ 34 F    iv. Ann Moore 1 was born about 1630,41,42 was christened in Cambridge, Mdlsx., Mass,33 and died in 1691 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.41,42

+ 35 M    v. Hon. Samuel Moore 1,3,4,43,44,45,46 was born about 1630 in Suffolk or Essex, England,3,5,8,47,48 was christened in England,34 and died on 27 May 1688 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ.3,47,49

+ 36 F    vi. Sarah Moore 1,3,50 was born on 3 Apr 1633 in Newberry, Essex, MA,3,5 was christened of Newbury, Essex, England,3 and died about 1688.51

   37 F    vii. Rebecca Moore was born circa 1642.34

   38 F    viii. Sarah Moore 4 was born on 3 Apr 1643 in Cambridge, Middlesex, MA, USA.33

   39 M    ix. John Moore 4 was born on 20 Mar 164533 and was christened in Cambridge, Middlesex, MA, USA.33

Francis next married Elizabeth Perriman 1,3,5 on 6 Dec 1653 in Cambridge, Mass 3,5,34.,52 Elizabeth was born about 159913 and died on 5 Nov 1683.13 Another name for Elizabeth was Elizabeth Periman.35

General Notes: Savage suggests that Elizabeth may have been the widow of Thomas Periman.


previous  Fourth Generation  Next

25. Elizabeth Greenleaf .

Elizabeth married Giles Badger.4

Elizabeth next married Richard Browne.4 Richard was born in 1614 and died on 26 Apr 1661 in Newberry, Essex, MA.

The child from this marriage was:

   40 F    i. Elizabeth Browne was born on 29 May 1649 in Newberry, Essex, MA and died on 10 Oct 1668 in Newberry, Essex, MA.

31. Francis Moore Jr. .34.,36

General Notes: A Genealogical Dictionary of The First Settlers of New England, Before 1692. Volume #3. Introduction. By James Savage
Originally Published Boston, 1860-1862
[1620]FRANCIS MOORE, Cambridge, son of the preceding Francis Sr b. in Eng. by wife Catharine, had John, b. 20 Mar. 1645, and m. [2ND] 7 Sept. 1650, Abby [Abigail] Eaton, prob. had no ch. at least none to live until he made his will, freem. 1652, selectman 1674-81, and some yrs. d. 23 Feb. 1689, aged 69.

3RD wife Jane DAY married 4 Nov 1657

[c1665]Francis Moore married in 1696 [c1672]Jannetje Lawrence and had 7 children

A Francis Moore, in 1720, bought 100 acres at Ringoes, East Amwell, on the east side of the King's Road (Old York), and sold the same to John Dagworthy, Esq., May 9, 1724. (Snell's Hunterdon, page 351)

Will dated July 31, proved Sep 15 , 1729
Wife : Jane.
Children: Anna, Mary, Hannah, Joan, William, Samuel, c1710Francis, James.

"Documents relating to the colonial, revolutionary and post-revolutionary history of the State of New Jersey (1880)"
1760, Apr. 18. Moore, Francis, of Hackinsack, Bergen Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Ganne...

Francis Moore,* Elizabethtown, Essex Co., B. 131; 7, 31, 1729, 9, 15, 1729.
Wife: Jane. Children: Anna, Mary, Hannah, Joan, William, Samuel, c1710Francis, c1712James.
Witnesses : Wm. Marshall, John Rolph, Daniel Torrell.
Executor : Wife and son Samuel.

1729 July 31. Moore, Francis, of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co., yeoman; will of.
Wife Jane. Children--William, Samuel, Francis, James, the last two under age,
Anna, Mary, Hannah, Jane. Real and personal estate.
Executors--the wife and son Samuel. Witnesses--William Marshall, John Rolph,
Daniel Terrill. Proved September 15, 1729. Lib. B, p. 131

Noted events in his life were:

• Selectman: 1674-1681.

• Will proved: 23 Feb 1689. 4

• Freeman: 1652.

Francis married Catharine.33

The child from this marriage was:

   41 M    i. John Moore 33 was born on 20 Mar 1645.33

Francis next married Abby (Abigail) Eaton 33 on 7 Sep 1650.33

Francis next married Jane Day 33 on 4 Nov 1657.33 Jane was born about 1636.8

Children from this marriage were:

   42 M    i. Francis Moore III 8 was born about 16658 and died on 17 Sep 1729 in Elizabethtown NJ.8

General Notes: Francis Moore, of Hackensack, Bergen Co., G. 284; 4, 18, 1760, 6, 12, 1760. Wife: Janne. Witnesses : Abraham V. Buskirk, Mary Moore, Thomas Moore. Executrix : Wife Janne.

"Documents relating to the colonial, revolutionary and post-revolutionary history of the State of New Jersey (1880)"
1760, Apr. 18. Moore, Francis, of Hackinsack, Bergen Co., yeoman;
will of. Wife, Ganne, sole heiress and Executrix of real and personal estate.
WitnessesvAbraham Van Buskirk, Mary Moore and Thomas Moore.
Proved June 12, 1760. Lib. G, p. 284.
1760, May 30. Inventory, £213.13.3, incl. outstanding debts, £48.6.4,
and a negro slave, £50; made by Abram Day and Garret Benson.
[Ganne is a 1700's Amsterdam given name]

Pequannock Township Morris County Tax Ratables February 1780 (30 miles east of Newton, NJ)
Saml. More (60)
60 acres improved land
Francis More 14; 4c, ex (16; 1h, 3c, 2p)
16 acres improved land; 1 horse; 3 horned cattle; 2 pigs)

Francis Moore married in 1696 Jannetje Lawrence and had 7 children

   43 M    ii. Samuel Moore 8 was born about 16708 and died in 1760.8

General Notes: married Sarah Smith of Bergen County in 1705, They had 7 children

33. Matthew Moores 1,3,39 was born about 1628 in Essex, England3,5,8 and died on 20 Mar 1691 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.40

General Notes: With regard to the theory that Matthew Moores and Samuel Moore were the sons of Francis Moore of Cambridge, Paul Bingle, in his book In the Shadow of the Escarpment Vol. Four (First Choice Books © 2012 pg. 41) writes, "While not everyone believes that the body of proof is substantial enough to identify these two as brothers [Samuel Moore Sr. and Matthew Moores Sr.] there really ought not to be any doubt as it is confirmed in at least two of the histories of Woodbridge. It was Matthew Sr. himself who began the practice os signing his name with an "s" at the end of his surname. The father of both these siblings (and at least two others) was almost certainly Francis Moore Sr. of Newbury, Essex MA (born in Maldon, Essex, England)........"

Matthew's Will was proved 25 Mar 1692 NOT HIS DEATH From another source I have 20 Mar 1691 (but this is really 1692)

1698 May 6. Moore, Mathew, senior, of Woodbridge; will of. See Mores, Mathew.
New Jersey Wills
1689 May 6. Mores, Mathew, senior, of Woodbridge; will of. Wife Sarah. Sons--William, James (under 21), Mathew, John, Samuel. Farm at Rareton, meadow on Papiak Creek, bo't of Sam. More, formerly Stephen Kent's. Personal property, incl. an Indian slave girl Betheny. The wife executrix with John and Noah Bishop as overseers. Witnesses --Daniel Robins senior, Daniel Robins junior, Agnes Stanes and John Bishop. Proved March 25, 1692. N. J. Archives, XXI., p. 190, and Middlesex Wills 1692 March 25. Inventory of the personal estate (£139.11.--, incl. plate £1 and and Indian maid £25); made by Nathaniel Fitch Randolfe and Daniel Robins. (Copy).

William Moores Compact Disc #46 Pin #446079
Sex: M
Birth: 12 Feb 1666/67 Place: Newbury,Essex,Massachusetts
Death: May 1712 Place: Woodbridge,Middlesex,New Jersey
Burial: Place: Old White Church Graveyard,Woodbridge,NJ

Father: Matthew Moores Sr. Disc #46 Pin #445487
Mother: Sarah Leary Disc #46 Pin #445488

Spouse: Christian[a] Allward Disc #46 Pin #445501
Marriage: 24 Jul 1690 Place: Woodbridge,Middlesex,New Jersey
Their child:
Samuel Moores Compact Disc #46 Pin #446083
Sex: M
Birth: abt 1709 Place: Woodbridge,Middlesex,New Jersey

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Death: Between 1691 and 1692. 3,5

• Occupation: 1682. 51

• Will: 6 May 1689. 51

• AKA (Facts Pg): Matthew Moore.

Matthew married Sarah Savory 1,3,5 on 27 Mar 1662 in Of, Newberry, Essex, MA 3.,5 Sarah was born about 1641 in Woodbridge, Bergen, NJ.53 Other names for Sarah were Sara Laroy and Sara Laroy.

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: 27 May 1662. 54

General Notes: The surname "Savory" is correct but many records spell it in a wide range of variations.

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt Spelling: Sarah Leary, Sara Laroy. 8,55

Children from this marriage were:

+ 44 F    i. Sarah Moores 1 was born on 15 Dec 1663 in Newbury, Essex, MA51 and died on 4 Dec 1689 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.56

   45 M    ii. William Moores 1 was born on 26 May 1664 in Newbury, Essex, MA51 and died in Infant.

+ 46 M    iii. William Moores 1 was born on 10 Feb 1666 in Newbury, Essex, MA51 and died on 15 Oct 1712 in Woodbridge Twp, , NJ.57

+ 47 M    iv. Matthew Moores Jr. 1 was born about 1667 in Woodbridge, Bergan, NJ,51,58 died on 24 Feb 1732 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,59 and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ.59

+ 48 M    v. James Moores 1 was born in Mar 1669 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,51 died on 3 Apr 1727 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,60 and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ.60

+ 49 M    vi. Captain John Moores 1,60 was born on 15 Aug 1671 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,51 died on 27 Dec 1716 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,60 and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ.

   50 M    vii. Samuel Moores 1,8 was born on 3 Aug 1673 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ8,51 and died on 31 May 1756 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.8 Another name for Samuel was Samuel Moores.

Samuel married Repentance 1,51 about 1715.58 Repentance died on 10 Apr 1758 and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ. Another name for Repentance was Experience Fitzrandolph 53.,61

General Notes:
SAMUEL MOORE (8/3/1673 Woodbridge - 1756) married EXPERIENCE FITZ RANDOLPH (6/14/1696 - 4/10/1758)
RWS Note: This Samuel Moore marriage may be an error.

34. Ann Moore 1 was born about 1630,41,42 was christened in Cambridge, Mdlsx., Mass,33 and died in 1691 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.41,42 Another name for Ann was Ann.

General Notes: It is not certain whether Ann was born in England or in MA.

One record shows her as "Mary Ann."

For children of James and Anna Kidder see

Ann married Ensign James Kidder 1,41,42 between 1649 and 1650 in Cambridge, Middx., Mass 41.,42 James was born in 1626 in East Grinstead, Sussex, England42 and died on 16 Apr 1676 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.42

General Notes: [1] James Kidder, the immigrant ancestor, was born at East Grinstead, county Sussex, England, in 1626, and was at Cambridge, MA in 1650. In 1653 he occupied a farm of two hundred and eighty-nine acres, situated in what is now West Cambridge. That same year the town of Shawshine, now Billerica, was granted to Cambridge and many of the older residents of the latter town moved there. Among them was James Kidder, who was there as early as 1656. Both he and his wife were members of the Cambridge church in full communion, and when a church was organized in Billerica they were among the first to become members of it. In 1662 he was a juror in Cambridge, and the same year was made sergeant of the military company in Billerica.

[1] In 1675, at the time of King Philip's war, James Kidder kept guard over a small tribe of Indians at Wameset, now forming part of Lowell, and was soon after appointed to the command of a garrison house, which contained seven families, including his own. James was an ensign in Captain Danforth's company and he died on April 16, 1676, probably as a result of hardships and exposure incident to the Indian war.

[1] James Kidder married at Cambridge, it is supposed in 1649, Ann, daughter of Elder Francis Moore, one of the most wealthy and respectable men of the town. She survived him and married (second) William Underwood of Chelmsford on March 17, 1684-85.

(Title: New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial, Third Series, Vol. 2

Author: William R. Cutter

Publication: Lewis Historical Publishing, NY. 1915)

See Vol 96, p. 55 Directory of the anc. heads of New England fams. Comp. By Frank R. Holmes. NewYork, 1923. (274p.):139 Gen. Column of the " Boston Transcript". 1906-1941.( The greatest single source of material for gen. Data for the N.E. area and for the period 1600-1800. Completely indexed in the Index.): 24 Feb 1919, 7381; 13 Dec 1920, 8505

Biography excerpted from A History of the Kidder Family by F.E. Kidder (Alton MA 1886):

James Kidder, who was born at East Grinstead in Sussex, England, in 1626, may be considered as the patriarch of the family, and the ancestor of all who bear the name in this country. In what year or by what ship he made his advent to New England, cannot now be ascertained. It is certain that he was at Cambridge as early as 1650, and perhaps it is fair to infer that he was here sometime previous. As the persecution for opinion's sake in England had ceased some years previous, we cannot claim that as a cause for his leaving his fatherland, but must presume that, on coming of age, he found his country involved in a civil war of uncertain length, and to avoid those troublesome times, he concluded to seek a more peaceful residence with better prospects than a young farmer could then find in his native country. We first find him located at Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he married, probably in 1649, Anna Moore, daughter of Elder Francis Moore. (As the record of most of the early marriages in Cambridge is lost, the precise time cannot be ascertained.) As the family of Elder Moore was then one of the most wealthy and respectable in that place, we infer that the appearance and reputation of our ancestor must have been of equal character to have entitled him to such an alliance.

In 1653 he was occupying a farm of 289 acres, lying on the north side of the Fresh Pond and Menotomy River, which had leased of Deacon Sparrowhawk three years previous. (This location is now in West Cambridge.) In the treasurer's records of the colony for that year, now deposited in the rooms of the New England Historic Genealogy Society, his name appears, as having received ten shillings as the bounty for killing a wolf.

In 1653 the General Court granted Shawshine, now Billerica, to Cambridge, and for several years it continued to form a part of that town; many of its older residents receiving grants of lands, soon removed there. (Elder Moore had one hundred acres allotted him. Probably James Kidder had this for a farm.)

It is most likely that James Kidder was among the first to take up his abode in that wilderness, and it is quite probable he may have gone there as early as 1653 or 4, and to have made, as soon as possible, the preparations for removing his family. It is certain he was residing there with his family as early as 1656, as this place may be considered as the home of the family for over 100 years. Both he and his wife were members of the church in Cambridge in full communion, and six of their children were baptized there. When a church was organized at Billerica, they were among the first to become members of it.

In 1662, he was a juror of the Court holden in Cambridge and in the Court records of that year we find the following entry: "James Kidder is allowed to be sergant of the Military Company at Billerica." This may be thought a small affair for the court to take cognizance of, but the organization of the military of that day was a matter of the first importance, and none but men of the most reliable character were entrusted with any office in it. It will be seen that he afterwards rose to the rank of Ensign; his name is often mentioned in town records of Billerica, where he was appointed on various committees. He was also selectman for six years.

In 1675, when King Philip's war took place, he was in the public service, and kept guard over the small tribe of Indians at Wameset, not forming part of Lowell, and soon after was appointed to the command of the garrison-house, which contained seven families, including his own and that of his son James. He died, April 16th, 1676, in the midst of the war, aged about 50, it has been suggested from disease caused by his exposure in this war, which was the most trying time ever seen in new England. (There was an Indian foray April 16, 1676, on a hill near Kidder's garrison-house. James was either killed or mortally wounded, and died a few days afterward. (Old MS Document in the State House.) His name is not given, but four or five were killed or wounded, and James disappeared--was probably one of the killed.--FE Kidder)

Thus passed away the patriarch of the family in this country; and though no stone marks the spot or perpetuates his memory, the name seems destined to live through all coming time, as his descendants, now numbering some thousands, are spread over this broad land, from the Penobscot to the shores of the Pacific, and from Canada to Louisiana, representing nearly every occupation and profession, in many of which the name has gained considerable prominence. His descendants have fought in all the wars of the Union, in all grades from the private to the colonel, and in the last war the name was largely and honorably represented both on land and sea.

The majority of those bearing the name are farmers, but may have shone as lawyers, bankers, philanthropists, poets, surgeons, ministers, merchants, etc.; and very seldom has the name been disgraced by any unlawful acts.

Some of his hand-writing is still extant; it is in the sharp, angular style of the times, and shows that his education was superior to many of the early emigrants. (Autograph omitted.)

Children from this marriage were:

   51 F    i. Hannah Kidder .42

General Notes: "Hannah bore eleven children." - source unknown

Hannah married Nathaniel Kettle 42 on 30 Oct 1672 in Cambridge, Middlesex, MA, USA.

   52 F    ii. Dorothy Kidder .

General Notes: "Dorothy bore eleven children. " - source unknown

Dorothy married Jonathan Hyde Jr. 42 on 6 May 1673.42

   53 M    iii. James Kidder Jr. 42 was born from 3 Jan 1652 to 1653 in Cambridge, Middlesex, MA, USA42 and died on 15 Dec 1732 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.42

General Notes: James died at eighty years of age.

James married Elizabeth Brown, daughter of William Brown 42 and Elizabeth Ruggles,42 from 23 Sep 1677 to 1678 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.42 Elizabeth was born on 5 May 1659 and died on 10 Aug 1691 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.

   54 M    iv. John Kidder 42 was born from 1655 to 1656 in Cambridge, Middlesex, MA, USA42 and died before 7 Oct 1731 in Chelmsford MA.42

John married Lydia Parker 42 on 3 Sep 1684 in Chelmsford MA.42 Lydia was born on 17 Feb 1665 in Wolburn MA42 and died 10 May`1742.42

   55 M    v. Thomas Kidder .42

General Notes: One record housed with the Latter Day Saints, source unknown, states that Thomas was christened two years after his birth.
Another LDS record, source unknown, states that his date of death was 10 May 1742 but this is the same date recorded for his brother John and is highly questionable.

Thomas married Elizabeth.42

   56 M    vi. Nathaniel Kidder 42 was born from 27 Feb 1658 to 1659 in Cambridge, Middlesex, MA, USA42 and died from 7 Jan 1690 to 1691 in Newton MA.42

   57 M    vii. Ephraim Kidder 42 was born on 31 Aug 1660 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA42 and died on 23 Sep 1724 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.42

Ephraim married Rachel Crosby,42 daughter of Simon Crosby 42 and Rachel Bracket,42 on 4 Aug 1685 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.42 Rachel was born on 24 Aug 1660 in Braintree MA42 and died on 24 Sep 1721 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.42

Ephraim next married Elizabeth Cary,42 daughter of John Cary 42 and Abigail Allen,42 on 1 Jun 1724 in Bristol RI.42 Elizabeth was born on 23 May 1683 in Bristol RI.42

   58 M    viii. Stephen Kidder 42 was born on 26 Nov 1662 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA42 and died on 5 Jul 1748 in Charlestown MA.42

General Notes: Stephen lived to be eighty-five years of age.

Stephen married Mary Johnson, daughter of Isaac Johnson 42 and Mary Stone,42 circa 1693.42 Mary was born on 21 Oct 1672 and died on 17 Sep 1722.

Noted events in her life were:

• Cause of Death: Small pox. 62

• Residence: Charlestown MA. 42

   59 M    ix. Enoch Kidder 42 was born on 16 Sep 1664 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA42 and died on 1 Dec 1752 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.42

General Notes: Enoch became the owner of and resided at the Kidder ancestral home in Billerica, Middlesex MA.

Enoch married Mary Hayward,42 daughter of John Hayward 42 and Ann White,42 on 1 Jun 1685.42 Mary was born in 1669 in Concord MA42 and died on 21 Mar 1742 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.42

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Name: Mary Hayward a.k.a. Mary Haywood. 42

Enoch next married Hannah (Crosby) Danforth 42 on 4 Jun 1743 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.42 Hannah was born from 30 Mar 1672 to 1673 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA42 and died on 3 Oct 1752 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.42

Noted events in her life were:

• Widow: 42

   60 M    x. Deacon Samuel Kidder 42 was born from 7 Jan 1665 to 1666 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA42 and died on 4 Jul 1734 in Cambridge, Middlesex, MA, USA.42

General Notes: Stafford writes, "Samuel appears to have lived in his youth with his uncle, Francis Moore, from whom he is said to have acquired by gift the Moore mansion house and farm in Cambridge, erected, if tradition be trusted, by James Moore in 1660. It stood near the corner of Main and Spruce Streets, then Kidder's Lane, about opposite Cedar Street."

Samuel married Sarah Griggs,42 daughter of John Griggs 42 and Mary Patten,42 on 23 Oct 1689 in Cambridge, Middlesex, MA, USA.42 Sarah was christened on 9 Aug 1666 in Roxbury MA and died on 15 Nov 1738 in Cambridge, Middlesex, MA, USA.42

   61 F    xi. Sarah Kidder .42

General Notes: Sarah bore fourteen children.

Sarah married George Brown 42 on 30 Jan 1689-1690.

Marriage Notes: The date of the marriage is recorded in one LDS record and attributed to the Kidder Genealogy by Stafford but he doesn't record the date. 63

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: Billerica, Middlesex, MA. 42

   62 M    xii. Joseph Kidder 42 was born on 30 Nov 1670 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA42 and died in 1683 in Billerica, Middlesex, MA.42

General Notes: Joseph died at thirteen years of age.

Ann next married William Underwood 1,19 between 17 Mar 1684 and 1685 in Chelmsford, MA? 19,42.,64 William was born in Chelmsford.19

35. Hon. Samuel Moore 1,3,4,43,44,45,46 was born about 1630 in Suffolk or Essex, England,3,5,8,47,48 was christened in England,34 and died on 27 May 1688 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ.3,47,49 Another name for Samuel was Samuel Moores.65

General Notes: With regard to the theory that Samuel Moore and Matthew Moores were the sons of Francis Moore of Cambridge, Paul Bingle, in his book In the Shadow of the Escarpment Vol. Four (First Choice Books © 2012 pg. 41) writes, "While not everyone believes that the body of proof is substantial enough to identify these two as brothers [Samuel Moore Sr. and Matthew Moores Sr.] there really ought not to be any doubt as it is confirmed in at least two of the histories of Woodbridge. It was Matthew Sr. himself who began the practice os signing his name with an "s" at the end of his surname. The father of both these siblings (and at least two others) was almost certainly Francis Moore Sr. of Newbury, Essex MA (born in Maldon, Essex, England)........"


Pope states that Samuel was nine years of age when his father joined the church of Cambridge MA and that he had been baptized in England. He also states that he was "in Barbadoes in 1658." Is this the Carribean island or the village in the vicinity of New York City? The only place this writer has seen "Suffolk County, England" as the birthplace of Samuel is in paul Bingle's information. I will pursue him further for a source.


From A. M. Shotwell, Annals, Samuel Moore was elected by his fellow Woodbridge townsmen to various positions of trust, namely,

Treasurer of the Province of East Jersey, 1675 and reappointed in 1678;
Assistant justice of the township court, 1669-71, 1675 and 1681;
President of the court 1672-74;
Marshall 1676;
Clerk of the court 1676-87;
Overseer of the highway 1669-70;
Rate-maker (assessor) 1672 - 1687;
Rate-gatherer 1675 - 79, and 1683;
Overseer of the poor 1682;
Deputy in the General Assembly 1669, 1670, 1683, and 1688;
Lieutenant of the military 1675;
High sheriff of Middlesex Co., Deputy to the Assembly, Messenger of the House of Deputies, Town clerk of Woodbridge, Tax collector for the township, all in 1683.
p 653 of Ancestors and Descendants of Lewis Ross Freeman . . . by Patty Myers
Monnette claimed that Samuel and Matthew Moore(s) were sons of Francis Moore of Cambridge, Mass. and that Samuel had a son Francis, named after his grandfather. A Francis Moore d. Elizabethtown, N.J., 1729, will made 31 Jul 1729, proved 15 Sept 1729. He named wife Jane, and children: William, Samuel, Francis(underage), James (underage), Anna, Mary, Hannah, Jane. Executors - wife and son Samuel. Witnesses - William Marshall, John Rolph, Daniel Terrill. (N.J. Arch., 23:323-4). The will of Samuel Moore does not mention a son Francis.
In "New Jersey Colonial Documents," p. 54, a reference is made under 14 Jul 1683 to an affidavit of Samuel Moore of Woodbridge being "about 53 years of age" which is the only reliable reference we have to the year of Samuel's birth, c.1630.

- Moved to Woodbridge, New Jersey in 1666.
- Was the second Town Clerk of Woodbridge.
Samuel Moore Sr. of Woodbridge, NJ on Sept. 6, 1678 obtained a license to marry Mary Yates, but for some reason the marriage never took place and she married Isaac Whitehead and Samuel Moore Sr. ended up marring Anne Jaquesh
(Jaques) the Widow of Henry Jaques Jr..
"Samuel Moore (called Moores in Savages Genealogical Dictionary) removed from Newbury, MA to Middlesex Co., NJ about 1666, certainly soon after the session of the Province of New Jersey by the Duke of York to John Lord Berkly and Sir George Carteret in the year 1664. Locating at Woodbridge, he filed surveys for a number of tracts of land in Woodbridge and Piscataway townships; and on the 27 Dec. 1667, a patent was issued to him for 70 acres of land at a yearly rental of half-penny sterling per acre. This 70 acre lot is situated in the lower end of what is now called Lower Rahway; and part of the old tract remained in the family until the latter part of the 19th century. His house lot at Woodbridge contained sixteen acres of land.

"Samuel Moore and Robert Dennis [possible connections to the Dennis family appear later also] were chosen delegates to represent the town of Woodbridge in the 2nd General Assembly of the Province of East Jersey which convened at Elizabethtown, 3rd Nov. 1668, Philip Carteret being Governor. At that session, the legislature passed an act imposing a tax of 12 pounds Sterling on the 6 towns then composing the province, namely Elizabeth, Newark, Woodbridge, Middletown, Shrewsbury and Bergen, 40 shillings on each town for defraying the the public charges. 'By a law passed in May of the same year, the taxes were to be paid in winter wheat at five shillings per bushel; summer wheat at four shillings & six pence; Indian corn at three shillings; rye and barley at four shillings; beef at two pence & half penny per pound; & pork at three pence and half penny to be paid into the hands and custody of Jacob Mollins of Elizabethtown'."

"Samuel Moore was appointed Treasurer of the the Province of East Jersey, 4 Dec. 1675 and reappointed in 1678. His compensation being nine pence per pound; in 1682 he was ordained by an act of the Legislature one of the Commissioners for laying out highways, bridges, landings and ferries in the county of Middlesex.

"At the first division of the public land of Woodbridge among the freeholders, about 1670, he received a double portion, about 356 acres, his brother Matthew [known as Moores] receiving but 177 acres. His fellow townsmen elected him to various positions of trust, as folllows: Assistant Justice of the Township Court, 1669-71, 1671 and 1681; President of the court 1672-74; Marshall 1676; Clerk of the Court 1676-87; Overseer of the Highway 1669-70; Ratemaker (Assessor) most of the time from 1672-87; Rategatherer 1675-79 and 1683; Overseer of the poor 1682; Deputy in the General Assembly 1669, 1670, 1683 and 1688; Lieutenant of the military 1675. During the year 1683, he held the office of high sherriff of Middlesex County, Deputy to the Assembly, Messenger of the House of Deputies, town clerk of Woodbridge and Tax Collector of the township. And in June of that year, according to the Woodbridge town meeting records, he was 'by unanimous Vote Made Choice of to keep ordinary (an inn) for this towne, and whilst Rum is to Be had from the Merchant at three Shillings or two Shillings and six pence for Gallon, he is to afford it for Money at three pence for gill, Six pence the half pint, and eighteen pence the Quart; if he gives more then to raise the price.' Dally states that this first tavern set up in Woodbridge, probably occupied the site upon which Dr. Samuel E. Freeman's drug store now stands (1873), this being the spot assigned for his residence in the record and by tradition. The same historian justly remarks that, he appears to have been a capable, faithful and honest servant of the township and the Province and, as such, will ever be held in honor."


From Paul Bingle:
"Samuel Moores Deceased ye 27th of May 1688.

1683 Nov. 13. Moore, Samuel, of Woodbridge, yeoman; will of. Wife Hannah. Children--Samuel, Thomas, John, Enock, Hannah, Elizabeth, Frances, another daughter, name destroyed [Sarah?]. Real and personal property. Executors--brothers-in-law Samuel Dennes and Samuel Haile, also son-in-law John Blomfield. Witnesses--John Pike, John Bishop, Samuel Hale, John Blomefilde, John Ilslee, Ephreem Andrus, Israel Thornell, Ezekiel Blomfeild, Jonathan Bishop and Mathew More.
Re- corded June 30, 1688. N. J. Archives, XXI., p. 121, and Middlesex Wills 1688 April 7. Refusal of Samuel Dennes, John Blomfield and Samuel Hale, all of Woodbridge, to act as executors of the last will. Middlesex Wills 1688 June 7. Inventory of the personal estate, £132.16.11, incl. one negro boy of 15 at £29, one negro girl £22 and one negro girl £20, also a book called "A Collection of Replyes by Henry Hamond, D. D." Calendar of Wills. 325 and another "Concerning ye Setling of Corporations by Wm. Shephards"; made by Israel Thornell, Samuel Hale, Ephraim Andrus and Patrick Falconar.

Sam's Will, dated 10 Nov 1683:
EXECUTORS: Samuel Dennis (B-I-L), Samuel Hale (B-I-L), John Blu[m]field (S-I-L)
CHILDREN: Samuel, Thomas, John, Enoch, Hannah, Elizabeth, Francis, and Sarah
WIFE: Hannah

Samuel Moore had many positions in local Government: Deputy to the General Assembly, Town Clerk, Assistant Justice, Marshal of the Court, Court Clerk, Assessor, etc. In 1683 he was appointed High Sheriff of Middlesex County, NJ

Jonathan Stout's wife, Anna BOLLEN, b 1665 NJ, d 1749 NJ.
source: NJ Colonial Documents: East Jersey Deeds, etc., Liber A.
James and Anna were underage at the time of their father's death, and chose Sam'l Moore and Nath'l Fitzrandolph as their guardians 10 May 1683.

1689 May 6. Mores, Mathew, senior, of Woodbridge; will of. Wife Sarah. Sons--William, James (under 21), Mathew, John, Samuel. Farm at Rareton, meadow on Papiak Creek, bo't of Sam. More, formerly Stephen Kent's. Personal property, incl. an Indian slave girl Betheny. The wife executrix with John and Noah Bishop as overseers. Witnesses --Daniel Robins senior, Daniel Robins junior, Agnes Stanes and John Bishop.
Proved March 25, 1692. N. J. Archives, XXI., p. 190, and Middlesex Wills 1692 March 25. Inventory of the personal estate (£139.11.--, incl. plate £1 and and Indian maid £25); made by Nathaniel Fitch Randolfe and Daniel Robins. (Copy)."

1689 [they wrote 1698] May 6. Moore, Mathew, senior, of Woodbridge; will of. See Mores, Mathew.
is Matthew Moores Sr. Compact Disc #46 Pin #445487
Sex: M
Birth: abt 1628 Place: Essex Co.,England
Death: 20 Mar 1692 Place: Woodbridge,Middlesex,New Jersey
Father: Francis Moore Sr. Disc #46 Pin #445511
Mother: Katherine Monford Disc #46 Pin #445555
Spouse: Sarah Leary Disc #46 Pin #445488
Marriage: 27 Mar 1661 Place: Newbury,Essex,Massachusetts

their son was
William Moores Compact Disc #46 Pin #446079
Birth: 12 Feb 1667 Place: Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts
Death: May 1712 Place: Woodbridge, Middlesex,New Jersey
Burial: Place: Old White Church Graveyard, Woodbridge,NJ
Father: Matthew Moores Sr. Disc #46 Pin #445487
Mother: Sarah Leary Disc #46 Pin #445488
Spouse: Christian Allward Disc #46 Pin #445501
Marriage: 24 Jul 1690 Place: Woodbridge,Middlesex,New Jersey

Noted events in his life were:

• Court of Law: Trial witness, 1653, Newbury, Essex, MA. 66

• Residence: Bef 1666, Newbury, Essex, MA. 47

• Residence: After 1666, Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ. 47

• Land: 67

• Land: Abt 1670. 65

• Occupation: Treasurer of Province of East Jersey, After 4 Dec 1675. 67

• Occupation: Commissioner of transportation services, 1682. 68

• Residence: After 1666. 67

• Occupation: Operated an Inn in Woodbridge, 1683. 65

• Will: Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ, 13 Nov 1683. 40

Samuel married Mary Ilsley,1,69 daughter of William Ilsley (Elsley) 1,65 and Barbara Stevens,1,65,70,71 on 12 Dec 1656 in Newbury, Essex MA 47.,65 Mary was born in Apr 1638 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA37,47 and died on 3 Jun 1678 in Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey, USA.37,47 The cause of her death was After birth of twins.

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: 12 Sep 1656. 54,72

General Notes: - Moved to Woodbridge, New Jersey in 1666 from Newbury, Massachusetts.
- Some references to the surname of Insley instead of Ilsley
Source: Carol Moore; Family Group Sheet Dec. 11, 2005

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Birth: Abt 1638. 65

• Alt. Death: Abt 3 Jun 1678. 65

Children from this marriage were:

   63 M    i. Francis Moore .1.,74

Francis married Jane 1.,75

+ 64 F    ii. Sarah Moore 1 was born between 1658 and 1659 in Newbury, Essex, MA76 and died on 13 Apr 1681 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.

+ 65 F    iii. Rachel Moore 1,77 was born about 1660 in Newbury, Essex, MA5,78 and died after 31 May 1720 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5,55

+ 66 F    iv. Elizabeth Moore 1,65,79 was born on 20 Jul 1668 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47,49 and died on 14 Dec 1690 in Piscataway, Middlesex Co., NJ.5

+ 67 M    v. Samuel Moore Jr. 1,65,80 was born on 31 Mar 1670 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47,49 and died on 26 Mar 1703 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5

+ 68 M    vi. Thomas Moore 1,65,81 was born on 26 Jul 1672 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47,49 and died after 1718.5,8

+ 69 M    vii. Captain John Moore 1,46,82 was born on 20 May 1674 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ47,65 and died on 20 Apr 1736 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5

   70 F    viii. Hannah Moores 1,83 was born about 1677 in Newbury, Essex, MA5,84 and died before 1708 in NJ.5

General Notes: These May Certify any Concerned that Richard Robinds was Married
unto Hannah Moores ye 20th of October 1692. Before 'Me John Bishop.

Hannah married Richard Robinds,1,85 son of Daniel Robinds 47 and Hope Potter,8,47 on 20 Oct 1692 in Woodbridge, NJ.5 Richard was born on 14 Feb 1673 in Woodbridge, NJ and died on 28 Sep 1715 in Cohansey, Salem NJ. Another name for Richard was Richard Robins.57

Marriage Notes: These May Certify any Concerned that Richard Robinds was Married
unto Hannah Moores ye 20th of October 1692. Before 'Me John Bishop.

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 57

• Alt. Name: Robbins. 8

+ 71 M    ix. Enoch Moore 1,65,86 was born on 3 Jun 1678 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47,49 and died after 1715 in NJ.5

   72 F    x. Frances Moore 1,65,87 was born on 3 Jun 1678 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47,49 and died after 1724 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5,88

Birth Notes: Enock and Frances were twins.

General Notes: Twin

Frances married Phillip Doddridge 1,5,89 on 15 Oct 1696 in Woodbridge, NJ.5 Phillip was born about 167290 and died about 1725.

Frances next married John Winans 1,40 in Mar 1724. John was born on 3 Oct 1673 in New Haven, New Haven Co., Connecticut,91 died on 5 Nov 1734, and was buried in Elizabeth, NJ.92

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: 3 Oct 1674.

Samuel next married Hannah (Ann) Trueman Jacques,1,5,47,49,93 daughter of John Trueman 1,94 and Unknown, on 23 Dec 1678 in Woodbridge, NJ 47,49.,71 Hannah was born about 1651 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massechusetts, USA94 and died after 1680 in Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey, USA.94 Other names for Hannah were Ann, Ann Jaques, and65 Ann Jaquish.65

General Notes: Widow of Henry Jaques Jr.
- Married Surname also spelled as Jaquish and Jaquesh.
More interesting record keeping:
Samuel MOORE & Ann JAQUISH, b. 23 Dec 1678

Samuel Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 3, 4, 1679. Appointed administrator of estate of Henry Jaques, Jr., of Woodbridge (deceased), about May last, and whose widow Sam' Moore has since married. He is also to have care of her three children.

The child from this marriage was:

   73 F    i. Sarah Moore 1,65,95 was born on 16 Sep 1681 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47,49 and died on 12 Apr 1688 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.40,47,49 Another name for Sarah was Sarah Moores.5

General Notes: Bob Colladay shows that Sarah's mother is Mary Ilsley.


Sarah Moore Daughter to Samuel Moore and Ann his wife Born ye 16th of September 1681

Sarah Moores Daughter to Samuel Moores above mentioned Deceased
this Life the 12th Day of January 1688. [this is 1689, January was month 11 of the year until 1752]

Samuel next married Hannah Plummer,1,65 daughter of Francis Plummer 1,94 and Ruth Palmer,1,94 on 3 May 1653 in New England 47.,71 Hannah was born about 163372 and died on 8 Dec 1654 in Newbury, Essex, MA.47,71 The cause of her death was Probably during childbirth.

Marriage Notes: Some records (secondary sources) state that Hannah died without issue, however, suggested birthdates of Frances and Sarah suggest that Hannah was their mother. It is also suggested that she died as a result of childbirth.

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: 3 May 1653. 65

The child from this marriage was:

   74 F    i. Sarah Moore was born about 1654.

36. Sarah Moore 1,3,50 was born on 3 Apr 1633 in Newberry, Essex, MA,3,5 was christened of Newbury, Essex, England,3 and died about 1688.51

Sarah married Samuel Dennis 1.,71 Samuel was born before 165051 and died in 1708 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.51

Children from this marriage were:

   75 M    i. Samuel Dennis .1

Samuel married Mary Crowell 1.,76

   76 M    ii. Robert Dennis 1 was born on 17 May 1676.76

   77 F    iii. Sarah Dennis 1 was born on 17 Feb 1678.76

   78 M    iv. Jonathan Dennis 1 was born in Feb 168376 and died on 12 Dec 1688.


previous  Fifth Generation  Next

44. Sarah Moores 1 was born on 15 Dec 1663 in Newbury, Essex, MA51 and died on 4 Dec 1689 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.56 Other names for Sarah were Sara Moer and Sarah Moores.56

General Notes: Matthew Moores, (said to have been brother of Samuel Moore), had a daughter [1663]Sarah who m. John Rolfe, son of John Rolfe and Mary Scullard. Mary Scullard, b. 9 Jan 1642; m. 4 Dec 1656 at Newbury John Rolfe, son of Henry.

Sarah married John Rolph 1,56,96 on 18 Jul 1688 in Woodbridge, NJ.56 John was born on 5 Mar 1663 in Nantucket, Nantucket, Massachusetts58 and died on 4 Jun 1690.57

General Notes: Matthew Moores, (said to have been brother of Samuel Moore), had a daughter [1663]Sarah who m. John Rolfe, son of John Rolfe and Mary Scullard. Mary Scullard, b. 9 Jan 1642; m. 4 Dec 1656 at Newbury John Rolfe, son of Henry.

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Death: Jun 1690.

The child from this marriage was:

   79 F    i. Sarah Rolph 1,56 was born on 27 Nov 1689 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ56 and died on 23 Dec 1689 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.

Sarah next married Richard Skinner 1 in 1697 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey.53

Marriage Notes: Marriage date is after Sarah died!

46. William Moores 1 was born on 10 Feb 1666 in Newbury, Essex, MA51 and died on 15 Oct 1712 in Woodbridge Twp, , NJ.57 Another name for William was William Moores.

General Notes: Birth date is only 5.5 months after sister Sarah!

William Moores Compact Disc #46 Pin #446079
Sex: M
Birth: 12 Feb 1666/67 Place: Newbury,Essex,Massachusetts
Death: May 1712 Place: Woodbridge,Middlesex,New Jersey
Burial: Place: Old White Church Graveyard,Woodbridge,NJ

Father: Matthew Moores Sr. Disc #46 Pin #445487
Mother: Sarah Leary Disc #46 Pin #445488

Spouse: Christian[a] Allward Disc #46 Pin #445501
Marriage: 24 Jul 1690 Place: Woodbridge,Middlesex,New Jersey
Their child:
Samuel Moores Compact Disc #46 Pin #446083
Sex: M
Birth: abt 1709 Place: Woodbridge,Middlesex,New Jersey

George MOORES was born about 1700...
1757, Feb 23. Moores, George, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co. Int.
Adm'xvMary Moores, widow. BondsmanvRobert Combes, of said
place, yeoman. WitnessvThomas Bartow. Lib. F, p. 404

William Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., i, 373 ; 5, 14, 1712, 5. 28, 1712. Wife: Christian(a).
Children: Matthew, Sarah, Ann, Priscilla, Christian(a), Margaret, Hannah, William, Henry, Samuel.
Witnesses: David Tappen, Robert Hude, George Ewbancks.
Executrix: Wife Christian.
Overseers : Friends Adam Hude, George Brown, of Woodbridge.

1712 May 14. Moores, William, of Woodbridge, yeoman; will of.
Wife Christian. Children--Matthew (eldest under age), Sarah, Ann, Priscilla, Christian(a),
Maragret, Hannah, William (under age), Henry, Samuel. Real and personal property.
Executors--the wife with Adam Hudd, Esq're, and George Brown, yeoman, both of Woodbridge,
as overseers. Witnesses--David Tappen, Robert Hude and George Ewbanck.
Proved and the executrix sworn in May 28, 1712. Lib. 1, p. 373, and Middlesex Wills
1712 Oct. 15. The widow being dead, administration on the estate is granted to John Moore.
Lib. 1, p. 380.

James Moore, 1,380; 10, 15, 1712, administrator of William Moores and Christian(a) his wife, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co. Wm. Moores' will probated 7, 28, 1712, left wife Christian, executrix, i, 373.

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Death: 1712. 56

• Will: 14 May 1712. 59

William married Christianna Allward 1,8,51 on 24 Jul 1690 in Woodbridge, NJ.56 Christianna was born about 16708 and died in 1712.59

Children from this marriage were:

   80 F    i. Sarah Moores 1,97 was born on 29 Aug 1691.59

General Notes: These May Certify all persons Concerned that Thomas Bloomfield was married to [1691]Sarah Moores May ye 1st 1705.
Isaac Bloomfield Son of Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah his wife was born January ye 22nd 1705[1706]. pg 320
Isaac appears to have been born one week prematurely.

Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah Moores were second cousins.

Sarah married Thomas Bloomfield,1,5,98 son of John Bloomfield 1,99 and Sarah Moore,1 on 1 May 1705 in Woodbridge, NJ.59 Thomas was born on 3 Oct 1679 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ97 and died on 14 Nov 1748 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.59

Marriage Notes: Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah Moores were second cousins.

General Notes: These May Certify all persons Concerned that Thomas Bloomfield was married to [1691]Sarah Moores May ye 1st 1705.
Isaac Bloomfield Son of Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah his wife was born January ye 22nd 1705[1706]. pg 320
Isaac appears to have been born one week prematurely.

Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah Moores were second cousins.

   81 M    ii. Matthew Moore 1,59 was born on 30 Oct 1692 and died in Infant.

   82 M    iii. Matthew Moore 1,59 was born on 11 May 1694.

   83 F    iv. Ann Moore 1,59 was born on 26 Jul 1696.

   84 F    v. Priscilla Moore 1,59 was born on 29 Aug 1698.

   85 F    vi. Elizabeth Moore 1,59 was born on 6 Nov 1701.

   86 M    vii. Christian Moore .1.,59

   87 F    viii. Margaret Moore .1.,59

   88 F    ix. Hannah Moore .1.,59

   89 M    x. William Moore .1.,59

   90 M    xi. Henry Moore .1.,59

   91 M    xii. Samuel Moore .1.,59

47. Matthew Moores Jr. 1 was born about 1667 in Woodbridge, Bergan, NJ,51,58 died on 24 Feb 1732 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,59 and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ.59 Another name for Matthew was Matthew Moores.

General Notes: Also known as "Matthew Moores."

1777, Feb. 3. Fairchild, Samuel, of Hanover, Morris Co., hous- wrig-ar; will of. Son, Benjamin, 10 acres of land, bounded by Philip Post and William Ames. Wife, Hannah, personal and rest of real estate. Executors v wife, Hannah, and my son, Abraham Fairchild. Witnesses v Mathew Moores, Jeremiah Price. Proved Jan. 16, 1778.

1732-3, Feb, 24, Moore, Matthew. of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., [should have been MOORES]
carpenter; will of. ChildrenvNehemiah, Elizabeth, Matthew, and
Sarah Skinner. GrandsonvMatthew Skinner. If negro, Frank, pay
£25 by Feb. 24, 1733-4 and Interest for one year, he shall have right
to his wife, Parthenia, and her children. Real and personal estate.
ExecutorsvSam'l, son of James Moore, deceased, and Robert, son
of John Moore, deceased. WitnessesvSamuel Lockheart, Thomas
Jackson, Elizabeth Dyer. Proved April 5, 1733. Lib. B, p. 390.

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Death: 1723. 53

• Will: 24 Feb 1732. 60

Matthew married Sarah Parker 1,51 on 25 Nov 1696 in Woodbridge, NJ.59 Sarah was born about 16758 and died before Feb 1732.59

Children from this marriage were:

   92 F    i. Melatiah Moore 1,60 was born on 24 Dec 1697 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.

   93 F    ii. Nehemiah Moore 1,60 was born on 8 Jan 1699 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.

   94 F    iii. Elizabeth Moore .1.,60

   95 M    iv. Matthew Moore .1.,60

+ 96 F    v. Sarah Moore 1.,60

48. James Moores 1 was born in Mar 1669 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,51 died on 3 Apr 1727 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,60 and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ.60 Another name for James was James Moores.

General Notes: 1727 April 2. Moores, James, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., yeo-
man; will of. Wife Margrat. Sons--Samuel and James. Land bought
of Samuel and Nathanel Dunham, do. of Richard Soper, of David Byord,
of Joathan Insely, of George Willox. Personal estate. Executors--the
wife and son Samuel. Witnesses--John Heard, John Vail, Ad Hude.
Proved May 10, 1727. Lib. B, p. 35

James Jr was born 3 Aug 1698

Noted events in his life were:

• Will: 2 Apr 1727. 60

James married Margaret Craig 1,51 on 31 Oct 1693 in Woodbridge, NJ.60 Margaret was born about 1673.8 Another name for Margaret was Margaret Crage.57

General Notes: Robert William Craig (and David Craig) had land in Greenwich Tp., Along the Mhikenetcong in 1793 (Musconetcong)

Children from this marriage were:

+ 97 M    i. Samuel Moores 1,60 was born on 29 Aug 1694 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ and died on 21 Feb 1756.8

   98 M    ii. James Moores .1.,60

James married Deliverance Britten 1.,60

49. Captain John Moores 1,60 was born on 15 Aug 1671 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,51 died on 27 Dec 1716 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,60 and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ. Other names for John were John Moores and John Moore.

General Notes:
called Captain John Moore by Monnette, p878

From Rev Joseph W Dally 1873
The Story of a New Jersey Township

These May Certify any whome it May Concern that John Moores was
Married unto Mary Wright ye 26th Day of December 1692.
By Me John Bishop

John Moores Son of John Moores and Mary his wife was Born October
ye 28th 1700.

Robert Moores Son of John Moores and Mary his wife Born September
ye 17th 1702.

Benjamin Moores Son of John Moores and Mary his wife was Born March,
ye 19th day 1704.

Thomas Moores Son of John Moores and Mary his wife was Born April
ye 10th 1711

John Moore, cordwainer, A. 61; 1, 4, 1716, 12,19, 1716. Wife: Hester (from probate). Father-tn-law: Robert Wright. Children: Robert (executor of Mathew Moore(s), 1733), Benja- min (see will 1730), John, Thomas, Samuel, Mary, Sarah. Witnesses: Charles Peters, Joseph Grant, Penelope Landress. Executors : Wife and son John. Thos. Moore's property men- tioned. Mentions property on northwest side of road leading to Rahway. Woodbridge in New Jersey, January the 15th Anno Domini 1716,17. A true Enventory taken of the Goods and Chattel of Capt. John Moores Deseaced by us Whose Names under Written.
Robert Gillchrist. George Brown. Total £ 402, 18, 3.
Memorandom vt on ye nth of July, 1717. John Moores one of ye Executors to Capt. John
Moores deceased came before me John Barclay Surrogate &c that above is a true Inventory &c.

Page: 326 Name: John Moores Date: 19 Dec 1716 Location: Woodbridge, Middlesex Co. cordwainer; will of. Wife ---. Children--Robert, Benjamin, John, Thomas, Samuel, Mary, Sarah. Farm of 6 acres, bought from father-in-law Robert Wright, 6 a. adjoining, bought of Jonathan Dunham, 19 a. adjoining David Dunham, 4 a. on the Roway road, home farm of 44 a. of upland, other real property. Personal estate (3 negro slaves). The wife executrix, to be followed on her death by son John. Witnesses--Charles Peters, Joseph Grant, Penelope Landress. Proved January 4, 1716-7. Lib. A, p. 61
1716-7 Jan. 15. Inventory of the personal estate (£402.18.3, incl. two negro men £80, a negro woman and child £40); made by Robert Gillchrist and Georg Brown, sworn to by John Moores, one of the executors. 1720 Aug. 22. Benjamin, son of, about 15 years old, chooses as his guardians Robert Gilchrist and John Mutrie, to whom letters of guardianship are issued. Lib. A, p. 193

John - b. Aug 15, 1671, Woodbridge; d. will dated Dec 19, pr. Jan 4, 1716/7 refers to father-in-law Robert Wright and in 1691 deed, father Matthew Moores; m. Dec 26, 1692 (also p250), Mary Wright; children - Mary, John, Robert, Benjamin, Sarah, Thomas, Samuel, Alexander

Noted events in his life were:

• Will: 19 Dec 1716. 100

John married Mary Wright 1,51 on 29 Dec 1692 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ.58 Mary was born on 17 Nov 1673 in N.J..60

Children from this marriage were:

   99 M    i. Alexander Moore .1.,57

   100 F    ii. Mary Moore 1,100 was born on 12 Jan 1694 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ and died on 30 Jan 1774.100

+ 101 M    iii. John Moores Jr. Esq. 1,8,101 was born on 28 Oct 17008 and died on 3 Jun 1745.8

   102 M    iv. Robert Moores 1,8,100 was born on 17 May 1702 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,8,55 died on 31 Jan 1782 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,8,55 and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ.55

Robert married Ann Alston Rolph 1.,100 Ann was born about 11 Sep 1713 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ100 and died on 17 Jul 1751.

   103 M    v. Benjamin Moores 1,100 was born on 19 Mar 1704 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ55 and died in 1730 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.55

General Notes: 1730 May 9. Moores, Benjamin, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.,
yeoman; will of. Wife Sarah, and expected child. Real and personal
estate. Executors--the wife with brother John and Robert Moores.
Witnesses--John Mootery, Samuel Moors (Moores), Moses Rolfe. Proved
December 14, 1730. Lib. B, p. 179.

Benjamin Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., A. 193; 8, 22, 1720. Robert Gilchrist
and John Mutrie chosen guardians by Benjamin Moore, son of John, late of Woodbridge.

See 1705Benjamin Moore

Benjamin married Sarah 1.,100 Sarah was born about 1708.8

   104 F    vi. Sarah Moores 1,100 was born on 23 Jan 1709.8,57

+ 105 M    vii. Thomas Moores 1,23,90,100 was born on 10 Apr 1711100 and died on 7 Oct 1751.8

   106 M    viii. Samuel Moore 1,8,100 was born on 6 Aug 1715 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ8,55 and died in 1783.8

General Notes: born 6 Aug 1715 at one AM

1783, July 18. Moores, Samuel, Sr., of Middlesex Co. Int. Adm'r v Samuel Moores, Jr. Fellowbondsmen v Jeremiah Dunn and David Crow; all of said Co. Witness v George Herriot. Lib. 24, p. 307.

on the record of the Council, bearing date Wednesday, August 27th [1777] ;
" Ordered the wives and children (under age) ot John Heard,
Ellis Barron, Wm. Smith, Isaac Freeman and Saml. Moores,
late inhabitants of the Township of Woodbridge, but now
with the Enemy, be immediately apprehended & sent over to
Staten Island; & that Col. Fredk. Frelinghuysen be directed
to carry this order into execution."

64. Sarah Moore 1 was born between 1658 and 1659 in Newbury, Essex, MA76 and died on 13 Apr 1681 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.

General Notes: Appendix E (beginning pg 315)
These May Certify all persons Concerned that Thomas Bloomfield was
Married to Sarah Moores May ye 1st 1705.
Isaac Bloomfield Son of Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah his wife was Born
January ye 22nd 1705.

Sarah married John Bloomfield 1,99 about Nov 1676 in Woodbridge, NJ.76 John was born on 15 Mar 1645 in Newbury, Essex, MA and died after 10 Apr 1713 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.

Marriage Notes: Appendix E (beginning pg 315)
These May Certify all persons Concerned that Thomas Bloomfield was
Married to Sarah Moores May ye 1st 1705.
Isaac Bloomfield Son of Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah his wife was Born
January ye 22nd 1705.

Children from this marriage were:

   107 F    i. Sarah Bloomfield .1

Sarah married Richard Wright 1.,97

   108 M    ii. Thomas Bloomfield 1,5,98 was born on 3 Oct 1679 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ97 and died on 14 Nov 1748 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.59

General Notes: These May Certify all persons Concerned that Thomas Bloomfield was married to [1691]Sarah Moores May ye 1st 1705.
Isaac Bloomfield Son of Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah his wife was born January ye 22nd 1705[1706]. pg 320
Isaac appears to have been born one week prematurely.

Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah Moores were second cousins.

Thomas married Sarah Moores,1,97 daughter of William Moores 1 and Christianna Allward,1,8,51 on 1 May 1705 in Woodbridge, NJ.59 Sarah was born on 29 Aug 1691.59

Marriage Notes: Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah Moores were second cousins.

General Notes: These May Certify all persons Concerned that Thomas Bloomfield was married to [1691]Sarah Moores May ye 1st 1705.
Isaac Bloomfield Son of Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah his wife was born January ye 22nd 1705[1706]. pg 320
Isaac appears to have been born one week prematurely.

Thomas Bloomfield and Sarah Moores were second cousins.

65. Rachel Moore 1,77 was born about 1660 in Newbury, Essex, MA5,78 and died after 31 May 1720 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5,55

Rachel married Jonathan Dennis 1,103 on 14 Mar 1677 in Woodbridge, NJ.5 Jonathan was born before 1655 in Yarmouth, MA?104 and died in Sep 1720 in Cohansey, NJ.104

General Notes: son of Robert

Noted events in his life were:

• Will: 9 Aug 1719. 97

Children from this marriage were:

   109 F    i. Naomi Dennis .1.,105

Naomi married John Tyler 1.,105

   110 M    ii. Philip Dennis .1

Philip married Lucy Bacon 1.,105

   111 M    iii. Samuel Dennis .1.,105

   112 F    iv. Elizabeth Dennis .1

Elizabeth married John Manning 1.,106

   113 F    v. Mary Dennis .1

Mary married Moses Shepherd 1.,105 Another name for Moses is Moses Shepard.97

   114 F    vi. Rachel Dennis 1 was born on 3 Oct 1683.105

+ 115 M    vii. Jonathan Dennis .1

   116 M    viii. Joseph Dennis 1 was born on 18 Jan 1687105 and died in 1770 in Sussex Co., NJ.105

   117 M    ix. Charles Dennis .1

Charles married Priscilla Cresse Ludlam 1,97.,105

Charles next married Rebecca Walling 1.,97

   118 F    x. Sarah Dennis 1 was born on 4 Jan 1689.105

   119 F    xi. Hannah Dennis 1 was born on 26 Jan in 1691/92.97

66. Elizabeth Moore 1,65,79 was born on 20 Jul 1668 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47,49 and died on 14 Dec 1690 in Piscataway, Middlesex Co., NJ.5

Elizabeth married Richard Smith 1,5,107 on 8 Dec 1687 in Woodbridge, NJ.5 Richard died in May 1711.108

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 57

Children from this marriage were:

   120 M    i. Samuel Smith 1 was born on 5 Sep 1688.108

   121 F    ii. Mary Smith 1 was born on 25 Nov 1690108 and died on 5 Dec 1690 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.108

   122 F    iii. Elizabeth Smith 1 was born on 25 Nov 1690.108

Elizabeth next married Bloomfield John,109 son of Thomas John 109 and Unknown,.

Elizabeth next married George Peck 1,5,110 before 1689.5

67. Samuel Moore Jr. 1,65,80 was born on 31 Mar 1670 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47,49 and died on 26 Mar 1703 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5

General Notes: Page 325
1703 March 26. Moore, Samuel, of Woodbridge; will of. Wife Sarah sole executrix of real and personal estate. Children--Samuel, Jonathan (both under age), Mary and Rachel, bequest to Samuel Hale and brother-in-law Stephen Tuttle; brothers Thomas, Enoch of Kahansick (Cohansic) and John Moore mentioned. Land at Bald Hill, do. called the Red Root, do. at the great salt pond at Raraton, do. on Papyacha Creek. Witnesses--John Bishop, Stephen Tuttle, John Moore and Samuel Shep- ard. Proved April 2, 1703. Middlesex Wills 1703 March 31. Inventory of the personal estate (£190.12.11); made by Samuel Hale and John Blomfield.

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 65

• Will: 26 Mar 1703. 111

Samuel married Sarah Higgins 1,65,112 on 29 Oct 1693 in Woodbridge, NJ 5,65.,113 Sarah was born about 1673 in Piscataway, Middlesex Co., NJ.108

General Notes: Katharine Chapin Higgins, Richard Higgins a resident & Pioneer settler at Plymouth and Eastham, Mass. and atPiscataway, New Jersey and his descendants, The Author, Worcester, Massachusettes, 1918, 66.
Reference from Carol Moore, Dec. 11, 2005 Family Group Sheet Samuel Moore/Mary Ilsley

her maiden name was YATES

Children from this marriage were:

+ 123 M    i. Samuel Moore 1,114 was born on 23 Aug 1694 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.115

   124 M    ii. Jonathan Moore 1,114 was born about 16978 and died in 1718.

General Notes: 1717 July 9. Moore, Jonathan, of Woodbridge, Middlesex co., mariner; will of.
Sisters Mary and Rachell Moore heiresses and executrices of real and personal estate.
Witnesses--Samuel Donham, Timothy Tuttle, Moses Ralph.
Proved Oct. 27, 1718. Lib. A, p. 112

Jonathan Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., A. 112: 7,9,1717, 10,27,1718.
Sisters: Mary, Rachel. Witnesses: Sanmel Donham, Timothy Suttle, Moses Ralph, of Perth Amboy. Executrices: Sisters Mary and Rachel.

   125 F    iii. Mary Moore 1,114 was born on 17 Jul 1699.115

   126 F    iv. Rachel Moore 1,114 was born on 26 May 1701.115

Samuel next married Mary Harrison 1,65,116 on 2 Jun 1718 5.,65

68. Thomas Moore 1,65,81 was born on 26 Jul 1672 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47,49 and died after 1718.5,8

Thomas married Mary White 1,65,117 on 25 Dec 1699 in Freehold, Monmouth, NJ 5.,65 Mary was born on 18 Feb 1684 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.115

General Notes: Her father was Michael White

Children from this marriage were:

   127 F    i. Sarah Moore 1 was born on 8 Mar 1702.115

+ 128 M    ii. Michael Moore 1,8 was born on 28 Jan 1704 in Woodbridge , Middlesex, NJ,115 was christened on 28 Feb 1704,8 died on 21 Jan 1758 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,8,118 and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ.

   129 F    iii. Mary Moore 1 was born on 8 Aug 1707.115

Mary married Jonathan Furman.8 Jonathan was born in 1690.8

   130 F    iv. Rachel Moore 1 was born on 7 Jan 1709.119

   131 M    v. Samuel Moore 1 was born on 1 Sep 1712.119

General Notes: Samuel Moore Son of Thomas Moore and Mary his wife was Born Septr ye 1st 1712

   132 F    vi. Hannah Moore 1 was born on 8 Feb 1716.119

   133 M    vii. Jonathan Moore .1

General Notes: This Jonathan may have died in the year 1800 NO

Jonathan Moore Son of Thomas Moore and Mary his wife was Born April ye 1st 1718
NOT Rhoda Furman

#047; Jonathan MOORE & Charles WRIGHT, both of Woodbridge in the County of Mid'x... [bound to]... Lewis MORRIS, Governor... 500 pounds... 17 May 1746. ... Jonathan MOORE... obtained license of marriage for himself and for Catherine RYNO of Woodbridge aforesaid, spinster... [w] Tho:s BARTOW [consent] May 17 1746 John RYNO Juner and Mary RYNO dos frely give their consent . . . [affidavit] sworn to the signing & that it was intended to signifie consent than Jonathan MOORE should mary their daughter. . .
"Samuel's son Jonathan was born about 1720. Jonathan's son was Josiah Moore, born April 23, 1747. He married Mary Lake"
This Jonathan WASN'T from Samuel. Try Gershom Moore(3)

Consider his mother might be Mary Harrison NO

"It was the latter [1718 Jonathan] who was a brother to Michael Moore (b. 28 Jan 1704 whose 1st wife was Posthumas Frazee),
and it was that Jonathan (b. 1718) who was the one who probably married Catherine Ryno -- and also probably had a child with someone else prior to his marriage to Catherine."

Jonathan married Catherine Ryno 1.,119

Thomas next married Mary White 1,65.,117 Mary was born on 18 Feb 1684 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.115

General Notes: Her father was Michael White

The child from this marriage was:

+ 134 F    i. Martha Moore 8 was born in 17008 and died in 1752.8

69. Captain John Moore 1,46,82 was born on 20 May 1674 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ47,65 and died on 20 Apr 1736 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5

General Notes: Another record (presently unamed) shows another child, Martha, born c. 1701, m. John Freeman of Woodbridge. She was not named in the will.

From Paul Bingle:
"or was it 20 May 1674?

These May Certify all Persons Concerned that John MOORE was Married to Hope ROBINDS, 18 Mar 1699, by Me John BISHOP - Justice

John and his brother Thomas purchased land in West Jersey abt 1703
John's purchase was 21 Apr 1703 - 2 acres - 26 pounds. Described as a "planter", of Woodbridge

Freehold is directly east of Trenton and directly south of Rahway, 20 miles from either one.

John MOORE, son of John MOORE & Hope, his wife, b. 3 Dec 1700 in ye town of Freehold (died)
Joseph MOORE, son of John MOORE & Hope, his wife, b. 5 Oct 1703
Benjamin MOORE, son of John MOORE & Hope, his wife, b. 10 Oct 1705, in Elizabeth Town
Enoch MOORE, son of John MOORE & Hope, his wife, b. 7 Dec 1707
Samuel MOORE, son of John MOORE & Hope, his wife, b. 4 Apr 1709
Daniel MOORE, son of John MOORE & Hope, his wife, b. 24 Aug 1711
Rachel MOORE, daughter of John MOORE & Hope, his wife, b. 15 Oct 1713

Mary MOORE, daughter of John MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 17 Jan 1719
William MOORE, son of John MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 30 Aug 1720
Hannah MOORE, daughter of John MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 31 Mar 1722
John MOORE, son of John MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 13 May 1725
Deborah MOORE, daughter of John MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 28 Mar 1727
Sarah MOORE, daughter of John MOORE & Mary, his wife was Born December ye 6th 1728
[Elizabeth, born c1730
[Hope, born c1732
[Frances, born c1734

Joseph is not mentioned in the Will...

List of Militia Regiments, under command of Col. Thos. Ffarmar in 1715, NJ (per Report of the State Historian, State of New York, 1898, Colonial Series, Vol. 1, pp 529 et seq.) from the notes of Orra Eugene Monnette, Los Angeles, 1932
Also "Col. Thomas Farmer's New Jersey Regiment of 1715". Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, vol. 13, 1928
John Moore, "a gallant soldier".
Third Company, Woodbridge, John Moore, Captain: - Richard Skinner Jr., Wright Skinner, John Skinner Jr., Matthew Force, Ezekial Bloomfield, William Alston, Peter Alston Jr., Samuel Moore [the 3rd], William Crichfield

John MOORE was Married to Mary OLIVER, 21 Nov 1717, by me John BISHOP - Justice
John's second wife gave him two more boys, William & John (II), and seven girls, listed here:
Born: 17 Jan 1719 Place: Woodbridge, Middlesex, Nj
Died: 19 Nov 1753 Place: Hopewell, , Nj [Her daughter
is buried in Red Hill Cem, Tinicum Twp., Bucks Co., Pa]
Hannah MOORE
Born: 31 Mar 1722 Place: Woodbridge, Middlesex, Nj
Deborah MOORE
Born: 28 Mar 1727 Place: Woodbridge, Middlesex, Nj
Born: 6 Dec 1728 Place: Woodbridge, Middlesex, Nj
Died: 1795 Place: Rahway, Middlesex, Nj
Elizabeth MOORE
Born: Abt. 1730 Place: <Woodbridge, Middlesex, Nj>
Born: Abt. 1732 Place: <Woodbridge, Middlesex, Nj>
Frances MOORE
Born: Abt. 1734 Place: <Woodbridge, Middlesex, Nj>

New Jersey Colonial Documents Calendar of Wills 1730-1750 Pg 343
1730, March 13. Moore, John, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., yeoman;
will of. Children - Benjamin, Enoch, Samuel, Daniel, William, John,
Rachel, Mary, Hannah, Deborah, Sarah, Elizabeth, Hope and Frances.
Real and personal estate. Lot joining lands of Peter Elstone. Execu-
tors - wife, Mary [Oliver], and son Benjamin. Witnesses - Joseph Conger, Jo-
seph Oliver, Benj. Tharp, J. Stevens. Proved April 20, 1736.
Lib. C, p. 85.

Captain John's youngest sons are mentioned here:
#092; John MOORE, carpenter, & William MOORE, yeoman, both of the County of Middlesex...
[bound to]... Jonathan BELCHER, Governor... 500 pounds... 13 Nov 1751. ... John MOORE...
obtained license of marriage for himself and for Mary FRAZE of the County of Essex, spinster...
[w] John MORRIS"

Noted events in his life were:

• Will proved: 20 Apr 1736. 120

• Military: 1715, New Jersey.

• Residence: 1735 (1730?), Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ.

• Will: 13 Mar 1735. 120

• Residence: 69

• Land: 65

John married Hope Robins,1,69,121 daughter of Daniel Robinds 47 and Hope Potter,8,47 on 18 Mar 1699 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ 47.,119 Hope was born on 10 Dec 1681 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ47,65 and died in 1714 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.119 Other names for Hope were Hop Robbins and5 Hope Robinds.65

Marriage Notes: John and Hope were married by John Bishop, Justice of Woodbridge.

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: 18 Mar 1699. 69

General Notes: Hope Robinds Daughter to Daniel Robinds and Hope his wife Born December ye 16th 1681. (This is a baptism) pg 343 Dally

this is another version:
Hope ROBINDS, daughter of Daniel ROBINDS & Hope, his wife, b. 16 Dec 1681

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Death: Abt 1715.

Children from this marriage were:

   135 M    i. John Moore 1,65 was born on 3 Dec 1700 in Freehold, NJ47,65 and died in Probably Young.122

+ 136 F    ii. Martha Moore 1,123 was born about 1701 in Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey123,124 and died in 1775.125

+ 137 M    iii. Joseph Moore 1,65 was born on 5 Oct 1703.47

   138 M    iv. Benjamin Moore 1,126 was born on 10 Oct 1705 in Elizabethtown, NJ47,65 and died on 20 Nov 1758 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey.127,128

General Notes: Benjamin Moore,** Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., G. 6; 11, 20, 1758, Int., shopkeeper. Administrators: Wm. Edgar, Joseph Moore

Augustine Moore may be his son

Benjamin' Moore, b. Oct. ye 10th, 1705, in Elizabethtown, N. J.,
s. 'of John and Hope (Robinds) Moore pg 102 same as Dalley

Benjamin married Elizabeth Shotwell 1,65,129 on 18 Feb 1728 in Woodbridge, NJ.122 Elizabeth was born in 1710129 and died between 30 Sep and 30 Nov 1750.122

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: Between 21 Jan and 18 Feb 1728.

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Death: 31 Oct 1750. 129

+ 139 M    v. Enoch Moore 1,126 was born on 7 Dec 1707 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ47,90 and died on 10 Jan 1755 in Elizabethtown, Essex, New Jersey.130

+ 140 M    vi. Samuel Moore 1,131 was born on 4 Apr 1709 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ47,132 and died on 3 May 1750 in Rahway, NJ.133,134,135

+ 141 M    vii. Daniel Moore 1,132,136 was born on 24 Aug 1711 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ47 and died about 1758 in Rahway, NJ.136

+ 142 F    viii. Rachel Moore 1,132 was born on 15 Oct 171347,90 and died about 1760.8

John next married Mary Oliver 1,47,126,137 on 21 Nov 1717 in Woodbridge, NJ 5,47.,65 Mary was born about 1684 in Elizabeth, NJ.5

Marriage Notes: Mary and John were also married by John Bishop, Justice of Woodbridge.

General Notes: Probably widow of William Oliver Jr. and had 3 children by him; Hannah, Joseph and William. (see pg 660 Patty Myers)

From Paul Bingle:
"daughter of Samuel and Mary Oliver of Rahway
"Oliver, Samuel - Woodbridge Middlesex"; "Moore, Samuel - Woodbridge Middlesex"; William Gaston's Ledger listed all claims under the individual names of the Loyalists that lost their property. The original ledger (with names and property values) is in the Archives of the New Jersey State Library, Trenton. - Theodore V. Brush, April 12, 197?, Lakewood, NJ".

Mary MOORE, daughter of John MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 17 Jan 1719
William MOORE, son of John MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 30 Aug 1720
Hannah MOORE, daughter of John MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 31 Mar 1722
Deborah MOORE, daughter of John MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 28 Mar 1727
Sarah MOORE, daughter of John MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 6 Dec 1728
John(2), Elizabeth, Hope, and Frances are not mentioned"

Children from this marriage were:

   143 F    i. Elizabeth Moore 1,138 was born in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5

   144 F    ii. Frances Moore 1,139 was born in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5

   145 F    iii. Hope Moore 1,140 was born in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5

+ 146 F    iv. Mary Moore 1,132,141 was born on 17 Jan 1719 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47 and died on 19 Nov 1753 in Hopewell, NJ.5

   147 M    v. William Moore 1,132,142 was born on 30 Aug 1720 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5,47

   148 F    vi. Hannah Moore 1,132,143 was born on 31 Mar 1722 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5,47

+ 149 M    vii. John Moore 1,132.,144

   150 F    viii. Deborah Moore 1,132,145 was born on 28 Mar 1727 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.5,47

   151 F    ix. Sarah Moore 1.,132.,146

Sarah married Deacon William Martin 1,147 about 1750 in Woodbridge, NJ.5

71. Enoch Moore 1,65,86 was born on 3 Jun 1678 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47,49 and died after 1715 in NJ.5

Birth Notes: Enock an Frances were twins.

General Notes: His twin sister was Frances
Enoch "of Cohansic" - Cohansey River

1700John may have never married See the Moravian record for "Nickson"

# 71; Alexander MOORE [b. ~1730] of Cohansie Bridge in the County of Cumberland, Esquire,
and Wessell ALRICHE of New Castle, Uper Delaware... [bound to]... Jonathan BELCHER,
Governor... 500 pounds... 21 March 1751
... Wessell ALRICHE... obtained license of marriage for himself and Rebecca HANCOCK...
[witnesses:] Elias COTTING and Stephen CFFIN

New Castle is across the river from Salem NJ

the Presbyterian Church at Deerfield, Cumberland, NJ
MOORE In memory of Abigail Moore who departed this life July 23d 1794 aged 83 years In memory of Alexander Moore Esquire who departed this life on the 5th day of September Anno Domini 1786 in the eighty second year of his age After spending his life in laudable industry and extensive usefulness in many of the most respectable offices of society. He closed his eyes upon the objects of sense in a firm and comfortable hope of a blessed immortality. One son two infant daughters are buried close by.
In memory of Enoch Moore who departed this life Jan'y 4 1777 aged 44 years 1 month and 25 days
Here lyeth the body of Joseph Moore who departed this life January the 26th 1747/8 aged 46 years
Sarah MOORE, wife of Alexander MOORE, Esq., d. 3 Jul 1775, in 45th yr
Mrs. Sarah WHITE, wife of John WHITE, merchant of Philadelphia, & daughter of Alexander, Esq., & Sarah MOORE, d. 18 Oct 1770, in 23rd yr, a few days after the birth of her third child

Enoch married Rachel Unknown.8 Rachel was born about 1685.

Children from this marriage were:

   152 M    i. Joseph Moore 8 was born in 17018 and died on 26 Jan 1748.8

   153 M    ii. Alexander Moore 8 was born in 17048 and died in 1742.8

General Notes: He easily could have been the son of 1678Enoch or 1671CaptJohn Moores and 1673Mary Wright
Monette, in fact, says (mistakenly) he belongs to Captain John
Someone has provided a firm birthdate of 1702, but it doesn't work except with twins

His Will is dated 1741, proved 1742.
He was an innkeeper. [He lived in Cumberland, West Jersey]
Children were John, Alexander, Henry, William, George, James, Mary

Alexander Moore, inn keeper, New Brunswick, D. 28; 5, 27, 1741, 3, 21, 1742/3. Wife: Elizabeth. Children: Mary, William, George, James, John, Alexander, Henry,
witnesses: Fran. Costigan, Jan De Witte, Thos. Harding.
Executors: My friends Alexander Henry, Wm. Cuke, wife Elizabeth [Rev John Moore...]

1741, May 37. Moore, Alexander, of New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., Innkeeper; will of.
Wife, Elizabeth. Children-John, Alexander, Henry, William, Mary, George, and James, all under age.
Real and personal estate.
Executors-friends Alexander Henry and William Cuke, both merchants of New Brunswick.
Witnesses-Fran. Costigan, Jan DeWitte, Thos. Harding. Proved March 21, 1742. Lib. D, p. 28.

Alexander married Elizabeth Reeves.8 Elizabeth was born about 17058 and died after 1742.8

previous  Sixth Generation  Next

96. Sarah Moore .1.,60

Sarah married Unknown Skinner 1.,57

The child from this marriage was:

   154 F    i. Matthew Skinner .1.,57

97. Samuel Moores 1,60 was born on 29 Aug 1694 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ and died on 21 Feb 1756.8

General Notes: Samuel Moores Son of James Moores and Margret his wife was Born August ye 29th 1694

No Will
1756, May 31. Moores, Samuel, of Woodbridge, yeoman. Int.
Adm'x - Experience Moores, widow. Lib. F, p. 358.
1759, Feb. 8. The widow, Experience, having deceased, William Kent made Administrator. Lib. G, p. 31.
Experience married Samuel MOORES, son of James MOORES and Margaret CRAIG, about 20 Jun 1717 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., New Jersey, USA Samuel MOORES was born on 29 Aug 1694 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., New Jersey, USA and died on 31 May 1756 in Woodbridge, Middlesex

mentioned by his uncle Matthew

one record says "carpenter" this is Monnette and he is wrong

Samuel married Mary Harrison on 2 June 1718
Mary Harrison had brothers: john, william, henry, and edward sisters: anne, mary, and sarah
Jonathan, b. Feb. 18, 1720-21;
John, b. Feb. 24, 1722-3;
Sarah, b. Mar. 24, 1724, d. Mar. 22, 1725;
Samuel, b. June 18, 1726;

these should be split from
Joseph, b. Jan. 9, 1731-2; Edward, b. Nov. 6, 1733; Sarah, b. July 31, 1735; Isaac, b. July 10, 1937; John b. May 11, 1739.

1709Samuel the carpenter's Will solves this mess

I don't believe Henry belongs here but See Samuel IV's Will

Samuel married Experience Fitz Randolph 1.,60 Experience was born on 14 Jun 16968 and died on 10 Apr 1758.

General Notes: Mary, born 1719, died 1726, was the dau of Samuel and Experience
Margaret, born Abt 1721 married 1719 Samuel Carman on 12 Dec 1740
Grace Moore Sex: F Born: ABT 1727 at: Woodbridge, Middlesex Co, New Jersey Spouse: Jonathan Inslee
Isabella Moores, born 1729 married Stephen Carman in 1748

1771, May 11. [c1758]Carman, John, of Middlesex Co. Ward. Son of Stephen Carman, of said Co., deceased. Said Ward makes choice of Jonathan Moores as his Guardian. Guardian - Jonathan Moores. Fellowbondsman - Samuel Franklin Parker: both of Woodbridge, said Co Lib. K, p. 322.

Children from this marriage were:

   155 M    i. Jonathan Moores 8 was born about 17248 and died in 1800.8

General Notes: See Isabella

1771, May 11. [c1758]Carman, John, of Middlesex Co. Ward. Son of Stephen Carman, of said Co., deceased. Said Ward makes choice of Jonathan Moores as his Guardian. Guardian - Jonathan Moores. Fellowbondsman - Samuel Franklin Parker: both of Woodbridge, said Co Lib. K, p. 322.

1st wife was Catherine Ryno (c1725-c1759) whom he married May 1746
#047; Jonathan MOORE & Charles WRIGHT, both of Woodbridge in the County of Mid'x... [bound to]... Lewis MORRIS, Governor... 500 pounds... 17 May 1746. ... Jonathan MOORE... obtained license of marriage for himself and for Catherine RYNO of Woodbridge aforesaid, spinster... [w] Tho:s BARTOW [consent] May 17 1746 John RYNO Juner and Mary RYNO dos frely give their consent . . . [affidavit] sworn to the signing & that it was intended to signifie consent than Jonathan MOORE should mary their daughter. . .

Jonathan Moore (carpenter), Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 39, 19; 2, 20, 1800, 3, 19, 1800.
Children: Experience (my eldest daughter), wife of William Inslee, Sarah, wife of Isaac Tappen,
Rebecca, Deliverance, and Isabel, my three youngest daughters
Witnesses: Ichabod Potter, William Gilman, John Aikens.
Executors : Friend Richard Wright, son-in-law William Inslee.
James-w-moore: Rev-john-moore-of-newtown-long-island-and-some-of-his-descendants

#047; Jonathan MOORE & Charles WRIGHT, both of Woodbridge in the County of Mid'x... [bound to]... Lewis MORRIS, Governor... 500 pounds... 17 May 1746. ... Jonathan MOORE... obtained license of marriage for himself and for Catherine RYNO of Woodbridge aforesaid, spinster... [w] Tho:s BARTOW [consent] May 17 1746 John RYNO Juner and Mary RYNO dos frely give their consent . . . [affidavit] sworn to the signing & that it was intended to signifie consent than Jonathan MOORE should mary their daughter. . .

#198; Jonathan MOORE and Jonathan INSLEE, both of Woodbridge in Middlesex County... [bound to]... Thomas BOONE, Governor... 500 pounds... 12 Aug 1761. ... Jonathan MOORE... obtained license of marriage for himself and for Mary STONE of the same place, spinster... [w] John SMYTH

1773, Nov. 17. Dolbeer, John, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co. Int. Adm'x - Rebecca Dolbeer. Fellowbondsman - David Herriot; both of said place. 1773, Nov. 11. Inventory, made by Jonathan Moores and Jonathan Inslee. Lib. K, p. 553

Jonathan married Mary Stone,8 daughter of William Stone 8 and Unknown,. Mary was born about 1735.8

General Notes: 12 Aug 1761

These May Certify all Persons Concerned that William Stone was Married to Margret Dix August ye 18th 1696.
He was Marshall of the Court at Woodbridge in 1697.
William Stone (Jr.) was born in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co, NJ about 1705. He died after 24 Aug 1787.
David Coddington, born on 07 Nov 1727 in Woodbridge, married c1730Ann Stone on 11 Oct 1750 in Woodbridge.
Jonathan Moore (c1724-1800), son of Experience FitzRandolph Moores, married c1735Mary Stone on 12 Aug 1761.
Samuel Moore UEL, born 1742, married 1743Rachel Stone on 8 Nov 1763.

   156 F    ii. Isabella Moores 8 was born in 1729.8

Isabella married Stephen Carman.8 Stephen was born about 17258 and died about 1770.8

101. John Moores Jr. Esq. 1,8,101 was born on 28 Oct 17008 and died on 3 Jun 1745.8

General Notes: His son is NOT John Moore Son of John Moore and Mary his wife, was Born May ye 13th 1725

Memorandom vt on ye nth of July, 1717. John Moores one of ye Executors to Capt. John Moores deceased came before me John Barclay Surrogate &c that above is a true Inventory &c.
John Moores, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., D. 302; 6, 3, 1745, 7, 1, 1745. Wife: Mary Children : John, Daniel, Philip, Matthew, Mary, Frances, Elizabeth. [There is no indication that 1745Philip belongs here]
[Is it Francis or Frances?]["brother" Philip is mentioned in Daniel's Will]
Witnesses : James Wilkinson, Samuel Jaquess, David Donham, Jr.
Executors: Wife Mary, son John.

1745, June 3. Moores, John, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., Esq.;
will of. To daughter, Mary, and her eldest daughter, a negro I bought
of John Noe. ChildrenvMary, John, Daniel, Matthew, Francis and
Elizabeth, last four under age. Expected child [Philip or William]. Farm I purchased
of the executors of Benjamin Force, joining lands of Joseph Bloomfield
and Jonathan Frazee; land bought of the executors of John
Harrison in Perth Amboy; salt marsh by mortgage from Thomas
Moore late of Woodbridge, deceased; land given me by my father and
land purchased of Cousin William Moores; land bought of Serajah
Bunn; land formerly belonging to my brother, Benjamin Moores,
deceased; freehold right I purchased of Joseph Oilman. Executors v
wife Mary, son John, and friend William Brittain. WitnessesvJames
Wilkinson, Sam. Jaquess, David Donham, Jun'r. Proved July 1, 1745.
Lib. D, p. 302.

John married Mary (Mercy) Brittain 1,8.,100 Mary was born on 24 Feb 17008 and died on 24 Aug 1747.8

General Notes: parents were Daniel Brittain (died 1733) and Elizabeth Powell

The child from this marriage was:

+ 157 M    i. Daniel Moore 1.,148

105. Thomas Moores 1,23,90,100 was born on 10 Apr 1711100 and died on 7 Oct 1751.8

General Notes: Thomas Moores was likely a second cousin to his wife, Rachel Moore since they almost certainly shared the same great-grandparents, Francis Moore Sr, and Katherine Montford.

Thomas Moores Son of [Capt] John Moores and Mary his wife was Born April
ye 10th 1711
Appendix F begins at Pg 351
Marion Daughter of Thomas and Rachel Moores was born ye 21st day of
October 1735.

Annapel Daughter of ye Said Thomas and Rachel Moores was born ye 3rd day of March 1736.

John Son of ye aforesaid Thomas and Rachel Moores was born ye 15th
day of November 1738.

Mary Daughter of Thomas and Rachel Moores was born ye 3rd day ot
October 1740.

Hope Daughter of Thomas and Rachel Moores was born ye 3rd day of
February 1743.

Thomas Moores, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., F. 1; 10, 6, 1751, 10, 22, 1751.
Wife : Rachel.
Children: Says my four daughters: Marion (ch. Oct. 21, 1735), Anabel (ch. Mar. 3, 1736/7), Mary, Sarah.
John, Mary, and Hope not named in will.
Witnesses: Daniel Moores, Charles Toms, Richard Frances, David Donham.
Executors : Wife and wife's brother Daniel Moore. This abstract is from "Rev John Moore of LI"
Marion's date of Oct 21, 1735 is a christening date (from an extracted record) [Page 355 clearly says "Born"]

BETTER: "Documents relating to the colonial, revolutionary and post-revolutionary history of the State of New Jersey (1880)"
1751, Oct. 6. Moores, Thomas, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will
of. Wife, Rachel. ChildrenvMarion, Anable, Mary and Sarah; sons
spoken of, but names not given. Real and personal estate.
Executorsv the wife and brother, Daniel Moor.
WitnessesvDaniel Moores, Charles Toms, Richard Frances, David Donham.
Proved Oct. 21, 1751.
Lib. P, p. 1.
1751, Oct. 26. Inventory, £376, incl. books, 4s.6d.; 7 bush, of flax
seed, £2.9; a looking glass, 8s.; 40 bush, of Indian corn in the chamber,
£4.13.9; 100 do. in the field, £8.15; 6 do. of wheat in the barn, at
4s.6d., £1.7.; 60 do. of oats at ls.6d., £4.10; a negro man, £60; a negro
wench, £40; made by Jonathan Frazee and David Donham.

the two "Daniels" above are 1) a brother-in-law and 2) a nephew
the "sons" could include a Jonathan, born circa 1750...

"Inscriptions, Cemetery of the First Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge, New Jersey, gathered and compiled by Freeman Worth Gardner, Woodbridge, New Jersey, 1917." With notes added by Patty B. Myers.
1002 Here lyes ye Body of
Octr ye 7th 1751
aged 40 years & 6 mo.
NOTE: He was s/o John2 Moores (Matthew1) and Mary Wright, d/o Robert. He m. Rachel3 Moore (John,2 Samuel1 ).

Thomas married Rachel Moore,1,132 daughter of Captain John Moore 1,46,82 and Hope Robins,1,69,121 about 1733.8 Rachel was born on 15 Oct 171347,90 and died about 1760.8

Marriage Notes: Thomas Moores and Rachel Moore were second cousins, sharing the same great-grandparents, Francis Moore Sr. and Catherine Montford. 23

General Notes: Rachel Moore was likely a second cousin to her husband, Thomas Moores since they almost certainly shared the same great-grandparents, Francis Moore Sr, and Katherine Montford.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 158 M    i. John Moore UEL 8 was born on 15 Nov 1738,8 died on 16 May 1803 in Grimsby ON,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church.8

   159 F    ii. Mary Moore 8 was born on 3 Oct 1740.8

   160 F    iii. Hope Moores 8 was born on 3 Feb 1744.8

General Notes: Grimsby's John Moore may have been bequeathing something to one of these two sisters
Archibald Stewart, appointed June 12, 1775 Sussex county sheriff

The "Parish of Christ Church, Newton," was organized in the year 1769. Its charter, under which it still exists, was given by
King George III., and bears date of Aug. 15, 1774.
The first corporators were Uzal Ogden, Nathaniel Pettit, Archibald Stewart, Edward Pigot, William Hall, Nathan Armstrong, Amos Pettit, Thomas Anderson, John Pettit, Charles Pettit, John B. Scott, and James Shaw.

Archibald Sr. Stewart was born about 1736 in Ballymoore, Billy, Antrim, Ireland. He died in May 1795 in Newton, Sussex, New Jersey. He married Margaret Phoebe HELMS on 29 Aug 1772 in Sussex, Sussex, New Jersey.
Other marriages:
MOORE, Miss on 3 May 1779, Philadephia. Their son was Archibald Jr

from "near Ballintoy, county Antrim" in Ireland, descended from the Earl of Bute. The brothers are: 1. Archibald Stewart, b. abt 1737, d. May 1795 in Springdale NJ, bur. Old Presb. Burying Ground, Hackettstown NJ
"Springdale" is the name of a farm.

115. Jonathan Dennis .1

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: 29 Jan 1686. 149

Jonathan married Sarah Clowes 1.,105

Children from this marriage were:

   161 F    i. Sarah Dennis .1.,105

   162 F    ii. Rachel Dennis .1.,105

123. Samuel Moore 1,114 was born on 23 Aug 1694 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.115

General Notes: Samuel Moore Son of Samuel Moore and Sarah his wife was Born August ye 23rd 1694

Samuel MOORE was married to Mary HARRISON, 2 Jun 1718, by Thomas YATES - Justice of the Peace
Jonathan MOORE, son of the above Said Samuel MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 18 Feb 1720
John MOORE, son of Said Samuel MOORE & Mary, his wife, b. 24 Feb 1722

Samuel married Mary Harrison on 2 June 1718
Mary Harrison had brothers: john, william, henry, and edward sisters: anne, mary, and sarah
Jonathan, b. Feb. 18, 1720-21;
John, b. Feb. 24, 1722-3;
Sarah, b. Mar. 24, 1724, d. Mar. 22, 1725;
Samuel, b. June 18, 1726;

1759, Oct. 5. 1726Moore, Samuel, of Hopewell, Hunterdon Co.; will of. [ of c1695Samuel]
Wife (not named). Sons-1746Benjamin and 1750Jonathan, both under age.
Sister, 1730Mary Moore, to have 100 acres in Bergen Co., if brother, 1728Henry Moore, recovers the land by law.
Land, 250 ac, in Woodbridge, E. J., inherited from uncle, 1697Jonathan Moore.
Other real estate and personal property.
Executors-brethren. Henry Moore and Hezekiah Stout.
Witnesses-Bn. Stout, John Hart and John Ballard. Proved Oct. 16, 1759. Lib. 10, p. 118.

Samuel married Mary Harrison 1,115 on 2 Jun 1718 in Woodbridge, NJ.115 Mary was born on 25 May 1696.8

Children from this marriage were:

   163 M    i. Jonathan Moore 1 was born on 18 Feb in 1720 - 1721.115

   164 M    ii. John Moore 1 was born on 24 Feb 1722 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.115

   165 F    iii. Sarah Moore 1 was born on 24 Mar 1724 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ115 and died on 22 Mar 1725 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.

   166 M    iv. Samuel Moore 1 was born on 18 Jun 1726 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.115

128. Michael Moore 1,8 was born on 28 Jan 1704 in Woodbridge , Middlesex, NJ,115 was christened on 28 Feb 1704,8 died on 21 Jan 1758 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,8,118 and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ.

General Notes: buried 1st Presbyterian, Woodbridge

Michael Moore, Woodbridge, F. 517; 3, 25, 1758, Int. Administrator: Jonathan Frazee. The widow resigned her rights

"Documents relating to the colonial, revolutionary and post-revolutionary history of the State of New Jersey (1880)"
1758, March 21. Moore, Michael, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.
yeoman. Int. Martha Moore renounced in favor of Jonathan Frazee, of Woodbridge.
1758, March 25. Adm'rvJonathan Frazee. BondsmanvTimothy Frazee, of same place.
WitnessvThomas Bartow.
1758, March 28. Inventory, £271.7.4, by Samuel Barrow and David
Dunham (latter died before signing). Lib. F, p. 517.
1760, July 1. Account by Jonathan Frazee, the Administrator.

#016; Michael MOORE of Woodbridge, yeoman, William BROWN, & Jonathan MOORE of the same place, yeomen... [bound to]... Lewis MORRIS, Governor... 500 pounds... 31 Dec 1740. ... Michael MOORE... obtained license of marriage for himself and for Posthumas FRASEE of Woodbridge af'd, spinster... [w] Jas BARTOW [consent] Woodbridge, Dec 1740 . . . I desire you to grant Micael MOORE his requs wereas I set my hand [signed] Margarat FRASE

Jonathan Moore is listed as a witness to Michael Moore of Woodbridge obtaining a marriage license on Dec. 31, 1740 to marry Posthumas Frasse

Martha (Jacques) b. 1717 was his second wife listed in his 1758 Will
Martha DuBois (1717-1789) appears to a better choice marriage 12 Nov 1750
15 Jan 1752 Mary 28 Nov 1753 Elizabeth 31 Dec 1755 Michael
After 1758 Martha remarried Samuel Jacques. She died in 1789 and was buried 1st Presbyterian, Woodbridge

Michael married Posthumas Frazee 1 on 31 Dec 1740 in Woodbridge, NJ.118 Posthumas died before Jan 1741.

The child from this marriage was:

   167 U    i. Child Moore 1 was born before 28 Jan 1741 in Or 1742.150

Michael next married Martha Dubois Perlee 1,115 on 12 Nov 1750. Martha was born about 1718, died on 8 Nov 1789 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,150 and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ.

Children from this marriage were:

   168 F    i. Mary Moore .1.,150

Mary married Samuel Franklin Parker 1.,150

Mary next married James Edgar 1.,150

   169 F    ii. Elizabeth Moore .1.,151

Elizabeth married John Heard 1.,151

Elizabeth next married Ellis Barron 1.,151

   170 M    iii. Michael Moore 1,151 was born about 1757, died on 4 Mar 1761, and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ.

134. Martha Moore 8 was born in 17008 and died in 1752.8

Martha married John Freeman,8 son of Judge Henry Freeman 8 and Elizabeth Baignoux,.8 John was born on 5 Nov 16988 and died in Mar 1761.8

General Notes: His Will was dated June 8, 1752
son of Judge Henry FREEMAN & Elizabeth BAIGNOUX

The child from this marriage was:

+ 171 F    i. Sarah Freeman 1,8,152 was born in 1722 in Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey USA8 and died after 1774.8

136. Martha Moore 1,123 was born about 1701 in Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey123,124 and died in 1775.125

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Death: 1752. 124

Martha married John Freeman 1,123 in 1725 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey.125 John was born on 5 Nov 1698 in Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey USA153 and died in 1761 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey.154

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: Abt 1720. 155

Children from this marriage were:

   172 F    i. Charity Freeman .1.,125

   173 M    ii. Edward Freeman .1.,125

   174 F    iii. Martha Freeman .1.,125

   175 F    iv. Mary Freeman .1.,156

General Notes: For husband and children see

   176 M    v. William Freeman .1.,125

+ 177 F    vi. Sarah Freeman 1,8,152 was born in 1722 in Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey USA8 and died after 1774.8

   178 M    vii. Alexander Freeman 1,157 was born in 1727 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey and died before 8 Nov 1763 in New Jersey.

General Notes: For wife and children see

   179 M    viii. Henry Freeman 1,158 was born about 1735 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA.158

   180 M    ix. Isaac Freeman 1,159 was born between 1736 and 1737 and died on 31 Aug 1819.

General Notes: For wife and children see

   181 M    x. James Freeman 1,160 was born about 1739.

   182 F    xi. Elizabeth Freeman 1,161 was born in 1742 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., New Jersey, USA.

General Notes: For husband and children see and

137. Joseph Moore 1,65 was born on 5 Oct 1703.47

General Notes: 26 Jan 1748 may be a good death date for this guy. See his uncle Enoch

A Will is missing

Joseph Moore b: 1723 in Bernards, Somerset, NJ
John Moore b: 1725 in Bernards, Somerset, NJ
Edminster Moore was born 1727 in Bernards, Somerset, NJ, and died 1780 in Mt. Bethel, Warren Twp., Somerset, NJ. He was the son of 4. Joseph Moore and 5. Rachel Bishop

Joseph married Rachel Bishop 1.,162 Rachel was born in 1703.162

General Notes: 1760. Feb. 14. Bishop, Moses, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of.
Children--David, Benjamen, Moses, (all three were Executors), and Rachel. Son-in-law, Joseph Moore; grandson, John Bishop. Real and personal estate. Witnesses--Richard Wilkson, Joseph Williams and William Edgar. Proved March 18, 1760.
Lib. G, p. 149.

1720 June 20. Bishop, John, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of.
Wife [1658]Mary [Moore]; children--John, Moses, Anne Coburn, Rebekka; son-in-law Amos Goodden; grandchildren--David Goodden, Thomas Bishop [Coburn], son of dau. Anne. Land on Pepiak Neck in Woodbridge Bounds, between the road to town, Daniel Brittain, John Moores and brother Noah, six acres of salt meadow near the mouth of Rahaway R., a lot in Woodbridge near Aish Swamp, a farm at Rahaway, West of the bridge; personal property. Son Moses sole executor with brother-in-law [1674]John Moore and kinsman John Elstone as overseers. Witnesses--Samuel Stone, John Alston, Samuel Bonnell. Proved April 3, 1722.
Lib. A, p. 209

John Bishop, b. Newbury, Mass., 19 Sept 1648; was of Rahway, NJ, and was of Gov. Hamilton's council 1693; wife was Mary Moore b~1658, d/o 1630Samuel). Will of John Bishop of Woodbridge made 20 Jun 1720, proved 3 Apr 1722. Wife Mary; children John, Moses, Anne... Exec. Son Moses with brother-in-law John Moore

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Birth: 1707. 8

Children from this marriage were:

   183 M    i. Joseph Moore 1,162 was born in 1723.162

   184 M    ii. John Moore 1,162 was born in 1725.162

   185 M    iii. Edmister Moore 1,162 was born in 1727 in Bernards Twp, Somerset, NJ162 and died on 6 Jun 1780.162

General Notes: very likely had a sister Martha

Children: Joseph, Gershom, John, Levi, Reuben, Jesse, Enoch, Amey Coon, Rachel, Lydia

1754Gershom Moore
1777Elias G Moore
1812Hiram Moore

Edmister married Catherine 1.,162 Catherine was born about 1730.

139. Enoch Moore 1,126 was born on 7 Dec 1707 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ47,90 and died on 10 Jan 1755 in Elizabethtown, Essex, New Jersey.130

General Notes: Enoch Moore, Borough of Elizabeth, Essex Co., F. 294; i, la, 1755, 11, 22, 1755, codicil dated 10, 6, 1755. Wife: Grace ( Brotherton). Children: John, Enoch, James, Samuel, Frances, Grace, Hope. Brother: Daniel. Witnesses: John Vail (Quaker), Samuel Marsh (Quaker), Ann Moore. Executors: Wife Grace, nephew Joseph Moore. Kinsman: Joseph Shotwell.

"Documents relating to the colonial, revolutionary and post-revolutionary history of the State of New Jersey (1880)"
1755, Jan. 10. Moore, Enoch, of the "Borrough" of Elizabeth, Essex
Co., will of. Wife, Grace. ChildrenvJohn (under age), Enoch, James,
Samuel, Frances, Grace and Hope. Real and personal estate. Executorsv
the wife, nephew, Joseph Moore, and kinsman, Joseph Shotwell.
WitnessesvJohn Vail, Samuel Marsh, Ann Wren. Codicil of
October 6, 1755, provides for an expected child [Henry]. Same witnesses.
Proved Nov. 22, 1755. Lib. P, p. 294.

Enoch, 1744John (under age), James, Samuel, Frances, Grace and Hope.

Enoch Moore Son of John Moore and Hope his wife was Born ye 7th of December 1707

Name: Enoch Moore Relative: son of John & --- Birth Date: 07/10 Dec 1707 Death Date: 18 Oct 1755 Spouse's Name: Grace Marriage Date: bet 21/6 & 18/7 1735 Comment: Grace prob m 2nd Isaac Moore, 1788 Child: Ann; Frances; Grace; Enoch; John; James; James; Samuel; Hope; Henry Birth Date: 23/2 Apr 1736; 09/12 Feb 1737/8; 02/12 Feb 1739/40; 30/2 Apr 1742; 28/4 Jun 1744; 06/9 Nov 1746; 13/9 Nov 1748; 17/2 Apr 1751; 03 Jul 1753; 11 Oct 1755 Death Date: 14 Aug 1754; -; -; -; -; 06/5 --- 1747; -; -; -; - Quaker Records: Rahway & Plainfield Monthly Meetings Essex County, New Jersey

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: Between 7 Oct and 7 Dec 1707.

• Alt. Death: 18 Oct 1755.

• Will: 10 Jan 1755. 151

Enoch married Grace Brotherton 1,65 in Jun 1735.151 Grace was born on 2 Jun 1719.

General Notes: The Quaker BROTHERTONs moved to Hardwick

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Birth: Abt 1713. 8

Children from this marriage were:

   186 M    i. Enoch Moore .1.,151

General Notes: 1759, June 19. Moore, Enoch, of Essex Co. Int. Adm'rvHenry
Davis, of Elizabeth, yeoman ("empowered by the widow of Enoch
Moor, late of Eliz: Town, to receive due to her son, Enoch [her husband, a soldier], deceased").
BondsmanvWilliam Line of Elizabeth, yeoman. WitnessvThomas Bartow. Lib. G, p. 83.

Wife: Elizabeth
Daughters Anne, Rebecca (Brotherton), and Catharine (Shotwell)

Enoch married Elizabeth 1.,151

   187 F    ii. Ann Moore 1,151 was born on 23 Feb 17368 and died on 14 Aug 1754.55

   188 M    iii. John Moore 1,151 was born on 28 Jun 17448 and died in 1809.8

General Notes: The 1809 death is a guess...
John Moore, Rahway, Essex Co., 8, 14, 1809, 9, 22, 1809. Children: Abijah, Abigail, Hope, Rachel, Hannah, Hester (married). Brother: Henry. Witnesses: Moses Jaques, Jr., David Jaques, Henry Underbill. Executors : Son Abijah, brother Henry.

John married Hannah Unknown.8 Hannah was born about 1745.8

   189 F    iv. Frances Moore .1.,151

   190 F    v. Grace Moore .1.,151

Grace married Joseph Decamp 1.,151

   191 F    vi. Hope Moore .1.,151

   192 M    vii. James Moore 1,151 was born on 6 Sep 1746.8

   193 M    viii. James Moore 1,151 was born on 6 May 1747.

   194 M    ix. Samuel Moore 1.,8.,151

Samuel married Elizabeth Fritz Randolph 1.,151

   195 M    x. Henry Moore .1.,151

Henry married Phebe Shotwell 1,151 on 22 Sep 1803 in Rahway, NJ.163

140. Samuel Moore 1,131 was born on 4 Apr 1709 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ47,132 and died on 3 May 1750 in Rahway, NJ.133,134,135

General Notes: the record says "Samuel, carpenter" for Joseph, for Edward, and for Sarah, his children

NOT Samuel born 22 APR 1709 Newtown, Queens, LI, son of Samuel Moore & Charity Hallett

"Moore, Samuel - Woodbridge Middlesex"; William Gaston's Ledger listed all claims under the individual names of the Loyalists that lost their property. The original ledger (with names and property values) is in the Archives of the New Jersey State Library, Trenton. - Theodore V. Brush, April 12, 197?, Lakewood, NJ". The ONLY other Moore listed is Michael of Essex

I have this guy's Will (P.L.Bingle)
Robert Moores and Michael Moore signed it

"Documents relating to the colonial, revolutionary and post-revolutionary history of the State of New Jersey (1880)"
1750, May 3. Moore, Samuel, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., merchant;
will of. Wife, Mary. SonsvJoseph, Edward, Isaac, John and
Samuel. Real and personal estate, incl. a negro wench.
Executors v the wife and brother, Enoch Moore, of Essex Co., mariner.
Witnesses v Robart Moores, Michael Moore, Isaac Prall, Nugient Kelly.
Proved June 1, 1751.

1759, June 19. Moore, John and Samuel, sons of Samuel, deceased,
of Woodbridge. Guardian appointed, John Blanchard. Lib. G, p. 85.
1759, June 26. John Blanchard released; Jonathan Alston appointed Guardian.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: 47

• Occupation: 47

• Will: 3 May 1750. 120

• Will proved: 1 Jun 1751. 120

• Alt. Birth: 4 Apr 1709.

• Alt. Death: May 1750. 151

• Alt. Death: Abt 1751. 132

• Occupation: 132

• Residence: 132

• Will: 3 May 1750. 132,136

Samuel married Mary Crowell,1,70,90,132,133,151,164 daughter of Edward Crowel 133 and Sarah Vail,133 about 1731 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey 47.,165 Mary was born on 3 Aug 1713 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,47,151 died on 17 May 1811 in Rahway, New Jersey,47,165 and was buried in Friends Burying Ground At Rahway, NJ.47,132 Another name for Mary was Granny Hays.

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: Abt 1729. 132

Burial Notes: Mary (Crowel) Moore was buried in the Friends New Burying Ground, Rahway, NJ.

General Notes: "Just before her death on 17 May 1811, one of her great grandsons, recorded her offspring, still living, on a chart which showed 6 children, 34 grandchildren, 116 great grandchildren and 47 great, great grandchildren."

This was recorded by Jim Moore in his writings entitiled "The Moores in Early America" but the source of the above facts was not included. This writer discovered a quote from an article by Edward J. Raser in the Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, January 1966 entitiled "Isaac Moore's Family Record."

"Old family records are found in many interesting forms and places. The one represented below appears in Volume 40 of the papers of James Madison, a collection of bound manuscripts in the Library of Congress. The records consist of a letter and an appended chart, written by Isaac Moore of Rahway in 1810. Because of their quaintness and genealogical value, the papers are reproduced here verbatim. Despite numerous spelling errors in the letter and chart, the letter shows great care in its execution.

"The chart consists of a central circle and four concentric rings. The circle contains the left-facing profile of a woman identified as 'Mary Alston 97.' [A.K.A. Granny Hays] Five radials connect the circle with the outer edge of the first ring, which contains the inscription, 'Children, Five.' From each radial additional radials extend across the second ring and so on to the last ring in accordance with the successive generations known to Isaac Moore. The remaining rings bear the inscriptions, 'Grand Children, Therty three,' 'Great Grand Children 115' and 'Great Great Grand Children, 39.' All radials of the first and second generation bear names but many radials of the third and fourth generation are nameless. At the bottom of the chart is an acrostic which identifies the composer."

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Birth: Abt 3 Aug 1713. 132

• Alt. Death: Bef 1811.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 196 F    i. Mary (Polly) Moore 47.,166

+ 197 F    ii. Mary Moore 1,132,167 was born in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.

+ 198 M    iii. Joseph Moore 1,131,168 was born on 9 Jan 1732 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,47,132 died on 6 Oct 1793 in Amwell, Hunterdon Co., NJ,132 and was buried in His Plantation At Amwell, Hunterdon Co., NJ.132

+ 199 M    iv. Edward Moore 1,169,170,171,172 was born on 6 Nov 1733 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,47,172,173 died on 8 Mar 1822 in Lower Rahway, NJ,169,170 and was buried in Rahway, NJ.

   200 F    v. Sarah Moore 1,136,174 was born on 31 Jul 1735 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ47,174 and died in 1750.136

   201 M    vi. Isaac Moore 1,136,174 was born on 10 Jul 1737 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,47 was christened on 11 May 1739,8 and died after 1811.8

General Notes: Baptized on the same day as his brother John

   202 M    vii. John Moore 1,136,174 was born on 11 May 1739 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.47

General Notes: John Son of ye aforesaid Thomas and Rachel Moores was born ye 15th day of November 1738.

The fascinating thing about this John MOORE(S)
is that he was born November 3, 1740 according to Family TreeMaker Online Descendants of John Potter
BUT was it November 14, 1738 ? [No idea wher this came from]

Grimsby's John Moore was born Nov 4, 1738 according to his stone

Now here's something hilarious: The pdf copy of the actual 1873 book by Rev Dally (a REAL copy) says
born ye 15th day of November, 1738

11 May 1739

1776, April 2. Freeman, Charity, of Elizabeth, Essex Co.; will of. Niece, Prudence Hatfield, £50. Negro man, Benjamin, to be free. Nephew, Samuel Force, rest of my personal estate. Executor v said Samuel Force. Witnesses v Joseph D Camp, John Moore, Hannah Moore. Proved June 7, 1778

This guy probably died in a boating accident

+ 203 M    viii. Samuel Moore UEL 1,69,136,175 was born on 4 Apr 1742 in Rahway, NJ,47,174 died on 19 Sep 1822 in Norwich, ON,47,174,176,177 and was buried in Sep 1822 in Norwich Pioneer Cemetery, Norwich, ON.178

141. Daniel Moore 1,132,136 was born on 24 Aug 1711 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ47 and died about 1758 in Rahway, NJ.136

General Notes: Children of DANIEL MOORE and 1715ELIZABETH are:
i. HOPE MOORE, b. 1737.
ii. ELIZABETH MOORE, b. 1739.
iii. RACHEL MOORE, b. 1741.
iv. SARAH MOORE, b. 1743.
v. HANNAH MOORE, b. 1745.
vi. ANNE MOORE, b. 1747.
vii. SUSANNAH MOORE, b. 1749.
viii. JOHN MOORE, b. 1751.
ix. DANIEL MOORE, b. 1753.

Hope, John, Daniel, Elizabeth, Rachel, Sarah, Hannah, Anne, Susanna in his Will

1757, Nov. 21. Moore, Daniel, of Rahway, Elizabeth Borough, Essex
Co.; will of. Wife, Elizabeth.
ChildrenvHope, Elizabeth, Rachel, Sarah, Hannah, Anne, Susannah. John and Daniel.
Homestead; lot in Middlesex Co., adjoining John Lowe; lot, called the Pond "Paster" [Pasture]
on the highway from Sarah Tucker's to the mill pond;
farm in said borough, bought of dec'd brother Enoch, near the Riding-
over Place, the 32d part of a "mind," [mine] in Essex Co., bought of John
Davis. Personal estate. Executorsvthe wife, John Bishop and Joseph
Moore, of Woodbridge. WitnessesvJohn Lee, Zachariah Codington,
Edward Wilkinson, Jr. Proved Jan. 1. 1759. Lib. G, p. 13.
1760, Feb. 6.

Previous to the Battle of Ash Swamp (1777) at Scotch Plains, NJ the British under Lord Cornwallis prepared
and ate a repast on the farm of Daniel Moore near Woodbridge.


From Paul Bingle:

Daniel Moore
Birth: 20 APR 1729 Amwell Twp, Hunterdon, New Jersey
Death: 30 DEC 1807

Spouse: Elizabeth Rouzer
Marriage: 20 FEB 1774 Amwell Twp, Hunterdon, New Jersey

Daniel married Elizabeth Brotherton 1,136,179 in Dec 1747.8 Elizabeth was born in 1717136 and died on 24 Nov 1789 in Rahway, NJ.136 Another name for Elizabeth was Elizabeth.90

Children from this marriage were:

   204 F    i. Hope Moore 1,180 was born in 1736 in Rahway, NJ and died on 15 Mar 1769 in Rahway, NJ.

General Notes: For children of Joseph and Hope Marsh see

Hope married Joseph Marsh 1.,180 Joseph was born on 7 Aug 1730180 and died in Jun 1783 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.

Noted events in his life were:

• Will: 3 Oct 1776. 180

+ 205 M    ii. Daniel Moore 1,181 was born on 18 Aug 1751 and died before 19 Mar 1835 in Somerset Co., PA.181

142. Rachel Moore 1,132 was born on 15 Oct 171347,90 and died about 1760.8

General Notes: Rachel Moore was likely a second cousin to her husband, Thomas Moores since they almost certainly shared the same great-grandparents, Francis Moore Sr, and Katherine Montford.

Rachel married Thomas Moores,1,23,90,100 son of Captain John Moores 1,60 and Mary Wright,1,51 about 1733.8 Thomas was born on 10 Apr 1711100 and died on 7 Oct 1751.8

Marriage Notes: Thomas Moores and Rachel Moore were second cousins, sharing the same great-grandparents, Francis Moore Sr. and Catherine Montford. 23

General Notes: Thomas Moores was likely a second cousin to his wife, Rachel Moore since they almost certainly shared the same great-grandparents, Francis Moore Sr, and Katherine Montford.

Thomas Moores Son of [Capt] John Moores and Mary his wife was Born April
ye 10th 1711
Appendix F begins at Pg 351
Marion Daughter of Thomas and Rachel Moores was born ye 21st day of
October 1735.

Annapel Daughter of ye Said Thomas and Rachel Moores was born ye 3rd day of March 1736.

John Son of ye aforesaid Thomas and Rachel Moores was born ye 15th
day of November 1738.

Mary Daughter of Thomas and Rachel Moores was born ye 3rd day ot
October 1740.

Hope Daughter of Thomas and Rachel Moores was born ye 3rd day of
February 1743.

Thomas Moores, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., F. 1; 10, 6, 1751, 10, 22, 1751.
Wife : Rachel.
Children: Says my four daughters: Marion (ch. Oct. 21, 1735), Anabel (ch. Mar. 3, 1736/7), Mary, Sarah.
John, Mary, and Hope not named in will.
Witnesses: Daniel Moores, Charles Toms, Richard Frances, David Donham.
Executors : Wife and wife's brother Daniel Moore. This abstract is from "Rev John Moore of LI"
Marion's date of Oct 21, 1735 is a christening date (from an extracted record) [Page 355 clearly says "Born"]

BETTER: "Documents relating to the colonial, revolutionary and post-revolutionary history of the State of New Jersey (1880)"
1751, Oct. 6. Moores, Thomas, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will
of. Wife, Rachel. ChildrenvMarion, Anable, Mary and Sarah; sons
spoken of, but names not given. Real and personal estate.
Executorsv the wife and brother, Daniel Moor.
WitnessesvDaniel Moores, Charles Toms, Richard Frances, David Donham.
Proved Oct. 21, 1751.
Lib. P, p. 1.
1751, Oct. 26. Inventory, £376, incl. books, 4s.6d.; 7 bush, of flax
seed, £2.9; a looking glass, 8s.; 40 bush, of Indian corn in the chamber,
£4.13.9; 100 do. in the field, £8.15; 6 do. of wheat in the barn, at
4s.6d., £1.7.; 60 do. of oats at ls.6d., £4.10; a negro man, £60; a negro
wench, £40; made by Jonathan Frazee and David Donham.

the two "Daniels" above are 1) a brother-in-law and 2) a nephew
the "sons" could include a Jonathan, born circa 1750...

"Inscriptions, Cemetery of the First Presbyterian Church of Woodbridge, New Jersey, gathered and compiled by Freeman Worth Gardner, Woodbridge, New Jersey, 1917." With notes added by Patty B. Myers.
1002 Here lyes ye Body of
Octr ye 7th 1751
aged 40 years & 6 mo.
NOTE: He was s/o John2 Moores (Matthew1) and Mary Wright, d/o Robert. He m. Rachel3 Moore (John,2 Samuel1 ).

(Duplicate Line. See Person 105)

146. Mary Moore 1,132,141 was born on 17 Jan 1719 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ5,47 and died on 19 Nov 1753 in Hopewell, NJ.5

Mary married Stephen Burroughs 1,182 about 1734 in Probably, Monmouth Co., NJ.5 Stephen was born on 27 Jan 1712 in Hopewell, , NJ5 and died after 1794 in Hopewell, , NJ.75

Children from this marriage were:

   206 F    i. Hannah Burroughs 1,183 was born about 1718 in Hopewell, NJ.5

   207 F    ii. Charity Burroughs 1,184 was born about 1720 in Monmouth Co., N.J.5

   208 F    iii. Mercy Burroughs 1,185 was born on 22 Jun 1737 in Hopewell, NJ5 and died in 1785 in NJ.5

General Notes: For children of Henry and Mercy Mershon see

Mercy married Lt. Henry Mershon 1,186 in 1758 of Hopewell, Hunterdon, NY.5 Henry was born on 27 Jan 1734 in Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey5 and died on 5 Nov 1814 in Maidenhead, Somerset, New Jersey.5

   209 F    iv. Mary Burroughs 1,75 was born on 14 May 1738 in Hopewell, , NJ.75

   210 F    v. Eunice Burroughs .1.,187

Eunice married Ebenezer Rose 1,188 on 9 Mar 1768.5

149. John Moore 1.,132.,144

John married Mary Frazee 1,8,189 on 13 Nov 1751 8.,75

General Notes: Mary's Father: Eliphalet Frazee Jr. b: ABT 1699 in Rahway (Mary & Phoebe were daughters of Shiphat Frazee, same guy)

Father: Joseph FRAZEE (AFN:4HH3-BT)
Mother: Mary OSBORNE (AFN:4HH3-C1)

Joseph FRAZEE (AFN:4HH4-69)
Born: 25 May 1664 Place: Elizabethtown, Union, Nj
Died: 7 Nov 1693 Place: Elizabeth Town, Essex, Nj

Edward FRAZEE (AFN:4HH4-7G)
Born: 8 Jul 1665 Place: Elizabethtown, Union, NJ
Died: 6 Jun 1733 Place:
Spouse: Mercy OLIVER (AFN:CPMV-3V)
Born: Abt 1688
Buried: Presbyterian Cem, Elizabethtown, Essex, NJ
Father: Samuel OLIVER (AFN:2VFD-HF)
Mother: Mary ACKERLY (AFN:19M0-F0T)

Elisha FRAZEE (AFN:4HH4-B0)
Born: 24 Feb 1670 Place: Elizabethtown, Union, Nj
Died: 27 Sep 1727 Place: Woodbridge, Essex, Nj
Spouse: Sarah (AFN: CPMV-6D)

child1: Joseph FRAZEE (AFN:4HH4-GN)
Born: 20 Nov 1700 Place: Elizabethtown, Union, Nj
Died: 12 Mar 1772 Place:
child2: Ephraim FRAZEE (AFN:GDGW-NW)
Born: 1703 Place: Woodbridge, , Nj
Died: 1776 Place: Preston County, Wv

#016; Michael MOORE of Woodbridge, yeoman, William BROWN, & Jonathan MOORE of the same place, yeomen... [bound to]... Lewis MORRIS, Governor... 500 pounds... 31 Dec 1740. ... Michael MOORE... obtained license of marriage for himself and for Posthumas FRASEE of Woodbridge af'd, spinster... [w] Jas BARTOW [consent] Woodbridge, Dec 1740 . . . I desire you to grant Micael MOORE his requs wereas I set my hand [signed] Margarat FRASE

The child from this marriage was:

   211 M    i. Eliphalet Moore 8 was born about 17558 and died in 1828.8


previous  Seventh Generation  Next

157. Daniel Moore .1.,148

Daniel married someone.

His child was:

+ 212 M    i. James Moore 1.,148

158. John Moore UEL 8 was born on 15 Nov 1738,8 died on 16 May 1803 in Grimsby ON,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church.8

General Notes: 4/15 NOV 1738
Lived at Hope, Warren, NJ

When John was 14 his stepdad became Captain Thomas Alston, who died
4 years later in 1756. He was a mariner, part owner of the sloop Success, sailing between Perth Amboy and Madeira and Jamaica

Annals of the Forty states "At the beginning of the War of the Revolution John Moore promptly joined
the Colonial Guards of New Jersey and was made a junior officer. When that Corps turned its coat later on John stuck to the red tunic of his King and fought on the side of the British until the end of the War."
The basic facts are very likely true. An accidental misdirection, however, is author's choice of uniform colour (it would have been blue, not red).

Conceived and created in 1673, the New Jersey Colonial Guards, or "Jersey Blues" as they came to be called in the Seven Years War, were the first such "provincial" Regiment to be formed anywhere in the British domain. Building from a troup of just 85 men, the third commander, Colonel Peter Parker of Perth Amboy, headed a force in 1744 of 500 recruits. In 1757 the Jersey Blues were remustered by Colonel Peter Schuyler, a wealthy Dutch farmer, and were assigned to New York's Fort William Henry where they comprised one third of its garrison.

Following on the heels of the Seven Years (French and Indian) War, more Indian troubles led to their service in Pontiac's Rebellion of 1763. In the ensuing ten years, barracks at Elizabeth, Amboy, New Brunswick and Trenton were almost constantly occupied with their troops. Their headquarters was located at James Parker's "Parker Castle" in Perth Amboy.

When the state turned against New Jersey's Royal Governor William Franklin (a staunch Loyalist) in January of 1776, resulting in his flight from Burlington NJ to Perth Amboy, the provisional Provincial Congress called upon Colonel Elias Dayton of Elizabeth, a Blues "reservist", to also lead a New Jersey Regiment of patriots. From the time that the NJ Colonial General Assembly was dissolved, the repatriated Blues saw action on the side of the rebel insurgents beginning with their unsuccessful defence of Long Island in Aug 1776. For obvious reasons they were not present in the previous year at the seiges of Concord and Bunker Hill MA at the outbreak of open rebellion. In the second half of the War they fought under Washington's General "Mad Willie" William Maxwell. 30 years later, led by General Zebulun Pike (who was killed in the action) on Apr 27 1813 this Regiment defeated and caused the destruction of the garrison at Toronto, Ontario in the War of 1812.

From its political about-face near the beginning of the American Revolution until now this Battalion has sported several names: the New Jersey Continental Line, 3rd New Jersey Regiment, Jersey Brigade, and today, the New Jersey National Guards.

[Richard MacMaster has been a published author and historian since the mid 70's. He and his wife, a Mennonite pastor, now live in Florida although they were brought up in Pennsylvania]
From The Quaker Archives: Friends in the Niagara Peninsula, 1786-1802 By Richard MacMaster
The Doan, Harret, Havens, Moore, Schooley, Webster, Willson families and some of the Dennis family were from Hardwick Monthly Meeting in Sussex County and Kingwood Monthly Meeting in Hunterdon County. In 1799 there was a Quaker list of "all those who have a right of membership" but some who came in 1787 had been compromised by wartime activities and no longer belonged to any meeting of Friends. John Moore, although of Quaker background, had been fined and imprisoned in Sussex County, New Jersey for helping recruits get to the British lines. Benjamin Willson had also helped recruit for the British in Sussex County as his former neighbour Nathaniel Pettit testified.

Joseph Moore, one of the visitors from Pennsylvania in 1793, set out from Niagara-on-the-lake and went along the Lake Ontario shore as far as the Twelve Mile Creek in Grantham Township, where he met with Benjamin and Jesse Pauling. Both men served as officers in Butler's Rangers but they had Quaker relations in Philadelphia. The next day they "went three miles to our friend John Taylor's." John and Hannah Taylor lived in Township Number 3 (later called Grantham Township) in 1790

Among the oldest interments at St Andrews are"In memory of John Moore, died May 16th, 1803, aged 64, and Dinah his wife, died Nov. 9th, 1804, aged 68." These, however, were removed from an earlier graveyard near the lake.

Ά A maker of felt hats from Sussex County NJ he was a Captain in the Ά
Revolutionary War.("Annals") Ά His Will was written 14 Mar 1802. probated 23 Jun 1803 at St
Catharines. Ά His background was Quaker. Ά Residence: Arrived in 1787 from

The April 1779 Muster Roll of Captain John Doyle's Company of Lord Rawdon's Regiment
known as the Volunteers of Ireland included Jacob Glover, Thomas Howell, and John MOOR.
[National Archives of Canada, RG 8, "C" Series, Volume 1886, pages 30-31]
A Provincial Corps, the Volunteers of Ireland was raised in Philadephia from new recruits,
from Irish deserters of the Continental Line and from soldiers drafted from other Provincial
regiments, principally the Roman Catholic Volunteers and the New Jersey Volunteers.
Our John Moore had been serving with the latter - in January of 1778 with the NJV 4th Battalion,
Major Timpany's Company on Staten Island. In May of 1779 Lord Rawdon's single battalion of
about 400 men was elevated with the title of '2nd American Regiment' to a special American
establishment best described as British Regular army, second class.
Searching for Edward MOORE m. bef 1738, Sussex? Co, NJ, Mary NELLES, at
least one son (Capt) John MOORE a U.E.L. b. 4 Dec 1738, d. 16 May 1803,
Grimsby, ON.
Edward is said to have settled in NJ in the 'first half of the 18th century'
and to be descended from Deacon John MOORE.
John C Rinehart (
Sun, 27 Oct 1996 13:41:12 +0000

consider Charles, Lord Cornwallis
check out notes for Daniel Robbins!!

Samuel Moore (born ~1630 in Newberry, Essex, MA died May 27, 1688 in Woodbridge) *
married Mary Ilsley Sep 12 1656 in Newbury, Essex, MA
[ married to Hannah Trueman Jacques on Dec 23 1678 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ.]
Capt John Moore (born May 10 1674 died Apr 20 1736 in Woodbridge NJ)
married Mar 18, 1698/9 in Woodbridge, Middlesex NJ to Hope Robbins b. Dec. 10, 1681
Edward Moore was probably their son. **see below
married Nov 21 1717 in Woodbridge, NJ to Mary Oliver.

* Sam's will, dated 10 November 1683 appointed brothers-in-law Samuel Dennis and Samuel Hale, with son-in-law John Blufield, as executors, named children Samuel, Thomas, John, Enoch, Hannah, Elizabeth, Frances, and Sarah. His wife's name appears to have been Hannah.

Who is c1630Samuel MOORE=Mary ilsley (Sam's father was Francis)
son 1672Thomas Moore=Mary White (Tom's brother was 1674CaptJohn=Hope Robbins/Mary Oliver)
gson 1704Michael
gson 1712Samuel
gson 1718Jonathan

**Edward is not listed but these ARE listed as John's & Hopes:
1703Joseph=Rachel Bishop
1705Benjamin=Elizabeth Shotwell
1707Enoch=Grace Brotherton (a possibility)
1709Samuel=Mary Crowell>11 May 1739John***,1731Joseph, 1733Edward, 1742Samuel of Norwich
1711Daniel=Elizabeth >1751John

***this could be a christening!! (except Quakers didn't christen)
1731Joe's kids include Samuel and Ann (consider the Amwell Plantation)

John Moore
"Birth": 11 MAY 1739 Woodbridge, Middlesex, New Jersey
Father: Samuel Moore
Mother: Mary Crowell
Record submitted Film Number: 536155 Page Number: 195 Reference number: 4753

Birth: About 1739 Of Derry, , , Pennsylvania
Record submitted after 1991

Birth: 7 May 1739, Litchfield, Connecticut
06 MAY 1802
Record submitted

soundex Page
M600 MOORE, Elizabeth ELIZABETH TWP 127 [child]
M600 MOORE, Jonathan ELIZABETH TWP 127 [child]
M600 MORE, Joseph ACQUACKANONK TWP 094 [Little Falls, NJ]

John married Dinah Petit 8 in 1763 in Sussex NJ.8 Dinah was born on 9 Feb 1746 in Phillipsburg, Warren NJ8 and died on 9 Nov 1804.8

General Notes: Killed by a falling tree

Children from this marriage were:

+ 213 F    i. Mary Moore 8 was born on 27 Nov 17648 and died on 15 Mar 1813.8

   214 F    ii. Deborah Moore 8 was born in 1767.8

Deborah married Jacob Glover UEL.8 Jacob was born about 1760.8

General Notes: Upper Canada Land Book C 29th June, 1796
Glover, Jacob - Stating that he served during the late war, part of the time as serjeant under the command of Lord Rawdon, and has been in the province nine years and received only 100 acres of land. Prays for a further grant. Recommended to receive 400 acres in addition to the 100 acres he acknowledges to have received whenever he can lodge in the Council office a proper certificate of his having been a serjeant in Lord Rawdon's corps.

George Augustus Francis (Lord) Rawdon: captain of the 63d Regiment, then afterwards the Volunteers of Ireland. In 1803, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the forces in Scotland, where he gained great popularity

Muster Roll of Captain John DOYLE's Company of Lord RAWDON's Regiment Volunteers of Ireland- April 1779 includes Jacob GLOVER. The same roll has Thomas HOWELL and John MOOR
National Archives of Canada, RG 8, "C" Series, Volume 1886, pages 30-31.

   215 F    iii. Elizabeth Moore 8 was born in 17688 and died on 21 Mar 1813.8

Elizabeth married Lt. Col. Robert Nelles UEL 8 in 1788.8 Robert was born on 6 Oct 17618 and died on 27 Jul 1842.8

General Notes: Ά Residence: Nelles Manor, Grimsby-1814

Baptized July 29 1821 Sarah Maria, daughter of Robert and Maria Nelles

   216 M    iv. Capt. Jonathan Moore 8 was born in 1770,8 died on 12 Mar 1813,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

General Notes: Will dated 8 Mar 1813

An alternate birth is Oct 1771 (semi-unreliable)

Jonathan married Martha Carpenter.8 Martha was born in Nov 17728 and died on 28 Apr 1813.8

   217 F    v. Rachel Moore 8 was born on 6 Jul 17768 and died on 10 Aug 1832.8

General Notes: died of Cholera

Rachel married Capt. Henry Hixon 8 on 30 Apr 1794.8 Henry was born on 19 Feb 17718 and died on 16 Sep 1852.8

General Notes: Ά A Master Mason

   218 F    vi. Margaret Moore 8 was born in 1778.8

General Notes: Margaret Moore, spinster 11 Jan 1814 Charlotteville to David Pierce, yoeman

Margaret married Joseph Smith 8 on 19 Mar 1805.8 Joseph was born on 10 Aug 17818 and died in 1832 in Trafalgar Twp..8

Marriage Notes: They were married by Robert Nelles, Justice of the Peace 8

   219 M    vii. William Moore 8 was born in 17798 and died on 18 Nov 1814.8

William married Caroline "Lana" Lounsbury.8 Caroline was born in 17848 and died in Nov 1841.8

General Notes: someone says her surname was SKINNER It should be considered because Caroline appears to have preferred the US, like her sisters. Someone else says her name was HERKIMER

   220 M    viii. Pierce Moore 8 was born in 1781,8 died on 28 Jun 1831,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

General Notes: A 1757 manuscript by John Emley, an agent of the West Jersey Society, named the tenants living "westward of Pierce's Road" (the road from Pittstown to Bloomsbury; CR579 9 miles long). Among these tenants was listed Nathaniel Pettit.

1804 he became Ensign Pierce MOORE

March 29 ,1821:
Mary, daughter of Pearce and Orpha Moore; Charles, son of Pearce and Orpha Moore; Dennis, of Pearce and Orpha Moore; William Kitchen, son of Pearce and Orpha Moore,

1821. March 2 Margaret Sarah, daughter of Michael and Mary Harris, Perth. (Entered on this day by REV. M. HARRIS.)
04. Mary Young, daughter of Andrew and Anna Pettit, Grimsby.
14. Fanny Miller, negro, belonging to P. Ball, Esq., Niagara.
22. Gabriel Young, Grimsby.
23. Daniel Fields, son, of Gabriel and Amelia Young, Grimsby
Amelia, daughter of Gabriel and Amelia Young, Grimsby
29. Elizabeth, wife of Charles Moore, Grimsby
Phoebe, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Moore, Grimsby
Mary, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Moore, Grimsby
Margaret, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Moore, Grimsby
Jonathan, son of Charles and Elizabeth Moore, Grimsby
Lavinia, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Moore, Grimsby
29. Margaret Ross, daughter of William and Lydia Vanatta, Grimsby
Mary Hixon, daughter of William and Lydia Vanatta, Grimsby
Eliza Maria, daughter of William and Lydia Vanatta, Grimsby
William Wilber, son of William and Lydia Vanatta, Grimsby
29. Mary, daughter of Pearce and Orpha Moore, Grimsby
Charles, son of Pearce and Orpha Moore, Grimsby
Dennus, son of Pearce and Orpha Moore, Grimsby
William Kitchen, son of Pearce and Orpha Moore, Grimsby

Pierce married Orpha Woolverton 8 on 29 Sep 1803.8 Orpha was born on 25 Jul 1781.8

   221 F    ix. Dinah Moore 8 was born about 17828 and died after 1803.8

Dinah married Levi Mayhew 8 in Oct 1803.8 Levi was born about 1780.8

Marriage Notes: They were married by Robert Nelles, Justice of the Peace.

   222 M    x. Charles Moore 8 was born in Jan 17848 and died about 1855.8

General Notes:
1811Mary Moore = John Thompson
1812Margaret Moore,
1817Lavinia Moore (1818-1892)? - 3 females under 16 in 1826

1814Jonathan died before 1835 he was baptized with the 4 girls in 1821
1815John V Moore patented Saltfleet land in 1836 = Elizabeth (2nd wife 1881C)
1822James Moore moved to Michigan abt 1852 = Elizabth DENNIS
1825William Moore, ancestor of Kimberly Hurst: - 4 males under 16 in 1826

John V Moore had children 1848John and 1851Alfred
William Moore had child 1857Charles=Sarah

Saltfleet Property:
14 IV (Lot 14, C4) all patented to Charles 10 Jun 1818
20 III

Kimberly Hurst:
Jane LONDON b abt 1760 = Enoch MOORE children: Charles (abt 1780), Thomas, 1789Mary=Mr Lee

WHO IS THIS?? This is from our Charles Moore, who made a coffin in 1849 for the St Andrews minister Rev Grout
1852C Grimsby
57 12 Moore Charles Cabinet-maker Canada W Methodist 37 M M 1 Cabinet Shop Frame [b. 1815]
57 13 Moore Catherine Canada W Methodist 38 F M 1
57 14 Moore John H F W Methodist 5 M S 1 [b. 1847]
57 15 Moore William S F W Methodist 3 M S 1

Charles and Catherine still appear in Grimsby in the 1881C Wesleyan Methodist

LNAME[ YOUNGS born 17 Sep 1751 FNAME[ BENJAMIN =Abigail OGDEN RESID[ WINDHAM TOWNSHIP DATE[ 1827 FILE[ 149MFNO[ 1155 NOTES[ - will dated October 1, 1827 - wife was Abigail Youngs - daughter was Phebe Youngs - Benjamin Youngs owned land in Grimsby formerly owned by Charles Moore - son was Thomas Youngs - mention of Anne King - son was John Youngs - son was Gabriel Youngs - son was Osborn Youngs - son was Thomas Youngs - daughter was Elizabeth Moore - daughter was Sarah Willson - daughter was Mary Reed - daughter was Lidia Links - daughter was Abigail McNice - executors: John Youngs, Township of Oxford; John Ogden of Windham
WITNESSES TO WILL: - John Green, Township of Windham; - Ira Colven, Township of Windham;- Patrick Brown, Township of Windham - affidavit signed by John Green and Patrick Brown on November 19, 1827 - Oath of Administration taken by John Youngs and John Ogden on November 19, 1827 - inventory compiled by: Abraham Youngs; Gabriel Youngs; John Colver; John Ogden; Richard Willcox; John Bostwick. - witnessed by Gabriel Collins and John Robins

Charles married Elizabeth Youngs 8 on 18 Sep 1806. Elizabeth was born about 17898 and was christened on 29 Mar 1821 in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

Marriage Notes: They were married by Robert Nelles, Justice of the Peace 8

171. Sarah Freeman 1,8,152 was born in 1722 in Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey USA8 and died after 1774.8

General Notes: For children of John and Sarah Smith see and


Elizabeth Freeman - 12/3/1760 - 87 Years old
Our days begin with trouble here
Our life is but a span
And cruel death is always near
So frail a thing is man

Henry Freeman - 10/10/1763 - 94 years old
Here let him sleep in undisturbed dust
Until the resurrection of the just

These markings come from the "Old White Church" cemetery, 600 Rahway Ave, Woodbridge NJ

1698John Freeman and 1700Martha Moore are the IGI choices for Sarah's parents

Sarah married John Smith 1,190 between 1738 and 1739 in Woodbridge, New Jersey USA. John was born on 22 Aug 1715 in Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey USA and died in 1785 in Sussex County, New Jersey USA.

General Notes: of Germantown, PA

Children from this marriage were:

   223 M    i. "Little" John Smith UEL 8 was born on 13 Nov 1747,8 died on 4 Aug 1846 in Ancaster, ON,8 and was buried in Bowman United Church.8

General Notes: Ά of Ancaster
John Smith is U.E. Accepted "proof" of this is: Upper Canada Land Petitions,"S" Bundle 2, #158, RG1, L3, 1796 Reel C2806 Archives of Ontario"the petition of John Smith Sen., of Ancaster, a Loyalist UE" His son, Benjamin, also received land as a son of a Loyalist. That petition: Upper Canada Land Petitions "S" Bundle 8, 1806-1808 RG 1 L3 vol 453 (a) Reel C2809 Archives of Ontario "Benjamin Smith son of John".

There was both a Ludgate Bridge and a Ludgate Hill in the area between Woodbridge and Westfield, NJ. Smiths were in Woodbridge area from 1676
Emigrated first to Grimsby, then to Ancaster. Lot 16 C 1 & 2, Grimsby Twp., sold 1789 to Jonathan Woolverton, then to Lot 46 Con IV, Lot 47 Con V Ancaster (Crown Grant ) [Near Bennett's Corners/Southcote, 3 mi from Ancaster Village]

See Anna ROY

John Smith Jr; b.Nov.13th.1747 in the Smith house on the east side of the road that leads to Elizabethtown near what was once known as the High Gate bridge. John his wife Anna Roy & their 6 children, and several other families, I was not able to obtain an exact number, made their way west on covered wagons pulled by horses. Before they crossed the Genesee River Ford they stopped off to visit their friends the [John b. 1748] Kellys & ended up staying for 3 days for the Smiths had persuaded my John Kelly & his new wife Olly to come with them to Canada." [Wilfred Tottle email 2 Jun 2001]

"Little" married Anna Roy.8 Anna was born on 13 Apr 17528 and died on 30 Sep 1830.8

General Notes: Anna's family had been in the US from 1712

+ 224 F    ii. Martha Smith 8 was born in 17538 and died in Feb 1794.8

+ 225 F    iii. Sarah Smith 8 was born on 6 Nov 1758,8 died on 17 Oct 1841,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

177. Sarah Freeman 1,8,152 was born in 1722 in Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey USA8 and died after 1774.8

General Notes: For children of John and Sarah Smith see and


Elizabeth Freeman - 12/3/1760 - 87 Years old
Our days begin with trouble here
Our life is but a span
And cruel death is always near
So frail a thing is man

Henry Freeman - 10/10/1763 - 94 years old
Here let him sleep in undisturbed dust
Until the resurrection of the just

These markings come from the "Old White Church" cemetery, 600 Rahway Ave, Woodbridge NJ

1698John Freeman and 1700Martha Moore are the IGI choices for Sarah's parents

Sarah married John Smith 1,190 between 1738 and 1739 in Woodbridge, New Jersey USA. John was born on 22 Aug 1715 in Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey USA and died in 1785 in Sussex County, New Jersey USA.

General Notes: of Germantown, PA

(Duplicate Line. See Person 171)

196. Mary (Polly) Moore .47.,166

Mary married Unknown De Camp.166

Children from this marriage were:

+ 226 F    i. Susan De Camp .166

+ 227 F    ii. Catharine De Camp .166

+ 228 M    iii. Gideon De Camp .166

197. Mary Moore 1,132,167 was born in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ. Another name for Mary is Polly.

Mary married Morris Decamp 1.,132 Morris was born on 25 Dec 1750191 and died on 18 Feb 1821.

General Notes: Wounded on Staten Island on the 23 of Aug. 1777 (see p20 of Shotwell document)

Noted events in his life were:

• Military: 132

Children from this marriage were:

   229 F    i. Susan Alston Decamp 1.,132.,180

Susan married John Marsh 1.,180

Susan next married Samuel Marsh 1,132,180 on 30 Nov 1826.180 Samuel was born on 26 Apr 1764 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ180 and died on 15 May 1829 in Lower Rahway, NJ.

   230 F    ii. Catherine Decamp .1.,132 Another name for Catherine is Katherine Decamp.191

General Notes: For children of Isaac and Catherine see McCarthy, Cooke, Machen, Beers by Cliff McCarthy at

Catherine married Isaac Marsh 1,132.,191 Isaac was born on 5 Feb 1770 in Westfield, NJ191 and died on 6 Dec 1847 in Westfield, NJ.

   231 M    iii. Gideon Decamp 1.,132.,180

198. Joseph Moore 1,131,168 was born on 9 Jan 1732 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,47,132 died on 6 Oct 1793 in Amwell, Hunterdon Co., NJ,132 and was buried in His Plantation At Amwell, Hunterdon Co., NJ.132 The cause of his death was Yellow Fever.

General Notes:
says Anna Moore was dau of Joseph Moore of Amwell NOT TRUE

His was the "Moore Plantation", Amwell Twp., the place where he died of yellow fever.
Christiana: Daughter of Moses Bishop.
A. M. Shotwell's Ancestors, page 276 lists most of the children see below
Not long after marriage he settled on a farm about three miles from Flemington, and nine from Kingwood meeting

In 1787 UEL Benjamin Willson, his wife Sarah Crowell (Joseph's 1st cousin) and their family removed to the Niagara District. After he and his family had been settled there six years, they were visited by Joseph Moore of Amwell, Hunterdon County, New Jersey.

Joseph Moore was a Quaker and was a minister or elder of the Kingwood Friends Meeting. He had been appointed by Congress to attend a meeting with the British and indians at Sandusky Ohio. Joseph's intent was to continue SW from Fort Erie.
Entry in his journal for June 3, 1793 states that he "went to Benjamin Willson's, whose wife is a near relation of mine"
Published in Friends' Miscellany Vol. 6(1835) pp.289-343.
He died back home in NJ at the end of the trip.

His 1793 trip can be dissected in "Journals of Jacob Lindley and Joseph Moore, or, Quaker accounts of the expedition of 1793 to Detroit and vicinity"

1793, Feb. 22. Moore, Joseph, of Amwell Twsp., Hunterdon Co.;
will of. Real and personal property to be sold. Sister, Mary
DeCamp, L20. Son, Samuel L60. Sons, John and Benjamin, each
L50. Daughters, Hulda and Anna Moore, each L50 and one feather
bed and one chest. Daughter, Miranda Moore L10, one feather bed
and chest. Children - Sarah King, Huldah, Anna and Samuel
Moore, Rachel Head, John and Benjamin Moore, Hannah Cary and
Miranda Moore, the residue divided between them. Executors -
friends Henry Clifton, Samuel Kester and Robert Emley of Kingwood.
Witnesses - Isaac Hill, John Hoagland, Abraham Hogeland.
Proved Nov 8, 1793.
1793, Nov 4. Inventory L248.13.11 made by Roger Bowman and Robt Burgess.
1797, Feb 10. Account by Henry Clifton and Robert Emley
File 1644J

children of our Joseph:
1. 1752Sarah
2. Huldah, d. in Bucks Co., Pa., unm.
3. Samuel', m Praul and had: (l.)Deborah, m. , and had Henry, Jesse, John and Deborah, b. before 1811.
(2.) Jemima, m. and had Ambrose and Deborah, b. before 1811.
(3.) Mary.
4. Ann, never married.
5. John', was a miller
6. Rachel', m. Thomas Head of Bucks Co., Pa.,
and had: (1.) Miranda. (2.) Joseph. (3.) David. (4.) Lewis. (5.) Hulda.
7. Benjamin', m. and had : (1.) Nathan, m. (2.) Susan. (3.) Joseph. (4.) Ann.
8. Hannah, m. Thomas Cary
9. Miranda, m. Edward Blackfan

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 69

• Residence:

• Occupation: 132

• Occupation: 163

• Religion: Between 1763 and 1793. 132

• Will: 22 Feb 1793. 192

Joseph married Christiana Bishop,1,132,168 daughter of Moses Bishop 1,174 and Unknown, on 21 Feb 1751.132 Christiana was born about 17358 and died in 1791.132

General Notes: Daughter [or granddaughter] of Moses Bishop

John Bishop, b. Newbury, Mass., 19 Sept 1648; was of Rahway, NJ, and was of Gov. Hamilton's council 1693; wife was Mary (?Moore b~1658, d/o Samuel-1?). Will of John Bishop of Woodbridge made 20 Jun 1720, proved 3 Apr 1722. Wife Mary; children John, Moses, Anne... Exec. Son Moses with brother-in-law John Moore [This would be 1674Capt John Moore]

Children from this marriage were:

   232 F    i. Huldah Moore 1,192,193 died in Bucks Co., PA.193

General Notes: Unmarried

+ 233 M    ii. Samuel Moore 1,192.,193

   234 F    iii. Ann Moore 1.,192.,193

General Notes: Never married

+ 235 M    iv. John Moore 1,192,193 died about 1818 in Bucks Co., PA.194

+ 236 F    v. Rachel Moore 1,192.,194

+ 237 M    vi. Benjamin Moore 1,192.,194

+ 238 F    vii. Hannah Moore 1,166,194.,195

   239 F    viii. Miranda Moore .1.,192

Miranda married Edward Blackfan 1.,192

+ 240 F    ix. Sarah Moore 1,192,193 was born on 15 May 1752 in Amwell Twp. NJ8 and died on 18 Dec 1825 in Rahway, NJ.193

Joseph next married someone.

His children were:

+ 241 F    i. Sarah Moore .166

   242 F    ii. Huldah Moore .166

+ 243 M    iii. Samuel Moore .166

   244 F    iv. Ann Moore .166

+ 245 M    v. John Moore .166

+ 246 F    vi. Rachel Moore .166

+ 247 M    vii. Benjamin Moore .166

+ 248 F    viii. Hannah Moore 1,166,194.,195

   249 F    ix. Mirandy Moore .166

199. Edward Moore 1,169,170,171,172 was born on 6 Nov 1733 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ,47,172,173 died on 8 Mar 1822 in Lower Rahway, NJ,169,170 and was buried in Rahway, NJ.

General Notes: Edward has 10 children by his first wife, most of whom die without issue. His family goes back to a Samuel Moore b abt 1634 who came from Newbury, Essex Co. MA. Source = Joyce Camping


the rich one
Occupation: Carpenter, m. [Elizabeth]___ Shotwell. Edward died 1822. A. M. Shotwell's Ancestors, page 276.

Edward Moore, Bridge Town, Middlesex Co., 8, 22, 1819, 3, 19, 1822. Children : Thomas [the NS Loyalist], Isaac, Edward (deceased). Grandchildren : Meriam, Clayton, Caroline Eliza, chil- dren of son Edward (deceased). Witnesses: Nathan Shotwell, Isaac Willson, Joseph Shotwell. Executors : Henry Moore, Jr., son Isaac.

The deceased Edward Jr died in 1812

two boys (with girls in between):
Thomas MOORE UEL b 6 Jan 1755 Lower Rahway, was a Loyalist or Tory in time of the Revolutionary War, he settled in 1784 in Nova Scotia, and then left Nova Scotia in 1812 to settle in Bertie Township, Lincoln Co., Ontario, Canada.
He had 5 children (3 boys, John, Edward and Joseph)

b 2 Oct 1772 Lower Rahway, NJ d 25 oct 1850 Lower Rahway, NJ

Name: Edward Moore Birth Place: Woodbridge Death Date: 08 Mar 1822 Age: 89y Spouse's Name: Phebe Hallett Marriage Date: 10 Oct 1787 Marriage Place: Newtown, L.I. Comment: Rec on req 8-15-1764, Cert of clear to NY, Cert thence 2-1-1788 for Phebe

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: 6 Jan 1755. 196

• Religion: 15 Mar 1764. 173

• Occupation: 169,173,174

• Residence: 197

Edward married Elizabeth Shotwell 1,8,172.,174 Elizabeth was born about 1736.8

Children from this marriage were:

+ 250 M    i. Thomas Moore UEL 1,73,174,198 was born on 6 Jan 1755 in Lower Rahway, New Jersey173,199 and died on 17 Sep 1834 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario.200

   251 F    ii. Mary Moore 1,173,196 was born on 26 Apr 1757 and died between 1757 and 1764.173

   252 F    iii. Rachel Moore 1,173,196 was born on 8 Oct 1758.

+ 253 F    iv. Deborah Moore 1,198,201 was born on 19 May 1761.

   254 F    v. Mary Moore 1,173,196 was born on 7 May 1764.

   255 F    vi. Sarah Moore 1,173,196 was born on 1 Jun 1765.

   256 M    vii. Samuel Moore 1,173,196 was born on 9 Mar 1768.

+ 257 M    viii. Isaac Moore 1,173,201,202 was born on 2 Oct 1772 in Lower Rahway, NJ,170 died on 25 Oct 1850 in Lower Rahway, NJ,170 and was buried in Rahway, NJ.

+ 258 M    ix. Edward Moore 1,202,203 was born on 14 Apr 1774173 and died in 1812.204

   259 F    x. Marion Moore 1,173,196 was born on 21 Feb 1776.

Edward next married Shotwell 1,174.,192

Edward next married someone.

His children were:

+ 260 M    i. Thomas Moore .205

+ 261 F    ii. Deborah Moore .205

   262 M    iii. Isaac Moore .205

General Notes: Isaac Moore, grandson of Mary (Crowel) (Moore) Alston, is the creator of the chart and letter described as"Isaac Moore's Family Record" and listed with more details of record in the Source List of this program. It is in repository at the Library of Congress.

+ 263 M    iv. Edward Moore .205

203. Samuel Moore UEL 1,69,136,175 was born on 4 Apr 1742 in Rahway, NJ,47,174 died on 19 Sep 1822 in Norwich, ON,47,174,176,177 and was buried in Sep 1822 in Norwich Pioneer Cemetery, Norwich, ON.178

Death Notes: "It is believed that he was living in Norwich with his daughter Sarah at the time." (of his death)

Burial Notes: In July of 1984, Samuel's gravestone was discovered just outside the fence of the Pioneer Cemetary. It has since been installed on a concrete base within the present cemetary. Since the inscription has eroded significantly, the family installed a granite base in front of the old marker and atached a bronze plaque that repeated the information on the original stone. A bronze United Empire Loyalist badge was also attached to the granite base.

General Notes: Source: Loyalist Settlements 1783-1789 - New Evidence of Canadian Loyalist Claims by W. Bruce Antliff 1985
Mississauga Library Call No. 971.024 ANT
Pages 5 and 6

Halifax 31st January 1786
Evidence in the case of Samuel Moore late of Woodbridge in the County of Middlesex New Jersey.

Claimant, being a Quaker, solemnly affirm'd,
That he is a Native of America, and at the Commencement of the Troubles was settled in Woodbridge, he says he ever took part with the British, and never signed any Association or took part with the Rebles, He was imprisoned more than once for not taking part with them.
In June 1777 he fled to the British at New York as he found he could not bear the Treatment he suffered from the Americans.
His Family was sent to him in Septem. 1777 and he has lived under the protection of the British Government ever since.
He quited New York at the Evacuation and resides at Anapolis in this Province.

Seventy five acres of Land in Woodbridge Township with a House & Offices, he bought it, (Deed produced) from Danl. Shotwell in Consideration of L750 Currency dated 14th November 1770 - 74 Acres & 8/10ths - and likewise a quit Claim for Three Acres from Joseph Shotwell laying adjoining in Consideration of L29 Currency. He fenced this and added to the Buildings to the extent of L25 or L30.
This is valued by Joseph Shotwell & Isaac Freeman at L800, but he says it was worth more.
Says it has been sold by the Commissioners under Confiscation. - He saw it in the Papers, - One Ward is in possession of it.
Produces a Letter from his Brother Edward Moore saying that he had got a Copy of the Condemnation and Sales, and only waited for the Governor's Seal being put to it.
His Personal is valued on Oath by the two persons formerly mentioned and the value amounts to L246 Currency and says they were all sold by the Commissioners under Confiscation.
States a debt due him L180.12.6 Currency it was due him by the Town of Woodbridge, and it is paid into the Treasury.
Says he owed L160 to persons without the Lines.

Halifax 11th April 1786
Produces Copy of an Inquisition found against him 13th October 1778 for Joining the Army of the King of Great Britain, And affidavit of Ebenezer Ford one of the Commissioners for Sale of Forfeited Property in the State of New Jersey, that in the year 1779 he did sell a Farm in Woodbridge containing 77 Acres of Land late the property of Samuel Moore.
Source: The Loyalists: Revolution, Excile, Settlement by Christopher Moore 1984
ISBN 0771060939 Mississauga Library Call No. 971.024 MOO

Page 81
When New Jersey Quaker Samuel Moore "disliking the measure carrying on by the Americans and being in personal danger", retreated to New York City, "a party acting under orders of the American government came and violently forced his wife and children out of the house, put them on a wagon, and sent them under flag of truce to the British line at Amboy".
Reference: AO 13/19/192 AO= The Audit Office papers of the Public Record Office London
DATE[ SEP 19, 1822
FILE[ 98
MFNO[ 1154
NOTES[ - petitioners: John Moore; Caleb Tompkins; Adam Stover
- James Beach, Norwich;
- Elijah Gifford, Norwich;
- William Gifford, Norwich

- son was Joseph Moore
- son was Crowel Moore
- daughter was Sarah Webster, who had a son, Crowel Webster
- son was Enoch Moore
- son was Samuel Moore
- daughter was Phebe Shaw
- daughter was Rachel Youngs
- son was Elias Moore
- son was John Moore
- son was Lindley M. Moore
- granddaughter was Catherine Webster
- granddaughter was Phebe Webster
- granddaughter was Emma Webster

- mention of Caleb Tompkins
- mention of John Gray
- mention of Jonathan Doan

- John Moore;
- Caleb Tompkins;
- Adam Stover;
- Azaliah Schooley

- inventory of estate completed November 22, 1822 by Samuel
Cornwall and John McAuley

From Paul Bingle:
"Moore, Samuel - Woodbridge Middlesex"; William Gaston's Ledger listed all claims under the individual names of the Loyalists that lost their property. The original ledger (with names and property values) is in the Archives of the New Jersey State Library, Trenton. - Theodore V. Brush, April 12, 197?, Lakewood, NJ". The ONLY other Moore listed is Michael of Essex

of Norwich, Ontario


Samuel probably came into Ontario from Wilmot Twp, NS in 1808 (source?) His arrival to take up residence in Upper Canada appears to some to have been later.

Property: Between 1815 and 1831, Charlotteville, ON. Lot 21, 2nd Concession This 200 acre lot was owned by Samuel Moore in 1811, sold to his son Enoch in 1815, sold to James Graham in 1831, sold to Charles Thompson in 1834, sold to Gilliam Terhune in 1836, passed to his son, Peter Terhune, and sold in 1866

Noted events in his life were:

• Inheritance: 1751, Lower Rahway, NJ. 70

• Emigration: Abt 1784, Annapolis, NS. 176

• Religion: Abt 1784, Annapolis, NS. 176,206

• Residence: Bef 1808, Wilmot Township, NS. 176

• Property: Between 1811 and 1815, Charlotteville, ON. 176

• Property: After 1784, Annapolis, NS. 176,207

• Property: After 1797, Wilmot Twp, NS. 176,207

• Will: 27 Jun 1822, Weldon Library, U. Of Western Ontario. 176,208

• Property Purch.: 1798, Annapolis County, NS. 209

• Property Purch.: 1799, Annapolis County, NS. 209

• Property Purch.: 1770, Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ. 70

• Property Sold: 1809, Annapolis, NS. 176,209

• Property Sold: 1810, Wilmot Twp, NS. 176,209

• Will proved: 12 Oct 1822, London District, Upper Canada. 176,210

• Politics: 1777, Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ. 175,211

• Residence: After Dec 1813, Norwich Twp., Oxford Co., Upper Canada. 197

• Residence: Bef 1778. 174

• Residence: 31 Jan 1786. 212

• Religion: 16 Nov 1774. 174

• Land: 196

• Emigration: Oct 1783. 191

Samuel married Rachel Stone,1,136,174 daughter of William Stone 8 and Unknown, on 8 Nov 1763 in Elizabethtown, NJ.174 Rachel was born on 21 Sep 1743 in Elizabethtown, NJ47,213 and died on 7 Dec 1813 in Elizabethtown, NJ.47,196

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: 8 Nov 1763. 214

Children from this marriage were:

+ 264 M    i. Joseph Moore 1,174,191,215 was born on 16 Sep 1767 in Uniontown, Middlesex, New Jersey (Menlow Park)176,216 and died on 20 Feb 1851 in Harrison Twp., Ross Co., OH.217

   265 M    ii. Crowell Moore 1,174,191 was born on 14 Oct 1769 in Uniontown, Middlesex Co., New Jersey.176,218,219

Crowell married Experience Clarkson 1,174,176.,191 Experience was born on 20 Sep 1776 in Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ.191,220,221

+ 266 F    iii. Phebe Moore 1,174,191,222 was born on 15 Oct 1771 in Tarrytown, NJ176,223 and died on 4 Mar 1843 in Irontown, NJ.176,223

+ 267 M    iv. Elias Moore M.P.P. 1,174,176,191,224 was born on 1 Mar 1776 in America176,225 and died on 13 Oct 1847 in Yarmouth, Upper Canada.176

+ 268 F    v. Rachel Moore 1,174,191 was born on 6 Oct 1773 in America.47,176,226

+ 269 M    vi. Enoch Moore 1,174,191 was born on 16 Apr 1779 in New York, NY175,227 and died in Aug 1840 in Rockford, IL ?.176,228

+ 270 F    vii. Sarah Moore 1,174,229 was born on 31 Aug 1764 in Uniontown, Middlesex Co., NJ47,174 and died on 14 Aug 1842 in North Norwich, Canada West (On).47,174

   271 M    viii. John Moore 1,174,176.,191.,224

General Notes: John was active in the Duncombe Revolt (a.k.a., the 1837 Rebellion).

He lived in Sparta, ON and the home he built in the 1820s stands today as an example of pioneer architecture and construction and is a valued relic. It is adjacent to the Friends Meeting House and it suggests that John probably owned the property upon which it was built.

John married Deborah Stogden 1,47.,174

John next married Anne Gillam 1,47,232 on 9 Mar 1814 in Pelham, Welland Co., Ontario 47.,232 Anne was born on 10 Sep 1795 in Pelham, Welland Co., Ontario.233 Other names for Anne were Alla Gillam,191 Anna Gillam, and174 Anna Gillman.230

+ 272 M    ix. Samuel Moore Jr. 1,174,191 was born on 23 Mar 1784 in Nova Scotia..191,234

   273 M    x. Edward Moore 176 was born on 8 May 1786 in Nova Scotia.234

General Notes: Edward was unknown in our historical records until information came from the Friends Library at Swarthmore, PA. He was no mentioned in Samuel's will.

+ 274 M    xi. Lindley Murray Moore 1,235,236 was born on 31 May 1788 in Annapolis, Nova Scotia, Canada,234,236 died on 14 Aug 1871 in Rochester, Monroe Co. NY,174,234,236,237 and was buried on 17 Aug 1871 in MT Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY.236

205. Daniel Moore 1,181 was born on 18 Aug 1751 and died before 19 Mar 1835 in Somerset Co., PA.181

Noted events in his life were:

• Military: 181

• Residence: 181

• Occupation: 181

Daniel married Rebecca Kerenhappuch 1.,181 Rebecca was born on 15 Sep 1752 and died in 1804.

Children from this marriage were:

   275 F    i. Catherine Moore 1,181 was born in 1775 and died about 19 Mar 1835.

Catherine married Thomas Benford 1.,181 Thomas was born in 1775 in Somerset Co., PA and died in 1835.

+ 276 M    ii. Daniel Moore 1,181 was born in 1777 and died in 1844 in Middle Creek Twp, Somerset Co., PA.238

   277 F    iii. Margaret Moore .1.,181

Margaret married William King 1.,181

   278 F    iv. Rebecca Moore .1.,181

Rebecca married Caleb Morgan 1.,181

   279 M    v. William Moore .1.,181

William married Elizabeth King 1.,181

   280 F    vi. Esther Moore .1.,181

Esther married Thomas Lawson 1.,181

   281 F    vii. Aquilla Moore 1,181 was born in 1785 and died in 1842.

   282 F    viii. Elizabeth Moore .1.,181

Elizabeth married William Lee 1.,181

Daniel next married Widow Millhouse 1.,181 Widow died in 1831.

previous  Eighth Generation  Next

212. James Moore .1.,148

James married someone.

His child was:

   283 F    i. Abigail Johnson Moore 1,148 was born on 28 May 1791, died on 7 Dec 1876, and was buried in Presby. Cem. Woodbridge, NJ.148

Abigail married Thomas Cutter Brown 1,148 in 1812 in Woodbridge, NJ.148 Thomas was born on 23 Dec 1787 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ and died on 12 Mar 1845 in Woodbridge Twp., Middlesex Co., NJ.

213. Mary Moore 8 was born on 27 Nov 17648 and died on 15 Mar 1813.8

General Notes: PETTIT, Isaac of Hardwick. 443S - W. 12 Jan 1787; Filed 23 Jan 1787. Wife: Mary. Sons: John, and youngest son, Jonathan. Daughters: Rachil, Elizabeth and Deborah. NOTE: All children minors. Others: Brother, Jonathan PETTIT. Executors: Wife, Mary PETTIT and bro, Jonathan PETTIT. Witnesses: Abm. SHAVER, John MOOR and Mary M. NIXON. [b 1764]

Mary was 4 1/2 months pregnant when she crossed at Niagara

Mary married Lt. Allan Nixon Jr. UEL 8 on 19 Oct 1783.8 Allan was born on 29 Nov 1757 in Hardwick Twp. NJ,8 died on 19 Mar 1813,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

Marriage Notes: They were married by Daniel Predmor.

General Notes: MS 8415 (Estate Files) From this I have Allan Nixon's Will. He mentions William
(formerly RG22-235) These microfillm reels go 8405 to 8421
Will dated 1 May 1812
Probated 1821

Contrary to popular opinion (which has him born in County Down, Ireland) Ά
Allen was born in Sussex County (the family emmigrated about 1742). Ά
He was a staunch Anglican.
Allen built the stone building which became a blacksmith shop in the War of 1812.

Allen wanted UEL status and recognition to the point that on Oct 18, 1811 he
petitioned for it - "that your honor will cause his name to be enrolled on the
UE list in order that...".
This document, signed by Allen Nixon states the following -
"born in the State of New Jersey"
"joined in 1777 in New Jersey under Colonel Barton"
"in Sussex, NJ in 1778"
"emmigrated in April 1786"
Major Titus Geer Simons wasn't impressed - "Petitioner ought to produce his
discharge, or sufficient..." C2481 N10/2 (probably) Bundle 10 / #2 of 20

The family believed that Allan served as an ensign in Butler's Rangers (but this is extremely unlikely)

He and Mary supposedly died of Cholera. We can assume that brother-in-law Jonathan Moore, Jonathan's wife Martha Carpenter Moore, and Allan's sister-in-law Elizabeth Moore Nelles died of the same disease. It was actually typhus fever (Janet Carnochan). The First Cholera pandemic began in Bengal in 1816-1826 and spread to Europe later. 1832 was a Cholera year in St Catharines.

Children from this marriage were:

   284 M    i. John Nixon 8 was born on 9 Jul 17858 and died on 21 Mar 1861 in Dumfries Twp, Brant Co..8

John married Anna Buchner.8 Anna was born on 16 Jul 17928 and died on 20 Apr 1872.8

+ 285 M    ii. William Nixon 8 was born on 27 Nov 1787 in Grimsby ON,8 died on 10 Aug 1857,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

   286 F    iii. Catherine Nixon 8 was born on 29 Oct 17908 and died on 2 Jun 1851.8

Catherine married Dennis Woolverton 8 on 29 Mar 1810.8 Dennis was born on 1 Jan 1790 in Rosemont (Amwell Twp) NJ8 and died on 23 May 1875.8

General Notes: A Baptist and a Reformer (his wife was an Episcopalian Tory)

   287 M    iv. Robert Nixon 8 was born on 26 Aug 17938 and died on 6 Oct 1852.8

General Notes: 1793Robert Nixon = 1799Elizabeth Corwin
1818 Charles Nixon = 1825Mary E unknown
1854Henry R Nixon = 1854Margaret E Gage married 1880 Ancaster
1891Harry Corwin Nixon = 1890Alice Jackson also 1883Arthur 1885CharlesC
1918Jackson Corwin Nixon

Harry (1 Apr 1891 - 22 Oct 1961) served as an Ontario MPP from 1919-1961 a total of 42 years. He was also the 13th Premier of Ontario in 1943. His start in politics was the United Farmers of Ontario, which led him to the Ontario Legislature. Harry kept his seat in politics until his death in 1961. Harry was also a member of the Freemasons.

Robert married Elizabeth Corwin.8 Elizabeth was born on 14 Jan 17998 and died on 11 Feb 1856.8

   288 F    v. Dinah Nixon 8 was born on 14 Oct 17968 and died on 6 Jun 1871.8

Dinah married Peter Bowslaugh Jr.,8 son of Rev. Peter Bowslaugh 8 and Mary Browse,8 on 23 May 1816.8 Peter was born in 1795.8

   289 F    vi. Mary Nixon 8 was born on 5 Jul 18008 and died on 20 Apr 1867.8

Mary married Charles Kitchen 8 on 7 Jun 1820.8 Charles was born in 17998 and died in 1870.8

   290 M    vii. Allen Nixon III 8 was born on 9 Feb 1803,8 died on 19 Aug 1877 in Rochester, Fulton IN,8 and was buried in Hoover's Cemetery, Athens IN.8

General Notes: Lived his life in Indiana after 1850

Allen married Sarah Skinner.8 Sarah was born in 18048 and died after 1880.8

   291 F    viii. Elizabeth Nixon 8 was born on 8 Oct 18088 and died on 8 Aug 1887.8

Elizabeth married Richard David Allison 8 on 6 Oct 1831.8 Richard was born on 8 Mar 18138 and died on 24 Jun 1877.8

224. Martha Smith 8 was born in 17538 and died in Feb 1794.8

Martha married Adam Green UEL 8 in 1775.8 Adam was born in Oct 1739 in Greenwich Twp, Morris Co. NJ8 and died on 13 Aug 1816.8

General Notes: G9/35 (formerly RG1 L3 Vol 204) [9 is the bundle number; 35 is the item number functioning like a page number inside the bundle] C 2029
I have a copy

Joseph Barton 1778 Lt Col 5th Batt NJ Volunteers 1779 1st Batt

Dated 3 Sep 1760, Samuel's Will had this say:
Item, I give unto my son Adam when he shall arrive at the age of twenty one years three hundred acres of Land adjoining and including My old plantation above mentioned but not to possess the old improvement until his Mother's Decease to him his heirs and Assigns for ever.

Item I give unto my son John When he shall arrive a the Age of twenty one years three hundred acres of Land Adjoining to Adams and including the mill and to Extend to the Rear Line Next to George Allens taking his Breadth until he hath the above quantity but not to possess the Mill until the above said Murrys Lease is Expired to him his heirs and Assigns for Ever.

In 1787, 46 families gathered at Log Gaol, New Jersey to make the journey to the border at Niagara. Of these families, 42 were from New Jersey, and four were from Pennsylvania. They included such names as Pettit, Lewis, Glover, two John Smiths, Chambers, Willcox, Nixon, Beamer, Green, Lawrason, Kitchen, Moore, Carpenter and Neil. The group reached Niagara in July 1787.

Adam and his brother John Green signed a document in Hardwick township, Sussex County, in May of 1789, in which they made petition for a tavern licence [(Ida) Crozier & Green, pg 18]

Lot 24, C4 Saltfleet, ON stretches from Ridge Road, above the Escarpment down to what would become King Street in the Village of Stoney Creek. This included what we today call the Devil's Punchbowl. The stream that drops over the mountain brow at this this point, flowing north into the lake is still the "Stoney Creek". This property was patented to Adam Green.

Ά Contemporary of James Nevills Ά Lived in Stoney Creek, C4 L24 and C5 L25,26 Saltfleet
Ά This family probably arrived in 1792 from Hardwick, Sussex Cnty NJ.

Saltfleet Property:
24 IV (Lot 24, C4) all patented to Adam 10 Feb 1797 (he came to Saltfleet in 1787)
24 V
25 V
26 V

Land Petition Index C-10820
1794 G1/26
1810 G9/35 (Adam of Saltfleet)
1811 G10/22

It should be noted that on the 4th of July 1809, Charles Pettit, Adam Green, John Green and Peter Gordon jointly requested that their names be inserted on the U.E. List "which had been recorded in Council on the 23d of April 1798 & 25th June 1799" [NA Reel C-102, Volume 26, Land Book H, 9 Apr. 1808 - 23 Jan. 1811, pg. 178]. Only Peter Gordon was "recommended" to be inserted on the U.E. List

[British General Richard Prescott]
Muster Roll of Captain James Shaw's Company of New Jersey Loyalist Volunteers in the regiment
Commanded by Colonel Joseph Barton

William Green 17 Feb 1777 J. Handcock
George Green 12 Feb 1777 William Green

Adam received a recommendation for insertion into the United Empire List of Loyalists on 9 April 1810 and later took the Oath of Allegiance to the Crown on 28 May 1811.

No. 22.b.
Armstrong County Js. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania--
Personally came before John Smith Esquire, One of the commonwealth Justices of the Peace and for the County afsd, William Green Senior & being Duly sworn as the law directs Deposeth & saith that he was personally present when Adam Green gave a brown Mare, Saddle & bridle unto one who Said his name was General Prescott it being in the year of Our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and seventy-nine for the purpose of making his escape to the British, that the above Mentioned Adam Green at that time lived in Sussex County Hardwick Township and State of New Jersey, this Deponent further saith that he [, William Green,] gave a Lieutenants Warrant to the above named Adam Green which Warrant Deponent received of Col. Joseph Barton for the said Adam Green and further saith not.

Sworn & subscribed before John Smith
on the 5th Day of May 1811

William X Green

[comment: There were individuals who received a warrant, proceeded to enlist men, expended personal sums of money in that pursuit, but never did receive the commission promised them to continue as officers in the company / regiment they had organized. Their recruits were placed elsewhere. A typical warrant would have read:
"Whereas His Majesty's Commissioners for Restoring Peace and Tranquility to the Deluded
Subjects in America Have Empowered and Fully Authorized me to Grant Warrants and Enlisting
Orders to all Officers Engaged in a Brigade under my Command This may Certify therefore that
the Possessor, Mr._____ , is appointed a Lieutenant and is hereby Authorized to Raise men for
His Majesty's Service. Given under my Hand and Seal at _____(place) this ___th day
of ___(month) Anno Domini 1776. [signed] ______, Colonel Of His Majesty's ____(Battallion)."]

Daniel and William Green left New Jersey about 1784 in the aftermath of William's Loyalist service during the American Revolution and loss of Williams New Jersey lands in 1777 to settle in Fayette County on the western Pennsylvania frontier and start new lives. Their brother George, whom William brought into Col. Barton's regiment, died a prisoner in 1777 in the log gaol built by their father Samuel Green in Johnsonburg, Hardwick Township, Sussex County, New Jersey (now Warren County). Other brothers Adam and John Green, who were also Loyalists, settled in Upper Canada in the early 1790s where Adam received a recommendation for insertion into the United Empire List of Loyalists on 9 April 1810 and later took the Oath of Allegiance to the Crown on 28 May 1811. Brother William's deposition given in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania on 5 May 1811 links William and Daniel to brother Adam and thence to father Samuel Green, the surveyor of early colonial northwest New Jersey.

Adam's successful petition for a grant of 300A was based on his assertion that he had been a fellow prisoner with Judge Nathaniel Pettit. Adam had joined the Royal Standard in 1776 - ANNALS
He was a Loyalist during the Revolutionary War and consequently imprisoned during the war. It is noted in the "Ontario Register [Vol 2]" that Judge Nathaniel Pettit had been imprisoned with Adam Green another prominent Loyalist in Sussex county.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 292 F    i. Ann Jennie Green 8 was born on 10 Mar 17778 and died on 17 Mar 1850.8

225. Sarah Smith 8 was born on 6 Nov 1758,8 died on 17 Oct 1841,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

General Notes: Ά 3rd daughter

Sarah married Andrew Petit 8 on 9 Apr 1780.8 Andrew was born on 22 Mar 1756 in Easton PA,8 died on 12 May 1819,8 and was buried on 14 May 1819 in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

General Notes: Ά Residences: Lambertville, NJ
L14, C1 and L14, C2 Grimsby this also claims to be MUIR property
L13 BF,C1,C2,C3 properties were Allan Nixon's in 1794

Forty Ridge Farm buildings are on L13 C3 listed as Jonathan Robbins Pettit in 1874

13 year old Andrew was apprenticed to a Mr. Kelsey, who carried on a business about a mile from the Log Goal, to learn the tanning and shoe-making trades. His apprenticeship ended when he was twenty-one shortly after the Revolutionary war began.
At this time, according to Andrew's uncle, Judge Nathaniel Pettit, a Captain Joseph Barton had been commissioned by the British to set up the King's Standard in New Jersey but was forced to flee before his mission had been accomplished. Andrew and other volunteers waited in vain, with concealed arms and equipment for further orders which were never received.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 293 M    i. Andrew Petit Jr. 8 was born on 22 Oct 17908 and died on 24 May 1874.8

226. Susan De Camp .166

Susan married someone.

Her children were:

+ 294 F    i. Martha Unknown .166

+ 295 M    ii. Peter Unknown .166

   296 M    iii. Gidion Unknown .166

   297 M    iv. Morris D. Unknown .166

   298 F    v. Latisha Unknown .166

   299 F    vi. Persilla Unknown .166

227. Catharine De Camp .166

Catharine married someone.

Her children were:

   300 M    i. Morris Unknown .166

   301 U    ii. Joseph Unknwon .166

   302 M    iii. Ephraim Unknown .166

   303 M    iv. Nathan Unknown .166

   304 F    v. Mary Unknown .166

   305 F    vi. Martha Unknown .166

   306 F    vii. Sharlot Unknown .166

   307 F    viii. Abigail Unknown .166

   308 M    ix. Lewis Unknown .166

228. Gideon De Camp .166

Gideon married someone.

His children were:

   309 M    i. John De Camp .166

   310 F    ii. Mirandy De Camp .166

   311 U    iii. Malon De Camp .166

233. Samuel Moore 1.,192.,193

Samuel married Amelia Prall 1,192 in 1781.192 Another name for Amelia is Praul.193

Children from this marriage were:

+ 312 F    i. Deborah Moore 1,192.,193

+ 313 F    ii. Jemima Moore 1,192.,193

235. John Moore 1,192,193 died about 1818 in Bucks Co., PA.194

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: 193

• Residence: 193

• Residence: 193

• Religion: 8 Sep 1787. 194

John married Hannah Copeland 1,192,194 about Mar 1783.194 Hannah died about 1891 near Plaifield, NJ.194

Children from this marriage were:

   314 F    i. Susannah Moore 1,194 was born on 10 Feb 1784 in Rahway, NJ.194

Susannah married Icabod Price 1 on 12 May 1804 in New York, City.194 Icabod was born on 4 Oct 1781 in Elizabethtown, NJ194 and died on 22 Feb 1862.

   315 M    ii. Joseph Moore .1.,194

Joseph married Catherine Hand 1.,194

Joseph next married Gulieima Williams 1.,194

   316 M    iii. Copwerthwaite C. Moore .1.,194

Copwerthwaite married Unknown Horton 1,194 about 1810.194

   317 M    iv. John Moore 1,194 was born about 1789 in Marksboro, NJ194 and died in Nov 1877 in Marksboro, NJ.194

John married Amy Hance 1.,194 Amy died about 1890 in Plainfield, NJ.194

John next married Sara Hull 1,194 in 1814.194 Sara died in Marksboro, NJ.194

   318 M    v. Ambrose Moore .1.,194

   319 M    vi. Jesse Moore .1.,194

General Notes: Died as infant.

   320 F    vii. Christiana Moore 1.,194.,239

Christiana married Yardly Cadwaller 1.,239 Another name for Yardly is Yardly Cadwallader.194

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 239

• Occupation: 239

236. Rachel Moore 1.,192.,194

Rachel married Thomas Head 1,192.,194

Children from this marriage were:

   321 F    i. Miranda Head .1.,194

   322 M    ii. Joseph Head .1.,194

   323 M    iii. David Head .1.,194

   324 M    iv. Lewis Head .1.,240

   325 F    v. Hulda Head .1.,194

237. Benjamin Moore 1.,192.,194

Benjamin married someone.

His children were:

   326 M    i. Nathan Moore .1.,194

   327 F    ii. Susan Moore .1.,194

   328 M    iii. Joseph Moore .1.,194

   329 F    iv. Ann Moore .1.,194

238. Hannah Moore 1,166.,194.,195

Hannah married Thomas Carey 1.,192 Another name for Thomas is Thomas Cary.194

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 194

Children from this marriage were:

   330 M    i. Joseph Cary .1.,194

Joseph married Eliza Wilson 1.,194

   331 F    ii. Julia Cary .1.,194

Julia married Charles Hampton 1.,194

   332 M    iii. John Cary .1.,194

John married Isabella Nelson 1.,194

   333 F    iv. Christiana Cary .1.,194

Christiana married Moses Phillips 1.,194

   334 F    v. Mary Cary .1.,194

Mary married Robert T. Smith 1.,194

   335 F    vi. Hannah Cary .1.,194

Hannah married Samuel Fowler 1.,194

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 194

   336 F    vii. Anna Cary .1.,194

Anna married John Williamson 1.,194

   337 M    viii. Moore Cary .1.,194

Moore married Ellen 1.,194

   338 F    ix. Elizabeth Cary .1.,194

General Notes: Unmarried

   339 F    x. Sarah Cary .1.,194

Sarah married Emmet Robeson 1.,194

   340 F    xi. Rebecca Cary .1.,194

Rebecca married Stephan Price 1.,194

   341 F    xii. Thomas Cary .1.,194

Hannah next married someone.

240. Sarah Moore 1,192,193 was born on 15 May 1752 in Amwell Twp. NJ8 and died on 18 Dec 1825 in Rahway, NJ.193

General Notes: For more children of Nathan and Sarah see

she of [Joseph,] Samuel, John, Samuel

1795 5th [July] 21 Nathan, Sarah and children Ann, John, Joseph, Amy, Asher and Christian became members of the Buckingham, PA Friends Meeting, by a certificate from Rahway and Plainfield M. M.

Sarah married Nathan King 1,192,193 on 19 Mar 1771 in Amwell, NJ.193 Nathan was born on 3 Jul 1750 in Kingwood, Hunterdon, New Jersey241 and died on 15 Sep 1825 in Milton, Morris, New Jersey.241

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: 19 Feb 1771. 242

General Notes: father was Joseph King Jr He was from Joseph King Sr. (1683-10 Dec 1761) & Mercy Nicholson Joe was of Harmanus
mother was Mary Simcock

Obadiah King was in Grimsby in Oct 1797

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: 1750.

• Alt. Death: 1825.

Children from this marriage were:

   342 F    i. Mary King 1,243 was born on 11 Jan 1772 in Amwell, Hunterdon, New Jersey.

   343 F    ii. Sarah King 1,244 was born on 28 May 1776 and died on 4 Sep 1863.

General Notes: For husband and children see

241. Sarah Moore .166

Sarah married someone.

Her children were:

+ 344 F    i. Mary Unknown .166

+ 345 F    ii. Ann Unknown .166

+ 346 F    iii. Sarah Unknown .166

   347 M    iv. John Unknown .166

+ 348 M    v. Joseph Unknown .166

+ 349 F    vi. Amy Unknown .166

   350 M    vii. Asher Unknown .166

   351 M    viii. Christan Unknown .166

243. Samuel Moore .166

Samuel married someone.

His children were:

+ 352 F    i. Deborah Moore .205

   353 F    ii. Jemima Moore .205

   354 F    iii. Mary Moore .205

245. John Moore .166

John married someone.

His children were:

+ 355 M    i. Joseph Moore .205

+ 356 F    ii. Susan Moore .205

   357 M    iii. Cowperthwaite Moore .205

   358 M    iv. Ambrose Moore .205

   359 M    v. John Moore .205

   360 M    vi. Christian Moore .205

246. Rachel Moore .166

Rachel married someone.

Her children were:

   361 F    i. Mirandy Unknown .205

   362 U    ii. Unknown .

   363 U    iii. Unknown .205

   364 U    iv. Unknown .205

   365 U    v. Unknown .205

   366 U    vi. Unknown .205

   367 U    vii. Unknown .205

247. Benjamin Moore .166

Benjamin married someone.

His children were:

   368 M    i. Nathan Moore .205

   369 F    ii. Susan Moore .205

   370 M    iii. Joseph Moore .205

   371 F    iv. Ann Moore .205

248. Hannah Moore 1,166.,194.,195

Hannah married Thomas Carey 1.,192 Another name for Thomas is Thomas Cary.194

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 194

(Duplicate Line. See Person 238)

Hannah next married someone.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 238)

250. Thomas Moore UEL 1,73,174,198 was born on 6 Jan 1755 in Lower Rahway, New Jersey173,199 and died on 17 Sep 1834 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario.200

General Notes: Land Petitions Index C-10827
1812 Burford M10 146
AO Reel C-2197
#146 (photocopied 5 pages)
To his Honor Isaac Brock Esq'r President adminstring
the Government of Upper Canada Major General Commanding
His Majesty, Forever therein -- In Council -
Humbly showith that your petitioner Thomas Moore
hath lately arrived from the province of Nova Scotia where
he hath resided ever since the close of the American War
that he has been a British subject as may appear for
rather than submit to the Urged Authority of the Rebellion
he did go within the Loines? to New York in the year one
thousand seven hundred and seventy six where he was
employed as a joiner in His Majesties Nava yard and
at the close of the War he did obtain letters from
Admiral Digby to the Commitioner Duncan in Halifax
Naval yard to be continued during his own pleashure
and in the year 1784 he by his friends Elisha ?????
and Thomas Leonard did settle in the township of
Parrsborough Kings County where he hath resided
ever since until October last and on his wishing to
come to Upper Canada he did procure Letters of introduction
from his friends to Govenor George Provost and from
him letters to Govenor Gore which I will present to thee
with this and he wishes thee to accept of a Cronological
Chart of my Family and when the May ??? his Carrector and
Family he wishes thee to give and to grant to him
and his Family of seven children and ten grand children
a proportion of Lands so as to Enable them to become
Proffetable as he was in Nova Scotia. And he wishes his
Lands in Burford or Norrage Gores as there seem to
be Lands Vacant near his friends Peter Lawson and
Joseph Landcaster and thy Petitioner Flatters himself
that he is Entitled to Eight hundred Acres as he hath three
Sons all with age two of them married and have three
Children each as will appear and he wishes the in
Council to introduce his having his proportion of
Lands without paying the fees of office as he flatters
himself intitled of Not be Paying the fees in Compliiance
to this he the Petitioner will Consider it as Requiring
on his part a grateful Acknowledgement and his
Warmist thanks.
By Thomas Moore

RWS Note: A triangular tract of land in Brant County, was originally known as the "Townsend Gore," but was afterwards attached to Burford Township, and then called "Burford Gore." In 1821 Burford Gore was separated from Burford Township and was named Oakland Township.
The term "Norrage Gore" could not be identified. Perhaps it is a spelling error for a part of Norwich NorthTownship in Oxford County.

Receivers Generals Office
York 15 February 1815
McBenson? agent for Thomas Moore has paid into
this office thirteen pounds, eighteen shillings and Eight pence
Sterling - the fiat fee on 400 acres. O.C. 6 April 1813 - and
Two pounds, nine shillings and six pence Sterling - the
Surveying fee therein - Reg'd of 6 July 1814
John A. Gill
Receiver General
To John Small Esquire
Clerk of Ex'y Council

Certify that Thomas Moore of Bertie in ??the district??
of Niagara, Yeoman (a Quaker) has made and sworn
the solemn affirmation and Declaration of Allegiance
as required by Law; before me this Eighth day of February
in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twelve.
Adam? Smal?

Thomas MooreRead in Council
Rec'd 8 February 1812Apl 6th 1813
from Petitioner ??The petitioner reccom-
J. Smile?mended for 400
Acres of Land under
8 Feb. 1812the Regulations of
Referred to the Executive CouncilJuly 1804 ??? ???

?????? President
To His Honour Isaac Brock Esq'r
a Warrant (No. 935)
???? 15 Feb 1815
400 acres to
the Petitioner
& 200 acres to
each of his three
Sons on their
arrival in this Province.

Land Petitions Index C-10827
1816Dereham M10 #221Vol 336Reel C2198
(all 3 pages copied)

To his Excellency Francis Gore esquire Lieutenant Governor of
the Province of Upper Canada&c&c&c
Thy humble Petition of Thomas Moore of the Township
of Bertie District of Niagara---
That your Excellency 's Petitioner came into the Prov-
ince from Nova Scotia December 1811, you the 8th day of February 1812
presented a petition to His Honor the late Isaac Brock esquire, deceased,
Letters of Recommendation from his Excellency Sir George Prevost; &?
others directed to his Excellency Francis Gore Upper Canada with a peti-
tion for Lands which, His Honor Isaac Brock (then President) laid
before the Honorable Council recommending them to grant yr. Excellency's
Petitioner such proportion of his Majesty's vacant lands as thy might think
your Petitioner deserving of.
The Honorable Council granted yr. Excellency's Petitioner one
thousand acres for himself & three sons, namely, four hundred acres
for Petitioner & two hundred for each of his sons as aforsaid they being
of age. Petitioner hath located his four hundred acres of land in
the Township of Dereham, by order from the late Mr. President
Drummond on the 10th February 1815, first paying the office fees & now?
yr. Excellency's Petitioner is desirous to obtain his Deed for the same with-
out being restricted to a settling duty, as it lies at present distant
from any Public Road. - Your Excellency's compliance to this yr.
Excellency's humble Petitioners solicitation will much his warmed
Thomas Moore

RWS Note: There are no Moore's listed on the Dereham Twp map of 1876.
Dereham Twp is in Oxford Co. and contains the town of Tilsonburg.

The Petition of Thomas Moore of the Township of Bertie, praying that the - Patent for 400 acres of Land, ordered to him on
the 6th of April 1813, and Located in Dereham, may of ?sees? without the performance of Settling Duties. In Council
Dated 6 January 1816 - and --- Ordered that the prayer of the Petition be granted.

Entd Ld Book II. page
Note to the Surveyor
General 6 January 1816
Land Petitions Index C-10827 Book I 1811-1816

Reel C-103 Pg 218
6th April 1813
At the Executive Council Chambers in the Town of York on Tuesday the 6th day of April 1813; read the following Petitions referred to the Executive Council by order of His Honor the President.
M14b Thomas Moore of the Township of Bertie, Yeoman, one of the people called Quaker, lately from the Province of Nova Scotia, praying for himself and family.
The Petitioner recommended for Four Hundred acres of Land under the Regulations of 1804.

Reel C-103 Pg 289
6 January 1816
At a Council held at York on Saturday the 6th of January 1816 at the Council Chambers, read the following petitions:
Thomas Moore praying that the patents for 400 acres of land granted to him on the 6 April 1813 and located in Dereham, may give? without the performance of Settling duties.

Order that the Prayers of the Petitioner be granted.

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: 18 Jun 1755. 245,246

• Alt. Death: 17 Sep 1854. 247

• Census: 1828. 248

• Land Petition: 8 Feb 1812. 249

• Land Petition: 6 Apr 1813. 250

• Land: 15 Feb 1831. 251

• Emigration: Dec 1811. 252

• Emigration: Abt 1782. 199

• Occupation: 1776. 249

• Occupation: Between 1776 and 1785. 169

• Occupation: Bef 1784. 249

• Land Grant: 19 Jul 1785. 169

Thomas married Esther Thorp,1,73,253,254 daughter of John Thorp 1,255 and Catherine Prall,1,256 in 1770.73 Esther was born on 1 Mar 1757 in Bridgetown, New Jersey73 and died on 4 Feb 1845 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario.200

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: Abt 1775. 199

Children from this marriage were:

+ 372 F    i. Joanna Moore 1.,73

+ 373 M    ii. Joseph Moore 1,73,199 was born on 12 Dec 1775 in Bridgetown, New Jersey257 and died on 24 Apr 1869 in Ontonagon, Michigan, USA.200,247,258

+ 374 M    iii. Edward Moore 1,73.,199

   375 F    iv. Marion Moore .1.,73 Other names for Marion are Merian Moore,203 Miriam Moore, and169 Mirion Moore.257

Marion married Mead 1.,73

   376 F    v. Rachel Moore 1.,73.,199

Rachel married Dennis 1.,73 Another name for Dennis is Lewis Dennis.169

+ 377 M    vi. John Moore 1,73,199 was born on 8 Oct 1791 in Parrsboro, Kings Co., Nova Scotia,257,260 died on 13 Oct 1870 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co. Ontario,200 and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261

   378 F    vii. Esther Moore 1.,73.,199 Another name for Esther is Ester Moore.203

Esther married Bennett 1.,73

253. Deborah Moore 1,198,201 was born on 19 May 1761.

Deborah married Titus Shotwell 1,170,196 on 26 Jul 1787 in Rahway, NJ 170.,199 Titus was born on 11 Aug 1758262 and died in 1835 in Belmont Co., Ohio.199 Another name for Titus was Unnamed.

Children from this marriage were:

   379 M    i. Edward Shotwell 1.,204.,263

Edward married Miriam Moore 1.,204

Edward next married Miriam Moore,1,263 daughter of Edward Moore 1,202,203 and Rachel,1.,196 Another name for Miriam is Merian Moore.264

   380 M    ii. Titus Shotwell 1.,203.,204

Titus married Susan Garrett 1,204 on 10 Mar 1814.204

   381 F    iii. Merian Shotwell 1.,203.,204 Other names for Merian are Marion Shotwell and204 Miriam Shotwell.204

Merian married Henry Barnes 1.,204

   382 M    iv. Joseph Shotwell 1,204 was born on 4 Nov 1794.204

   383 M    v. Thomas Shotwell 1.,203.,204

Thomas married Ellen Brown 1.,204

   384 M    vi. Isaac Shotwell 1.,203.,204

Isaac married Hope Stanton 1.,204

257. Isaac Moore 1,173,201,202 was born on 2 Oct 1772 in Lower Rahway, NJ,170 died on 25 Oct 1850 in Lower Rahway, NJ,170 and was buried in Rahway, NJ.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: 170

Isaac married Elizabeth G. 1,204 about 1831.174 Elizabeth was born about 1776, died on 21 Oct 1831,170 and was buried in Rahway, NJ.

Isaac next married Hannah Price,1,170,204 daughter of Ichabod Price 1,170 and Susan Moore,1,170 on 15 May 1833.173 Hannah was born on 4 May 1806 and died on 9 Mar 1870.174

Children from this marriage were:

+ 385 M    i. Edward Moore 1.,204

+ 386 M    ii. Beaton P. Moore 1.,204

   387 M    iii. Charles Moore 1,204 was born on 7 Jul 1838.

   388 M    iv. Walter Moore 1,204 was born on 5 Aug 1841.

258. Edward Moore 1,202,203 was born on 14 Apr 1774173 and died in 1812.204

General Notes: Edward Jr's son was Clayton Moore

Edward Moore, Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., 11, 8, 1812, 12, 24, 1812. Wife: Rachel. Children: Clayton. Brother: Isaac. Witnesses: Nathaniel H. Bennett, David S. Miller, Uzal C. Marsh. Executors : Brother Isaac, friend and relation, Henry Moore.

Noted events in his life were:

• Will: 8 Nov 1812. 204

Edward married Rachel 1.,196 Rachel was born about 1775.8

Children from this marriage were:

   389 F    i. Miriam Moore .1.,263 Another name for Miriam is Merian Moore.264

Miriam married Edward Shotwell,1,204,263 son of Titus Shotwell 1,170,196 and Deborah Moore,1,198.,201 Edward was born on 12 Nov 1788204 and died on 17 Jan 1879 in Rahway, NJ.

+ 390 M    ii. Clayton Moore 1,263,264 died on 18 Mar 1858.263

   391 F    iii. Caroline Moore .1.,203

   392 F    iv. Catherine Moore .1.,203

260. Thomas Moore .205

Thomas married someone.

His children were:

+ 393 M    i. Joseph Moore .205

+ 394 F    ii. Johannah Moore .205

+ 395 M    iii. Edward Moore .205

   396 F    iv. Merian Moore .205

   397 F    v. Rachel Moore .205

   398 M    vi. John Moore .205

   399 F    vii. Ester Moore .205

261. Deborah Moore .205

Deborah married someone.

Her children were:

   400 U    i. Edward Unknown .205

   401 M    ii. Titus Unknown .205

   402 F    iii. Merian Unknown .205

   403 M    iv. Thomas Unknown .205

   404 M    v. Isaac Unknown .205

263. Edward Moore .205

Edward married someone.

His children were:

   405 F    i. Merian Moore .205

   406 M    ii. Clayton Moore .205

   407 F    iii. Caroline Moore .205

   408 F    iv. Catharine Moore .205

264. Joseph Moore 1,174,191,215 was born on 16 Sep 1767 in Uniontown, Middlesex, New Jersey (Menlow Park)176,216 and died on 20 Feb 1851 in Harrison Twp., Ross Co., OH.217

General Notes: According to Isaac Moore in "Isaac Moore's Family Record," (see Source List) Joseph had six children, unamed.

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 191

Joseph married Anna Webster 1,265 before 21 Apr 1790 in New Jersey.266 Anna was born on 4 Feb 1771 in Plainfield, New Jersey and died on 8 Aug 1847 in Harrison, Ross, Ohio.

General Notes:
Sarah Moore b. ABT 1790 in Redstone, Fayette, Pennsylvania
Sarah's children & Husband at
Rachel Moore b. ABT 1791 in Redstone, Fayette, Pennsylvania
Hannah Moore b. ABT 1794 in New Jersey or Pennsylvania
Samuel Moore b. 20 NOV 1795 in New Jersey or Pennsylvania
Rebecca Moore b. ABT 1804 in Green, Ross, Ohio
Lindley M. Moore b. 9 SEP 1806 in Green, Ross, Ohio
Phoebe Moore b. ABT 1807 in Harrison, Ross, Ohio
Joseph Moore II b. 22 FEB 1809 in Harrison, Ross, Ohio
Taylor Webster Moore b. 7 AUG 1812 in Harrison, Ross, Ohio
Anna Moore b. ABT 1817 in Harrison, Ross, Ohio

Children from this marriage were:

   409 M    i. Lindley M Moore .1.,267

Lindley married Lydia Van Meter 1,269 on 4 Feb 1830 in Harrison, Ross, Ohio.268

   410 M    ii. Samuel Moore 1,270 was born on 20 Nov 1795 in PA and died on 3 Jul 1870.

Samuel married Susannah Julien 1,271 on 2 Apr 1822 in Fairfield Co., OH.271 Susannah was born on 20 Oct 1799 in Bourbon Co., KY and died on 29 Oct 1857 in Harrison Twp, Ross Co., OH.

General Notes: For children of Samuel and Susannah see
Susanna Moore
John Moore
Elmina Moore
Mary Moore
Samuel Moore
Alexander Moore

266. Phebe Moore 1,174,191,222 was born on 15 Oct 1771 in Tarrytown, NJ176,223 and died on 4 Mar 1843 in Irontown, NJ.176,223 Another name for Phebe was Phoebe Moore.223

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1810 or 1840, Digby, NS. 47

Phebe married Moses Shaw,1,174,191,222 son of Moses Shaw 176 and Unknown, on 2 Apr 1800 in Wilmot Or Aylesford, NS 223,272.,273 Moses was born on 23 Sep 1766 in Lower Granville, Annapolis Co., NS176,274 and died on 8 Feb 1851.176,274

Marriage Notes: Phebe and Moses were married by Rev. Wiswall who performed a number of family marriages in Wilmot, NS.

General Notes:

Children from this marriage were:

   411 M    i. Samuel Shaw 222 was born in 1801.176

Birth Notes: Samuel died in infancy.

   412 M    ii. Alfred Shaw 222 was born on 29 Sep 1803.176

   413 M    iii. Joseph Shaw .222

Joseph married Mary Thorne,176 daughter of James Thorne 176 and Unknown,.

   414 M    iv. Moses Shaw 176,222 was born on 31 May 1805.176

General Notes: Moses died in infancy.

   415 F    v. Phebe Moore Shaw .222

Phebe married Joseph Hall.176

Phebe next married Benjamin Tripp.176

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: Belfast, ME. 176

   416 M    vi. Moses B. Shaw 1.,222.,275

General Notes: Fo wives and children see My Nova Scotia Roots by Jack Manning at

Moses married Cornelia Geaner.176

Moses next married Elizabeth Spur, daughter of William Spur 176 and Letitia Whitman,176 on 20 Jul 1837.176 Elizabeth was born on 14 Jan 1818176 and died on 24 Aug 1884.176

267. Elias Moore M.P.P. 1,174,176,191,224 was born on 1 Mar 1776 in America176,225 and died on 13 Oct 1847 in Yarmouth, Upper Canada.176

General Notes: The first temperance lecture in the Yarmouth district is said to have been given in the home of Elias Moore, a prominent member of the local Society of Friends Monthly Meeting (Quakers).

Elias assisted Peter Lossing in asembling details fro Gourlay's History of Canada, published in 1818.

He was the in the Reform Party with William Lyon MacKenzie and MPP for Middlesex County at the time of the Duncombe Revolt of 1837 (a.k.a., the 1837 Rebellion).

In Isaac Moore's Family Record (see Source List), Isaac mistakenly spelled his name "Ellis."

Noted events in his life were:

• Will: 176,224

• Politics: Bef 1837, Yarmouth, Upper Canada. 276,277

• Occupation: Abt 1837. 174

• Religion: Yarmouth, Upper Canada. 70

Elias married Mary Dodge 176 on 5 May 1801 in Wilmot, NS.176 Mary was born about 1780.8

Marriage Notes: One record shows Mary Freeman as the spouse of Elias Moore and mother of Lindley Moore without sources.

Children from this marriage were:

   417 M    i. Lindley Moore 176 died 1893c..278

General Notes: Named in Elias Sr.'s will.

   418 M    ii. Elias Moore Jr. .176

General Notes: Named in Elias Sr.'s will.

   419 F    iii. Mary Moore .176

General Notes: Maned in Elias Sr.'s will.

   420 M    iv. Charles Moore .

Elias next married Mary A. Freeman 1,279 on 18 Apr 1843 in Wesleyan Methodist Church.279

Marriage Notes:
London/Middlesex District Marriage Register 1832-1853, Archives of Ontario microfilm MS 248 Reel 3, vol 16

Marriages performed by Rev. Solomon Waldron, Wesleyan Methodist Church
Return #444
April 18 Elias MOORE to Mary A. FREEMAN both of Yarmouth by license. Wit: Alma Luis, John Freeman.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 421 M    i. Lindley Moore 1,280 was born about 1806, died on 28 Nov 1893 in St. Thomas, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada,281 and was buried in St. Thomas Cemetery, West Avenue, Section Ose.281

268. Rachel Moore 1,174,191 was born on 6 Oct 1773 in America.47,176,226

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1810 OR 1840, Digby County, NS. 47,176

Rachel married Joseph Young,1,191,273 son of Job Young and Hannah Barnes,176 on 12 Jan 1797 in Wilmot Or Aylesford, NS.272 Joseph was born in 1769 in Nova Scotia.176

Marriage Notes: Joseph and Rachel were married by Rev. J. Wiswall. They settled in Digby County, NS.

General Notes: A Moore expert says Joseph was the son of Job Young and Hannah Barnes
Another expert says Benjamin (born 1751) was the Connecticut son of Clemens Youngs and Lydia Knapp

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: Digby County, NS. 176

Children from this marriage were:

   422 M    i. Joseph Young .176

General Notes: Joseph died unmarried.

   423 M    ii. Lindley Young .176.,273

Lindley married Isabel Mackintosh.176

Marriage Notes: There were no children.

   424 F    iii. Phebe Young .176.,273

Phebe married Unknown in Belfast, Ireland.176

   425 F    iv. Rachel Young .176.,273

Rachel married William Y. McClintock.176

   426 F    v. Rebecca Young .176.,273

General Notes: Rebecca died unmarried.

269. Enoch Moore 1,174,191 was born on 16 Apr 1779 in New York, NY175,227 and died in Aug 1840 in Rockford, IL ?.176,228

Birth Notes: Enoch was likely born in a refugee situation in New York City since his family was sent from its home in New Jersey before he was born. (See source citation)

Death Notes: James Henry Moore writes "It is recorded that Enoch died intestate, his eldest son and heir being James Moore."

An obituary for Elizabeth Moore in the Rockford Gazette, Rockford, IL, 16 Mar 1871, says that Enoch died the August following their arrival to Illnois in July 1840. (See the details quoted in the source information.)

General Notes:
Enoch, Elias's brother, was convicted of high treason for his part in that rebellion, but cooler heads evailed and he was eventually released.

From Paul Bingle:
born in a Tory refugee camp in New York City

Marriage: 30 MAR 1803 Wilmot, Annapolis, Nova Scotia
Extracted marriage record

DATE[ AUG 29, 1814
FILE[ 55
MFNO[ 1154
NOTES[ - no will
- known as Esquire
- lived in Oxford Township, Oxford County
- petitioners were Henry Carroll of Oxford Township and Jacob
Carroll of Oxford Township
- petition dated May 10, 1815
- Henry Carroll;
- Jacob Carroll;
- Joseph Ryerson, Esquire, Charlotteville Township;
- Enoch Moore, Charlotteville
- inventory of estate completed on May 20, 1815 by Christopher
Murtaugh and John Young

DATE[ OCT 1820
FILE[ 93
MFNO[ 1154
NOTES[ - no will
- petition was by Jonathan Doan Senior of Yarmouth Township, for
Reuben Covill of Yarmouth Township, a labourer, next of kin, and
usually residing in the Province, a minor, dated 30th day of 4th
month 1822 at Yarmouth
- Jonathan Doan, Yarmouth;
- Reuben Covill, Norwich;
- Enoch Moore, Charlotteville;
- Alexander Cowan, Charlotteville
- Oath of Administration taken by Jonathan Doan Senior, April 30,
JUNE 12, 1822
- inventory of estate completed May 30, 1822 by [1782]Charles Moore,
James Mills, and William Harvey

Property: Between 1811 and 1815, Charlotteville, ON. Lot 21, 2nd Concession This 200 acre lot was owned by Samuel Moore in 1811, sold to his son Enoch in 1815, sold to James Graham in 1831, sold to Charles Thompson in 1834, sold to Gilliam Terhune in 1836, passed to his son, Peter Terhune, and sold in 1866.

Enoch left Canada in July 1840. Sentenced for high treason, then repealed in 1837

Noted events in his life were:

• Emigration: Abt 1784, Annapolis, NS. 176

• Emigration: Jul 1840, Ogle County, IL. 282

• Military: Between 1812 and 1814. 176

• Residence: After 1832, Malahide Twp., Oxford County, London District, ON. 176

• Residence: Bef 1832, Charlotteville, ON. 176

• Property: 29 Oct 1820, Charlotteville, ON. 176

• Property: Between 1815 and 1831, Charlotteville, ON. 176

• Will:

• Court of Law: 21 Dec 1837, London, ON. 277

• Politics: 1837, Malahide Twp., Oxford County, London District, ON. 276,277

• Public Office: Bef 1832, Charlotteville, ON. 176

Enoch married Elizabeth Smith,1,174,283 daughter of James Smith UEL 70,284 and Hannah Hawksworth, on 30 Mar 1803 in Lower Middleton, Annapolis, NS 283.,285 Elizabeth was born on 18 Apr 1784 in Wilmot Township, NS,227,286 died on 3 Mar 1871 in Rockford, IL,287,288 and was buried in New Milford Cemetery, Winnebago Co., IL.

Marriage Notes: They were married at Old Holy Trinity Church.

The first child of Enoch and Elizabeth, James Moore, was born five months after the wedding.

Death Notes: Jay Moore, the writer, saw the gravestone of Elizabeth Moore in the cemetary at New Milford, IL in 1992 and again in 2005.

Burial Notes: The New Milford Cemetery is located on the New Milford School Road, east of the main intersection in New Milford, a few miles south of Rockford, IL. The Rockford Public Library has a catalogue of burial sites in the History and Genealogy section of the library. It is recorded there that Elizabeth's burial place is beside the Freeman family plot in Section B, the eleventh stone in the row. That stone is a small, gray stone, the first one to the south of the Freeman family stone. As of 2005 (and as of 1991, at the time of the first visit) the writing is not legible whatsoever. The photos are included here.

The Freeman family stone reads as follows:
Rachel Moore Freeman 1805 -1889
Hettie Freeman 1828 -1899
Mary E. Freeman 1841- 1919
To the north of the main stone are two small markers. One says "Mother" and the other says "Sister." It is presumed that "Mother" refers to Rachel Moore Freeman (daughter of Elizabeth Smith Moore) and that "Sister" refers to Hettie Freeman.

General Notes: From Paul Bingle:
1. James Moore b. 21/Aug/1803
2. Rachel Moore b. 05/March/1805
3. Hannah Moore b. 23/March/1807
4. Mahetebel Moore b. 25/June/1809
5. Samuel Moore b. 12/Jan/1812
6. Hugh Webster Moore b. 13/Apr/1814
7. Thomas Roach Moore b. 24/June/1816
8. John Moore b. 24/May/1819
9. Edwin Potts Moore b. 31/May/1822
10. Eliza Potts Moore b. 28/May/1825
11. Sarah Webster Moore b. 06/July/1827

Birth: Abt. 1784
Melvern Square, Wilmot, Annapolis, Nova Scotia
Father: Francis SMITH (AFN: 16QB-G2W) b.~1756
Mother: Mary VAN BUSKIRK (AFN: 16QB-N70)
grandFather: Austin Smith Disc #40 Pin #228076 b.~1726 Stamford CT
grandMother: Sarah Knapp
married: 17 Aug 1752 Stamford CT

See Ester Smith

The "expert" has James Smith as father married to Hannah Hawksworth

Bingle's use of quotation marks indicates his doubt about the position of "the expert," (likely James Henry Moore) regarding Elizabeth Smith's parentage. The evidence, however, in the Moore Collection is strongly in support of the position that Elizabeth was the daughter of James Smith and Hannah Hawksworth. Original copies of letters, affidavits and wills indicate the family connections among the Hawksworths, Moores and Smiths. Bingle's sources shown above appear to be from Latter Day Saints files.

Noted events in her life were:

• Baptism: Old Holy Trinity Church, Lower Middleton, Annapolis, NS. 285

• Confirmation: Old Holy Trinity Church, Lower Middleton, Annapolis, NS. 285

• Cemetery: New Milford Cemetery, Winnebago Co., IL. 289

Children from this marriage were:

+ 427 M    i. James Moore was born on 21 Aug 1803 in Wilmot Township, NS,227,290 died on 23 Jun 1872 in Charlotteville, ON,227,290 and was buried in Woodhouse Methodist Cemetery, Woodhouse Twp., ON.290,291

+ 428 F    ii. Rachel Moore .

   429 F    iii. Hannah Moore .

Hannah married Robert Munroe on 26 Apr 1834 in Charlotteville, ON.292

Marriage Notes: Hannah and Robert were married by Rev. H. Biggar, Charlotteville, and the wedding was advertised in the Christian Guardian, 16 Apr. 1834.

   430 F    iv. Mahetebel Moore .

Mahetebel married Unknown.

   431 M    v. Samuel Moore .

Samuel married Unknown.

   432 M    vi. Hugh Webster Moore .

Birth Notes: The name Webster was the surname of a family that lived close to the Moores during their time in Nova Scotia.

Hugh married Unknown.

   433 M    vii. Thomas Roach Moore .

Thomas married Unknown.

   434 M    viii. John Moore .

John married Julia Campbell.

   435 M    ix. Edwin Potts Moore was born on 31 May 1822 in Charlotteville, ON.227

Birth Notes: No other details are known about Edwin Potts Moore other than the name Potts was the surname of a family that resided very close to the Moores during their time in Nova Scotia.

   436 F    x. Eliza Potts Moore .

Birth Notes: The name Potts was the surname of a family that lived near the Moores during their time in Nova Scotia.

Eliza married Dehart Miller.

Eliza next married Jerome Howland.

   437 F    xi. Sarah Webster Moore .

Birth Notes: The name Webster was the surname of a family that lived near the Moores during their time in Nova Scotia.

Sarah married Edgar Janes.

Sarah next married William Fredericks.

270. Sarah Moore 1,174,229 was born on 31 Aug 1764 in Uniontown, Middlesex Co., NJ47,174 and died on 14 Aug 1842 in North Norwich, Canada West (On).47,174

General Notes:
1. Anna Webster b. 1783
2. Rachel Webster b. 1784
3. Catharine Webster b. 1786
4. Edward Webster b. 1787
5. Crowell Webster b. 1789
6. Phebe Webster b. 1791
7. Samuel Webster b. 1793
8. Sarah M. Webster b. 1794
9. Susan L. Webster b. 1796
10. John Webster b. 1798
11. Hugh D. Webster b. 1800
12. William T. Webster b. 1801

Sarah married Hugh Webster Jr.,1,174,229 son of John Webster 47 and Anna Taylor,47 on 31 May 1781 in New York, NY 47,174.,263 Hugh was born on 27 Jul 175847 and died on 19 Mar 1834.47

Marriage Notes: Sarah and Hugh Webster had fourteen children.

General Notes: The Webster name appears repeatedly over a number of years in the various source materials suggesting a closeness between the two families.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 438 F    i. Anna Webster .293

   439 F    ii. Rachel Webster 1,294 was born on 13 Dec 1784 and died on 19 Sep 1805.

+ 440 F    iii. Rachel Webster .293

   441 M    iv. Edward Webster .293

   442 F    v. Phebe Webster .293

   443 M    vi. Samuel Webster .293

   444 F    vii. Sarah M. Webster .293

   445 F    viii. Susan Webster .293

   446 M    ix. Hugh David Webster .293

   447 M    x. John Webster .293

   448 F    xi. Emma Webster .293

   449 M    xii. Lindley Moore Webster .293

   450 M    xiii. Crowel Webster 293 was born about 1790.8

   451 F    xiv. Catherine Webster 293 was born about 1800.8

   452 M    xv. Wiiliam T. Webster 293 was born on 18 Oct 1801.8

General Notes: 12th child

272. Samuel Moore Jr. 1,174,191 was born on 23 Mar 1784 in Nova Scotia..191,234

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: Bef 1822, Norwich Twp, Upper Canada. 176

• Residence: 295

Samuel married Charity Gifford 1,174,191 on 9 Oct 1834 in Falmouth, Barnstable Co., MA 176,296.,297 Charity died about 1812.174,176,296

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: Abt 1808. 174

The child from this marriage was:

   453 M    i. Prince Gifford Moore 1,297 was born on 1 Dec 1812 in Falmouth, Barnstable Co., MA.

Samuel next married Elizabeth L. Shotwell,1,174 daughter of William Shotwell 1,174 and Elizabeth Moore,1,174 on 28 Sep 1815 in Rahway, NJ 47,298.,299 Elizabeth was born in 1795176,296 and died in 1827.176,296

Marriage Notes: James H. Moore has the mariage recorded as 22 Sep 1815.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 454 M    i. William Shotwell Moore was born on 13 Aug 1816 in Rahway, NJ,300,301 died on 13 Apr 1901 in Norwich, ON,300,301 and was buried in Norwich Pioneer Cemetery, Norwich ON.

Samuel next married Margaret Moores,1,174 daughter of Robert Moores 47,299 and Unknown, in 1829 176.,296 Margaret was born on 16 Aug 1788.176,296

274. Lindley Murray Moore 1,235,236 was born on 31 May 1788 in Annapolis, Nova Scotia, Canada,234,236 died on 14 Aug 1871 in Rochester, Monroe Co. NY,174,234,236,237 and was buried on 17 Aug 1871 in MT Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY.236 Another name for Lindley was Lindley Moore 174.,191

Death Notes: Lindley Murray lived with his son, Dr. E.M. Moore, in Rochester until he died.

General Notes: The following is excerpted from the published genealogy of The Brooke-White Family (to Chase Jackson Brooke and his wife Lucy Moore Shaw) available on the Internet.

Lindley's father, a Quaker, had fled the United States during the Revolution so Lindley was born in Nova Scotia. He was named for Lindley Murray, a celebrated grammarian and wealthy merchant of New York who "befriended Samuel Moore in the difficulties growing out of the war." (*) The family returned to New Jersey in 1810. Lindley was already a teacher at Nine Partners when Adam and Anne Mott moved there in 1811. He and Abigail became engaged when she was 17 and an assistant teacher at the school. The pay was not good so they moved to Rahwey, NJ where they opened a Quaker School. Their son Edward Mott Moore was born there in 1814. In 1815 they moved to New York City to take charge of the Monthly Meeting School of Friends on Pearl Street. Lindley and Abigail made their home with her parents, Adam and Anne Mott, on Lombardy Street. However in 1817 they rented a house on Chrystie Street. He had been earning $1,200 a year but in 1820 times were tough and his salary was reduced. Lindley decided to give up the school and move to Flushing and opened a boarding school for boys in 1820. "Seven years later he bought five acres of land in Westchester Village, on the road to New York, about opposite the Friends Meeting house, and removed his school to this place in the Spring of 1828. Here also he prospered, and his residence here is several times referred to in family letters. But he had laid up money and was beginning to think of retiring from the arduous labors of a school to the tranquility of a farm. A visit that he and his wife made at Rochester confirmed him in this desire, and after considerable inquiry and negotiation he purchased, in 1829, the farm of 170 acres then occupied by Erastus Spalding for $5,200. The farm was beautifully situated, on high ground, on what was alter know as Lake Avenue in the City of Rochester, being the direct road from the City to lake Ontario, at the mouth of the Genesee River." (*) In 1831 he built a "two story house in the Greek revival style." (Later the house became a convent for the Sisters of Nazareth Academy.)

Many young, educated, prosperous and forward thinking men were drawn to Rochester in the 1830's. It became a focal point for many agitating ideas. There were a significant number of Quakers living there pushing for social reforms. Lindley helped form the Anti-Slavery Society in 1838 and became its first president. He was also a teacher at the first "High School".

His son, Edward Mott, also became well known in the society and was one of the best surgeons in the state. By 1870, Lindley was living with Edward and his family.

He was a portly man of commanding height and mien, of benevolent countenance and expressive features. His students will not soon forget his kindly ways, nor the sonorous tones with which he repeats the verses of Milton and other English poets." from the History of Haverford College by a student of Lindley M. Moore, Richard Wood.

(*) from "Adam and Anne Mott" by Thomas C. Cornell

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: Bef 1871, Rochester, NY. 237

• Occupation: 5 Nov 1848, Haverford College. 237

• Occupation:

Lindley married Abigail L. Mott,1,174,191,234 daughter of Adam Mott 47 and Anne Unknown,47 on 19 Aug 1813 in Mamaroneck, Westchester Co., NY At Premium Point 47.,236 Abigail was born on 6 Aug 1795 in Cowbay, Long Island, NY,302 died on 4 Sep 1846 in Rochester, Monroe Co. NY,47,234,302 and was buried in MT Hope Cemetery, Rocheter, Monroe Co., NY.

Marriage Notes: Shotwell dates the marriage at abt. 1814.
The marriage took place at the original home of James Mott.

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: Abt 1814. 174

General Notes: Abigail was the neice of Richard Mott, a well-known minister and Friend.

The child from this marriage was:

   455 M    i. Dr. Edward Mott Moore 234 was born in 1814 in Rahway, New Jersey8 and died in 1902.8

Death Notes: Obituary in "The Union and Advertiser" 4 March 1902:

Dr. E. M. Moore, Sr., Called to Rest Dr. E. M. Moore, Sr., died at 2:16 o’clock yesterday afternoon at his home, 74 South Fitzhugh street, aged 88 years. An attack of bronchitis was the immediate cause of death. He had been feeble for several years.

Edward Mott Moore was born in Rahway, N. J. July 15, 1814. His grandfather, Samuel Moore, also born in New Jersey, was of English descent. After the Revolution, Samuel Moore removed to Nova Scotia, where Lindley Murrey Moore, the father of the subject of this sketch was born May 31, 1788. Lindley Murrey Moore removed to New Jersey when a young man and married Abigail Lydia Mott, daughter of Adam and Anne Mott, August 19, 1812. Edward Mott Moore was the son of these parents.

The grandfather of Dr. Moore, on his father’s side, his father and mother were professional teachers and members of the Society of Friends. The young man received a thorough classical education in his father’s school, and took a scientific course in the Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy.

In 1835 he began the study of medicine with Dr. Amos Coleman of Rochester, his parents having moved to this city in 1830. He attended a course of lectures of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York and took a two years course at the University of Pennsylvania.

Professional Career

After practicing in Philadelphia as resident physician in public institutions he returned to Rochester in 1842 and began a professional career which in a comparatively few years placed him in the foremost rank of physicians and surgeons of his day. In the same year he was elected professor of surgery in the medical school at Woodstock, Vermont where he passed two months of every year until 1854. Afterward he was made professor of surgery at the Berkshire, Mass. Medical College and also at the Sterling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio. He was for 25 years previous to 1883 professor of surgery at the Buffalo Medical College. At this time he had lectured in medical institutions for more than 40 years, in the meantime residing in Rochester and practicing his profession. He was a permanent member of the American Medical Assoc., and was president of the New York State Medical Society in 1874. He was one of the founders of the Surgical Association of the United States and one of its presidents and was vice president of the Medical Assoc. of the United States. He was president of the State Board of Heath from the time of its organization until 1856. In 1894 he was a delegate to the International Congress of Physicians at Copenhagen. For many years he was president of the board of trustees for the University of Rochester which conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Laws. He had been president of the Genesee Valley Club.

His Surgical Discoveries

Dr. Moore’s original investigations in medicine and surgery have proved of great value, and it is interesting to note that in several remarkable instances his investigations and conclusions of years ago have been verified in recent times through the means of observations provided by the Roentgen rays. A comparison of Dr. Moore’s celebrated chapter on fractures and dislocations in the "surgical encyclopedia" with advantageous observations afforded by the Roentgen force will show corroborations.

Original observations and discoveries by Dr. Moore, upon which alone is name as a scientific surgeon might well rest. He also discovered a perfect dressing for fractured clavicle; a method of reduction and dressing in epiphyseal fracture of the upper end of the humerus: dressing for fractures nose: a method of lithotrity, since perfected by Dr. Bigelow, of Boston. In view of the corroboration of so many of his conclusions regarding fractures and dislocations by the Roentgen ray process, Dr. Moore had for some time been engaged in the elaboration of the encyclopedia article and the result is now ready for the press in book form.

Among the more notable achievements by Dr. Moore, was his series of experiments, through the vivisection of animals, on the action of the heart, with reference to diagnosis. His view of vivisection of animals was that they should be protected in the operation, rather than that vivisection should be entirely prohibited by statutory enactment. He was a colleague of Dr. Hope, the celebrated author of "Hope on the Heart." and contributed much to that treatise.

Dr. Moore was well known as "the father of the Rochester park system." He had been president of the Board of Park Commissioners from the date of its organization. He early advocated an adequate park system and persistently argued in favor of acquiring and improving land along the river that by nature is especially adapted to park purposes.

In the establishment of the Rochester City hospital Dr. Moore was largely instrumental. To him is due largely the credit of the administration of Reynolds library and the Red Cross society. As an officer of the Rochester health department he gave the city the benefit of his scientific knowledge. He performed the first operation in the surgical pavillon of St. Mary’s hospital. He was active in the advancement of the work of the Infants’ Summer hospital at Charlotte.

In 1847 Dr. Moore married Miss Lucia Prescott of Windsor, Vt., a granddaughter of Dr. Samuel Prescott whose brother, Colonel Prescott, was a companion of Paul Revere on his ride to Concord. On November 11, 1897, Dr. And Mrs. Moore celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage.

General Notes: This excerpt is from the published genealogy of The Brooke-White Family (to Chase Jackson Brooke and his wife, Lucy Moore Shaw) available on the Internet.

From "Rochester History" by Dexter Perkins and Blake McKelvey, "On November 11, 1897, when starting off for a swing around the West, Susan B. Anthony stopped on her way to the station to attend the golden wedding reception of Dr. and Mrs. Edward Mott Moore. The good doctor's conclusion, some forty years before, that Miss Anthony's life 'is a very good one,' had been borne out."
"A friend." Edward attended his father's school at Flushing and also the Renselaer Polytechnic Institute of Troy. He commenced the study of his profession in Rochester in 1833 with Dr. Anson Coleman, and was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1836. He returned to Rochester (in 1840) and practiced until his death.
He was not only the leading physician and surgeon of Rochester but of Western NY. "To him more than to any man is due the inauguration and establishment of Rochester's excellent park system, which was systematically started in 1888, and which today places the city in that respect, beside the finest and best in the country. Dr. Moore has been president of the Park Commission since its inception. And in the face of strong opposition has successfully guided the enterprise to its present condition."
William F. Peck 1895

276. Daniel Moore 1,181 was born in 1777 and died in 1844 in Middle Creek Twp, Somerset Co., PA.238

General Notes:
History of Bedford, Somerset, and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania; published by Waterman, Watkins & Co., 1884
Chapter LXXIV Middle Creek Pg 581
Daniel Moore emigrated from New Jersey to this country about 1800. After making a location and beginning improvements on a farm in the southern part of this township, he left, and for some years led the life of an itinerant miller, working in various places. Later her returned to his farm and made rapid improvements upon it. He died in 1844, and his wife (Mary King) in 1852. They reared eight children, five of whom are still living. One son is in Ohio; Jesse is an old resident of this township; Catharine (Gross) lives in Milford township; and Mrs. Barron and Mrs. Whipkey, in Middle Creek. Jesse Moore is the father of Philip K. Moore, who owns a beautiful farm of two hundred and forty acres in the northern part of this township. Though Mr. Moore, senior, has passed the alloted threescore years and ten, he is still active; and being a man of observation and good memory, recalls much that is interesting concerning the early settlers, their customs and manner of life.

Alexander C. Moore, another son of Jesse Moore, is a prosperous farmer, residing one mile north of New Lexington.

William Moore was born and reared in this township. In 1838 he came into possession of the homestead farm, inherited from his father. He married Rosanna, daughter of George Pile, an early pioneer of this township, and reared five children: Louisa (Mognet), Cyrus B., Walter F., H. D. and Lyman K.

Cyrus B. served in the late war, and , after its close, established himself in the mercantile business at New Lexington, in 1866. Dr. H. D. Moore read medicine, and, after graduating, settled in New Lexington, where he now has a successful practice.
... The wife of Mr. Tedrow is Amanda C., daughter of Jesse Moore, an old resident of this township. ...
The following is a copy of the official list of voters of Middle Creek township in 1854, one year after the organization of the township: ... Jesse Moore ...

Daniel married Mary King 1.,181 Mary died in 1852 in Middle Creek Twp, Somerset Co., PA.238 Another name for Mary was Polly.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 456 M    i. Jesse Moore 1.,238

   457 F    ii. Catherine Moore .1.,238


previous  Ninth Generation  Next

285. William Nixon 8 was born on 27 Nov 1787 in Grimsby ON,8 died on 10 Aug 1857,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

General Notes: MS 638 Reel 61 (formerly RG22-6-1-A), arranged alpabetically by surname, provides Wm Nixon's will
dated 15 Aug 1854. It mentions daughter Ester. 4 pages. I have a copy

"First white child born in Twp of Grimsby" says the 1852C
With the 46 families they crossed the Niagara River in July 1787

Wm's obit ("More Notices from Methodist Papers 1830 - 1857" by McKenzie) states that he had patented several valuable agricultural implements. He was a farmer but also a blacksmith and a carriage-maker.
The old shop in which he manufactured various mechanical implements became the Stone Shop Museum.

William married Christina Cline 8 on 26 Nov 1810.8 Christina was born on 16 Dec 1788 in Hagerstown MD8 and died on 26 Apr 1854.8

Children from this marriage were:

   458 F    i. Catherine Ann Nixon 8 was born on 3 Feb 1812,8 was christened on 7 Oct 1812,8 died on 5 Dec 1821,8 and was buried on 8 Dec 1821.

   459 M    ii. Allen Nixon 8 was born on 29 Aug 1814,8 died on 1 Nov 1871,8 and was buried in Fifty Burying Ground.8

Allen married Elizabeth Vanduzen 8 on 8 Nov 1842.8 Elizabeth was born on 20 Apr 1816,8 died on 25 Oct 1853,8 and was buried in Fifty Weslyan Methodist.8

   460 M    iii. Capt. John Nixon 8 was born on 13 Jul 18158 and died on 30 Dec 1865.8

John married Mary Moore.8 Mary was born in 18208 and died on 25 Mar 1866.8

   461 F    iv. Mary Eliza Nixon 8 was born on 18 Jul 18178 and died on 16 Mar 1897.8

Mary married William Young Petit.8 William was born on 16 Dec 18168 and was christened on 23 Mar 1817.8

   462 F    v. Sarah Ann Nixon 8 was born on 13 Mar 18198 and died on 15 Sep 1906.8

Sarah married John Wesley Lewis 8 on 2 Jul 1844.8 John was born in 18108 and died in 1902.8

General Notes: Could John Lewis be from the Lewis family after which Lewis Road was named in Winona ON?

   463 M    vi. Robert Henry Nixon 8 was born on 7 Mar 1820.8

Robert married (Catherine) Mary Bowslaugh 8 on 6 May 1845.8 (Catherine) was born on 19 Oct 18238 and died on 17 Jan 1919.8

   464 M    vii. William Zenas Nixon 8 was born on 4 Dec 18248 and died on 5 Nov 1905.8

William married Elizabeth Ann Bowslaugh 8 on 5 Sep 1860.8 Elizabeth was born in 1837.8

+ 465 F    viii. Ester Catherine Nixon 8 was born on 2 Jun 18278 and died on 21 Jan 1906 in Grimsby ON.8

   466 M    ix. George Cyring Nixon 8 was born on 1 Sep 18318 and died on 18 Jun 1913.8

George married Catherine Walker.8 Catherine was born on 1 Sep 1833.8

   467 F    x. Harriet Jane Nixon 8 was born on 29 May 1835.8

Harriet married James A. Preston.8 James was born about 1835.8

292. Ann Jennie Green 8 was born on 10 Mar 17778 and died on 17 Mar 1850.8

General Notes: The OC dated Dec 11, 1810 was the end of the process
C-2197 M9/194
"the daughter of Adam Green, a UE Loyalist" 20 Apr, 1810
"married to Andrew Muir"
"expects a grant of 200 acres"
"Thos Hamilton her agent"
I have a copy

Ann married Andrew Muir on 10 Sep 1797.8 Andrew was born on 24 Oct 1763 and died on 11 Nov 1855.

Marriage Notes: They were married by Robert Nelles, Justice of the Peace.

General Notes: Ά Residence: 1792 bought Jacob Glovers farm, Grimsby L14,C1 and L14,C2

Carnwath to Lesmahagow is a distance of 14 miles, both in South Lanarkshire
Alexander Muir (5 April 1830 X 26 June 1906) was a Canadian songwriter, poet, soldier, and school headmaster.
He was the composer of The Maple Leaf Forever, which he wrote in October 1867 to celebrate the
Confederation of Canada. He was born in Lesmahagow. Alexander is clearly a cousin.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 468 F    i. Anna "Annie" Muir 8 was born on 20 Jan 1800 in Grimsby ON8 and died on 15 Apr 1875.8

293. Andrew Petit Jr. 8 was born on 22 Oct 17908 and died on 24 May 1874.8

General Notes: Andrew's first wife's sister's father-in-law (McKee) may be in the lower cemetery at Allanburg.

14 May 1849 is what I had for his death until I found his tombstone at St Andrews (photo avail)
14 May 1849 is probably HIS FATHER. NOPE The 1849 date might be Andrew son of Judge Nathaniel
but that would make him 100 years old!

No.33. Andrew Pettit, Grimsby, widower, and Anna Muir, of the same place, by licence, in Grimsby, 4th May, 1820. Notitia Parochialis for private use. WM. SAMPSON.

Andrew married Anna "Annie" Muir,8 daughter of Andrew Muir and Ann Jennie Green,8 on 4 May 1820.8 Anna was born on 20 Jan 1800 in Grimsby ON8 and died on 15 Apr 1875.8

General Notes: ANCESTRY: her death is scanned: MS935 R10 "Anna Pettet"

ANCESTRY: her marriage in 1820 is mentioned in William Yeager, "Marriages of Non-Norfolk Residents by Norfolk County Ministers 1830-1870", Norfolk Historical Society, Simcoe, 1981. Page 94

Andrew Muir (son of John Muir and Agnes Elder) married Anna Green (daughter
of Adam Green and Martha Smith) on September 10, 1797 in Stoney Creek, Ontario,
conducted by Robert Nelles, J. P.
Andrew and Anna MUIR's two youngest children (sibs of Anna Pettit, nee Muir) are found as follows:

Papers and Records
Volume 3, Published in Toronto in 1901
Pages 7-73
baptised at the 40-Mile Creek by ROBERT ADDISON, Minister of Niagara
Jun 2, 1806 Andrew Pettit Muir, of Andrew and Ann
Oct 7, 1812 Mary Elizabeth Muir, of Andrew and Anna

[From an old source, apparently reliable, but without citation, these two children
were born Apr 12, 1803 and Aug 1, 1812, respectively. Their older sister Anna,
below, is listed in the same source as being born on Jan 20, 1800, jiving with her death certificate]

Pages 74-85.
WILLIAM SAMPSON, Minister. [St Andrews, Grimsby]
N.B.-These are to be copied into the Public Register of Marriages
for the Township of Grimsby- this book being merely a Notitia Parochialis
for private use. WM. SAMPSON.
No.33. Andrew Pettit, Grimsby, widower, and Anna Muir, of the
same place, by licence, in Grimsby, 4th May, 1820.

#011484-74 (Toronto) George Chalmes PETTIT, 33, Grimsby, same, widower, farmer, son of Andrew & Anne PETTIT, married Edith Emily HALE, 27, Hamilton, Toronto, s, dau. of William D. & Sarah HALE, witn: -- HALE of Toronto, L. MUIR of Hamilton, married 17 December 1873, Toronto (Church of England)

The child from this marriage was:

+ 469 F    i. Eliza Ann Petit 8 was born on 27 Oct 18238 and died on 3 Feb 1874 in Montreal QC.8

294. Martha Unknown .166

Martha married someone.

Her children were:

   470 U    i. Unknown .166

   471 U    ii. Unknown .166

295. Peter Unknown .166

Peter married someone.

His child was:

   472 U    i. Unknown .166

312. Deborah Moore 1.,192.,193

Deborah married someone.

Her children were:

   473 M    i. Henry .1

   474 M    ii. Jesse .1

   475 M    iii. John .1

   476 F    iv. Deborah .1

313. Jemima Moore 1.,192.,193

Jemima married someone.

Her children were:

   477 M    i. Ambrose .1

   478 F    ii. Deborah .1

344. Mary Unknown .166

Mary married someone.

Her children were:

   479 M    i. Hariet Unknown .166

   480 M    ii. Joseph Unknown .166

   481 M    iii. Sidney Unknown .166

   482 U    iv. James Unknown .166

   483 F    v. Hannah Unknown .166

345. Ann Unknown .166

Ann married someone.

Her children were:

   484 F    i. Edwine Unknown .166

   485 F    ii. Eliza Unknown .166

   486 M    iii. Joseph Unknown .166

   487 F    iv. Elmira Unknown .166

346. Sarah Unknown .166

Sarah married someone.

Her children were:

   488 U    i. Edny Unknown .166

   489 M    ii. Nathan Unknown .166

   490 M    iii. Asher Unknown .166

   491 M    iv. William Unknown .166

   492 M    v. Jediah Unknown .166

   493 F    vi. Anna Unknown .166

348. Joseph Unknown .166

Joseph married someone.

His children were:

   494 F    i. July Unknown .166

   495 M    ii. Thomas Unknown .166

349. Amy Unknown .166

Amy married someone.

Her child was:

   496 M    i. Nathan Unknown .166

352. Deborah Moore .205

Deborah married someone.

Her child was:

   497 U    i. Unknown .205

355. Joseph Moore .205

Joseph married someone.

His children were:

   498 M    i. Ambrose Moore .205

   499 U    ii. Unknown Moore .205

356. Susan Moore .205

Susan married someone.

Her children were:

   500 F    i. Hannah Unknown .205

   501 M    ii. Farrington Unknown .205

   502 F    iii. Phebe Unknown .205

372. Joanna Moore .1.,73 Other names for Joanna are Johanna and Johannah Moore.203

Joanna married Shipley 1.,73

Children from this marriage were:

   503 U    i. ? Shipley .1.,203

   504 U    ii. ? Shipley .1.,203

   505 U    iii. ? Shipley .1.,203

   506 U    iv. ? Shipley .1.,203

373. Joseph Moore 1,73,199 was born on 12 Dec 1775 in Bridgetown, New Jersey257 and died on 24 Apr 1869 in Ontonagon, Michigan, USA.200,247,258

General Notes: Married with 3 children. Source = Joyce Camping
Obituary - (abridged)
In Memoriam
Died - At the residence of Mr. Edward Sales, Ontonagon, Mich., Saturday, 12M,. April 24th, Joseph Moore, aged 93 years, 4 months and 12 days.
Grandpa Moore was born on the 12th day of December, 1775, in what is now known as the city of Rahway, N.J., then called Bridgeton, Colony of New Jersey, under the rule of the Monarch of England. Twenty-five years of his life were spent near his native town. He then moved to Nova Scotia, in the vicinity of Halifax, engaging in the manufacture of hats, &c. After a number of years spent in this province, he returned to New Jersey, where he remained until 1810. While in New Jersey he again engaged in the manufacture of hats. Soon after his return he married his first wife.
... In 1800 he made his first visit to New York City, then a population of about 75,000. ... He never visited the city but once after that, in 1816.
In 1816 he started with his family, in a lumber wagon, for Chippewa, C.W. The journey was made through the central part of New York, and occupied, some twenty days.
Forty years of his life was spent in Chippewa. Here he lost his first wife, and married again. His second wife was Mrs. Mary Colton, grandmother of Mrs. Edward Sales, of this place. All of his children were buried in Chippewa. After the death of his second wife, in 1857, Grandpa came to Lake Superior, where he has since resided in the family of Mr. Sales, and up to a few months ago, has enjoyed perfect health, sawing and splitting wood, doing garden work, and ready at all times to give a helping hand.
Grandpa Moore joined the Methodist church over seventy-five years ago, and has always lived the life of a consistent and conscientious christian.

Joseph married Mary Colton.1 Mary died in 1857.

General Notes: Mary Colton (her married name) was the grandmother of Mr. Edward Sales of Ontonagon Mich. All children of Joseph Moore and Mary Colton are buried in Chippewa. Source: Obituary of Joseph Moore.

Joseph next married Clementine Harrison,1,303 daughter of Thomas Harrison 1,303 and Mary Henry,1,304 on 12 Jul 1804 in Southampton Twp., Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia.303 Clementine was born on 17 Feb 1789 in Maccan, Nova Scotia, Canada305 and died on 10 Aug 1820.

Children from this marriage were:

   507 F    i. Mary Ester Moore 1,306 was born on 2 Jul 1805 in Maccan, Nova Scotia, Canada.307

   508 F    ii. Sophia Moore 1,306 was born on 15 Mar 1807 in Maccan, Nova Scotia, Canada.308

   509 M    iii. Joseph Moore 1,306 was born on 24 Jan 1810 in Maccan, Nova Scotia, Canada309 and died on 4 Apr 1813 in Maccan, Nova Scotia, Canada.

   510 M    iv. Thomas Moore 1,306 was born on 11 Dec 1812 in Maccan, Nova Scotia, Canada.310

374. Edward Moore 1.,73.,199

General Notes: Our Colonial Ancestors and Their Descendants: compiled by Ambrose M. Shotwell, 1895-7
Pg 276: Edward, who married twice and had 16 children

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Death: 5 Aug 1848. 200

Edward married Unnamed 1,173.,199

Children from this marriage were:

   511 F    i. Esther Moore .1.,173

   512 M    ii. Samuel Moore .1.,173

   513 M    iii. Isaac Moore .1.,173

   514 M    iv. Charles Moore .1.,173

   515 M    v. Robinson Moore .1.,173

   516 M    vi. Joseph Moore .1.,173

   517 M    vii. Edward Moore .1.,173

Edward next married Rebecca Dakin 1,173,199,203 on 2 Dec 1805 in Trout Cove, Digby, NS.259 Rebecca was born about 1787 in Trout Cove, NS259 and died in Wilmot. Annapolis Co., NS.259

Children from this marriage were:

+ 518 F    i. Deborah Moore 1,173,199,203 was born on 22 Oct 1808 in Parrasboro, Nova Scotia, Canada259,311 and died on 23 Jul 1909.259

   519 F    ii. Rebecca Moore .1

Rebecca married Patten Rockwell 1.,259

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 312

+ 520 M    iii. Abraham Moore 1,173,199,203 was born about 1811 in Liverpool, NS.259

   521 F    iv. Rachel Moore 1,173.,199.,203

Rachel married Thomas Shipley 1,259 in Wilmot, NS.259

   522 M    v. Thomas Moore 1.,173.,199

Thomas married Sarah Dill 1,259 in Windsor, NS.259

+ 523 M    vi. William Moore 1,173,199 was born in Weymouth, NS.259

+ 524 M    vii. John Moore 1,173,199 was born on 30 Mar 1817.173,259

   525 M    viii. Daniel Moore 1,173,199 was born in 1819 in Wilmot, Annapolis Co., Nova Scotia259,315 and died in 1902.315

Daniel married Louisa Zericker 1,259 in 1850 in Liverpool, NS.259 Louisa died in 1902.316

   526 M    ix. James Moore 1,173,199 was born in 1819.259

James married Eliza Bent 1,259 in 1848 in New Germany, NS.259 Eliza died in 1887.

   527 F    x. Sarah Moore 1.,173.,199

Sarah married Joseph Rawding 1.,259

Sarah next married Curtis Kempton 1.,259

377. John Moore 1,73,199 was born on 8 Oct 1791 in Parrsboro, Kings Co., Nova Scotia,257,260 died on 13 Oct 1870 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co. Ontario,200 and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261

General Notes: Land Petitions Index C-10827 Book I 1811-1816
Reel C-103 Pg 289
6 January 1816
At a Council held at York on Saturday the 6th of January 1816 at the Council Chambers, read the following petitions:
John Moore Praying for land as a Settler
The Petitioner having had a promise of 200 acres of land, prayed that he shall have a grant of the quantity.
(RWS Note: very faint writing in the left margin is not decipherable)
John Moore 1816 Bertie Twp
AO Reel C-2198 (Roll 190 Bundle 10)


To His Excellency Francis Gore Esquire
Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Upper
In Council
The Petition of John Moore of the
Township of BertieYeoman

Humbly Sheweth
That your petitioner was born in Nova Scotia, is 24 years of age, has resided in this province 4 years, has taken the oath
of Allegiance and has never received any Land or Order for Land from the Crown.
That being desirous of settling and improving a vacant Lot of land of the Crown, he humbly prays Your Excellency would be pleased to grant him such quantity of the waste Lands of the Crown as to Your Excellency shall appear meet?, under the Usual regulations with which Your Petitioner is prepared to comply.
And your Petitioner shall ever Pray.
John Moore
York 5 January 1816

#219a (very poor image)
Received Gen?? office 5 January 1816
John Moore has paid into this office the interest? & surveying? for an 200 acres of Land o.c. of the state Under?? of 1802.
£6.19.4 Int.? fee
1.4.9 Survey ???
£8.4.1 SterlingJ. Hillwinkers??
John Small Esq.

#219 b (left side of page)
Read in Council
6 January 1816
The Petitioner having had a promise of 200 ac of Land, order that he shall have a grant of that quantity.
J. Small

Warrant No. 968 it passed? same day.

#219 b (right side of page)
Petition of John Moore for Land as a Settler
Received 5 January
--------J. Small
Referred to the Surveyor General to report if the Petitioner has received any Land.
By order
John Berkis??

I do not find that the Petitioner John Moore has received any Land.
5 JanJ? Ridout
1816 Sur. Gen'l
John Moore 1850 Bertie Twp Upper Canada Land Petitions
Land Petitions Index C-10827 Bundle M6 Pg 25
Reel C-2231
His Excellency the Right Honorable James Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Baron
Elgin, K?. T. Governor General of British North America.
&c----- &c----- &c--------
May it please your Excellency

The Petition of the undersigned humbly sheweth

That in the fall of 1811 I came from Nova Scotia
to Canada with my Father Thos Moore who made
application to the Govenor in Council for land for
himself and family and the Govenor was pleased
to grant him four hundred acres and two for each
of his sons when they should move to the country
(having left two in Nova Scotia) and application was
made for a gore of land between the Townships of
Bertie and Humberston bounding on the Lake Shore
and an order was granted to have it Surveyed,
accordingly Col'n M. Burwell surveyed it and returned
a plan of the lands with a report to the Surveyor
Generals office. And in the winter of 1816 we
applied to the Govenor in Council to Locate our Land
and applied for a Grant of all the vacant land in
Said gore (as reported) as a front on the Lake Shore
was alternately sandhill and swamp which was
granted. But a small part of the same being in
Bertie the Surveyor General recommended to take
a Deed for the part in Humberston and as the other was
secured by Grant there could be a Deed made at
any future time and as the Deed for the same was
made out in my name. If your Excellency
will be pleased to grant that a Deed may be made
for the remaining part, your petition as in duty
bound will ever pray.
John Moore
---- added writing at bottom of page --------
Sur. M. Burwell Map dated 28th May 1828
Bertie Feb. 11th 1850 (very faint different writing)
---- writing along left margin of page ----
Residence Bertie - Point Abino Post Office

The Petitioner applies for a piece of land situated
between Lots No. 35 in the 1st & 2nd Compions(Concessions?) of the
Township of Bertie and the Boundary line of the
Township of Humberstone. He submits a Map of Survey
by Deputy Surveyor James W Fill dated 17th Sept 1850
and prays for a Grant of the piece of land in question
as a Settler who came in from the Province of Nova
Scotia in the year 1811. The Petitioner not having supplied
evidence ?time to the condition of the piece of land
applied for was called infirm by letter. To provide full particulars
Deputy Surveyor Fill has accordingly by letter dated 16th Dec
1850 refuted the sale? ?? And he stated that
Mr Peter Near who holds a title to Lot No. 1 in the 1st Con??
of Humberstone down from Mr. John Moore (apparently the
Petitioner) has cleared about three Acres on the Southerly
part of the portion of the strip of land ranging with the
1st? Con???? of Bertie. And the South half of the strip
ranging with the 2nd Con??? of Bertie has been cleared
by Mr. Abram Schooley the proprietor of the adjoining
Lot No. 35 in Bertie --- These persons Mr Fill
--- ----- -----line across page image -------- --- --------------
explains were desirous of obtaining Titles thro?
the Petitioner, and in a postscript he states
" the lands were cleared by family? of Mr. John Moore."
The two pieces of land laid down from Surveyor Mr
Fills map followed? herewith may be designated as
the Gore Lots No. 36 in the 1st & 2nd Compions? of Bertie
& appears infirm comparing the ??ttis and bounds of the
adjoining granted lands, to be disposable. The
first two in occupation are seemingly by entitled? to
presumption in purchase but as they have waived
their claim in favor of the Petitioner who has been
at the expense? of the Surveyor. It is recommended
that a Sale be made to him at a valuation by
the local Agent. ---- The desires of the Applicant
to obtain the lands in question as a Location cannot be
aparted? to. The Provincial instruments concerning the Public
lands do not admit of that course being followed..
C.L.D Toronto 20th February 1867 J.H.Prie?

RWS Note: Bertie Twp Con. I Lot 35 labelled Cyrenus Ott on 1876 township map
Bertie Twp Con. II Lot 35 labelled John Baer on 1876 township map
Humberstone Twp Con. I (BF = broken front) Lot 1 S1/2 labelled John Near on 1876 twp map
Humberstone Twp Con. I Lot 1 N1/2 labelled Christian Pilzke on 1876 township map

-- left half of page ---
In Committee 28 Feb. 1851
The desire of the Applicant to obtain the lands in question as a Location
cannot be apented? to. The Provincial enactments concerning the
Public lands do not admit of that course being followed. The Committee
recommend that a sale be made to Petitioned at a valuation by the Local Agent.
Approved in Council same day.
Con'd? by ? Gen'l ?? March 1851

---- right half of page 25b follows

2212/ Petition 1032 M6
No. 25
John Moore
For patent of Gore of land
between Humberston and

Rec'd 8th Oct. 50
John MooreBertie TwpFGM01C13Vol. 132Pg 133
100 acres E1/2 Lot 7 Conc. 2 Dawn Twp
23 March 1831

MS693 Reel 140
Land Board Grants
Pg 133SGO#3101AGO#3013
John Moore of Bertie Twp
Militia = Company of the 3rd Brigade of Lincoln Militia
Granted 100 acres E1/2 Lot 7 2nd Conc. Dawn Twp (Lambton Co.)
Date of Location = 23 March 1831 (written text under date is unreadable)
No. of Deed = 4054

RWS Note: There is no Moore listed on the 1876 Dawn Twp atlas.
Oral History project of Fort Erie & Ridgeway Musuem interview of Mrs. Winnie Pickard on May 7, 1985 by Beverly Brandon. Interview held in house at 171 Gorham Road in Ridgeway.
. . . . .
Pg 20
W.P.: Well, all I know is the things that my husband (Jim Pickard) has told me; his grand parents told him. He (Jim) was born in this house, and his mother (Charlotte Ann Moore) was born here and his grandfather(James Jenks Moore). And his great grandfather(John Moore) built it, in time for the grandfather(James Jenks Moore) to be born, in 1829. So that's how Jim knows exactly how old the house is, you see.
. . . .

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Death: 18 Oct 1870. 257

• Occupation: 1861. 317

• Religion: 1861. 317

• Census: 1861. 318

• Emigration: Dec 1811. 319

• Land Petition: 5 Jan 1816. 320

• Will: 20 Aug 1970. 321

John married Elizabeth B. Freeman,1,73,322 daughter of Joshua Freeman 1,323 and Elizabeth Black,1,324 on 25 Jun 1818 in District Gore, Ontario.73 Elizabeth was born on 6 Jul 1800 in Amherst, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia,73 died on 4 Jun 1862 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261 Another name for Elizabeth was Betsy.

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: 1861. 318

Children from this marriage were:

+ 528 M    i. Edward Freeman Moore 1,73 was born on 2 Mar 1820 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co. Ontario and died on 13 Jul 1903 in Walsingham Twp, Ontario.

+ 529 F    ii. Rebecca E. Moore 1,73 was born on 30 Mar 1822 in Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 died on 24 May 1907 in Port Colborne, Ontario,73 and was buried in 1907 in Overholt Cemetery, Port Colborne.325

+ 530 F    iii. Clementina Moore 1,73,322 was born on 2 Aug 1824, died in 1891, and was buried in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada..326

   531 M    iv. Joseph R. Moore .1.,73

Joseph married Laecta Eliot 1,73 on 19 Sep 1848.73

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Marriage Fact: 19 Sep 1849. 327

+ 532 M    v. James Jenks Moore 1,73 was born on 7 Sep 1829 in Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 died on 13 Dec 1910 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried on 17 Dec 1910 in Old Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261,328

   533 F    vi. Eliza Jane Moore 1,73 was born on 23 Aug 1832 in Bertie Twp., Ontario73 and died on 25 Nov 1926. Another name for Eliza was Elizabeth Jane Moore.329

Eliza married George Hardison 1,73 on 23 Nov 1852.73 George was born on 7 Apr 1825 in Port Stanley, Ontario73 and died on 28 Jun 1919 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73

+ 534 M    vii. Ezra Freeman Moore 1,73 was born on 4 Jul 1837 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario,73 died on 25 Jan 1891 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried on 28 Jan 1891 in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261

385. Edward Moore .1.,204

Edward married someone.

His child was:

   535 M    i. Isaac Moore .1.,204

386. Beaton P. Moore .1.,204

Beaton married Jane E. Christina 1,204 on 18 Oct 1860.204

Children from this marriage were:

   536 M    i. Henry D. Moore 1,204 was born on 29 Oct 1861.

   537 M    ii. Charles Moore 1,204 was born on 2 Jun 1864.

   538 F    iii. Hannah Moore 1,204 was born on 24 Sep 1865.

   539 F    iv. Margaret Moore 1,204 was born on 8 Oct 1867.

390. Clayton Moore 1,263,264 died on 18 Mar 1858.263

Clayton married Charity O. Lee 1,263 on 2 Oct 1828.263 Charity was born on 10 Nov 1808 and died on 18 Dec 1904.

The child from this marriage was:

   540 M    i. Lawrence L. Moore 1,263 was born in 1829 and died on 24 Dec 1872.

Lawrence married Annie Fritz Randolph 1.,263 Annie died on 3 Jul 1901.

393. Joseph Moore .205

Joseph married someone.

His children were:

   541 U    i. Unknown Moore .205

   542 U    ii. Unknown Moore .205

394. Johannah Moore .205

Johannah married someone.

Her children were:

   543 U    i. Unknown .205

   544 U    ii. Unknown .205

   545 U    iii. Unknwon .205

   546 U    iv. Unknown .205

395. Edward Moore .205

Edward married someone.

His children were:

   547 U    i. Unknown Moore .205

   548 U    ii. Unknown Moore .205

   549 U    iii. Unknown Moore .205

421. Lindley Moore 1,280 was born about 1806, died on 28 Nov 1893 in St. Thomas, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada,281 and was buried in St. Thomas Cemetery, West Avenue, Section Ose.281

General Notes:
DATE[ NOV 28, 1893
FILE[ 2212
MFNO[ 1395
NOTES[ - executors: Walter Chauncey Lewis, Yarmouth; Adelia Davis,
Malahide, spinster and stepdaughter; Peter Taylor, Malahide
- Adelia Davis, who was the eldest daughter of stepson Lewis
- second daughter Amy Bradley;
- Charles Moore, Michigan, son of Elias Moore, brother;
- Lindley Moore, Michigan, son of Elias Moore, brother;
- Elias Moore, Michigan, son of Elias Moore, brother

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 1859.

Lindley married Amy Lewis.1 Amy was born in 1814,330 died on 24 Aug 1876 in St. Thomas, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada, and was buried in St. Thomas Cemetery, West Avenue, Section Ose.281

The child from this marriage was:

+ 550 F    i. Mary Alma Moore 1,280 was born in 1839 in Elgin, Canada331 and died on 8 Oct 1865 in West Avenue Cemetery, St. Thomas, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada.

427. James Moore was born on 21 Aug 1803 in Wilmot Township, NS,227,290 died on 23 Jun 1872 in Charlotteville, ON,227,290 and was buried in Woodhouse Methodist Cemetery, Woodhouse Twp., ON.290,291

General Notes: James Smith named his grandson, James Moore, as the inheritor of his property in Lot 20, 3rd Concession of Charlotteville Twp. It was clear that the Smiths didn't approve of their son-in-law, Enoch Moore, and passed over him in the will.

James lived on his property, Lot 12, 2nd Concession, a 150 acre farm in Woodhouse Twp. at the south-west corner of Hwy # 24 and County Rd. 10, the Turkey Point Rd. The intersection where the farm stood became known as Moore's Corners. In 1983, Jay Moore (the writer), visited the property and took pictures of the house and the barn. The owner at the time took him into the barn and pointed out that the whole frame of the barn, likely built by James, was still in excellent condition and showed excellent craftsmanship. Jay was given two square nails from the roof that were assumed to be original. These may have come from the iron foundry at nearby Normandale. There is a plaque in Normandale at the site of the foundry.

The owner also described the very large, hand-hewn beams under the house that were charred from a fire. It is known that the house burned down in 1881 while in the possession of his son, James Albert.

He continued to correspond with his brothers and sisiters who had relocated to Illinois, Wisconsin and Nebraska until his death in 1872. Most of the correspondence involved appeals for money to support Elizabeth, his mother, who died in Rockford, IL on March 3, 1871. Jay Moore, the writer, saw the gravestone of Elizabeth Moore in the cemetary at New Milford, IL in 1992.

As of 2001, James Jay Daniel Moore is the fifth James Moore and has James Moore's wedding band. The tradition is that it should be passed to the first boy of each generation descending from the first James Moore. James Aaron Jason Moore is the sixth James Moore.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: 176

• Property: 1841, Charlotteville, ON. 176

• Property: 1822, Charlotteville, ON. 176

• Property: 1837, Dereham Twp., Oxford County, London District, ON. 176

• Clock: The Possible Histories of the Moore Clock, 4 Jan 1842, Charlotteville Twp., ON. 63

• Property: 1849, (?)Dereham Twp., Oxford County, London District, ON. 176

• Politics: 1837, The Reform Party. 176

James married Ann Terhune, daughter of Guiliam Terhune and Maria Roome, on 4 Jan 1842 in Charlotteville, ON.227 Ann was born on 28 Mar 1814 in Pompton Plains, Morris Co., NJ,227,290,332,333 died on 16 Apr 1886 in Charlotteville, ON,227,290 and was buried in Woodhouse Methodist Cemetery, Woodhouse Twp., ON.290,291

Marriage Notes: As of 2001, James Jay Daniel Moore is the fifth James Moore and has James Moore's wedding band. The tradition is that it should be passed to the first boy of each generation descending from the first James Moore. James Aaron Jason Moore, the son of Jay, is the sixth James Moore.

Noted events in her life were:

• Baptism: 1 May 1814, Pompton Plains, Morris Co., NJ. 332,333

Children from this marriage were:

   551 F    i. Infant Daughter Moore was born on 9 Oct 1842 in Charlotteville, ON,227,290 died on 27 Oct 1842 in Charlotteville, ON,227,290 and was buried in Woodhouse Methodist Cemetery, Woodhouse Twp., ON.290,291

   552 M    ii. Samuel Moore was born on 3 May 1844 in Charlotteville, ON,290 died on 3 Feb 1848 in Charlotteville, ON,227,290 and was buried in Woodhouse Methodist Cemetery, Woodhouse Twp., ON.290,291

   553 M    iii. Infant Son Moore was born on 4 Aug 1847 in Charlotteville, ON,227,290 died on 9 Aug 1847 in Charlotteville, ON,227,290 and was buried in Woodhouse Methodist Cemetery, Woodhouse Twp., ON.290,291

+ 554 M    iv. James Albert Moore 334 was born on 18 May 1851 in Charlotteville, ON,227,290,335 died on 21 Feb 1921 in Hamilton, ON,227,290,335,336 and was buried in Woodhouse Methodist Cemetery, Woodhouse Twp., ON.290,291,335

428. Rachel Moore .

Noted events in her life were:

• Cemetery: New Milford Cemetery, Winnebago Co., IL. 289

Rachel married Ogden Freeman.

Children from this marriage were:

   555 F    i. Hettie Freeman was born in 1828, died in 1899, and was buried in New Milford Cemetery, Winnebago Co., IL.

   556 F    ii. Mary E. Freeman was born in 1841, died in 1919, and was buried in New Milford Cemetery, Winnebago Co., IL.

438. Anna Webster .293

Anna married someone.

Her children were:

   557 U    i. Unknown .205

   558 U    ii. Unknown .205

440. Rachel Webster .293

Rachel married someone.

Her child was:

   559 U    i. Unknown .205

454. William Shotwell Moore was born on 13 Aug 1816 in Rahway, NJ,300,301 died on 13 Apr 1901 in Norwich, ON,300,301 and was buried in Norwich Pioneer Cemetery, Norwich ON.

General Notes: "W.S. emigrated to Norwich in 1835 to the Norht Norwich home of his grandfather, Samuel Moore. His first wife, Rachel Tompkins, was the daughter of Caleb Tompkins, owner and operator of ther Tompkins Inn on Quaker Street. W.S. cleared land on a small farm [and] then, in 1847, sold it an bought a 200 acre farm on Concession 3, Norwich Gore. Rachel and William had 16 children, 11 of whom were living at the time of Rachel's death in 1887. After Rachel died, W.S. married Ann Elizabeth Hardy in 1888. (taken from the Norwich Gazette, 16 Apr 1901)."

Noted events in his life were:

• Emigration: Moved from New Jersey to Canada, 1835, Norwich Twp, Upper Canada (Ontario). 301

• Land: purchase, 1847, Norwich Twp, Upper Canada (Ontario). 301

William married Rachel Tompkins, daughter of Caleb Tompkins 301 and Unknown, on 1 Jun 1836 300.,301 Rachel was born on 6 Nov 1820 in Norwich Twp, Upper Canada300,301 and died on 2 May 1887 in Norwich Twp, U. C. (Ontario).300,301

Children from this marriage were:

   560 M    i. Samuel Moore 301 was born in 1836301 and died in 1908.301

   561 M    ii. Harvey Moore 301 was born in 1837301 and died in 1888.301

   562 F    iii. Margaret Moore 301 was born on 19 Sep 1840301 and died on 25 Dec 1859.301

+ 563 M    iv. James Beach Moore was born on 1 Apr 1842 in Norwich, ON300,301 and died on 29 Aug 1931 in Waterford, ON.300,301

   564 F    v. Eliza Moore 301 was born in 1844301 and died in 1853.301

   565 M    vi. Elgin Moore 301 was born in 1845,301 died in 1845,301 and was buried in Norwich Twp, Upper Canada.301

   566 M    vii. John F. Moore 301 was born in 1846.301

   567 M    viii. Charles Moore 301 was born in 1848.301

   568 F    ix. Ellen Moore .301

Ellen married Joseph Wilson.

   569 F    x. Elizabeth Moore .301

Elizabeth married J. J. Mott.301

   570 F    xi. Sarah Ann Moore 301 was born in 1854.301

   571 M    xii. Murray Moore 301 was born in 1856.301

   572 M    xiii. William Moore 301 was born on an unknown date.301

   573 M    xiv. Oscar Moore 301 was born in 1860.301

   574 M    xv. Warren Moore 301 was born on 11 Apr 1862301 and died on 18 Sep 1919.301

   575 F    xvi. Amelia Gertrude Moore .301

Amelia married Byron Moore.301

William next married Ann Elizabeth Hardy 301 in 1888.301

456. Jesse Moore .1.,238

Jesse married someone.

His children were:

   576 M    i. Philip K. Moore .1.,238

   577 M    ii. Alexander C. Moore .1.,238

   578 F    iii. Amanda C. Moore .1.,238


previous  Tenth Generation  Next

465. Ester Catherine Nixon 8 was born on 2 Jun 18278 and died on 21 Jan 1906 in Grimsby ON.8

General Notes: Ά Ester Catherine's brothers William and Robert married Bowslaugh girls

Ester married Thomas Bingle 8 on 15 Sep 1847 in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8 Thomas was born on 16 Feb 1806 in Quebec QC,8 was christened on 20 Feb 1806,8 died on 8 Mar 1861 in Grimsby ON,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

General Notes: Ά Commissioned a Lieutenant on April 27, 1826 Ά General Store Proprietor

On 15 Jul 1848 (Reg 18 Jul 1848) Thomas Bingle [in the year his mother died] sold to Thomas Waddle ½ acre in the east half of Lot 190 Town of Niagara for &100 (852)

1851C Grimsby
57 26 Bingle Thomas Merchant Lower Canada Ch England 45 M M 1 Store Frame
57 27 Bingle Esther C Canada Ch England 24 F M 1
57 28 Bingle Maria J F Ch England 3 F S 1
57 29 Bingle William H F Ch England 2 M S 1

Thomas Esther and William are listed in the 1861C Kitty Porter is not

Children from this marriage were:

   579 F    i. Maria Jane Bingle 8 was born in 18498 and died on 25 Mar 1854.8

+ 580 M    ii. William Hamilton Bingle 8 was born on 1 Feb 1851 in Grimsby ON,8 died on 14 Feb 1929 in Grimsby ON,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

   581 M    iii. Thomas Lyndon Bingle 8 was born in Feb 1857,8 died on 18 Jan 1859,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.

Ester next married Major Michael John (Vankoughnet) Anderson 8 on 10 Jun 1862.8 Michael was born on 29 Sep 1815 in Cornwall ON8 and died on 21 Feb 1893.8

468. Anna "Annie" Muir 8 was born on 20 Jan 1800 in Grimsby ON8 and died on 15 Apr 1875.8

General Notes: ANCESTRY: her death is scanned: MS935 R10 "Anna Pettet"

ANCESTRY: her marriage in 1820 is mentioned in William Yeager, "Marriages of Non-Norfolk Residents by Norfolk County Ministers 1830-1870", Norfolk Historical Society, Simcoe, 1981. Page 94

Andrew Muir (son of John Muir and Agnes Elder) married Anna Green (daughter
of Adam Green and Martha Smith) on September 10, 1797 in Stoney Creek, Ontario,
conducted by Robert Nelles, J. P.
Andrew and Anna MUIR's two youngest children (sibs of Anna Pettit, nee Muir) are found as follows:

Papers and Records
Volume 3, Published in Toronto in 1901
Pages 7-73
baptised at the 40-Mile Creek by ROBERT ADDISON, Minister of Niagara
Jun 2, 1806 Andrew Pettit Muir, of Andrew and Ann
Oct 7, 1812 Mary Elizabeth Muir, of Andrew and Anna

[From an old source, apparently reliable, but without citation, these two children
were born Apr 12, 1803 and Aug 1, 1812, respectively. Their older sister Anna,
below, is listed in the same source as being born on Jan 20, 1800, jiving with her death certificate]

Pages 74-85.
WILLIAM SAMPSON, Minister. [St Andrews, Grimsby]
N.B.-These are to be copied into the Public Register of Marriages
for the Township of Grimsby- this book being merely a Notitia Parochialis
for private use. WM. SAMPSON.
No.33. Andrew Pettit, Grimsby, widower, and Anna Muir, of the
same place, by licence, in Grimsby, 4th May, 1820.

#011484-74 (Toronto) George Chalmes PETTIT, 33, Grimsby, same, widower, farmer, son of Andrew & Anne PETTIT, married Edith Emily HALE, 27, Hamilton, Toronto, s, dau. of William D. & Sarah HALE, witn: -- HALE of Toronto, L. MUIR of Hamilton, married 17 December 1873, Toronto (Church of England)

Anna married Andrew Petit Jr.,8 son of Andrew Petit 8 and Sarah Smith,8 on 4 May 1820.8 Andrew was born on 22 Oct 17908 and died on 24 May 1874.8

General Notes: Andrew's first wife's sister's father-in-law (McKee) may be in the lower cemetery at Allanburg.

14 May 1849 is what I had for his death until I found his tombstone at St Andrews (photo avail)
14 May 1849 is probably HIS FATHER. NOPE The 1849 date might be Andrew son of Judge Nathaniel
but that would make him 100 years old!

No.33. Andrew Pettit, Grimsby, widower, and Anna Muir, of the same place, by licence, in Grimsby, 4th May, 1820. Notitia Parochialis for private use. WM. SAMPSON.

(Duplicate Line. See Person 293)

469. Eliza Ann Petit 8 was born on 27 Oct 18238 and died on 3 Feb 1874 in Montreal QC.8

General Notes: Lived in Hamilton and Montreal (after 1866) PETTIT - ANNALS

Her namesake neice (Charlotte Eliza Pettit) was witness at her daughter Sarah's 1877 wedding

005991 1877 (Lincoln Co- Grimsby Village) Robert Arthur ALEXANDER, 32, physician, Ontario, Grimsby, s/o James & Amelia ALEXANDER, married Sarah Harriett BOOKER, 25, Ontario, Grimsby, d/o Alfred & Eliza Ann BOOKER, witn: J. N. WADDLE, Hamilton & Charlotte E. PETTIT, Grimsby, 18 Dec 1877 Grimsby
MS 932 Reel 24

Eliza married Lt. Col. Alfred Booker 8 on 16 Jul 1847 in Grimsby ON.8 Alfred was born on 14 Apr 1824 in Nottingham, England,8 died on 27 Sep 1871 in Montreal QC,8 and was buried in Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal QC.8

Marriage Notes: They were married in St. Andrew's Anglican Church. 8

General Notes: His birth was recorded at Bethesda Meeting House Paradise Place Barker Gate-Notting (extracted)
Christening 30 SEP 1824 Fletcher Gate Sion Independent

Living on Peel St in Dundas for the 1852C

He is described as a merchant in Reid's Marriage Notices, / The Church, Toronto 1837-1849 pages 209-210, published on Friday, 16 July 1847 (published every Friday). The same source says he was married at St Andrews and that his bride was Eliza Anne, second daughter of Andrew Pettit, all of Grimsby

June 2, 1866: Canadian forces (the Queen's Own Rifles) under Lt Col Alfred Booker were driven back by the Fenians at Ridegway, Ontario with the loss of 10 dead and 38 wounded. Fenians retreated to Fort Erie


Lt Colonel Alfred Booker, of the 13th Battalion, a professional auctioneer from Hamilton who had been left in command of the volunteer column, was now in charge

Lt. Colonel Alfred Booker (13th Hamilton Battalion, later the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry), upon whom command of Canadian volunteers had devolved (because of another's stupidity or cowardice), was determined by a board of inquiry to have handled his men poorly at the Battle of Ridgeway (sometimes referred to as the Battle of Lime Ridge), during the Fenian Raid at Niagara on June 2, 1866. The Irish-Americans numbered about 900 (after 200 desertions upon crossing the Niagara River). On this day they clashed with about 800 advancing Canadian militia commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Booker. Fenian scouts on horseback were mistaken for cavalry, and orders to defend against a cavalry charge, although quickly countermanded, led to chaos in the Canadian ranks and Booker ordered a withdrawal after only one to three hours of battle. The Canadian line began contracting, "What are they doing?", the Fenians asked. It was a square. "Haven't seen that since Bull Run," was heard from the ranks. The battle commenced according to plan. The skirmishers engaged the Canadian enemy and then withdrew. Unfortunately someone in the first line fired revealing the trap. The Crown forces began to conform to meet this new threat. They advanced, and the Fenians fell back on their reserves.

Then the Canadians formed a square. Their officers had seen horseman, and, in the tradition of Wellington, adopted his tactics from Waterloo in 1815. The Fenians, being offered a stationary target in-depth, let them have it.

Mount Royal Cemetery,
1297 Chemin de la Forκt Outremont, QC H2V 2P9

The child from this marriage was:

+ 582 F    i. Alice Annie Burton Booker 8 was born on 13 Sep 18588 and died on 29 May 1929.8

518. Deborah Moore 1,173,199,203 was born on 22 Oct 1808 in Parrasboro, Nova Scotia, Canada259,311 and died on 23 Jul 1909.259 Another name for Deborah was Deboraf Ann Moore.311

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 337

Deborah married Jacob Joseph Morton 1,259 on 6 Oct 1828.311 Jacob was born in 1805.

The child from this marriage was:

   583 M    i. Edwin Morton .1.,259

Edwin married Sarah Jane Nichols 1.,338 Sarah was born on 25 Aug 1831 in Wilmot, Annapolis Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.

General Notes: For children of Edwin and Sarah see: Doble and Allied Families by Myrna McGhie at

520. Abraham Moore 1,173,199,203 was born about 1811 in Liverpool, NS.259

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 339

Abraham married Sarah Nichols 1,340 on 14 Oct 1832 in Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada.340 Sarah was born on 18 Mar 1809 in Wilmot, Anna Co., Nova Scotia, Canada.340 Another name for Sarah was Sarah Nichol.259

Children from this marriage were:

   584 M    i. Gilbert Moore 1,340 was born on 14 Apr 1834.

   585 F    ii. Sara Ann Moore 1,340 was born on 21 Sep 1835.

523. William Moore 1,173,199 was born in Weymouth, NS.259

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: Sep 1815. 341

• Residence: 259

• Census: 1901. 342

William married Ann Eliza Brooks 1.,259 Ann was born in Weymouth, NS.259

William next married Catherine Stevens Emmons 1,259 on 10 Sep 1844 in Hallowell, Maine.259 Catherine was born on 8 Nov 1813 in Phippsburg, Maine259 and died on 9 Jun 1887.343

Children from this marriage were:

   586 F    i. Elizabeth R. Moore 1 was born on 10 Aug 1847259 and died on 30 Nov 1873 in Boston, Mass..259

Elizabeth married Kenson E. Taylor 1,259 on 31 Dec 1871.344 Kenson was born on 18 Oct 1844.

   587 F    ii. Elsie W. Moore 1 was born on 10 Dec 1849259 and died on 17 Nov 1877 in South Gardiner.259

Elsie married Chester A. Phillips 1,259 on 1 Jun 1873.345 Chester was born on 13 Sep 1852.

   588 M    iii. William H. Moore 1 was born on 21 Oct 1851.259

William married Addie A. 1.,342 Addie was born on 27 Oct 1857.

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: 1901. 342

   589 M    iv. Frederick C. Moore .1

Frederick married Mary A. McCausland 1,259 on 10 May 1887 in West Gardiner.

   590 F    v. Catherine S. Moore 1 was born on 15 Jul 1855.259

524. John Moore 1,173,199 was born on 30 Mar 1817.173,259

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: Abt 1816.

• Residence: 1896. 173

John married Mary Ryerson 1,173,259 in Nova Scotia, Canada.346 Mary was born on 28 Sep 1825 in Annapolis, NS.259

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 347

The child from this marriage was:

   591 F    i. L. Moore 1.,173.,199

John next married Jane Specht 1,259 in Sphects Cove, NS.259 Jane was born on 14 Mar 1831 in Barton, NS.259

528. Edward Freeman Moore 1,73 was born on 2 Mar 1820 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co. Ontario and died on 13 Jul 1903 in Walsingham Twp, Ontario.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: 1901. 348

Edward married Martha Wheeler 1,73 on 25 Dec 1844 in Nelson, District Gore, Upper Canada West.73 Martha was born in 1823 and died on 28 May 1888 in Walsingham Twp, Ontario.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 592 M    i. George Washington Moore 1,73 was born on 25 Aug 1845 in Wellington Square, Burlington, Ontario73 and died on 6 Aug 1913 in Carholme, Ontario.

   593 M    ii. John Clifford Moore 1,73 was born in 1847 in Canada.

John married Sarah Catherine Ryckman 1,73 on 4 Nov 1874 in Burford, Ontario.73 Sarah was born in 1854 in Canada.73

   594 F    iii. Lelia Josephine Moore 1,73 was born on 26 Nov 1848 in Ontario, Canada73 and died on 26 Mar 1926 in Dereham Twp, Oxford Co., Ontario.73

Lelia married George Herbert 1,73 on 12 Nov 1882 in Walsingham, Ontario, Canada.73 George was born on 8 Oct 1845 in Ontario, Canada73 and died on 31 Oct 1905.

   595 F    iv. Eliza Jane Moore 1,73 was born on 15 Aug 1852 in Burford, Ontario73 and died on 11 Aug 1910.73

+ 596 M    v. James Jenks Moore 1,73 was born in May 1854 in Ontario, Canada73 and died on 31 Dec 1926.73

+ 597 F    vi. Demodis Moore 1,73 was born on 8 Mar 1856 in Brantford, Ontario.73

+ 598 M    vii. Charles Henry Moore 1,73 was born on 29 May 1862.

529. Rebecca E. Moore 1,73 was born on 30 Mar 1822 in Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 died on 24 May 1907 in Port Colborne, Ontario,73 and was buried in 1907 in Overholt Cemetery, Port Colborne.325

General Notes: Obituary - unknown newspaper source
Rebecca E. Moore, - relict of the late James Scholfield, passed away at her residence here on Friday morning at the advanced age of 85 years. Deceased, who had always been a strong, healthy woman, was stricken with pneumonia a short time ago and in spite of the most careful and loving attention breathed her last on Friday.
Mrs. Scholfield was a resident of Welland all her life. She was a daughter of the late John Moore and was born in Bertie on the farm now occupied by James Moore. In 1851 she married her late husband and moved to Port Colborne. Three years later they moved to Pelham, where they resided two years and returned to Port Colbourne, where Mrs. Scholfield had been a resident until her death. It was 49 years ago this month that Mrs. Scholfield moved into the home in which she died. Mr. Scholfield died in 1889.
Deceased was highly esteemed and respected by all who knew her and a wide circle of friends will learn of her death with the deepest regret. She is survived by two sons - John of Winnipeg, and Lewis of Neche, N.D., three daughters - Mrs. Rogers of Rochester, Mrs. J. L. Robertson of Cayuga, and Mrs Mary Eakin of Port Colborne, one brother, James Moore of Ridgeway, and one sister, Mrs. Geo. Hardison of Ridgeway.
The funeral takes place today (Tuesday), at two o'clock from the house. Service was conducted by the Rev. J. D. Cunningham and iInterment took place at Overholt's cemetery. The pall-bearers were - R. H. Appleyard, J. H. Smith, D. McGillivray, G. Smith Macdonald, John E. Leggett and D. H. Fortier.
Among those from out of town who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. George Hardison, Mrs. Ezra Moore and two daughters, Mrs. Hanna and Mrs. Ellsworth of Ridgeway; Mrs. Herbert, Mrs. Jane Moore, George, Jencks and Charles Moore of Walsingham; Wesley Freeman of burlington; Mrs. Wm. Scholfield and her son of Pelham; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton of Fonthill; Mrs. Lane of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogers and Misses Luella and Alida Rogers of Rochester.
The family wish to thank all those who have been so kind during their bereavement.

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: 1901. 349

Rebecca married James Scholfield Scholfield,1,73 son of John Scholfield 1,350 and Margaret Kilman,1,351 on 29 Jan 1851 in Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 James was born on 1 Oct 1822 in Welland Co., Ontario73 and died on 18 Aug 1889 in Port Colborne, Ontario.73

Children from this marriage were:

+ 599 F    i. Asenath Amanda Scholfield 1,73 was born on 31 May 1852 in Humberstone, Ontario,73 died on 10 Oct 1957 in Irondequoit, Munroe Co., New York, USA,73 and was buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY.352

   600 M    ii. John Clifford Scholfield 1,73 was born in 1854.

John married Mary Victoria Symington 1,73 on 18 Feb 1880.73 Mary was born in 1854 in Ireland353 and died on 10 Nov 1903.

+ 601 F    iii. Clementina Scholfield 1,73 was born on 18 Feb 1856354 and died on 10 Jul 1943.

   602 F    iv. Mary Margaret Scholfield 1,73 was born on 12 Feb 1858 in Port Colborne, Ontario73 and died on 26 Apr 1932.

General Notes: No Children

Mary married Joseph Samuel Eakin 1,73 on 1 Apr 1879 in Port Colborne, Ontario.73 Joseph was born in 1841 in Markham, Ontario73 and died on 19 Sep 1893 in Toronto, Ontario.73

   603 M    v. Lewis Fielding Scholfield .1.,73

General Notes:
From: riti <>
Subject: Lewis Schofield Ella Jane Howard
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 12:37:21 -0700

Lewis F. Scholfield b abt 1860 no place received a Land grant NW
Q 32 Township 35 range 27 W1. I have copy of township map Swan
River MB in 1920.
I have his obituary for his death 17 May 1948. in Swan River.
His wife was Ella Jane Howard b 1869 Angus-Essa Simco Co. Ontario.
She had a child Nellie May Howard, out of wedlock in 1879. Nellie is
my grandmother.
I don't know where Lewis and Ella married.
I wonder if he was first in Winnipeg before or after they were married
and later moved to Swan River.
1919 Ella was named beneficary in her half sister's estate and her
name is given as Ella Schofield
I am seeking any information on he and his wife. Did they have other
children. Did he have children from a previous marriage/
I haven't been able to find them on the 1901 Fed census.
Ella is on the 1881 in Toronto Ontario living with her father and her
daughter Nellie..
I haven't found either Lewis or Ella on the 1891 or the 1901 Census
I would like their marriage
Any entries on City Directories or phone books.
Census showing Lewis 1891 1901
Census showing Ella 1891 1901
= = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Lewis married Ella Jane 1.,73

General Notes: No Children

   604 M    vi. James Leslie Scholfield 1,73 was born on 30 Nov 1863 and died on 12 Aug 1864.

530. Clementina Moore 1,73,322 was born on 2 Aug 1824, died in 1891, and was buried in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada..326

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Death: Bef 1907.

Clementina married Silas Black,1,73,322 son of George M. Black 1,322 and Unknown, on 24 Apr 1845 in Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Silas was born about 1816, died in 1872, and was buried in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada.326

Children from this marriage were:

   605 M    i. Clifford Black 1,326 was born about 1845 and died in 1917.

   606 M    ii. Hibbert Black 1,326 was born about 1849 and died in 1925.

   607 F    iii. Bessie Black 1,326 was born about 1860 and died in 1950.

532. James Jenks Moore 1,73 was born on 7 Sep 1829 in Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 died on 13 Dec 1910 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried on 17 Dec 1910 in Old Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261,328

General Notes: Obituary - unknown newspaper source
Tuesday, Decamber 20th, 1910
James J. Moore, an old resident of Ridgeway, passed away on Tuesday evening, Dec. 13th, after a lingering illness. He was born Sept. 7th, 1829. His grandparents, who were United Empire Loyalist and Quakers, came to this country from Nova Scotia, in 1811, and settled on the farm where Mr. Moore was born and where he died. He was a staunch Reformer and beloved by all who knew him. His brothers and sisters were - Edward Moore of Walsingham, Mrs. Scholfield of Port Colborne, Joseph of Illinois, Mrs. Black of New Brunswick, Mrs. George Hardison of Ridgeway and Ezra Moore. Mrs. George Hardison, the only surviving member, also a widow, one daughter, Mrs. Wm. Pickard, an an adopted daughter, Miss Mae Magee, three grandsons and one granddaughter, who have the since sympathy of the entire community. The funeral was held at his residence on Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. Wass. A large number of friends and relatives attended to show their last tribute of respect to the departed who was a good, kind neighbor. Interment at Ridgeway cemetery.
Among those from out of town who attended the funeral of the late James J. Moore on Saturday were - Mrs. Herbut of Simcoe; G. Moore, Jenks Moore, Chas. Moore, Walsingham; Mrs. John Pickard, Hamilton; Mrs. Eakin, Mr. Quin, G. Smith Macdonald, Port Colborne; Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Erie, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs, J. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Magee, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Notman, Buffalo; Mrs. Rodgers and daughter, Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs. A. J. Hanna, Bridgeburg; S. Root, Burnaby; Mrs. C. Armstrong, Port Colborne.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: 1861. 355

• Census: Mar 1901. 356

• Occupation: 1871. 357

• Occupation: Mar 1901. 342

• Land: 1865. 358

• Land: 1876. 359

• Land: 1876. 359

• Land: 1879. 360

• Land: 1891. 361

• Religion: Mar 1901. 342

• Residence: 1907. 362

James married Charlotte H. Risely 1,73 on 7 Apr 1853.73 Charlotte was born in 1829, died on 4 Apr 1864 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried in Old Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: 1861. 318

James next married Ann Burgess 1,363 on 17 May 1865 in Haldimand Co., Ontario.73 Ann was born on 8 May 1839 in London, England,342,364 died on 26 Jun 1918 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried in Old Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261 Another name for Ann was Ann Burges.73

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Birth: 8 May 1829. 73

• Land: Between 1917 and 1918. 365

• Emigration: 1834. 73

• Census: Mar 1901. 366

• Census: Jun 1911. 367

• Religion: Mar 1901. 342

Children from this marriage were:

+ 608 F    i. Charlotte Ann Moore 1,73 was born on 22 Aug 1866 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 died on 25 Oct 1955 in Port Colborne General Hospital.,325 and was buried on 28 Oct 1955 in Old Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261,368

   609 F    ii. Mae Isabella Magee 1,73,363,369 was born on 14 Aug 1872 in Brant Co., Ontario,73 died on 5 Jun 1930 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried in Jun 1930 in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.325 Other names for Mae were Mae, Mae Moore 73. and328

General Notes: 1901 Ontario Census record
District: ON WELLAND (#123)
Subdistrict: Bridgeburg (Village) b Page 16

16 153 Emerson Mary E. F Wife M May 21 1855 45
Note that middle initial and birth date differs from date in Carol Morre's research. Is this the same person or a second wife?
In the obituary of James Jenks Moore. a Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Magee and a Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Magee of Buffalo attend the funeral. Could either of these be the natural parents of Mary Isabella Magee?
From Sally MacDonald Hammond: email Jul 30, 2005
Mary Isabella Magee as a child of James Jenks Moore and Ann Burgess. Mary Isabella is the daughter of George Magee and Mary Jane Burgess. Mary Isabella's mother died when she was 6 years old and she lived with the Moore's. Her sister Margaret Elizabeth Magee went to live with her aunt Margaret Burgess McDonald in North East, Pa. "Maggie" Magee is buried in the North East Cemetery in the McDonald plot.

Burgess family....
Ann b 1829 d.1918 married James Moore
Elizabeth married George Gamble
Margaret Jemime Sutherland Burgess b.1836 d.1922 married James McDonald
James Burgess b 1837
Mary Jane b1839 d. 1878 Married George Magee
Isabella abt1840 Married William Magee

Margaret and James McDonald are my great grandparents. As you can see, my name is spelled MacDonald. Due to a riff in the family, some spell it different. The original spelling is Mac!!!
Obituary June 19, 1930
Mae I. Emerson
Mrs. Mae I. Emerson (nee Magee), 59, died in her home at Ridgeway Sunday, after several hours illness. She was born in Brantford, Ont., and at the age of four years was adopted by her aunt Mrs. James Moore of Ridgeway, with whom she lived until her marriage to Harry Emerson, Ridgeway merchant, who died about fourteen months ago.
She was organist in Memorial United Church for several years, also of All Saints Anglican church, of which she was a member. She was a member of Carillon chaper O.E.S., and Queen Victoria Rebekah lodge.
Surviving are two sisters, Miss Margret Magee, North East, Pa., and Mrs. Charlotte Pickard, Ridgeway; three brothers, Rev. W. D. Magee, St. Catharines, Charles and George Magee, Buffalo. A brother and sister predeceased her. The funeral service was conducted at her late residence, Dominion Street at 2 p.m., Wednesday, standard time, by Rev. Wm. Brewer, Hamilton, former pastor of All Saints' church, Ridgeway, with interment in Ridgeway cemetery.

Mae married Henry Brown Emerson 1,73 on 20 Nov 1911 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Henry was born on 9 Sep 1849 in USA73 and died on 1 Feb 1913.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: 1901.

• Occupation:

534. Ezra Freeman Moore 1,73 was born on 4 Jul 1837 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario,73 died on 25 Jan 1891 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried on 28 Jan 1891 in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261

General Notes: Obituary - unknown newspaper source, January 1891; Fort Erie - Ridgeway Musuem
On Sunday afternoon about four o'clock as Mr. Irvin Teal and Ezra F. Moore were returnining from Black Creek in a covered carriage, they were run into by a Michigan Control Railway engine and van on the crossing at Stevensville. The engine struck the buggy back of the hub of the hind wheel, completely demolishing the back part of the buggy. Neither of the gentleman noticed the approaching engine until it was too late to avert the collision. Mr. Teal says there was no bell or whistle sounded. The horse apparently saw the danger and making a forward spring became disengaged from the rig and dragged Mr. Teal (who was driving) with him, which was the cause of Mr. Teal's miraculous escape. Poor Ezra took the full force of the blow and was pitched up about thirty feet from the crossing, terribly mangled but still conscious. He was taken to Stevensville and Drs. Brewster, Douglas and Collver were soon on hand and everything that medical skill could do was done for the sufferer, but all to no avail. He lingered in terrible agony untill about half past eight, when death ended his sufferings. The immediate cause of death was the fractured of the skull, in addition to which one leg and arm were broken in several places, besides other injuries. Mr. Teal was badly bruised but no bones broken and he was able to be about and receive the congradulations of friends on his escape. He takes the fate of Mr. Moore very much to heart, and he says he would willingly have taken the broken limbs if on;y Ezra's life had been spared. Ezra F. Moore, the victim, was one of our most respected citizens, and is mourned by a host of friends. He was in his 54th year. The greater part of his life having been spent in the immediate vicinity. He was a carriage maker by trade, and for the past eighteen or twenty years has been in the employ of Mr. Irvin Teal. He leaves a widow and three sons and two daughters, Mrs. A. J. Hanna and Mrs. Fred. Ellsworth; John, the eldest son, has a situation in New York city; Charlie and Willie, ages respectively about 17 and 10, comprise the family at home. We are pleased to note that notwithstanding the loss of a kind husband and father, the family are not left without a substantial proof of his feorthought for their comfort, he having held a certificate in the A.O.U.W. for $2000, and also one in the Home Circle for $3000.
The funeral took place from his late residence on Wednesday afternoon, 28th, and was one of the most largely attended ever held in the village, the Methodist church being packed, besides numbers who did not enter the church. The sermon was preached by Rev. C. Stringfellow. The funeral was in charge of the brethren of International Lodge, I.O.O.F., who were in attendance in a large body. The members of Ridgeway Lodge, A.O.U.W., also joined the procession. Interment took place in the village cemetery. The impressive burial service of the Oddfellows ritual was rendered at the grave. Among the floral tributes were two worthy of special mention - a pillow offered by the brethren of Ridgeway Lodge, A.O.U.W., and a wreath by the members of the Home Circle.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Between 1869 and 1888. 370

• Land: 1865. 371

• Land: 1876. 359

• Land: 1876. 359

• Land: 1879. 372

• Land: 1891. 373

• Probate: 26 Jun 1891. 374

Ezra married Eliza Alice Danner,1,73 daughter of Joseph Danner 1,73 and Rebecca Blackmore,1,73 on 6 May 1862 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Eliza was born on 20 Sep 1843 in Willoughby Twp., Ontario,73 died on 11 Sep 1917 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,375 and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261 Another name for Eliza was Eliza E. Danner.342

General Notes: Obituary 1917
After a lingering illness Mrs. Ezra Moore passed away Tuesday evening, Sept 11, aged 73 years. She had been a resident of Bertie all her life and was highly respected by all who knew her. Two daughters, Mrs. Joseph A. Hanna of Bridgeburg and Mrs. Fred Ellsworth of Ridgeway and three sons William of Saskatchewan, John of New York City and Charles of Ridgeway survive.
The funeral was held Friday afternoon at her late residence. The Rev. John Peach had charge. Interment in Ridgeway cemetery.
Those attending from out of town were:- Mr. and Mrs. John Moore of New York City, Mr. and Mrs A.J. Hanna of Bridgeburg, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanna, Fort Erie, Mrs. Will McFallen and Dr. S. Gillespie of Edinborough, Pa., Mrs. Mary Eakin of Rochester, N.Y.; J. Moore, Thos Moore, Mrs. D. Collins, Mrs. Frank Swain of Langton, Ont. The People's Press and the entire community extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved family.

Noted events in her life were:

• Land: Between 1917 and 1918. 376

• Census: Mar 1901. 377

• Census: Jun 1911. 378

• Occupation: Jun 1911.

• Residence: Jun 1911.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 610 F    i. Clara Alice Moore 1,73 was born on 27 Apr 1863 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario73 and died on 17 Feb 1953.

   611 M    ii. John Jerome Moore 1,73 was born on 14 Jul 1865 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario73 and died on 30 Mar 1924 in Long Island, NY.73

John married Jenny Kane 1.,73 Jenny died on 5 Apr 1924 in Long Island, NY.73

+ 612 F    iii. Esther Clementine Moore 1,73 was born on 16 Feb 1870 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario,379 died on 2 Mar 1944, and was buried in St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Ridgemount Rd., Bertie Twp.380

+ 613 M    iv. Charles Albert Moore 1,73 was born on 5 Nov 1872 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario,375 died on 5 Jul 1952, and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261

   614 F    v. Jessie Cora Moore 1,73 was born on 16 May 1876 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario,73 died on 14 Aug 1876 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261

+ 615 M    vi. William Edward Moore 1,73 was born on 20 Jul 1879 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario,73 died on 8 Mar 1964 in St. Catherines General Hospital, Ontario,73 and was buried on 11 Mar 1964 in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73,261

550. Mary Alma Moore 1,280 was born in 1839 in Elgin, Canada331 and died on 8 Oct 1865 in West Avenue Cemetery, St. Thomas, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada. Another name for Mary was Alma.

General Notes: St. Thomas Weekly Dispatch, Microfilm, St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada, Oct 12, 1865. "OBITUARY. We are sorry, this week, to have to chronicle the death of the wife of our townsman, Sheriff Munro, which sad event occurred on Sunday night last. The deceased lady was ill but a few days, when death terminated her sufferings; she was in the prime of life, being only 27 years of age; amiable, cheerful, and friendly to those with whom she was acquainted. She was beloved by her husband, who spared no expense in procuring the best medical advisers, but to no purpose. Her remains were followed to the cemetery on Tuesday last by a large assemblage of people, where she now sleeps beside her eldest child a beautiful boy of two years. We sympathize with the Sheriff in his bereavement."
The Canadian Home Journal, Microfilm, St. Thomas Library, St. Thomas, Canada, Oct. 12, 1865. "DIED. Munro--In this town, on the evening of Sunday, October 8th, Alma, wife of Colin Munro, Esq., Sheriff of the County of Elgin, in the 27th year of her age. Deceased was the daughter of Lindley Moore, Esq., Port Bruce, and granddaughter of Elias Moore, Esq., one of the first members returned for Middlesex to the United Parliament of Canada. She was very much beloved by a wide circle of friends and her remains were followed to her last resting place on Tuesday, by an unusually large concourse of mourners."

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1859.

Mary married Colin Munro 1,280 on 20 Jun 1859 in Port Bruce, Ont..280 Colin was born about 1819 in Scotland,281 died on 1 Feb 1884 in St. Thomas, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada,381 and was buried in St. Thomas Cemetery, West Avenue, Section Ose.281

General Notes: Port Bruce Street Names
by Bruce Connor Johnson Jr. July 1999

Colin Street - This street was previously part of Water Street and all of Walnut Street. It is named for Elgin County Sheriff Colin Munro (1821-1883) a well known businessman, county official and frequent visitor at Port Bruce in the 1850s and 1860s. He married Amy Moore the daughter of Lindley and Amy (Lewis) (Davis) Moore of Port Bruce. Colin (not to be confused with "colon", the punctuation mark and body part) is a common and popular old Scottish name. Unfortunately the street signs were made in error and we see "Colen" at a half a dozen crossroad signs in the village. Our township councillors are aware of the misspelling and have indicated that they plan to correct the mistake.

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: Abt 1821. 382

• Alt. Death: 2 Aug 1883. 382

• Occupation:

Children from this marriage were:

   616 M    i. William C. Munro 1,382 was born about 1860 in Elgin, Ontario, died on 19 Mar 1862 in St. Thomas, Elgin County, Ontario, Canada, and was buried in St. Thomas Cemetery, West Avenue, Section Ose.281 Another name for William was Willie.

   617 F    ii. Alma Agnes Adelia Munro 1,382 was born on 15 Oct 1863 in St. Thomas, Ontario.

General Notes:
Meth. Bp. Records, Elgin Co., Wm. Ames; 2:223, p. 59 She was not married when her father died. Daughter to get control at age 25.

Lived in London with 4 children.
Alma married J. C. DUFFIELD.

554. James Albert Moore 334 was born on 18 May 1851 in Charlotteville, ON,227,290,335 died on 21 Feb 1921 in Hamilton, ON,227,290,335,336 and was buried in Woodhouse Methodist Cemetery, Woodhouse Twp., ON.290,291,335

General Notes: "James Albert was convinced that there was an unclaimed fortune in England waiting to be claimed by the descendants of Elizabeth Hawksworth (nee Wedgewood)."

"In all fairness to James Albert, there were other descendants of Elizabeth Wedgewood, namely the Bowlbys and Hawksworths (see the Moore genealogy) in Nova Scotia who were similarly convinced. However, James Albert took it upon himself to represent the Moores in this matter. Starting in 1879 and continuing until 1914, there is a file of letters in the Moore Archives wherein he corresponded with his uncles, aunts and cousins, soliciting funds and genalogical information in one effort after another which never appeared to be successful.
However, it did result in the accumulation of genealogical information that has made the writing ofthis journal considerably easier."

The writer assumes that this alleged fortune would be related to the famous company of Wedgewood China. See the Moore genealogy for the name Wedgewood.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Bef 1905, Charlotteville, ON. 176

• Occupation: After 1905, Simcoe, ON. 176

• Residence: Between 1851 and 1905, Charlotteville, ON. 176

• Residence: Bef 1921, Hamilton, ON. 176

• Residence: After 1905, Simcoe, ON. 176

• Politics: Charlotteville, ON. 176

James married Luella (Ella) Jane Mattice,335 daughter of Joseph Mattice and Catharine Kniffen, on 14 Jan 1890 in Charlotteville, ON 227.,335 Luella was born on 5 Oct 1861 in Charlotteville, ON,227,335,383 died on 5 Nov 1936 in Hamilton, ON,227,335,336 and was buried in Woodhouse Methodist Cemetery, Woodhouse, ON.291,335,384

Burial Notes: Woodhouse Methodist Church Cemetary, Woodhouse, Ont.

General Notes: The following two family heirlooms belonged to Luella: the spool bed presently at Gladys (Pearon) Moore's in Stoney Creek and given to Jay Moore by Edith (Fern) Moore and the upholstered rocking chair and matching foot stool given to Jay Moore in Kitchener by his brother, Peter from Toronto.

The Mattice Coat of Arms is described in what Douglas Mattice (b. 1958) referred to as "our family book" as follows:

"The Coat of Arms consists of two banners, one scarlet over one of black. On the scarlet banner are three dice. Above the banner, a helmut or crown of Gold, with a forearm and hand holding and ax. The sleeve is of gold as is the ax handle. The blade is silver. Under the banner is a ribbon banner carrying the motto "Gro - Quad - Gram" - I Shall Be What I Have Been.

In the book there is a picture of Joseph Mattice. He is wearing clothing that seem to be from the late 1800s but there is no date assigned to it.

Children from this marriage were:

   618 F    i. Anna Lulu Moore was born on 10 Dec 1891 in Charlotteville, ON,227 died on 22 Sep 1896 in Charlotteville, ON,227 and was buried in Woodhouse Methodist, Woodhouse Twp., ON.385

General Notes: It is said that Anna Lulu died from a disease that likely was Spina Bifida, based on the descriptions handed down in the family.

+ 619 M    ii. James Lorne Moore 336,386 was born on 19 Apr 1894 in Charlotteville, ON,227 died on 16 Jul 1972 in Hamilton, ON,336 and was buried in White Chapel Cemetery, Hamilton, ON.336

   620 M    iii. Joseph Lindley Moore .

Death Notes: Joseph Lindley, known as Lindley or Lin, committed suicide at his home in East Hamilton. Years later, members of the family said they didn't know why. Some suspected he was having financial trouble and others said he may have been in chronic pain at the time.

Burial Notes: Woodlawn Cemetary, Hamilton, Ont.

Joseph married Eva Smallwood on 4 Jul 1945 in Hamilton, ON.227 Eva was born on 27 Jan 1896 in Birmingham, England, died in Hamilton, ON, and was buried in Hamilton, ON.

Marriage Notes: Eva's surname was Smallwood at the time of her marriage to Joseph Lindley since she had been previously married.

   621 M    iv. Robert Leslie Moore was born on 13 Aug 1899 in Charlotteville, ON,227 died on 1 Nov 1959 in Hamilton, ON,336 and was buried in Hamilton, ON.336

Burial Notes: Vittoria Baptist Church Cemetary, Vittoria, Ont.

Robert married Aretta Beryle Bezzo on 21 Nov 1931 in Hamilton, ON.227 Aretta was born on 17 Mar in Vittoria, ON, died on 1 Feb 1972 in Hamilton, ON,336 and was buried in Vittoria, ON.336

Burial Notes: Vittoria Baptist Cemetary, Vittoria, Ont.

563. James Beach Moore was born on 1 Apr 1842 in Norwich, ON300,301 and died on 29 Aug 1931 in Waterford, ON.300,301

General Notes: Rev. Dr. James B. Moore Obituaries

"The Waterford Star" newspaper
Waterford, Ontario, Canada
Thursday, September 03, 1931
Page: 01

"Ontario's Oldest Baptist Preacher Died on Saturday.

"Elder Moore Widely Know Throughout Province - Funeral Attended by Over Thirty Preachers and a Large Number of Friends - He Will be Mourned by All.

"The village of Waterford lost one of its oldest and best beloved citizens on Saturday last in the death of Rev. Dr. James B. Moore, who passed away following a stroke suffered August 12. He was in his 90th year, and until the last few weeks had enjoyed remarkably good health for a man of his years.

"He was the oldest living Baptist minister in the Ontario and Quebec Union, and had been preaching the gospel for nearly three quarters of a century. On a few occasions even during the past year he had occupied the pulpit. Having served in many pastorates throughout the province he was widely known and his stately, venerable figure was familiar to thousands of friends by all of whom he was deeply respected and admired.

"Elder Moore, as he was more familiarly known, was born on the first day of April, 1842, on a farm in the township of Norwich, county of Oxford, not far from Burgessville. His father was William S. Moore, a man of Quaker parentage, who came to Canada from New Jersey and settled near Norwich. Their family consisted of ten boys and six girls, of which Elder Moore was the last remaining member.

"When he was seventeen years old, he determined to enter the Gospel ministry, although he was opposed by his father who had been a Quaker in all of his training and his sympathies. The young man had the choice of leaving home or leaving the religious meetings. He chose the former and was baptized and united with the Baptist Church at Burgessville.

"He began his struggle for an education at a private academy and boarding school in a village about 20 miles from New York City. He received board and tuition free in return for doing odd jobs. He had been there only a year or so when the Civil War broke out. He heard the call to arms and enlisted, be selected as an aide-de-camp to General Phil Kearney. He as only 19 years old at that time. His unit was with the Army of the Potomac and camped near the White House. Several times he had the pleasure of seeing the President, Abraham Lincoln. The only engagement in which his division took part was the retreat after the siege of Richmond in which the fighting was fierce and many men were slain. Elder Moore always declared, however, that he did not fire a gun, but was engaged in running messages from one division to another on horseback. He did have a horse shot beneath him during one assault.

"He was in the army for nearly a year when his father learned about it and was instrumental in securing his discharge on the ground that he enlisted under age and without the consent of his parents.

"The ambitious young man returned to the old farm home in Norwich township. The he learned that Woodstock Baptist College had opened and he straightway enrolled there. Although often in financial straits, he managed to complete a six year course at the College and graduated in 1868, at 26 years of age.

"He was ordained to the ministry and became pastor of a small Church in Whitevale, Pickering Township, Ontario County, at a salary of four hundred dollars a year. He was married while at Whitevale and for over fifty years they lived happily and laboured together. He was instrumental in forming three new Churches in the district.

"Rev. Mr. Moore devoted a year to evangelistic work after which he assumed a pastorate in Tillsonburg and from 1880 onward laboured there and in the nearby village of Brownsville. After a year or two in the village of Scotland he came to Waterford. After five years as pastor of the Waterford Baptist Church, during which he made a wide circle of friends, the again began evangelistic work and for eight years was peregrinating among the churches, while his family lived in Toronto. Then he returned to the pastorate and assumed charges in Blenheim, Brownsville and Delhi successively. At the conclusion of his Delhi pastorate, he definitely retired because he was then nearly 70 years of age. Having many congenial friends in Waterford, he and Mrs. Moore decided to come here to spend the remaining years of their lives.

"Here Mrs. Moore predeceased her husband some fourteen years ago. In 1921 he married Mrs. David Grey of Hamilton, who survives him. A daughter, Bessie, Mrs. (Rev) W. J. H. Brown, of Toronto, died more than a year ago, while three sons remain, Mr. W. H. Moore, M.P. for Ontario County; Mr. Harry Moore of Toronto, and Ambrose of Detroit.

"Elder Moore had preached on one or more occasions in every Baptist Church in this district and there were few in Western Ontario which he had not preached. As late as the summer of 1928 his services were still in keen demand and he preached 28 sermons that year. In the last few years he had continued to do supply work when called upon.

"Waterford was indeed fortunate when he decided to spend his twilight years in this village for there was no more loyal citizen and none more sympathetic with every community movement than the genial Elder. His name became a household word in the village and far beyond its confines. During his 20 years in Waterford, though he claimed to be in retirement, no request for his presence at religious or social gathering ever met with refusal. He was the embodiment of good nature and his whimsical stories and droll humor have enlivened many a party.

"In his early years he was very fond of thoroughbred horses and his stables were frequent blue-ribbon winners at the C. N. E. Gardening and fishing were other hobbies, while his fish stories became almost legendary. His parrot "Polly" provided much amusement for both himself and his visitors. At the last accounting, this bird was over 25 years old.

"For the last twelve years or more, Elder Moore had made his winter home at St. Petersburg, Florida, where he became almost a landmark. He was permanent chaplain of the Canadian Association, comprising about 300 members, the Grand Army of the Republic which included forty Civil War veterans, and the Three Quarter Century Club, comprising over 300 members, all of whom were over 75 years of age. The Elder's infinite capacity for telling stories made him a prime favourite with the Canadian colony in Florida.

"Few men live to the ripe old age of fourscore and ten: to still fewer is given the opportunity of serving in their chosen vocation for nearly 75 years; and only very rarely is such a man possessed of the clarity of mind, the command of language, and the charm of personality at the end of this time as exhibited in the case of the late Elder Moore. A happy disposition and an even, imperturbable temperament assisted in making his a pleasant journey though his life.

"Waterford will miss his genial countenance and patriarchal figure, his sparkling with and his treasured storehouse of recollections, as well as his impressive pulpit deliverances. But he has left his mark on the community and his long and faithful service will not soon be forgotten.

"The funeral was held from his late residence on St. James Street on Monday afternoon where so many friends gathered from far and near that it was found necessary to hold the service out of doors, the day being warm and sunny, and ideal for such an arrangement. Rev. Dr. Langton of Brantford, President of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec, was in charge of the services. Rev. C. E. MacLeod, secretary of the Convention, made the opening prayer, and the Scriptures were read by Rev. C. R. Duncan, Educational Secretary representing McMaster University, which a few years ago conferred on Elder Moore the degree of Doctor of Divinity, in accordance with Dr. Moore's request, the address was given by Rev. F. C. Elliot of Ingersoll, who since childhood had known the deceased. Most appropriately he chose for his text, "And Abraham died in a good old age, and old man and full of years and was gathered to his people." Mr. T. C. Savage, also by request, sang two solos, and Rev. L. F. Kipp, editor of the Canadian Baptist, closed the service with a prayer and benediction. Over thirty ministers were present and formed a guard of honor as the casket was borne by six pastors form this vicinity: Revs. W. H. Howard of Delhi, E. Butcher of Hagersville, J. A. Suggitt of Walsh, E. J. Whan of Villa Nova, T. M. Mead of Waterford, G. M. Saunders of Langton

"Of the immediate family present beside Mrs. Moore were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore, Rev. W. J. H. Brown, Rev. Gordon Brown, and Mr. Douglas Brown, all of Toronto.

Interment took place in Greenwood Cemetery."

From "The Canadian Baptist"
3 Sep 1931

"When Rev. Moore died, he was the oldest minister in the Baptist denomination of Canada and probably the only survivor of Canadian nationality who participated in the American Civil War. As a youth of 17, he left home to obtain an education, preparatory to entering the ministry. Fate directed his steps to the United States and, when the civil war broke out, he enlisted, being selected as an aide de camp to General Kearney with the army of the Potomac in Virginia. His father obtained his discharge and he returned home to enter Woodstock College. Elder Moore, as he was more familiarly know in later life, occupied the pulpit in practically every Baptist church in the province on one or more occasions."

Source Unclear
After 1930

Rev. Dr. James B. Moore, retired minister of the Baptist Church, who died at Waterford a week ago. Dr. Moore was the oldest minister in the Ontario and Quebec Baptist Union and before entering the ministry, while still a lad in his teens, he enlisted with the Northern army in the American Civil war. His freedom being obtained by his father after one year's service because he was under age, he returned to his native district of Norfolk and by dirt of much labour and thrift obtained enough money to go through college. He held charges at Tillsonburg, Brownsville, Blenheim, Delhi and other places. Such was the esteem in which he was held by the ministry that at his funeral over thirty ministers of all denominations were present.

James married Hannah Greenwood on 15 Jul 1868 in Haldimand Co., ON 300.,301 Hannah was born on 5 Mar 1846 in Chitanango, NY.300,301

Children from this marriage were:

   622 F    i. Elizabeth "Bessie" Greenwood Moore B.A. 387 was born on 10 Jul 1869387 and died on 10 Feb 1930.301,387

Elizabeth married Rev. William James Hay Brown 387,388 on 27 Aug 1902 in Delhi ON.388 William died in 1935 in Guelph, ON.387

Marriage Notes: Source Newspaper: Tillsonburg Liberal, Tillsonburg, Ontario
Thursday, September 04, 1902
Date of Notice: Wednesday, August 27, 1902
Pg: 04 Col: 03
A very pretty house wedding took place at the Baptist parsonage, Delhi, August 27th. The contracting parties were Rev. Wm. H. J. Brown, youngest son of Mr. Benajor Brown, of Brownsville, and Miss Bessie Moore, B. A., only daughter of Rev. J. B. Moore. The marriage was celebrated at high noon, and was performed by the father of the bride in the presence of only the immediate relatives of both families. While the wedding march was being played by Mrs. W. H. Moore the groom entered the living room, supported by Mr. Harry Moore and followed by Mr. W. H. Moore, barrister, of Toronto, supporting his sister, the bride, who gave her away. Mrs. J. J. Mott, of Toronto, aunt of the bride, acted as matron of honor. It was a solemn and pretty scene as the bridal pair stood beneath a beautiful arch formed with evergreens and a background of asparagus ferns, all tastefully decorated with flowers, and a large floral ball hanging just above them. The bride was handsomely gowned with a fawn crepe de chene over pink taffetta with pink trimmings. She carried in her hand a shower bouquet of pink and white roses. After the ceremony there was an adjournment to the dining-room for luncheon. The room was nicely decorated and the table well spread with rich viands, fruits and flowers.

The bride was made the recipient of costly and well-selected presents. Her going-away gown was a handsomely made tailor suit of brown ladies' cloth, with white silk waist and white felt hat with brown wings and velvet trimmings. At three o'clock the bridal pair amid showers of rice boarded the Wabash train for Buffalo and eastern points. On their return they will live in Brownsville, where the bridegroom is the popular pastor of the church in the home of his childhood. All join in best wishes for the future happiness and usefulness of the bridal couple.

+ 623 M    ii. William Henry Moore was born on 19 Oct 1872 in Stouffville, ON389 and died in 1960 in Pickering, ON.389

   624 M    iii. James Ambrose Moore .387

James married Mabel Burse.301

+ 625 M    iv. Harry Claud Moore was born on 8 Oct 1881 in Tillsonburg, ON,300,301,389 died on 23 Oct 1955 in Hamilton, ON,300,301,389 and was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Waterford, ON.300,301

   626 M    v. Charles Arthur Moore 301 was born on 6 Nov 1883301 and died on 9 Aug 1892.301


previous  11th Generation  Next

580. William Hamilton Bingle 8 was born on 1 Feb 1851 in Grimsby ON,8 died on 14 Feb 1929 in Grimsby ON,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

General Notes: A bit of a dilitant; 40 and his hair was grey; he had angina.
William Bingle and Alice Booker both had the same 4x
great grandfather, a man with the surname of Wright, Hannah Wright's father.

Ά Ά The 1871 Census C9923 Lincoln (21) f-1 Grimsby Page 20 (at Lot J C1) says
he Ά was a scholar born in Ireland Ά Ά Residence: Woolverton Mountain Rd at
the Forty - Sunset Farm

1881C: 30 years old and living with his mother and stepfather Michael John Anderson

His marriage is listed in

#006909-82 (Middlesex Co): William H. BINGLE, 31, gentleman, Grimsby, same, s/o Thomas & Hester, married Alice A.B. BOOKER, 24, Hamilton, Grimsby, d/o Alfred & Eliza, witn: Alfred A. & Jennie BOOKER of London South, 6 June 1882 at St. James Church, Westminster

William married Alice Annie Burton Booker,8 daughter of Lt. Col. Alfred Booker 8 and Eliza Ann Petit,8 on 5 Jun 1882 in London ON. Alice was born on 13 Sep 18588 and died on 29 May 1929.8

Marriage Notes: This couple was married at St. James Anglican (Westminster), London ON.

General Notes: her death and her husband's death are both listed in Ancestry
So is their marriage MS 932 R40

Alice's brother, Alfred A Booker (with wife Jane or "Jennie"), was living in London South at the time of the 1901 Census. Living with him was my (Paul Bingle's) great uncle, Hamilton Bingle, 14 years old and correctly listed as a nephew.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 627 M    i. Alfred Bingle 8 was born on 5 Sep 1883 in Grimsby ON,8 died on 29 Mar 1952 in Grimsby ON,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

582. Alice Annie Burton Booker 8 was born on 13 Sep 18588 and died on 29 May 1929.8

General Notes: her death and her husband's death are both listed in Ancestry
So is their marriage MS 932 R40

Alice's brother, Alfred A Booker (with wife Jane or "Jennie"), was living in London South at the time of the 1901 Census. Living with him was my (Paul Bingle's) great uncle, Hamilton Bingle, 14 years old and correctly listed as a nephew.

Alice married William Hamilton Bingle,8 son of Thomas Bingle 8 and Ester Catherine Nixon,8 on 5 Jun 1882 in London ON. William was born on 1 Feb 1851 in Grimsby ON,8 died on 14 Feb 1929 in Grimsby ON,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

Marriage Notes: This couple was married at St. James Anglican (Westminster), London ON.

General Notes: A bit of a dilitant; 40 and his hair was grey; he had angina.
William Bingle and Alice Booker both had the same 4x
great grandfather, a man with the surname of Wright, Hannah Wright's father.

Ά Ά The 1871 Census C9923 Lincoln (21) f-1 Grimsby Page 20 (at Lot J C1) says
he Ά was a scholar born in Ireland Ά Ά Residence: Woolverton Mountain Rd at
the Forty - Sunset Farm

1881C: 30 years old and living with his mother and stepfather Michael John Anderson

His marriage is listed in

#006909-82 (Middlesex Co): William H. BINGLE, 31, gentleman, Grimsby, same, s/o Thomas & Hester, married Alice A.B. BOOKER, 24, Hamilton, Grimsby, d/o Alfred & Eliza, witn: Alfred A. & Jennie BOOKER of London South, 6 June 1882 at St. James Church, Westminster

(Duplicate Line. See Person 580)

592. George Washington Moore 1,73 was born on 25 Aug 1845 in Wellington Square, Burlington, Ontario73 and died on 6 Aug 1913 in Carholme, Ontario.

General Notes: In 1910 George had possession of an old family bible with birth & death dates of ancestors.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: 1901. 390

• Census: Jun 1911. 391

George married Jane Hanna 1,73 on 19 May 1868 in Simcoe, Ontario.73 Jane was born in 1848 in North Walsingham Twp., Ontario73 and died on 2 Jan 1901 in North Walsingham Twp., Ontario.73

Children from this marriage were:

   628 M    i. Thomas Moore 1,73 was born in 1867 in Walsingham Twp, Ontario73 and died on 11 Nov 1921 in Simcoe, Ontario.73

+ 629 F    ii. Martha Jane Moore 1,73 was born on 28 Dec 1871 in Langton, Norfolk Co., Ontario,392,393 died on 13 Nov 1938 in Etonia, Sask.,393,394 and was buried in 1938 in Etonia, Sask..394

+ 630 M    iii. Edward Freeman Moore 1,73 was born on 22 Oct 1873 in North Walsingham Twp, Norfolk Co., Ontario,395 died on 6 Jul 1934 in Dorchester, Ontario, Canada,396 and was buried in 1934 in Ingersoll, Ontario.73

+ 631 F    iv. Alice Maud Moore 1,73 was born on 24 Nov 1875 in North Walsingham Twp, Ontario73 and died in 1953 in North Walsingham Twp, Ontario.73

   632 M    v. Elgin Moore 1,73 was born on 11 Jun 1880 and died in 1933.

   633 M    vi. James Waldo Moore 1,73 was born on 8 Jul 1883 in North Walsingham, Ontario73 and died in 1951.

   634 M    vii. George Washington Moore 1,73 was born on 4 Nov 1886 in North Walsingham Twp, Ontario73 and died in 1907.

   635 F    viii. Mary R. Moore 1,73 was born on 10 Sep 1887 and died in 1943.

George next married Hanna Hetherington 1,73 on 19 Oct 1904 in Springford, Ontario.73 Hanna was born in Oct 1864 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73,397

Noted events in her life were:

• AKA (Facts Pg): 73

• Census: Jun 1911. 398

The child from this marriage was:

   636 M    i. Harry D. Bolton 1 was born in Mar 1898 in Ontario.397

General Notes: Stepson

596. James Jenks Moore 1,73 was born in May 1854 in Ontario, Canada73 and died on 31 Dec 1926.73

James married Ellen Rolleson 1,73 on 11 Dec 1883 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73 Ellen was born in 1854 in Brant Co., Ontario73 and died on 10 Jul 1892 in Walsingham, Ontario.73

Children from this marriage were:

   637 M    i. Fred Moore 1,73 was born on 24 Jun 1891 in North Walsingham, Ontario73 and died on 9 Nov 1918 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73

   638 F    ii. Josephine Moore .1.,73

Josephine married Lorne Swain.1

597. Demodis Moore 1,73 was born on 8 Mar 1856 in Brantford, Ontario.73

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: Jun 1911. 399

Demodis married David Collings 1,73 on 20 Apr 1876 in North Walsingham Twp, Ontario.73 David was born on 17 Mar 1848 in Hamilton, Ontario.73

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: Jun 1911. 399

Children from this marriage were:

   639 F    i. Elizabeth Ann Collings 1,73 was born on 6 Apr 1879 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73

Elizabeth married William Francis Swain 1,73 on 27 Sep 1905 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73 William was born in 1874 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73

   640 F    ii. Eva Collings 1,73 was born on 23 Aug 1881 in Walsingham, Ontario73 and died on 10 Jun 1882 in Walsingham, Ontario.73

+ 641 M    iii. John M. Collings 1,73 was born on 17 Feb 1883 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73

   642 F    iv. Alma Edna Collings 1,73 was born on 5 Jan 1886 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73

Alma married Colin Gordon Cowan 1,73 on 11 Nov 1908 in Lynedock, Ontario.73 Colin was born on 2 Apr 1886 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73

   643 F    v. Martha Clarabelle Collings 1,73 was born on 3 Jun 1888 in North Walsingham, Ontario.

Martha married Willard Maitland Godby 1,73 on 9 Sep 1908 in Carholme, Norfolk Co., Ontario.73 Willard was born on 3 Jul 1886 in Langton, Ontario.73

   644 F    vi. Mary C. Collings 1,73 was born on 5 Sep 1892 in Walsingham, Ontario.

Mary married Robert Roy Masecar 1,73 on 21 Jun 1911 in Tillsonburg, Norfolk Co., Ontario.73 Robert was born on 4 Feb 1889 in Ontario, Canada.73

   645 F    vii. Norma Ross Collings 1,73 was born on 3 Jul 1896 in Walsingham, Ontario.73

598. Charles Henry Moore 1,73 was born on 29 May 1862.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: 1901. 400

Charles married Emma Elizabeth Chapman 1.,73 Emma was born on 1 Jun 1856 in Ontario, Canada73 and died on 26 Feb 1930 in Walsingham, Ontario.73

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: 1901. 390

Children from this marriage were:

   646 M    i. Joseph Ferguson Moore 1,73 was born on 15 Sep 1889 in Walsingham, Ontario.73

Joseph married Esther Rowson 1,73 on 14 Jul 1909 in London, Middlesex Co., Ontario.73 Esther was born in 1885 in Fengall, Ontario.73 Another name for Esther was Esther Davis.73

Joseph next married Grace Montalena Strafford 1,73 on 2 Apr 1912 in Tillsonburg, Norfolk Co., Ontario.73 Grace was born in 1880 in Middleton Twp., Ontario.73

   647 F    ii. Alma Clarabelle Moore 1,73 was born on 16 Dec 1891 in Langton, Ontario.354

Alma married Charles Walter Curtis 1,73 on 18 Mar 1914 in Langton, Ontario.73 Charles was born on 16 Mar 1879 in Wycombe, Ontario.73

   648 F    iii. Ada Elizabeth Moore 1,73 was born on 29 May 1893 in Langton, Ontario73 and died in 1961.73

Ada married Joseph Brownlee 1,73 on 7 Apr 1915 in Langton, Ontario.73 Joseph was born on 17 Sep 1889 in Carholme, Ontario73 and died in 1968.

   649 M    iv. Charles Clayton Moore 1,73 was born on 22 Jul 1896.

599. Asenath Amanda Scholfield 1,73 was born on 31 May 1852 in Humberstone, Ontario,73 died on 10 Oct 1957 in Irondequoit, Munroe Co., New York, USA,73 and was buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY.352

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Birth: 31 May 1852. 401

• Residence: 1957. 402

• Residence: 1907. 362

• Obituary: 10 Oct 1957. 352

Asenath married William Hosea Rogers 1,73 on 2 Feb 1876 in Port Colborne, Ontario.73 William was born on 17 Jan 1812 in Rochester, N.Y.73 and died on 14 Dec 1904 in Rochester, N.Y..73

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: 403

Children from this marriage were:

   650 F    i. Polly M. Rogers 1,73 was born on 4 Mar 187773 and died on 6 Jun 1973.

General Notes: No children according to Howard Tyler.

Polly married George Bennett Hunt 1,73 on 27 Nov 1912.73 George was born in 185773 and died on 2 Jan 1962.

   651 M    ii. William Henry Rogers .1.,73

General Notes: Divorced first two wives, Caroline Reeves and Mary, according to Howard Tyler. No children from any wife according to Howard Tyler.

William married Caroline Reeves 1.,73

William next married Marie Baer 1.,73 Marie died on 10 May 1938.73

General Notes: Is this the same spouse named Mary?

William next married Kathryn 1.,73

+ 652 F    iii. Luella Asenath B. Rogers 1,73 was born on 3 Jul 1881,73 died on 21 May 1969, and was buried in Michigan, USA.404

+ 653 M    iv. Ezra S. Rogers 1,73 was born on 27 Feb 1885 and died on 7 Jun 1962.

+ 654 F    v. Alida Jane Rogers 1,73 was born on 14 Aug 1887 and died on 17 May 1970.

601. Clementina Scholfield 1,73 was born on 18 Feb 1856354 and died on 10 Jul 1943.

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1907. 362

• Census: 1901. 405

• Religion: 1901. 354

Clementina married John L. Robertson 1,73 on 5 Jan 1881 in Port Colborne, Ontario.73 John was born on 13 May 1849 in Scotland73,354 and died on 8 Jun 1948 in Cayuga, Ontario.406

Noted events in his life were:

• AKA (Facts Pg): 73

• Census: 1901. 407

• Occupation: 1901. 354

• Religion: 1901. 354

Children from this marriage were:

   655 F    i. Beulah Robertson 1,73 was born on 24 Mar 1886 in Ontario, Canada.354

   656 F    ii. Rebecca Robertson 1,73 was born on 20 Feb 1898 in Ontario, Canada.354

Rebecca married Leo Lefave 1.,73

608. Charlotte Ann Moore 1,73 was born on 22 Aug 1866 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 died on 25 Oct 1955 in Port Colborne General Hospital.,325 and was buried on 28 Oct 1955 in Old Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261,368 Another name for Charlotte was Lotti.

General Notes: Obituary - Evening Review, Oct. 26, 1955; pg 6
Pickard - At Port Colborne General Hospital, on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1955, Charlotte Anne Pickard, in her 90th year; dear mother of James, Harold, and Thomas Pickard, (Marion) Mrs. Warren Baker, of Ridgeway. Five grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
Resting at Dell's Funeral Home, 407 Ridge St., Ridgeway, where funeral services will be held on Friday, Oct. 28, at 2:30 p.m.. Interment in Ridgeway Cemetery.

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: 1901. 408

• Census: Jun 1911. 367

• Obituary: 26 Oct 1955.

Charlotte married William Keighley Pickard,1,73 son of John Keighley Pickard 1,409 and Hannah,1.,410 William was born in 1870 in Thickley, Yorkshire, England73 and died in 1955.

Marriage Notes: Name of Groom William Pickard
Age of Groom 21
Residence when married Ridgeway
Place of birth Apperley R (unsure about the spelling), Yorkshire, Eng.
Bachelor or Widower B
Rank or Profession Miller
Name of Parents John and Hannah Pickard
Name of Bride Charlotte Ann Moore
Age of Bride 24
Residence when married Ridgeway
Place of birth Ridgeway
Spinster or widow S
Names of bride's parents James J and Ann Moore
Names and addresses of Witnesses Jacob Lown Ridgeway
May Magee Ridgeway
Address of Witnesses Ridgeway
Date of Marriage Aug 12, 1890
Religious Denomination of Bridegroom Methodist
Religious Denomination of Bride Methodist
By Whom Married C Stringfellow
By Licence or Banns L
Source: Ont Archives research by Sharon Dell

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: 21 Apr 1891. 411

• Census: 1901. 408

• Military: 1914. 411

• Occupation: 1914. 411

Children from this marriage were:

   657 M    i. James Keithley Pickard 1,73 was born on 29 Jul 1894 in Bertie Twp., Ontario,73,412 died on 25 Jun 1986 in Fort Erie, Ontario,73 and was buried in 1986 in Ridgeway Memorial Cemetery, Vetern Section, Bertie Twp., Ontario.

General Notes: No Children
See the Oral History project of Fort Erie & Ridgeway Musuem interview of Mrs. Winnie Pickard on May 7, 1985 by Beverly Brandon for more on James Keithley. Interview held at 171 Gorham Road in Ridgeway.
Niagara Falls Review, June 26, 1986 Pg 26
PICKARD - At the Douglas Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, June 25, 1986. James Pickard of 171 Gorham Road, Ridgeway, beloved husband of Winnifred (Stein), beloved father of Ted Reeks of Pontiac Michigan, Frances (Mrs. Dean Fowler) of Sarasota, Florida, Charles Stein of Fort Erie and Jeffrey Stein of Winnipeg. Also survived by five grandchildren and seven great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
Interment in the Vetern Section of Ridgeway Memorial Cemetery.

James married Catherine Blow 1,73 on 21 Aug 1923.73 Catherine was born on 11 Mar 1893 and died on 25 Aug 1973 in Port Colborne, Ontario.73

James next married Winnifred A. Brownhill,1,73,413 daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 20 Aug 1977.73 Winnifred was born on 23 Sep 1913 in Birmingham, England414 and died on 5 Aug 2004 in Gilmore Lodge, Fort Erie, Ontario.413

General Notes: Oral History project of Fort Erie & Ridgeway Musuem interview of Mrs. Winnie Pickard on May 7, 1985 by Beverly Brandon. Interview held at 171 Gorham Road in Ridgeway.
. . . . .
Pg 20
W.P.: Well, all I know is the things that my husband (Jim Pickard) has told me; his grand parents told him. He (Jim) was born in this house, and his mother (Charlotte Ann Moore) was born here and his grandfather(James Jenks Moore). And his great grandfather(John Moore) built it, in time for the grandfather(James Jenks Moore) to be born, in 1829. So that's how Jim knows exactly how old the house is, you see.
. . . .
Pickard, Winifred A. - At Gilmore Lodge on Thursday, August 5, 2004. Winnifred, beloved wife of the late James Pickard (1987) and Layton Stein (1974). Dear mother of Charles Stein (Donna) of Fort Erie and Jeffrey Stein (Leanna) of Winnipeg. Dear sister of Harold Brownhill of Ottawa. Also survived by many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
At Winifred's request, cremationhas taken place and no funeral service will be held. Arrangements entrusted to Niagara Funeral Alternatives, (905)894-0120

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1985.

• Obituary: 7 Aug 2004.

+ 658 M    ii. Harold William Pickard 1.,73

+ 659 M    iii. Thomas Moore Pickard 1,73 was born on 8 May 1887,73 died on 2 Mar 1920, and was buried in 1920 in Plot #208 In Zion Cemetery, Ridgeway.414

   660 M    iv. Arthur Herbert Pickard 1,73 was born on 13 Apr 1903 in Hamilton, Ontario,73 died on 6 Mar 1905 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried in Old Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261

+ 661 F    v. Marion Dickenson Pickard 1,73 was born on 4 Jan 1905 in Hamilton, Ontario73 and died on 11 Dec 1971.

610. Clara Alice Moore 1,73 was born on 27 Apr 1863 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario73 and died on 17 Feb 1953.

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1944. 415

• Residence: 1952. 416

• Census: Jun 1911. 417

• Census: 1901. 418

Clara married Asa Joseph Hanna 1,73 on 28 Nov 1888 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Asa was born on 23 Aug 1859 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario73 and died on 29 Nov 1943 in Fort Erie, Ontario.73 Another name for Asa was Joe.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: Jun 1911. 417

• Census: 1901. 418

Children from this marriage were:

+ 662 M    i. Charles Wesley Hanna 1,73 was born on 9 Feb 1893 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario73 and died on 5 Jan 1985 in Fort Erie, Ontario.73

+ 663 F    ii. Clara Grace Hanna 1,73 was born on 23 Mar 1895 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73

612. Esther Clementine Moore 1,73 was born on 16 Feb 1870 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario,379 died on 2 Mar 1944, and was buried in St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Ridgemount Rd., Bertie Twp.380

General Notes: Obituary:
Esther Ellsworth
Mrs. Ester C. Ellsworth, 75, widow of the late Fred G. Ellsworth, who died about nine years ago, passed away on Thursday morning. The deceased was born at Moore's Corners, Nigh and Ridge roads, Bertie Township and lived there all her life. She was a horticulturist and gardner. She was a member of the Anglican Church and had been ill about three months at home of her daughter, Mrs. C. Clark, Ridgeway. Other survivors are two daughters, Miss Mildred Ellsworth, of Chatham: Miss Marion Ellsworth, of Buffalo, one sister, Mrs. Joe Hanna, Fort Erie; two brothers, Chas. Moore, of Bertie, and William of Ajax, Ontario; one gradndaughter, Lee Clark Detenbeck.
Funeral services were conducted on Saturday afternoon at Dell's funeral Chapel br Reverend J. Phillips, of Chippawa. Pallbears were Alva Cutler, Al Byers, Bob Burse, Milt Gorham, Jesse Sherk and Lloyd Sherk. Interment was in St. John's Cemetery, Ridgemount.

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: 1901. 419

• Census: Jun 1911. 420

• Religion:

Esther married Frederick Granville Ellsworth,1,73,414 son of Walter E. Ellsworth 1,421 and Sarah Jane Grenville,1,421 on 2 Dec 1890 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Frederick was born on 6 Apr 1865 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 died on 8 Aug 1935 in Ridgeway, Ontario,325 and was buried on 19 Aug 1935 in St. John's Anglican Cemetery, Ridgemount Rd., Bertie Twp.380

Marriage Notes: Name of Bridegroom Frederick Grenville Ellsworth
Age 25
Place of Birth Ridgeway, Ont
Residence when married Ridgeway, Ont
Bachelor or Widower B
Rank or Profession Farmer x
Name of Parents Walter Edgar Ellsworth and Sarah Imogene Ellsworth
Name of Bride Esther Clementine Moore
Age 20
Bride's Residence when married Ridgeway
Bride's Place of birth Ridgeway
Spinster or Widow S
Names of Bride's parents Ezra Freeman Moore and Eliza Alice Moore
Names and address of witnesses J.L. Pound Ridgeway
J.B. Gamble New York State
Date of Marriage Dec.2, 1890
Religious Denomination of Bridegroom Friends
Religious Denomination of Bride E. Ch (most likely means English Church)
By Whom Married C. Stringfellow
By Licence or Banns Licence
Source:Ontario Archive research by Sharon Dell

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: 1899. 364

• Census: 1901. 419

• Census: Jun 1911. 420

• Occupation: 1890. 414

Children from this marriage were:

+ 664 F    i. Sarah Ellsworth 1,422 was born on 1 Apr 1891 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario73 and died in 1957.

   665 F    ii. Mildred Imogene Ellsworth 1,73 was born on 24 Jul 1893 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario73 and died on 9 Oct 1982.

Mildred married Milton Beeshy 1,73 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Milton was born on 16 Jan 1891 in Ontario, Canada73 and died on 20 Jan 1961 in Fort Erie, Bertie Twp, Ontario.325

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 1961. 325

• Occupation: 325

   666 F    iii. Marion Isobel Ellsworth 1,73 was born on 7 Oct 1901 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario73 and died on 30 Aug 1973 in Buffalo, NY.73

613. Charles Albert Moore 1,73 was born on 5 Nov 1872 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario,375 died on 5 Jul 1952, and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261 Another name for Charles was Charlie.

General Notes: Obituary - Fort Erie Times July 1952
Charles A. Moore
Funeral services were held from Dell's Funeral Chapel, Ridgeway on Tuesday afternoon, July 8th at 2:30 o'clocl for Charles Albert Moore, 78, who died in Douglas Memorial Hospital on Saturday July 5th, following a lenghtly illness. Reverand Mr. Ohrt of St. Luke's Luthern Church, Ridgeway, officiated at the services, with interment in the RIdgeway cemetery. Pallbearers were Chester Riegle, C. V. Butler, Thomas Clark, Howard Beam, Lloyd Sherk and Archie Malloy.
Surviving are two children, a daughter, Eliza and one son Lawrence, both living at home on Ridge Road in Ridgeway; a sister, Mrs. Clara Hanna of Fort Erie and one brother, William of Ridgeway.

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: Mar 1901. 423

• Census: Jun 1911. 378

• Occupation: Mar 1901. 342

• Occupation: Jun 1911. 397

• Residence: 1944. 415

• Residence: Jun 1911. 397

• Obituary: Jul 1952.

Charles married Justine Adeline Rosin 1,73 on 16 Dec 1922 in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Fort Erie, Ontario.73 Justine was born on 27 Sep 1885 in Rochester, N.Y.,375 died on 19 Jul 1950 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261

General Notes: Obituary: The Times Review Fort Erie July 27, 1950
Mrs. Justine A. Moore
Funeral services were conducted on Saturday afternoon from Dell's Funeral Chapel, Ridgeway, for Mrs. Justine Adeline Moore who passed away in her 64th year on Wednesday July 19 at Douglas Memorial Hospital, Fort Erie, following a lenghly illness.
She was the beloved wife of Charles Moore, Ridgeway; and mother of one daughter, Eliza A. Moore, and one son, Lawrence, both living at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore came here shortly after their marriage, 27 years ago. The deceased was a member of the Queen Victoria Rebekah Lodge for several years.
Rev. B. E. Walck officiated at the services. The pall bearers were Harry Clans, Fred Smith, Carl Hampel, Archie Malloy, Fred Fretz and Tobias Baer. Interment was in Ridgeway cemetery.

Noted events in her life were:

• Obituary: 27 Jul 1950.

Children from this marriage were:

   667 F    i. Jane Eliza Moore 1,73 was born on 21 Oct 1923 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,375 died on 21 Oct 1923 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario,73 and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.

+ 668 M    ii. Lawrence John Moore 1,73 was born on 7 Aug 1924 and died on 19 Nov 2000 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73

+ 669 F    iii. Eliza Alma Moore 1,73 was born on 2 Nov 1926.

615. William Edward Moore 1,73 was born on 20 Jul 1879 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario,73 died on 8 Mar 1964 in St. Catherines General Hospital, Ontario,73 and was buried on 11 Mar 1964 in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73,261 Another name for William was Willie And Bill.

General Notes: Moved east from Cabri, Saskatchewan in 1917. (Carol Moore research)
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Saskatchewan Homestead Records - FHL film 1031003 Record #1886803
On October 20, 1908 William Edward Moore applies for a Homestead Patent for the South East of Section 22, Thp 22 Rge 2W of 3rd Meridian.
The application was supported by sworn statements from Ole Gaushed and D.S. McPhail, both of Eyebrow, SK.
The application states that:
William Moore is 29 years old residing at Eyebrow.
He obtained entry to the homestead on July 19th of 1904.
The homestead house was built between Nov. 1 and Nov. 9th of 1905
Resided there from Nov. 9th of 05 to May 15th of 06, and from April 1st to Dec. 31st of 07, and from April 1st 08 to present(October 20th 1908).
When absent from the homestead he resided in the vincinity and his occupation was carpenter.
His family consisted of a wife and child who commenced residence on April 1st 1907, and continuously since.
Year Acres broken Acres cropped
1905 10 0
1906 30 10
1907 30 60
1908 70 135
In 1907 he had 6 oxen. In 1908 he had 6 oxen and 1 horse.
The house size was 12 by 14, a 10 by 16 annex, made of spruce and valued at $150.
Other buildings and assets include a stable valued at $125, a poultry house valued at $15, and a well valued at $20.
The application was recommended for approval on June 24, 1909 by the Local Agent for Dominion Lands for Moose Jaw District. It was accepted in Ottawa on July 15, 1909 by Roy Dixon, the Assistant Deputy Commissioner.
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Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: 424

• Occupation: 425

• Occupation: 1916. 73

• Obituary: 12 Mar 1964. 426

• Religion: 73

• Residence: Between 1954 and 1960. 73

• Residence: 1944. 415

• Residence: 1952. 416

• Residence: Between 1960 and 1964. 73

• Census: Mar 1901. 427

• Land Petition: 20 Oct 1908. 428

William married Albertina Mary Cordelia Duford,1,73 daughter of Adolphus Delphis Duford 1,73 and Josephine Malboeuf,1,429 on 20 Mar 1907 in Cabri, Saskatchewan.73 Albertina was born on 17 May 1874 in Russell Twp., Ontario,73 died on 14 Feb 1956 in Fort Erie, Ontario,73 and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73,261 Other names for Albertina were Marie Albertine Cordelia Duford, Bertha Duford, and Marie Albertina Cordelia Duford.73

General Notes: Moved east from Cabri, Saskatchewan in 1917. (Carol Moore research)

Noted events in her life were:

• Obituary: 23 Feb 1950. 430

• Baptism: 18 Mar 1874. 73

• Census: 1901. 431

• Census: Jun 1911. 432

• Occupation: 1901. 354

• Residence: 1901. 354

• Residence: Jun 1911. 433

• Religion: Jun 1911. 433

Children from this marriage were:

+ 670 M    i. Cecil Freeman Moore 1,73 was born on 23 Jul 1908 in Eyebrow, Saskatchewan73 and died on 10 Jan 1979 in Belleville, Ontario.73

+ 671 M    ii. Charles William Moore 1,73 was born on 10 Dec 1909 in Eyebrow, Saskatchewan,73 died on 10 Mar 1948 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY,434 and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261

   672 F    iii. Jessie Marion Moore 1,73 was born on 7 Feb 1911 in Eyebrow, Saskatchewan73 and died on 13 Dec 1982 in Fort Erie, Ontario.73

General Notes: Obituary:
Jessie Marion Camm
A memorial service was held Dec. 17 for Mrs. Jessie Marion Camm of 2939 Niagara Parkway, Stevensville, who died at Douglas Memorial Hospital on Monday, Dec. 13.
A native of Saskatchewan, Mrs. Camm was born Feb. 7, 1911. A housewife, she had lived in Stevensville area most of her life. She was a member of All saints Anglican Church, Ridgeway, and was a member of the Rebekah Lodge.
Predeceased by her husband, Mervin Camm, she is survived by one brother, Curtis Moore of Ridgeway, and two sisters, Mrs. Donald (Alice) Jackson of Buffalo and Mrs. Charles (Mabel) Dunn of Fort Erie.
Mrs. Camm rested at the Williams Funeral Home, Ridgeway, until Friday, Dec. 17, when a graveside memorial service was held at Ridgeway Memorial Cemetery, conducted by the Rev. Donald Seaver of All Saints Church.

Jessie married William G. Mai 1,73 on 1 Jul 1944 in Erie, PA, USA.73 William was born on 30 Apr 1886 in USA73 and died on 13 Apr 1959 in Fort Erie, Ontario.73

General Notes: Obituary:
William Mai Passes at 72
Ridgeway - William G. Mai of Ash St., Ridgeway, passed away at the Fort Erie Douglas Memorial Hospital after a week's illness on Monday April 13, 1959 at the age of 72.
He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mai, being born in Bufalo, N.Y. on April 30, 1895. After receiving his admissions he worked for a short time with his father then at an early age became associated with the Pullman Sleeping Car Co. of Buffalo and was a xxxxx employee for about 36 years, retiring in 1954.
He married the former Jessie Moore at Erie, Pa, on July 1, 1944. Mr. Mai lived a quiet and peaceful life devoting his main interests towards his home and garden and was an ardent hunter and fisherman. He was of Anglican faith.
He is survived by his wife, Jessie Moore Mai.
The remains are resting at Dell, Brian S. Harris Funeral Home, Ridge Road, Ridgeway. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday at 2 P.M. with the Rev. J. Gerard officiating. Cemation from the Buffalo Crematorium. In lieu of flowers kindly donate to the charity of youir choice.

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: 435

Jessie next married Mervin Elwin Camm,1,73 son of James Albert Camm 1 and Helena Victoria Stacey,1 on 19 Oct 1960 in Honolulu, Hawai, USA.73 Mervin was born on 23 Nov 1902 in Exeter, Usborne Twp, Huron Co., Ontario,73,436 died on 30 Jun 1975 in Fort Erie, Ontario,73 and was buried in Greewod Cemetery, Fort Erie.325

General Notes: Obituary
Mervyn Camm - Fort Erie Pharmacist
Fort Erie - Funeral service was held today at Davidson Funeral Home, for Mervyn E. Camm, local pharmacist, who died Monday in Douglass Memorial Hospital.
Mr. Camm, who resided at 2939 Niagara Parkway, was born in Exeter. He graduated from Ontario College of Pharmacy in 1925 and in 1926 came to Fort Erie and opened a Rexall Drug Store on Jarvis St. He operated this until a few years ago and aslo owned and operated a second store at 114 Niagara Blvd. for 32 years.
He was a former member of the Junior Chamber of Commerece and the Kinsmen Club of Fort Erie.
At one time he was a licenced stock broker.
Mr. Camm is survived by his wife Jessie Marion Moore Camm.
Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery.

+ 673 M    iv. Curtis Ezra Moore 1,73 was born on 3 Jul 1912 in Lemsford, Saskatchewan73 and died on 19 Apr 1998 in Fort Erie, Ontario.

+ 674 F    v. Alice Josephine Moore 1,73 was born on 3 Sep 1913 in Lemsford, Saskatchewan,73 died on 25 Mar 2001 in Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.,437 and was buried in Ashes Scattered At Sea Off Florida.

+ 675 F    vi. Mabel Lillian Moore 1,438 was born on 12 Sep 1916 in Cabri, Saskatchewan,438 died on 22 Nov 1997 in Hamilton, Ontario,438 and was buried in St. Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Fort Erie, Ontario.

619. James Lorne Moore 336,386 was born on 19 Apr 1894 in Charlotteville, ON,227 died on 16 Jul 1972 in Hamilton, ON,336 and was buried in White Chapel Cemetery, Hamilton, ON.336

Burial Notes: Lorneis buried with Edith in the Fairmount Block of the cemetery in plot 238.

General Notes: Lorne was very good with his hands and, among other things, built the family home on Upper Wentworth Street in Hamilton, ON. He held increasingly responsible positions in industry. He was the toolroom foreman at Wallace Barnes and later plant superintendant at companies in Toronto and elsewhere.

Noted events in his life were:

• Employer: Hamilton, ON. 336

James married Edith Fern, daughter of Henry Fern and Ellen Downes, on 12 May 1920 in Hamilton, ON.227 Edith was born on 9 Apr 1896 in Bolton, Lancashire, England,227 died on 21 Oct 1990 in Dundas, ON,336 and was buried in White Chapel Cemetery, Hamilton, ON.336

Death Notes: Edith died of congestive heart failure in her 95th year.

Burial Notes: Edith is buried with Lorne in the Fairmount Block of the cemetery in plot 238.

General Notes: The following was written by James Henry Moore, elder son of Edith (Fern) Moore.

"My mother, Edith Moore (nee Fern), was the youngest child of Henry Fern, Packing Case Maker, born June 23, 1857, Hulme Charlton, Manchester, England and Ellen Downes, born December 10, 1859, Louth, Lincolnshire, England, with four sisters and three bothers. Henry and Ellen were married March 27, 1880 and their first child, Margaret, was born February 8, 1881.

"My mother was born April 9, 1896 and her mother, Ellen, died March 25, 1902 in Bolton, Lancashire when my mother was five years old. Her father did not remarry and continued to live in Bolton, Lancashire until his death in 1937. In Lancashire it was customary for girls to go into the textile mills to work at an early age (10 - 12) and my mother's sisters were already working when their mother died.

"School started at age three and my mother, who was five, and her brother George, who was eight, were students at the time of their mother's death so that none of the familty were at home on a continuous basis requiring constant supervision. At the time of their mother's death, the two older sisters, Clara at 20 and Margaret at 21 years of age, took over her responsibilities in the home and gave guidance and protection to the younger children. And when they married a few years later, they continued to shoulder the responsibility for their "baby sister" with help from Beatrice and Emma who were then also old enough to provide the necessary assistance and guidance to their "baby sister."

"In Lancashire, in the decade before World War I (which started in 1914), there was a definite trend towards emigration to Canada and this family was no exception. Although Henry, the father, stayed behind in Bolton, by the time war was declared the entire family had relocated to the east end of Hamilton, although brother Jim was soon to move to Arizona and susequently to Los Angeles and, some time later, Beatrice and Emma were to relocate in San Francisco.

"During the war years (1914 - 1918), my mother was at the stage of her life when girls normally had an active social life and she was no exception. She was active in the Y.W.C.A. and excelled in gymnastics. She was active in volunteer work with the Red Cross and, in 1917, at the age of 21, she was made a Life Member of the Canadian Red Cross Society for her efforts in raising money.

"At that time, she was working at the Hamilton Westinghouse plant testing gas meters. When she first arrived from England, she worked in the knitting mills which was the most logical occupation for an immigrant from Lancashire, the centre of the English textile industry.

"She had a boyfriend who went away to the war and did not come back.

"In 1918, she decided to visit her brother Jim who was in Arizona prospecting for gold. While she travelled by train for most of the trip, she finsihed up travelling by stage coach to reach her destination. She spent some time there and then moved with him to Los Angeles before deciding to return to the Hamilton area.

"She met my father in 1919 and they were married May 12, 1920. They celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in 1970 with many good wishes including a telegram from Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

"My mother was a very outgoing, social person. During the early days of her marriage, while she lived in Mount Hamilton, she was an active member of the Mount Hamilton United Church and Ladies Auxiliary. She was also a hard worker in the Ladies Institute in that area. After relocating at 40 Stirton Street in Hamilton, she transferred her activities to St. Giles United Church where she was, again, very active in the Ladies Auxiliary.

"In 1979, she was formally recognized for 62 years of volunteer service when she received her second citation from the Red Cross.

"During her lifetime, she enjoyed music and played both violin and piano, although she was more accomplished as a pianist. Even during the closing years of her life, she retained the ability to play for others.

"After my father died in 1972, she remained a widow, living alone in her apartment on Balmoral Avenue at the Delta, except for a few years when she was joined by her sister, Beatrice, who died February 2, 1981. Eventually, it was necessary for her to move into St. Joseph's Villa, Dundas, in June, 1984, where supervisory care was available.

"Edith Moore died October 21, 1990 in her 95th year from congestive heart failure."

Noted events in her life were:

• Emigration: 1913, Hamilton, ON. 386

• Residence: 336

• Residence: 336

• Employer: Canadian Westinghouse Co., Hamilton, ON. 386

• Employer: Knitting Mills, Hamilton, ON. 386

Children from this marriage were:

+ 676 M    i. James Henry Moore U.E. 336 was born on 14 Aug 1921 in Hamilton, ON227 and died on 27 Sep 2012 in Burlington, ON.

+ 677 M    ii. Joseph Lorne Moore U.E. 336 was born on 9 Jan 1924 in Hamilton, ON,227,336,439 died on 11 Jul 1996 in Stoney Creek, ON,63,336 and was buried on 13 Jul 1996 in Stoney Creek, ON.63,336

623. William Henry Moore was born on 19 Oct 1872 in Stouffville, ON389 and died in 1960 in Pickering, ON.389

William married Christine Mabel E. Bertram, daughter of George Hope Bertram MP 387 and Christina Murray,.387 Christine was born on 19 May 1877 in Lindsay ON387,389 and died in May 1949.389

Children from this marriage were:

   678 M    i. Allen Bertram Moore .387

Allen married Doris Kennedy.387

   679 M    ii. William Henry Moore 387 was born on 7 Jun 1903,387 died on 15 Jul 1903,387 and was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto ON.387

Burial Notes: William Henry is buried in the Bertram Family Plot in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Although his name is not on the stone, he is listed in the little sketch attached to the deed.

   680 F    iii. Marion Moore .387

Marion married Norman Taylor.387

+ 681 M    iv. William Graham Warren Moore was born on 29 Nov 1908.389

625. Harry Claud Moore was born on 8 Oct 1881 in Tillsonburg, ON,300,301,389 died on 23 Oct 1955 in Hamilton, ON,300,301,389 and was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Waterford, ON.300,301

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Lawyer. 301

Harry married Adelaide Sponenburgh on 17 Dec 1910 in Lethbridge, AB 300.,301 Adelaide was born on 2 Nov 1881 in Tillsonburg, ON,300,301 died on 22 Jan 1968 in Brantford, ON,300,301 and was buried in Waterford, ON.300,301

Children from this marriage were:

+ 682 M    i. Dr. Donald Samuel Moore was born on 5 Jul 1916 in Tillsonburg, ON,300,301,389 died on 1 Mar 2003 in London, ON,301,440 and was buried on 5 Mar 2003 in Waterford, ON.440

   683 F    ii. Margaret Manion Moore .301

Margaret married Alfred Porter.301

   684 F    iii. Jean Adelaide Moore 301 was born on 25 Jan 1918.301

Jean married Lloyd Tomczak.301

previous  12th Generation  Next

627. Alfred Bingle 8 was born on 5 Sep 1883 in Grimsby ON,8 died on 29 Mar 1952 in Grimsby ON,8 and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

Alfred married Mary Furler 8 on 3 Feb 1915 in Hamilton ON.8 Mary was born on 2 Aug 18868 and died on 14 Aug 1977.8

General Notes: their wedding cert lists George Furler & Mary Atkinson as parents
Name: Alfred Bingle
Birth Place: Grimsby, Ontario
Age: 31
Estimated birth year: abt 1884
Father Name: Wm Hamilton Bingle
Mother Name: Alice Annie Booker
Spouse Name: Mary Furler
Spouse's Age: 28
Spouse Birth Place: Lincoln Co Caistor, Ontario
Spouse Father Name: George Furler
Spouse Mother Name: Mary Atkinson
Marriage Date: 3 Feb 1915
Marriage Location: St John the Evangelist Anglican, Charlton Ave West, Hamilton
Marriage County: Wentworth
Archives of Ontario Microfilm: MS932_356

The child from this marriage was:

+ 685 M    i. George Hamilton Bingle 8 was born on 4 Jul 1918 in Grimsby ON,8 died on 1 May 2003 in Grimsby ON,8 and was buried on 6 May 2003 in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

629. Martha Jane Moore 1,73 was born on 28 Dec 1871 in Langton, Norfolk Co., Ontario,392,393 died on 13 Nov 1938 in Etonia, Sask.,393,394 and was buried in 1938 in Etonia, Sask..394

Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Birth: 28 Dec 1870. 73

• Census: 1901.

Martha married Thomas Francis 1,73 on 3 Aug 1892 in North Walsingham Twp, Norfolk County, Ontario.393 Thomas was born on 25 Aug 1868 in Newington, Surrey, England,393 died on 6 Nov 1952 in High Prairie, Alberta,441 and was buried in 1952 in Swan Valley Cemetery, Kinuso, Alberta.441

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Birth: 1868. 441

• Alt. Death: 1952. 394

• Alt. Burial: 1952. 394

• Census: 1901. 442

Children from this marriage were:

   686 M    i. Willie Francis 1 was born on 2 Oct 1893.443

   687 F    ii. Selina Mary Francis 1,444 was born on 5 Jul 1896 in West Oxford, Ontario.443,444

   688 M    iii. Edward Freeman Francis 1,444 was born on 23 Oct 1898 in Oso Twp., Frontenac Co., Ontario.443,444

   689 F    iv. Martha Leona Francis 1,444 was born on 12 Oct 1900 in Oso Twp., Frontenac Co., Ontario.443,444

   690 M    v. Thomas Leo Albert Francis 1,444 was born on 12 Oct 1900 in Oso Twp., Frontenac Co., Ontario.443,444

630. Edward Freeman Moore 1,73 was born on 22 Oct 1873 in North Walsingham Twp, Norfolk Co., Ontario,395 died on 6 Jul 1934 in Dorchester, Ontario, Canada,396 and was buried in 1934 in Ingersoll, Ontario.73

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: 73

• Religion:

Edward married Eliza Tunks,1,73 daughter of George C. Tunks 1,73,445 and Eliza Elson,1,446 on 28 Dec 1898 in Ingersol, Ontario.447 Eliza was born on 16 Jun 1876 in West Oxford, Ontario.73

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Marriage Fact: 1898. 73

General Notes: Surname could be Dunks according to birth record of son Thomas Everett Moore.
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Noted events in her life were:

• Religion:

Children from this marriage were:

   691 F    i. Edna Clementine Moore 1,73 was born on 31 Dec 1899 in Residence, 8 Concession, North Walsingham Twp, Norfolk Co., Ontario.448

   692 M    ii. Andrew E. Moore 1,73 was born on 21 Feb 1901.

   693 M    iii. George Edward Moore 1,73 was born on 7 May 1904 in Ingersol, Ontario.73

   694 F    iv. Audrey Evelyn Moore 1,73 was born on 26 Apr 1906 in Ingersoll, Ontario.

+ 695 M    v. Thomas Everett Moore 1,73 was born on 23 Jun 1908 in Ingersoll, Oxford Co., Ontario,325,449 died on 7 Dec 1983 in Fort Erie, Ontario,73 and was buried on 17 Dec 1983 in Greewod Cemetery, Fort Erie.450

   696 F    vi. Edith Pearl Moore 1,73 was born on 11 Oct 1910 in Ingersoll, Ontario.

631. Alice Maud Moore 1,73 was born on 24 Nov 1875 in North Walsingham Twp, Ontario73 and died in 1953 in North Walsingham Twp, Ontario.73

Alice married George Samuel Swain 1,73 on 3 Oct 1894 in North Walsingham Twp, Ontario.73 George was born on 1 Jan 1867 in North Walsingham Twp, Ontario73 and died in 1948 in North Walsingham Twp, Ontario.73

Children from this marriage were:

   697 F    i. Babe Swain 1 was born on 19 Aug 1895 in North Walsingham Twp, Ontario73 and died on 21 Aug 1895 in North Walsingham Twp, Ontario.73

   698 F    ii. Audrey Swain 1,73 was born on 12 Feb 1897.

641. John M. Collings 1,73 was born on 17 Feb 1883 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73

John married Maude E. Jackson 1,73 on 9 Sep 1903 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73 Maude was born on 5 Jun 1882 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73

The child from this marriage was:

   699 M    i. Morley Jackson Collings 1 was born on 23 Dec 1904 in North Walsingham, Ontario.73

652. Luella Asenath B. Rogers 1,73 was born on 3 Jul 1881,73 died on 21 May 1969, and was buried in Michigan, USA.404

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1957. 352

Luella married Walter Howard Tyler 1,73 on 30 Dec 1908.73 Walter was born in 1872,73 died in Nov 1938, and was buried in Snugatuch, Michigan, USA.404

Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: 404

Children from this marriage were:

   700 F    i. Polly Tyler 1,73 was born on 9 Sep 190973 and died on 2 Jul 1989.

Polly married Lucius O. Frazier 1,73 on 18 Mar 1954.73 Lucius was born on 22 Dec 190773 and died on 2 Feb 1959.

+ 701 M    ii. Howard Walter Tyler 1,73 was born on 13 Feb 1915.

+ 702 F    iii. Emogene Asenath Tyler 1,73 was born on 9 Feb 1913,73 died on 21 Jun 1981, and was buried in 1981 in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, New York.451

   703 M    iv. Ezra R. Tyler 1,73 was born on 16 May 191173 and died on 21 Oct 1929.

653. Ezra S. Rogers 1,73 was born on 27 Feb 1885 and died on 7 Jun 1962.

General Notes: Divorced first wife Louise according to Howard Tyler.

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 1957. 352

Ezra married Marion Simon 1.,73 Marion died in Apr 1936.

Ezra next married Louisa C. Reeves 1,73 on 12 May 1908 in Rochester, Munroe Co., NY.73

The child from this marriage was:

   704 F    i. Dorothy Rogers .1.,73

654. Alida Jane Rogers 1,73 was born on 14 Aug 1887 and died on 17 May 1970.

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1957. 352

Alida married Walter H. Camping 1,73 on 10 Feb 1909.73 Walter was born on 30 Aug 1886 and died on 11 Jan 1976.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 705 M    i. Robert Lewis Camping 1.,73

   706 M    ii. Roger Henry Camping 1,73 was born on 30 Nov 1909453 and died on 19 Sep 1992.

658. Harold William Pickard .1.,73

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 1918. 73

• Census: 1901.

• Census: Jun 1911. 367

Harold married Mary Ellen Hennessey 1,73,414 on 5 Sep 1922.73 Mary was born on 17 Dec 1890 and died on 28 Oct 1972.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 707 M    i. William A. Pickard 1.,73

+ 708 M    ii. Albert J Pickard 1.,73

+ 709 M    iii. James Frank Pickard 1,73 was born in 1923.

+ 710 F    iv. Jane Marion Pickard 1,73 was born in 1927.

659. Thomas Moore Pickard 1,73 was born on 8 May 1887,73 died on 2 Mar 1920, and was buried in 1920 in Plot #208 In Zion Cemetery, Ridgeway.414

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: 1901.

• Census: Jun 1911. 367

• Religion: 454

• Residence: 1922.

Thomas married Beulah Mae Badger,1,73 daughter of Alfred Badger 1,454 and Francis Johnston,1,454 on 7 Jun 1922 in Welland, Ontario.454 Beulah was born on 23 Sep 1888 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario73 and died on 31 Mar 1988 in Fort Erie, Ontario.73 Another name for Beulah was Buela Jansen.364

Noted events in her life were:

• Religion: 454

• Residence: 1922.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 711 F    i. Betty Pickard 1,73 was born on 9 Mar 1926.

+ 712 F    ii. Helen Pickard 1,73 was born on 16 May 1927.

661. Marion Dickenson Pickard 1,73 was born on 4 Jan 1905 in Hamilton, Ontario73 and died on 11 Dec 1971.

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: Jun 1911. 367

Marion married Warren Leroy Baker 1,73 on 24 Nov 1926.364 Warren was born on 30 Mar 1903 in Bertie Twp., Ontario and died on 8 Mar 1974.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 713 M    i. Leroy Daniel Baker 1,73 was born on 17 Sep 1927 in Ridgeway, Ontario.73

662. Charles Wesley Hanna 1,73 was born on 9 Feb 1893 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario73 and died on 5 Jan 1985 in Fort Erie, Ontario.73

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: Jun 1911. 417

Charles married Madeline Doris Fowler 1,73 on 7 Aug 1924 in Bridgeburg, Bertie Twp., Ontario 73.,455 Madeline was born on 16 May 1900 in Ontario and died on 9 Dec 1988 in Fort Erie, Ontario.73

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: 1901. 456

Children from this marriage were:

+ 714 M    i. Robert Douglas Hanna 1,73 was born on 11 Apr 1926.

+ 715 F    ii. Eleanor Margaret Hanna 1,73 was born on 5 May 1927.

663. Clara Grace Hanna 1,73 was born on 23 Mar 1895 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: Jun 1911. 417

Clara married Walter J. Kane Vickers 1,73 on 22 Dec 1920.73 Walter was born in New Jersey, USA73 and died on 11 Jun 1944.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 716 M    i. Allen Garfield Vickers 1,73 was born on 6 Sep 1921.

664. Sarah Ellsworth 1,422 was born on 1 Apr 1891 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario73 and died in 1957. Another name for Sarah was Geneva Moore Ellsworth.73

Noted events in her life were:

• Census: 1901. 419

• Residence: 1944. 415

Sarah married Charles Roydon Clark 1,73 on 14 Oct 1914 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Charles was born on 17 Jul 1881 in Bertie Twp, Welland Co., Ontario73 and died in 1949.

The child from this marriage was:

+ 717 F    i. Virginia Clark 1,73 was born on 1 Sep 1911 and died on 13 Feb 2001.73

668. Lawrence John Moore 1,73 was born on 7 Aug 1924 and died on 19 Nov 2000 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 1952. 416

• Residence: Jul 1950. 457

Lawrence married Evelyn Granger,1,73 daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 20 Jun 1953.73 Evelyn was born on 23 Oct in Collingwood,414 died on 18 Jul 2004 in Welland County General Hospital,325,414 and was buried on 21 Jul 2004 in Ridgeway Memorial Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.325

General Notes: Obituary:
Moore, Evelyn - Passed away at the Welland County General Hospital on July 18, 2004, at the age of 74. Loving mother to Charles Moore of Ridgeway. Evelyn will be dearly missed be her 1 brother, Leslie Granger of Vancouver, B.C. and her many nieces and nephews. Predeaceased by her husband Lawrence John Moore (2000), 1 brother and 8 sisters. The family wil receive friends at the Armstrong Funeral Home, 179 Clarence Street, Port Colborne from 7-9 p.m. on tuesday, July 20, 2004 and from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 21, 2004. A funeral service will be held on Wednesday in the Armstrong Chapel at 1:00 p.m.. Interment will follow at Ridgeway memorial Cemetery. If so desired, memorial donations can be made to the Canadian Cancer Society.

The child from this marriage was:

   718 M    i. Charles Ernest Moore 1,73 was born on 12 Oct 1953.

669. Eliza Alma Moore 1,73 was born on 2 Nov 1926.

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1952. 416

• Residence: Jul 1950. 457

Eliza married Howard Grandville Trider 1,73 on 20 Sep 1952 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Howard was born on 19 Feb 1928 in Toronto, Ontario,325 died on 22 Nov 2006 in Douglas Memorial Hospital, Fort Erie, Ontario,325 and was buried on 25 Nov 2006 in Ridgeway Memorial Cemetery.325

General Notes: Obituary for Howard Granville Trider

TRIDER, Howard Granville - At the Douglas Memorial Hospital on Wednesday November 22, 2006. Howard Trider, beloved husband of 52 years to Eliza (Moore) and loving father of John, James (Annette) and Jeffrey. Much loved grandfather of Christopher. Predeceased by brothers Earl, Donald, Roy, sisters Jean, Myrtle, Marion and parents Levi and Margaret Trider. Howard was born in Toronto and came to Crystal Beach in 1942. He worked for Fleet Aircraft for several years and for Canada Customs for 31 years until his retirement in 1989. He was a member of St. Luke's Lutheran Church for 54 years. Friends may call at THE WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME 722 Ridge Road North, Ridgeway from 2-4 and 7-9 Friday. Funeral services in the chapel Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment Ridgeway Memorial Cemetery. Memorial donations would be appreciated to St. Luke's Lutheran Church or The Canadian Cancer Society. 10449562
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Noted events in his life were:

• Residence:

• Obituary: 23 Nov 2006. 458

• Religion: 325

Children from this marriage were:

   719 M    i. John Howard Trider 1,73 was born on 18 Mar 1956.

+ 720 M    ii. James Lewis Trider 1,73 was born on 21 Apr 1959.

   721 M    iii. Jeffrey Mark Trider 1,73 was born on 15 Mar 1961.

670. Cecil Freeman Moore 1,73 was born on 23 Jul 1908 in Eyebrow, Saskatchewan73 and died on 10 Jan 1979 in Belleville, Ontario.73

Noted events in his life were:

• Census: Jun 1911. 432

• Religion: Jun 1911. 433

Cecil married Edith Iris Euridge 1,73 on 29 Jun 1929 in All Saints Church, Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Edith was born on 10 Dec 1907 in Guilford, England73 and died on 11 Jan 1997 in Belleville, Ontario.73

The child from this marriage was:

+ 722 M    i. Kenneth Norman Moore 1,73 was born on 23 Apr 1942 in Edmonton, Alberta.73

671. Charles William Moore 1,73 was born on 10 Dec 1909 in Eyebrow, Saskatchewan,73 died on 10 Mar 1948 in Buffalo, Erie Co., NY,434 and was buried in Ridgeway Cemetery, Bertie Twp., Ontario.261

Noted events in his life were:

• Alt. Death: 11 Mar 1948. 375

• Census: Jun 1911. 432

• Religion: Jun 1911. 433

Charles married Evelyn Fiscus 1,73 on 4 Apr 1932.73 Evelyn was born on 29 May 1906 and died on 24 Jul 1942.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 723 M    i. Charles Julius Moore 1,73 was born on 6 May 1932 in Dundalk, Proton Twp., Grey Co., Ontario.73

+ 724 M    ii. Arthur Moore 1,73 was born on 23 Mar 1935.

+ 725 F    iii. Patricia Ann Moore 1,73 was born on 23 Mar 1937 in Buffalo, NY.73

673. Curtis Ezra Moore 1,73 was born on 3 Jul 1912 in Lemsford, Saskatchewan73 and died on 19 Apr 1998 in Fort Erie, Ontario.

Curtis married Grace Georgia Buck 1,73 on 20 May 1939 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Grace was born on 4 Mar 1910 in Lockport, NY73 and died on 30 Dec 1996 in Fort Erie, Ontario.73

The child from this marriage was:

+ 726 F    i. Gloria Joan Moore 1,73 was born on 28 Jun 1943.

674. Alice Josephine Moore 1,73 was born on 3 Sep 1913 in Lemsford, Saskatchewan,73 died on 25 Mar 2001 in Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.,437 and was buried in Ashes Scattered At Sea Off Florida.

Alice married Donald Jackson 1,73 on 4 Jan 1941 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Donald was born on 14 Oct 1908, died on 11 Mar 2000 in Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.,437 and was buried in Ashes Scattered At Sea Off Florida.

Children from this marriage were:

   727 M    i. Gary Allan Jackson 1,73 was born on 12 Aug 1950 in Buffalo, NY.

Gary married Pam Gilmour.1

Noted events in her life were:

• Occupation: 2003.

Gary next married Sarah Brown 1,73 on 17 May 1973.73

+ 728 F    ii. Linda Mae Jackson 1,73 was born on 14 Sep 1943 in Buffalo, NY.

675. Mabel Lillian Moore 1,438 was born on 12 Sep 1916 in Cabri, Saskatchewan,438 died on 22 Nov 1997 in Hamilton, Ontario,438 and was buried in St. Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Fort Erie, Ontario.

Mabel married Claude Graydon Benson Carley,1,438 son of William Carley 1 and Annie Elizabeth Knight,1 on 21 May 1938 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Claude was born on 29 Jul 1910 in St. Catherines, Ontario,438 died on 19 May 1971 in Fort Erie, Ontario,438 and was buried on 26 May 1971 in St. Paul's Anglican Cemetery, Fort Erie, Ontario.459

Noted events in his life were:

• Obituary: 26 May 1971. 460

Children from this marriage were:

+ 729 M    i. Robert Wayne Shewman 1 was born on 5 Oct 1939 in Fort Erie, Ontario.

   730 M    ii. James Benson Shewman 1,73 was born on 11 Jan 1941 in Fort Erie, Ontario.438

James married Marlene Carol Grumble 1,73 on 27 May 1967 in Preston, Ontario 73.,438 Marlene was born on 3 Oct 1946 and died on 21 Nov 1996 in Cambridge, Ontario.438

Mabel next married Charles W. Dunn 1,73 on 26 Jan 1981 in Tuson, AZ.438 Charles was born on 26 Jan 1911 and died on 18 Dec 1984 in Tuson, AZ.438

676. James Henry Moore U.E. 336 was born on 14 Aug 1921 in Hamilton, ON227 and died on 27 Sep 2012 in Burlington, ON.

General Notes: James Henry (Jim) Moore was diagnosed with Malignant Hyperthermia in the late 1980s. This is a rare, genetic condition that could be fatal under certain conditions. It was discovered when he almost died during an operation to remove polyps from his throat. It amounts to a severe reaction to certain drugs, particularly anaesthetics, or excessive overheating that causes the body to overheat so rapidly that one can die within fifteen minutes once the process has started. All other blood relatives have been cautioned that the chance they have this condition is high and have been encouraged to be tested. All relatives have been instructed to wear medic alert bracelets whether they have been tested or not. A few have undergone testing to date (1999) and most tested positive for the condition.

Jim suffered a severe stroke in approximately 2004. It affected the complete left side of his body and he never regained the use of his limbs. His speech returned soon after the stroke but it was affected and never returned to normal.

Jim died following about a month of dealing with congestive heart failure and pneumonia. On the day before he died, his handshake was still formidable.

Noted events in his life were:

• Graduation: Park Business College, Hamilton, ON. 386


• Military: Between 1941 and 1945, The R.C.A.F. 386

• Occupation: 1943, London, England. 386

• Occupation: After 1945, Hamilton, ON. 386

• Occupation: 1956, Burlington, ON. 386

• Occupation: 1957, Burlington, ON. 386

• Occupation: 1973, Burlington, ON. 386

• Employer: bef 1939 and aft 1945, Hamilton, ON. 386

• Employer: 1956, Burlington, ON. 386

• Employer: 1957, Burlington, ON. 386

• Employer: 1973, Burlington, ON. 386

• Hobbies: Burlington, ON. 386

James married Roxie Gwendolyn Myers U.E.,336 daughter of Ervin Myers 336 and Ethelda Marion Stoddard,336 on 4 Nov 1944 in Christ Church, Fulham, London, England 227.,336 Roxie was born on 1 Jun 1918 in Oyster Pond, Jeddore, Halifax Co., NS and died on 5 Dec 2013 in Burlington, ON.461

Children from this marriage were:

+ 731 F    i. Frances Patricia Moore 336 was born on 20 Aug 1945 in Hamilton, ON.227

+ 732 F    ii. Rayma Jeanette Moore 336 was born on 30 Nov 1950 in Hamilton, ON.227

+ 733 F    iii. Sandra Lee Moore 336 was born on 23 Feb 1957 in Hamilton, ON.227

677. Joseph Lorne Moore U.E. 336 was born on 9 Jan 1924 in Hamilton, ON,227,336,439 died on 11 Jul 1996 in Stoney Creek, ON,63,336 and was buried on 13 Jul 1996 in Stoney Creek, ON.63,336 The cause of his death was pancreatic cancer and probable stroke.

General Notes: Joseph Moore died at home likely from a massive stroke that took him immediately although his family was never given any confirmation of this. He had been ill for most of the previous year but was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer six weeks before his death. The reason for this late diagnosis had a lot to do with his reluctance to deal with doctors over the chronic illness he was suffering. The family was assured that, given the type of cancer, the lack of action made little difference to the prognosis and length of his life. He had had at least one small stroke in the past and his death by this probable cause saved him from the agonies of that are inevitable in the final stages of pancreatic cancer.

He retired from Stelco, Hamilton, Ontario after 34 years as a locomotive mechanic. He was very happy to leave. During World War II he was trained as an airplane engine mechanic where he honed the skills he used all those years later at the steel plant. One of the locations used for training during the war was at the psychiatric hospital in St. Thomas, Ontario. He would joke with his family saying, "You didn't know I spent time in the loony bin, did you?" He rode his 1927 Harley Davidson J30 back and forth to Hamilton on weekends, even in the winter. Throughout the war he served in British Columbia, England, Burma, Egypt and the majority of his time in India. He was happy to leave there, too. Joe would refer to the war as his university education, but it wasn't a valuable learning experience in his judgement. When he returned, he was qualified to take the job at Stelco as a deisel mechanic but before getting that job, he returned for a short time to the Coke Ovens in Hamilton where he had worked before the war.

Joe's brother Jim wrote the following account in 2001. " I started working at the Hamilton Byproduct Coke Ovens, a subsidiary of United Gas Company which distributed the gas produced in the Hamilton area - United Gas was a division of Union Gas Co. of Canada, located in London, ON. Initially, (Mar.19, 1939) I worked in the plant office as a clerk and handled the typing, letters and reports, etc. for the General Superintendant.

"At that time, Joe was attending the High School of Commerce on Sanford Ave. He wasn't too interested in office work and his grades showed it.

"The War started in Sept. 1939 and early the next year (1940) the supply of skilled labour was becoming critical. The General Superintendant at the Coke Ovens decided to institute a system of apprentices in the Mechanical Department (numbering about 30 mechanics) to offset the shortage and, initially he decided to start five apprentices. Joe was 16 and not doing too well in school so I spoke to the General Superintendant on his behalf. He was hired along with Percy Hutchinson, Jack Pearson (who later became brothers-in-law), Bob Naylor and Bruce Bowen (who later became life-long friends). Joe was apprenticed to the Diesel Mechanic and liked the work, although he complained about working out in the weather - his skin was tender and roughened up from exposure to the elements.

" I joined the Air Force in Dec. 1941 and lost track of him for a few years. I returned to my job at the Coke Ovens in Jan. 1947 and Joe also returned to work in the Mechanical Department of the Coke Ovens but I can't recall the exact time. About this time, Joe was living at home with our parents but they soon relocated in New Toronto (now part of the South West section of the City of Toronto) where my father started a new job. When they moved, Joe stayed with us for a while in our first house on Frederick St. near Barton St. (in Hamilton). Shortly after, he moved in with Uncle Lin and Aunt Eva on Cannon St.

"He didn't really like working at the Coke Ovens with all the dirt and exposure to rain, snow, etc. while maintaining buldozers and cranes. Uncle Lin had worked at Proctor & Gamble as a machinist for over thirty years and, when the opportunity arose, he spoke for Joe and got him in the maintenance department but not as a diesel mechanic. (Jay Moore remembers that his father suffered greatly with hayfever and that he described how uncomfortable he was while working amidst the powdered detergents and perfumed soaps at P. & G.)

"Around the time he married Gladys, Joe wanted to move back into diesel maintenance so your grandfather Pearson (John Joseph Kee Pearson, father of Gladys Pearson) spoke for him in the Steel Co. and so he was able to leave a good job at P & G and return to diesel maintenance work where he remained for the rest of his [working] life."

While he was at the Coke Ovens just after the War, he met Jack Pearson. Jack took a liking to Joe and invited him home one day for supper with his family. It was there that he met Jack's younger sister, Gladys, and the rest is history, as they say.

The sons of Joe and Gladys grew up with the story of their romantic beginnings. Joe wanted to marry Gladys very soon but her father wouldn't allow her to marry until she was twenty. They were married on her twentieth bithday in a Friday evening candlight service. As a boy, Jay remembered seeing the large candleholders that were still stored in the church many years later. Gladys recognized them and told him what they were. Their marriage, by any measure, was a great success.

Their first home was in a house at the back of the property purchased by Gladys' brother, Jack, on the Burlington Beach Strip. Before the Skyway Bridge was built, the Burlington Bay shoreline was at the end of their property. Their second home was the cottage built by Joe's father, Lorne, the last property on the East side of Herbert Court at Fruitland Beach. Joe bought it, winterized it and it became home for about three years. When their son Jay was about to attend Kindergarten, this meant crossing a very dangerous highway and when the third child from that neighbourhood was killed in as many years on that highway, Joe and Gladys moved closer to the school to 502 Barton Street. They lived there for about twenty years while the boys grew up. Although the house is gone to make way for many townhouses, a couple of the trees that Joe planted are full grown maples that the builders left standing. Their final home was at 20 Second St. N. in Stoney Creek.

His faith in God and living the Christian life was a very important part of Joe's life. After meeting Gladys, she said that she couldn't be "unequally yoked," that is, married to someone who wasn't a "born again" Christian. Shortly thereafter he "got saved" and began to live his life differently. His commitment to his new faith was very evident to others who noticed a distinct change and the home that he and Gladys made for themselves and their sons was centred around the Christian practices of prayer, Bible reading, much church attending and associating with other Christians for fellowship. He became a deacon in the church, treasurer of the Sunday School for many years and used his car to pick up anyone who ever needed a ride to Sunday School or church if he could. Jay, his first son, remembers watching his father in the kitchen getting his breakfast, alone in the very early morning while it was still dark outside. He kept the lights very low so the boys wouldn't be wakened by the light through the open bedroom doors and he would place his Bible under a small light so he could read some scripture before he went off to work. He was a true convert.

The name Joseph was that of his great-grandfather Joseph Mattice, his great uncle Joseph Mattice and his uncle Joseph Lindley Moore. James Henry Moore suggests that he was likely named after his uncle Joseph Lindley (known as "Lin") because Lin and Lorne (James Lorne) were very close as brothers.

He remembered well his great uncle Joseph Mattice who lived near the family's historical home situated at what was once know as Moore's Corners, Highway 24 and County Road 10, Norfolk County. He spoke fondly of both his uncle and his Aunt Priscilla and the weeks he spent there during summers as a boy. He spoke easily of the the good memories from his childhood but was reticent about some of the more painful experiences. He didn't believe that he had a happy childhood and, on a few occasions, spoke bitterly of his father's harsh, hard-hearted discipline and his older brother's continual harassment. His mother was a warm and gentle woman but she offered little protection to Joe. These conditions, for a shy and introverted boy, created a lack of self-confidence and a lack of trust in the world that stayed with him his whole life. Later in life, what peace he achieved was because his church provided the aceptance he needed, his wife provided the love and affection he longed for and his faith provided the trust he found.

The following is the text of the eulogy written and delivered by Jay Moore at Joseph's funeral, 13 July 1996.

"I am here with you today to celebrate the life and mourn the passing of my father, Joseph Lorne Moore. On behalf of our mother, Gladys Moore and our whole family, I thank all of you for being here to give us your support, to mourn with us and to remember him, each in his or her own way with warmth and affection.

"What is the measure of a man? This man, who we honour today, was a simple man. He didn't measure others by their achievements, by their rank, by their past glories or by the size of their bank accounts, so we will not measure him by these things today. Dad measured others by their compassion, by their commitment, by their fairness and by their truthfulness. He wasn't concerned much with the words in these matters but with actions for actions spoke louder than words to Dad. I am mindful today that this is a legacy he leaves his sons, Bob, Peter and I, and his grandchildren, Aaron, Erica and Noel.

"As most of you know about Dad, he was a man of few words. In fact, he'd be glad he wasn't here today because he'd be very uncomfortable with all this attention - too many words about him! Those of us who knew him well saw that he expressed himself in many ways other than words. His eyes spoke much louder than words. His hands spoke much louder than words. His arms that held my mother and carried me as a baby spoke much louder than words. His actions were the actions of a generous, responsible man, a man of commitment and a man of feeling who was able to understand the feelings of others. His actions spoke much louder than words. My brothers and I are men who know that our actions speak louder than our words and we learned this by our father's example. This is part of his legacy.

"As an adolescent, I didn't understand my father's humility. I wanted my dad to be larger than life, a proud hero. As I have grown, I have come to understand the value of such humility and the importance of humility in our lives. By his actions, I have learned this from my father. This is part of his legacy.

"Responsibility can be defined as the "ability to respond" to circumstances in which we find ourselves. My father was always ready, willing and able to respond to the needs of others. As most of you from the church will know, he was always willing to do more than his share. He responded. His actions spoke louder than his words. This is part of his legacy.

"My father had true respect for women. He listened to them and gave them the credence they deserved. We watched him treat our mother like an equal, loving her unconditionally, open about his need for her and not discounting her in any way but sharing the power in our home. It takes a big man to do that. Of course my mother wouldn't have it any other way but I know he never thought that it should have been any other way. By his actions, he passed this on to his sons. This is part of his legacy.

"A few weeks ago, while I was visiting him in the hospital, I told him a story of how I had come to the aid of a young couple who were travelling. They had lost all their money and were in desperate straits. When I finished the story of what I, his son, had done, I looked over at him and he was weeping. He took my hand and he squeezed it. My father was a man of deep feelings and he empathized with that young man and woman, feeling their pain. I knew, too, that he was pleased with me at that moment but I only did what came naturally - it was what Joe Moore would have done. I learned by his example, by his actions. Because he was a man of deep feeling, all of his sons are men who value their feelings and act upon their feelings. In this way he has made an important contribution to the world for this world needs men of compassion and empathy.

"My father carried Bob, Peter and I and his grandchildren, Aaron, Erica and Noel in his arms many times. The time had come for the six of us to carry his body to its final resting place.

"Daddy, the pain of your passing leaves a big hole in my heart but I have already begun to fill that hole with fond memories of you. You are a part of me and I will always cherish and honour you. Thank you for being my father. Goodbye, Daddy."

Noted events in his life were:

• Military: Between 1942 and 1945, The R.C.A.F. 63

• Occupation: Between 1942 and 1945, St. Thomas, ON, Queen Charlotte Islands, BC, England, India, Burma. 63

• Occupation: Abt 1947-1981, Hamilton, ON. 336

• Religion: Abt 1948-1996, Hamilton, ON. 336

• Residence: 1956 to abt 1974, Stoney Creek, ON. 336

• Residence: Between 1974 and 1996, Stoney Creek, ON. 336

• Employer: Abt 1947-1981, Hamilton, ON. 336

Joseph married Gladys Margaret Pearson,336 daughter of John Joseph Kee Pearson 336 and Mary Elizabeth White,336 on 7 Apr 1948 in Hamilton, ON 227,336.,462 Gladys was born on 7 Apr 1928 in Hamilton, ON,336 died on 20 Jul 1999 in Hamilton, ON,461,463 and was buried in Stoney Creek, ON. The cause of her death was heart attack.464

Death Notes: Eulogy of

Gladys Margaret Pearson

7 April 1928 - 20 July 1999

I am Jay, Gladys Moore's first born child and I'd like to welcome you here with us.

I am grateful for so many things - for the wonderful expressions of sympathy and the sharing of so many memories from all the people who have come here yesterday and today; for all the members of our family and for my aunts and uncles who have all rallied round and been such a great support through this time of shock and separation; for all of you here today participating in this celebration of a life well-lived and helping us say good-bye to my mother. For all these things, I am grateful.

Three years ago, I stood here in this same room and delivered the eulogy for my father. Most of you were here then, too. Little did any of us know that we'd be gathered together again for Gladys so soon. As I began to think of what I might say, I remembered the theme in my father's eulogy was "His Legacy." As I continued to think about Mom, a theme emerged and it was this: "Her Teachings." She taught us so much. She certainly taught through her words but I want to share with you today what she taught us through the example of her life.

She taught us that life is fragile and she showed this knowledge through how she lived and how she died. She knew life could end at any time and she was prepared. She appreciated living and she accepted death.

When I started to pull my thoughts together, the first word that came to mind was "fearless." I'm not saying she was never afraid but she approached so many things in life fearlessly. She didn't second guess herself and had very few doubts. By her actions, she taught us to have the courage of our convictions. She taught us that there is great strength in deep faith.

As with all great strengths, however, there is a often a weakness hidden inside that strength. Sometimes that single-mindedness we experienced made it difficult for her to make room for another point of view and to have understanding about why someone might wish to do things differently. As she aged, she mellowed and accepting others became easier, although she was still biting her tongue sometimes. Some may say that she should have bitten her tongue more often than she did.

Gladys Moore was not a hypocrite, even to a critical eye. She was a woman of principle - she said what she meant and meant what she said. This quality is more rare among us than it should be. We all know of people or perhaps know of ourselves that we may say one thing and do another, even in very innocent ways. This didn't happen very often with Mom. She taught us to have congruence, that is, to have our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions all match and to be true to ourselves.

Another message she delivered by her actions was very similar to this: go with your strengths. She was not a sentimental or affectionate person and she didn't pretend to be. Her strengths were in reaching out to others, in making connections, in participating. I'd like to read an excerpt from something I wrote for Mother's Day last year.

"My mom was the best mom in the neighbourhood when I was a boy. She could throw a baseball better than any other mom I knew. She was often the one to suggest we go out and play catch or hit a few grounders for practice. Dad didn't like sports much. When he wasn't cutting the back field or fixing the car, he liked to sleep with the newspaper. When the Young People's group from our church came out to our place for a baseball game and cornroast, Mom would be the pitcher for her team. She was a good pitcher. She even owned her own baseball glove. I was so proud of her."

Another strength was in her thinking ability and she challenged us to think. The dinner table in our house when I was a boy and whenever we got together in later years was a place of debate, of probing, thoughtful questions that she would pose, a place of learning. She taught us to use our heads and to speak our minds. Even as late as two weeks ago, she and I had a conversation that was really a respectful debate about some issues that were unresolved between us for many years. True to herself, she was open, spoke her mind and listened and we came to an understanding with each other. I will always be grateful to her for giving me the opportunity to do this before she was so suddenly taken.

But the flipside to this strength in her ability to think was that sometimes emotions were a mystery and not only the emotions of others, which sometimes just didn't make sense to her, but I think her own emotions were perhaps the most mysterious. A recent example of this is how she experienced the time after the death of my father. Many of us know that, when one loses a spouse, the pain may never go away. I'm sure that Gladys thought that, after a respectable period, she would pick herself up, dust herself off and get on with life. On the outside, that's what she did but on the inside there was always a large hole in her heart, a deep sadness, a place that was empty without Joe and those who knew her well could see it. Many of us understand and accept these normal emotions but she seemed surprised sometimes by her own feelings of grief. What she taught us by her actions was the importance of love between two people. Their marriage was a testament to that deep and abiding love. They were in love to the very end.

Mom was in charge. She took charge of whatever needed to be taken charge of and when she wasn't in charge, she wished she was. She was in charge right to the end. In fact, she's still in charge today. A few weeks ago, she wrote out her funeral service and we are all following her directions in this service, including me as I give this eulogy. The last time I saw her in the hospital after the heart attack, she was graceful, composed and "in charge," giving instructions to the nurses, happy and prepared for the next adventure.

Mom was a traveler. She was always going somewhere and never to the same place twice. For Mom, this was one more journey. Her bags were packed and she was ready to go. In my mind's eye I can see her smiling and waving, off on her next adventure saying, "‘til we meet again." But before we say our final good-bye, she left these instructions for us all. She still has something to teach us.

Miss Me But Let Me Go

When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom filled room
Why cry for a soul set free?
Miss me a little - but not too long
And not with your head bowed low
Remember the love that we once shared
Miss me - but let me go.
For this is a journey we all must take
And each must go alone
It's all part of the Master's Plan
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.
Miss me - but let me go.

General Notes: The following was written and read by Jay Moore, Gladys' oldest son at a Mother's Day service of the First Unitarian Congregation of Waterloo, 10 May 1998.

"My Mom was the best Mom in the neighbourhood when I was a boy. She could throw a baseball better than any other mom I knew. She was often the one to suggest we go out and play catch or hit a few grounders for practice. Dad didn't like sports much. When he wasn't cutting the back field or fixing the car, he liked to sleep with the newspaper . When the young peoples groups from our church came out to our place for a baseball game and cornroast, Mom would be the pitcher for her team. She was a good pitcher. She even owned her own baseball glove. I was so proud of her.

"I was proud of her, too, when it came time in the church service for people to give their testimony. She would stand and speak longer and louder than any other mom and most of the dads. My dad was a very quiet and shy man who agonized every time he had to speak up in public but Mom had a real flair for public speaking. When she led prayers, she could string her thoughts together with the same flowery language that the minister used and her voice carried the strength and conviction of her unshakable faith. Sometimes I would peek during prayers and open my eyes to see her with her face pointed heaven-ward, eyes closed, earnest furrows in her brow urging her words through the ceiling to God. I always knew that she could have been a minister if there weren't any rules against women becoming ministers.

"She could have been a lawyer, too. She was smart. When the Jehovah 's Witnesses came to the front door, Dad would be polite, listen a little and say "No thanks" but Mom relished a good fight for righteousness and truth. I was so proud. She could out talk them better than anyone I'd ever heard! She knew her scripture and she would thrust and parry with chapter and verse, foiling their lunges with a string of quotations of Bible verses delivered with such panache and conviction that they would retreat with their heads spinning. They didn't know what hit them and, if they didn't get out of there quickly, they might get converted to our faith by succumbing to this battling Christian soldier.

"As the years passed, I began to see things differently. The words of her dramatic prayers and testimony were no longer the words of my heart and her righteous, missionary zeal was no longer a way of life for me. Like my father, I don't like sports much anymore and his qualities of humility, gentleness and compassion gained importance over time, balancing the force of my mother's powerful single-mindedness. I have my own road to travel now and it's a different one but I will always be proud of her for so much that she did including throwing a baseball better than any other mom I knew."

Noted events in her life were:

• Occupation: Bef 1951, Hamilton, ON. 336

• Employer: Bef 1951, Hamilton, ON. 336

Children from this marriage were:

+ 734 M    i. James Jay Daniel Moore U.E., B.A. 336,461,465 was born on 13 Feb 1951 in Hamilton, ON.227,466

+ 735 M    ii. Robert William Moore U.E., M.Ed. 336 was born on 20 Dec 1953 in Hamilton, ON.227

+ 736 M    iii. Peter Joseph Moore U.E., B.A. 336 was born on 6 Aug 1956 in Hamilton, ON.227

681. William Graham Warren Moore was born on 29 Nov 1908.389

William married Rosemary Kenny. Rosemary was born on 15 Apr 1905389 and died in 1962.389

The child from this marriage was:

+ 737 M    i. Anthony Eden Allan Moore 389 was born on 10 Sep 1940 in Toronto, ON.389

682. Dr. Donald Samuel Moore was born on 5 Jul 1916 in Tillsonburg, ON,300,301,389 died on 1 Mar 2003 in London, ON,301,440 and was buried on 5 Mar 2003 in Waterford, ON.440

Burial Notes: Greenwood Cemetery, Waterford, ON

General Notes: "Dr. Donald Samuel Moore was a graduate of the University of Toronto's Faculty of Dentistry. During World War II, he served in the Canadian Dental Corps. After the war, Dr. Moore had a distinguished career as a periodonist with practices in Toronto, Hamilton and London. When the University of Western Ontario opened the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Moore was appointed professor and Head of the Department of Oral Medicine. upon his retirement, Dr. Moore was conferred the title of Professor Emeritus."

Noted events in his life were:

• Graduation: University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto, ON. 440

• Military Service: Canadian Dental Corps. 440

• Occupation: Periodontist, Toronto, Hamilton & London, ON. 440

• Occupation: Professor, London, ON. 440

Donald married Ruth Aletha Elligsen on 13 Mar 1943 in Toronto, ON 300.,301 Ruth was born on 6 Aug 1917 in Stratford, ON,300,301 died on 8 Feb 2003 in London, ON,301,440 and was buried on 12 Feb 2003 in Stratford, ON.440

Marriage Notes: Donald and Ruth were married by Dr. McLelland at the Timothy Eaton Memorial United Church.

Noted events in her life were:

• Occupation: Teacher, St. Agatha, ON. 440

• Organizations: 440

Children from this marriage were:

+ 738 F    i. Marilyn Ruth Moore was born on 27 Aug 1946 in Toronto ON.300,301,389

+ 739 F    ii. Diane Catherine Moore 301 was born on 5 Oct 1949 in Hamilton, ON.300,301,389

   740 F    iii. Donna Louise Moore 301 was born on 28 Dec 1954 in Hamilton, ON.300,301,389

Donna married Robert James Semichism 301 on 12 Aug 1988.301 They had no children.

Noted events in their marriage were:

• Separation: 2003.

+ 741 F    iv. Mary Janet Moore was born on 25 Dec 1955 in Hamilton, ON.300,301,389

Donald next married Colleen (Peggy). They had no children.

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685. George Hamilton Bingle 8 was born on 4 Jul 1918 in Grimsby ON,8 died on 1 May 2003 in Grimsby ON,8 and was buried on 6 May 2003 in St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Grimsby ON.8

General Notes: Ά Electrical Maintenance Engineer Ά Sergeant (WW2) Ά Residences: 20 Rd, Caistor; Beamsville, Ont. Killed by a drunk driver

George married (Celia) Ferne Nevills 8 on 20 Sep 1947 in Caistor Twp, Lincoln Co. ON. (Celia) was born on 13 Nov 19198 and died on 21 Mar 1999.8

Marriage Notes: They were married in Ker United Church.

The child from this marriage was:

   742 M    i. Paul Leslie Bingle U.E. 8 was born on 30 Nov 1948 in Hamilton ON.8

General Notes: Ά Projected burial place: Memorial Gardens, Brampton Ά
Ά Consumer Electronics Service Manager; Electrical HV Engineer; Electrical Sales Consultant; Accounts Manager for Christian advocacy & relief organization (in retirement)
Ά Residences: Kitchener; North York; Orangeville; Whitby; Brampton

Paul married Dorothy Irene Cross 8 on 6 Jan 1990 in Brampton ON.8 Dorothy was born on 10 Jun 1951 in Rainford, Lancashire, England.8

695. Thomas Everett Moore 1,73 was born on 23 Jun 1908 in Ingersoll, Oxford Co., Ontario,325,449 died on 7 Dec 1983 in Fort Erie, Ontario,73 and was buried on 17 Dec 1983 in Greewod Cemetery, Fort Erie.450

General Notes: Obituary
Fort Erie Times review Dec. 14, 1983
Niagara falls Review Dec. 15, 1983 Pg 30
Thomas Moore, 1637 Pettit Rd., Fort Erie died at Douglas Memorial Hospital Dec. 7, 1983.
Thomas Moore, beloved husband of Carrie V. (Graydon) Moore, was born in Ingersol, Ont. June 23, 1908. Mr. Moore was a self employed mechanic for 40 years until his retirement in 1968. He had resided in Fort Erie most of his adult life. He was a member of Faith Bible Church, Fort Erie.
Predeceased by his parents Edward and Eliza Freeman and one son, Michael William Moore, and two sisters, Edna and Audrey. Mr. Moore is survived by his sons, Thomas and Malcolm, both of Medicine Hat, Alberta; Harvey of Fort Erie and Carey of Unionville. He is also survived by a brother, George of Manitobe and a sister, Mrs. Edith Lamb of Niagara falls, 12 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Cremation has taken place. A memorial service and graveside committal services will be held on Saturday, December 17, 1983 at 1 o'clock, Greenwood Cemetery. Fort Erie Chapel of the Davidson Funeral Homes in Charge of arrangements.

Thomas married Carrie Viola Graydon 1.,73 Carrie was born in 1915, died on 25 Oct 1995 in Fort Erie, Ontario,73 and was buried in Greewod Cemetery, Fort Erie.467

General Notes: Obituary
Fort Erie Times Review Oct. 31, 1995 Pg B9
Moore, Carrie Viola - at the Douglas Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, October 25, 1995. Carrie Moore wife of the late Thomas Moore and loving mother of Thomas and his wife Eileen and Mac and his wife Leona all of Medicine Hat, Harvey and his wife Linda of Fort Erie and Cary and his wife Doralyn of Stouffville and sister Ruby Brewster of St. Thomas. Also survived by her 12 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Predeceased by her son Michael, her sister Rhea Radford and her brother Frank Graydon. Friends called at The Williams Funeral Home: 722 Ridge Road, North, Ridgeway from 7 - 9 Thursday and 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 Friday. Funeral services in the Chapel Saturday morning at 11o'clock. Interment Greewood Cemetery.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 743 M    i. Thomas Moore 1.,73

   744 M    ii. Malcolm Moore .1.,73 Another name for Malcolm is Mac.

Malcolm married Leona 1.,73

+ 745 M    iii. Harvey Moore 1.,73

   746 M    iv. Carey Moore .1.,73

Carey married Doralyn 1.,73

   747 M    v. Michael William Moore 1,73 was born on 16 Sep 1948 and died on 25 Feb 1968.

701. Howard Walter Tyler 1,73 was born on 13 Feb 1915.

Howard married Edna Ivy Bryant 1,73 on 1 Sep 1945.73 Edna was born on 14 Feb 1923.

Children from this marriage were:

   748 M    i. George Bryant Tyler 1,73 was born on 15 May 1948.

George married Sharon McBride 1,73 in Jun 1980.73

General Notes: Divorced in 1998 according to Howard Tyler.

+ 749 F    ii. Barbara Rogers Tyler 1,73 was born on 25 Jun 1950.

702. Emogene Asenath Tyler 1,73 was born on 9 Feb 1913,73 died on 21 Jun 1981, and was buried in 1981 in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, New York.451

Emogene married Otto Roehrig,1,73,468 son of Alois Roehrig 1,468 and Mina Kraftzick,1.,469 Otto was born on 20 Jan 1892 in Syracuse, Onondaga Co., New York,73,469 died on 24 Oct 1977 in Rochester, Monroe Co., New York,469 and was buried in 1977 in MT Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY.468 Other names for Otto were Otto Rochrig and Otto Roehrig.468

Children from this marriage were:

   750 F    i. Linda Gene Roehrig 1,73 was born on 17 Jul 1945.73

General Notes: Divorced in 1975 according to Howard Tyler.

Linda married Karl Frey 1,73 on 29 May 1971.73

   751 M    ii. David Edward Roehrig 1,73 was born on 5 Nov 1948.73

David married Kathleen Roberts 1,73 on 28 Oct 1981.73 Kathleen was born on 25 Nov.73

   752 M    iii. Lewis Richard Roehrig 1,73 was born on 29 Jan 1951.73

705. Robert Lewis Camping .1.,73

Robert married someone.

His child was:

   753 F    i. Joyce Camping .1.,169

707. William A. Pickard .1.,73

William married Lillian Rudd 1.,73

Children from this marriage were:

   754 M    i. Gerald Pickard .1.,73

   755 F    ii. Catherine Pickard .1.,73

708. Albert J Pickard .1.,73

Albert married Adaline Dold 1.,73

Children from this marriage were:

   756 F    i. Carol Pickard .1.,73

   757 M    ii. Albert Jr. Pickard .1.,73

   758 F    iii. Jane Pickard .1.,73

709. James Frank Pickard 1,73 was born in 1923.

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence:

James married Jayne Baker 1,73 on 26 Jun 1948 in Buffalo, NY.73 Jayne was born in 1922 and died in 1990.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 759 F    i. Mary Jayne Pickard 1,73 was born in 1949.

+ 760 F    ii. Pamela Jean Pickard 1,73 was born in 1947.

+ 761 M    iii. James Craig Pickard 1,73 was born in 1953.

James next married Laticia Souza 1,73 on 16 Oct 1993.73 Laticia was born in 1929.

710. Jane Marion Pickard 1,73 was born in 1927.

Jane married Thomas Jr. Mitchell 1,73 in 1946 in Fort Erie, Ontario.73 Thomas was born in 1927.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 762 M    i. Thomas Mitchell 1,73 was born in 1947.

   763 M    ii. William Mitchell 1,73 was born in 1953.

William married Marion 1.,73 Another name for Marion is Helen.

711. Betty Pickard 1,73 was born on 9 Mar 1926.

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1988. 470

Betty married Raymond Winger 1,73 on 29 Nov 1944.73

Children from this marriage were:

+ 764 F    i. Patricia Winger 1,73 was born on 20 Sep 1945.

+ 765 F    ii. Robin Winger 1,73 was born on 12 Aug 1958.

712. Helen Pickard 1,73 was born on 16 May 1927.

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 1988.

Helen married James Shular 1,73 on 14 Jul 1952.73 James was born on 25 Jan 1928 and died on 27 Jun 1998.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 766 M    i. Blair Shular 1,73 was born on 21 Mar 1958.

   767 M    ii. Blaine Shular 1,73 was born on 16 Mar 1967.

+ 768 F    iii. Becky Shular 1,73 was born on 30 Nov 1968.

713. Leroy Daniel Baker 1,73 was born on 17 Sep 1927 in Ridgeway, Ontario.73

Leroy married Elizabeth Ann Engelhart 1,73 on 9 Jun 1951.73 Elizabeth was born on 20 Aug 1929 in Fort Erie, Bertie Twp, Ontario.73

Children from this marriage were:

+ 769 M    i. David Michael Baker 1,73 was born on 10 Aug 1957 in Fort Erie, Bertie Twp, Ontario.

+ 770 M    ii. Jeffrey Lloyd Baker 1,73 was born on 8 Mar 1960 in Fort Erie, Bertie Twp, Ontario.

+ 771 F    iii. Jeannine Barbara Baker 1,73 was born on 1 Apr 1965 in Fort Erie, Bertie Twp, Ontario.

714. Robert Douglas Hanna 1,73 was born on 11 Apr 1926.

Robert married Florence Ethel Gwillim 1,73 on 5 Nov 1940.73

Children from this marriage were:

   772 F    i. Margaret Jane Hanna 1,73 was born on 27 Nov 1952.

Margaret married Steve Lockhart 1,73 on 27 Apr 1974.73

   773 M    ii. Charles Christopher Hanna 1,73 was born on 2 Feb 1956.

   774 F    iii. Julie Ann Hanna 1,73 was born on 1 Nov 1968.

715. Eleanor Margaret Hanna 1,73 was born on 5 May 1927.

Eleanor married Gordon Alexander Jackson 1,73 on 12 Feb 1952.73

Children from this marriage were:

   775 F    i. Karen Ann Jackson 1,73 was born on 22 Jul 1953.

General Notes: Married in 1975

   776 F    ii. Susan Ellen Jackson 1,73 was born on 1 Apr 1955.

716. Allen Garfield Vickers 1,73 was born on 6 Sep 1921.

Allen married Sarah Clark Tyler 1,73 on 24 Jun 1944.73 Sarah was born in 1918.

Children from this marriage were:

   777 F    i. Christina Tyler Vickers 1,73 was born on 7 Mar 1950.

   778 F    ii. Virginia Clark Vickers 1,73 was born on 7 Feb 1952.

   779 M    iii. Tyler William Vickers 1,73 was born on 27 Mar 1954.

717. Virginia Clark 1,73 was born on 1 Sep 1911 and died on 13 Feb 2001.73

Virginia married Earl Vincent Detenbeck 1,73 on 27 May 1939 in All Saints Anglican Church, Ridgeway, Ont 73.,414 Earl was born on 6 Aug 1915,471 died on 9 Oct 2002 in Arlington, Texas,471 and was buried on 10 Oct 2002 in Arlington, Texas.472

Children from this marriage were:

+ 780 M    i. Lee Clark Detenbeck 1,73,414 was born on 24 Feb 1940 in Fort Erie, Bertie Twp, Ontario.414

+ 781 F    ii. Patricia Lynne Detenbeck 1,73,414,471 was born on 13 May 1944.

720. James Lewis Trider 1,73 was born on 21 Apr 1959.

James married Annette Van Halvert 1,73 on 10 May 1986.73 Annette was born on 2 Jul 1959.

The child from this marriage was:

   782 M    i. Christopher Steven Trider 1,73 was born on 11 Apr 1988.

722. Kenneth Norman Moore 1,73 was born on 23 Apr 1942 in Edmonton, Alberta.73

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence:

• Obituary: 29 Sep 2008. 473

Kenneth married Carol Elizabeth Lowry 1,73 on 29 Aug 1964 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.73 Carol was born on 23 Apr 1942 in Edmonton, Alberta.73

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence:

Children from this marriage were:

   783 M    i. Kenneth Robin Moore 1,73 was born on 13 May 1965 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.73

+ 784 F    ii. Catherine Elizabeth Moore 1,73 was born on 26 May 1969 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.73

723. Charles Julius Moore 1,73 was born on 6 May 1932 in Dundalk, Proton Twp., Grey Co., Ontario.73

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence:

• Obituary: 10 Feb 2008. 474

Charles married Irene Joyce Stockwell 1,73 on 16 Apr 1955 in Crystal Beach, Ontario.73 Irene was born on 6 May 1932 in Dundalk, Proton Twp., Grey Co., Ontario.

Children from this marriage were:

   785 M    i. Charles William Moore 1,73 was born on 17 Apr 1956 in Crystal Beach, Ontario.

Charles married Helen Rosati 1,73 on 11 Sep 1987.73 Helen was born on 25 May 1950.

   786 M    ii. Raymond Arthur Moore 1,73 was born on 11 May 1959.

+ 787 F    iii. Jannine Lynne Moore 1,73 was born on 25 Apr 1961.

724. Arthur Moore 1,73 was born on 23 Mar 1935.

Arthur married Terry 1.,73

Children from this marriage were:

+ 788 M    i. Brian Arthur Moore 1,73 was born on 10 Nov 1959.

   789 F    ii. Evelyn Moore .1.,73

   790 M    iii. Vincent Moore .1.,73

   791 F    iv. Karen Moore .1.,73

725. Patricia Ann Moore 1,73 was born on 23 Mar 1937 in Buffalo, NY.73

Patricia married Robert Bennett Crocker 1,73 on 21 Sep 1957 in Buffalo, NY.73 Robert was born on 8 Aug 1934.

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence:

Children from this marriage were:

   792 M    i. Robert John Crocker 1,73 was born on 21 Dec 1958.

   793 F    ii. Jennefer Anne Crocker 1,73 was born on 7 Jul 1960.

   794 F    iii. Paula Jean Crocker 1,73 was born on 21 Nov 1962.

   795 F    iv. Laura Jean Crocker 1,73 was born on 10 Apr 1968.

726. Gloria Joan Moore 1,73 was born on 28 Jun 1943.

Gloria married Jan Verburg 1,73 on 18 May 1963 in Ridgeway, Bertie Twp., Ontario.73 Jan was born on 19 Apr 1943 in Amsterdam, Holland.73

The child from this marriage was:

+ 796 M    i. David Jan Curtis Verburg 1,73 was born on 17 Feb 1970 in St. Catherines, Ontario.73

728. Linda Mae Jackson 1,73 was born on 14 Sep 1943 in Buffalo, NY.

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence:

Linda married Tom Kopp 1.,73

The child from this marriage was:

   797 M    i. Alan Michael Kopp 1,73 was born on 22 Sep 1971 in Buffalo, NY.73

Alan married Melissa Kielty 1,437 on 14 Aug 1999 in Richmond, Virginia.437 Melissa was born on 3 Mar 1956.

Noted events in her life were:

• AKA (Facts Pg):

729. Robert Wayne Shewman 1 was born on 5 Oct 1939 in Fort Erie, Ontario.

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: After 1959.

Robert married Joan Evelyn Gaunce 1,438 on 22 Aug 1970 in Riverbank, New Brunswick.438 Joan was born on 8 Jun 1935 in Sussex, NB.438

The child from this marriage was:

+ 798 F    i. Jayne Elizabeth Shewman 1,438 was born on 4 Oct 1973 in Toronto, Ontario.438

731. Frances Patricia Moore 336 was born on 20 Aug 1945 in Hamilton, ON.227

Noted events in her life were:

• C.L. Marriage: Jun 1975, Peter Allan Jones. 461

Frances married Barry Greisman 336 on 25 Mar 1967 in Burlington, ON 227.,336 Barry was born on 6 Dec 1943 in Toronto, ON.336

Marriage Notes: Francis and Barry separated in 1970 and divorced in 1981.

Frances had a relationship with Peter Allan Jones.336 Peter was born on 23 Jan 1944 in Bournemouth, England.461

Marriage Notes: Separation Mar 1990

Noted events in his life were:

• C.L. Marriage: Jun 1975, Francis Patricia Moore. 461

Their child was:

+ 799 F    i. Tara Justine Moore-Jones 336 was born on 2 May 1981 in Toronto, ON.336

Frances next married Charles Dermot Grove-White 336 on 21 Aug 1993.336 Charles was born on 11 Jul 1947 in Singapore.336

732. Rayma Jeanette Moore 336 was born on 30 Nov 1950 in Hamilton, ON.227

Rayma married Christopher Blaymires 336 on 6 Apr 1991 in Orangeville, ON.336 Christopher was born on 12 Sep 1950 in Ashford, Kent, England.461

Rayma next married Alan Puncher 336 on 6 Nov 1976 227.,336

Marriage Notes: Alan and Rayma were divorced in 1990.

Children from this marriage were:

   800 M    i. Curtis Lee Puncher 336 was born on 15 Feb 1978 in Brampton, ON.336

   801 M    ii. Gregory Neils Puncher 336 was born on 2 Mar 1980 in Brampton, ON.336

733. Sandra Lee Moore 336 was born on 23 Feb 1957 in Hamilton, ON.227

Sandra married Reinder (Ron) Van Der Meulen 336 on 11 Sep 1981 227.,336 Reinder was born on 30 Jun 1954 in Hamilton, ON.336

Children from this marriage were:

   802 F    i. Erin Taylor Van Der Meulen 336 was born on 20 Oct 1984 in Hamilton, ON.336

   803 F    ii. Robyn Gwenyth Van Der Meulen 336 was born on 4 Dec 1989 in Burlington, ON.336

Sandra next married Corey Dalton.

734. James Jay Daniel Moore U.E., B.A. 336,461,465 was born on 13 Feb 1951 in Hamilton, ON.227,466 Another name for James is Jay.461

General Notes: He is addressed as "Jay."

Noted events in his life were:

• Degree: 1973, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON. 475

• C.L. Marriage: 5 Jul 1993, Kathrene Marie Ann Keefe. 336

• Marriage: Kathrene Marie Ann Keefe, 1 Jul 2000, Waterloo, ON. 461

James married Anna Marie MacNeil,336 daughter of James Anthony MacNeil 336 and Maria Sornat,336 on 19 Jan 1974 in Waterloo, ON 465.,476 Anna was born on 8 Nov 1953 in Woodstock, ON.336

Marriage Notes: Jay and Anna were married in Emmanuel United Church, Waterloo by Rev . Billy Stewart, a cousin of Jay's grandmother, Mary Pearson.

The marriage ended 31 Dec. 1992 and the divorce was effective as of 18 Mar. 1996.
The location of divorce was Hamilton, ON.

Noted events in her life were:

• Graduation: Waterloo, ON. 336

The child from this marriage was:

   804 M    i. James Aaron Jason Moore 336 was born on 30 Dec 1973 in Kitchener, ON.466

James next married Kathrene Marie Ann Keefe M.D. 477 on 1 Jul 2000 in Waterloo, ON.476 Kathrene was born on 22 Sep 1952 in Hamilton, ON.466

Noted events in her life were:

• Degree: 1973, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON. 475

• Degree: 1979, University of Western Ontario, London, ON. 475

• C.L. Marriage: 5 Jul 1993, James Jay Daniel Moore. 336

735. Robert William Moore U.E., M.Ed. 336 was born on 20 Dec 1953 in Hamilton, ON.227

Robert married Jane Margaret Stallwood 461 on 30 Aug 1974 in Hamilton, ON.336 Jane was born on 20 May 1953.336

Children from this marriage were:

   805 F    i. Erica Jane Moore 461 was born on 9 Mar 1983 in Ottawa, ON.336

Birth Notes: Erica is the twin of Noel William Moore.

General Notes: Erica and Noel are twins.

   806 M    ii. Noel William Moore 461 was born on 9 Mar 1983 in Ottawa, ON.336

Birth Notes: Noel is the twin of Erica Jane Moore.

General Notes: Erica and Noel are twins.

736. Peter Joseph Moore U.E., B.A. 336 was born on 6 Aug 1956 in Hamilton, ON.227

Peter married Deborah Ann Battersby 336 on 6 Aug 1977 in Stoney Creek, ON.336 Deborah was born on 12 Jan 1956 in Hamilton, ON. They had no children.

Marriage Notes: There were no children from this marriage.
Debbie was a high school sweetheart of Peter's and their marriage lasted only a few years. There were no children.

Peter had a relationship with Christine Robinson in 1981 in London, ON.

Their child was:

   807 F    i. Claire Evelyn Robinson 336 was born on 24 Mar 1984 in Canada.336

Birth Notes: (copied from notes re: Christine Robinson)

Peter Moore was not in a marriage or common law relationship with Christine Robinson, Claire's mother. It was a short relationship that occurred between his first two marriages. A child was born, Claire, who was taken by her mother when she returned home to England. Peter lost touch with Christine and Claire and never shared the information with the rest of the family for many years. Finally, after having been to England twice and searching for them, a call came to Canada from Christine in about 1995. Peter began his relationship with his daughter at that time and, eventually, Christine decided to return to Canada with her three children. Peter decided then to reveal the truth about Claire to the rest of the family and to help Christine and her other children settle in Canada. Claire has been accepted by the rest of the family and good relations exist among Peter, Claire, Christine and her other children and the Moores.

General Notes: Claire is the child born to Peter Moore and Christine Robinson following a brief relationship between Peter's marriages. She was born in Canada and, within a few months, went to England with her mother who returned to her home there. Thirteen years later, in 1996, Peter revealed this information to the family shortly before Christine returned to Canada with Claire and two other younger children. They have settled in Ingersoll, Peter is contributing support for Claire and the Moore family is establishing new relationships with Claire and welcoming her in to the family.

Peter next married Caroline McCulloch on 7 May 1988 in Toronto, ON.336 Caroline was born in Toronto, ON. They had no children.

Marriage Notes: There were no children from this marriage. The marriage lasted about eight years and they were divorced in Toronto.

Caroline was the daughter of a doctor and a nurse and was from Toronto.

Peter next had a relationship with Rae Billing in 1997 in Toronto, ON. They had no children.

737. Anthony Eden Allan Moore 389 was born on 10 Sep 1940 in Toronto, ON.389

Anthony married Ingrid Hildigard Boecker on 29 Sep 1967.389 Ingrid was born on 14 Jan 1941 in Hemer, Germany.389

Children from this marriage were:

   808 F    i. Tanya Marie Moore was born on 17 Nov 1971 in Willowdale, ON.389

   809 M    ii. Michael Anthony Eric Moore was born on 31 Dec 1973 in Willowdale, ON.389

738. Marilyn Ruth Moore was born on 27 Aug 1946 in Toronto ON.300,301,389

Marilyn married Russell John Thomas Beare Hicks 301 on 6 Oct 1984 in Burlington, ON.301

Children from this marriage were:

   810 F    i. Jeanette Ruth Esther Hicks 301 was born on 21 Apr 1986 in Hamilton, ON.301

   811 M    ii. Alexander Hicks 301 was born on 27 Jun 1989301 and died on 28 Jun 1989 in Hamilton, ON.301

739. Diane Catherine Moore 301 was born on 5 Oct 1949 in Hamilton, ON.300,301,389

Diane married Dr. Theophilas Anthony Jaggassar 301 on 19 Jun 1971 in Montreal PQ.301 Theophilas was born on 22 Mar 1934 in Port of Spain, Trinidad.301

Children from this marriage were:

   812 F    i. Lora Corinne Jaggassar 301 was born on 10 Jul 1977 in Cornwall ON.301

   813 M    ii. Mark Ian Anthony Jaggassar 301 was born on 31 Aug 1979 in Cornwall ON.301

741. Mary Janet Moore was born on 25 Dec 1955 in Hamilton, ON.300,301,389

Mary married John Byron Atchison 301 on 11 Oct 1980.301 They had no children.

Mary next married Randall Thomas White 301 on 28 Sep 1990.301 Randall was born on 10 Jul 1957.301

The child from this marriage was:

   814 F    i. Rachel JingYan White 301 was born on 26 Apr 1997.301


previous  14th Generation  Next

743. Thomas Moore .1.,73

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 1983. 478

Thomas married Eileen 1.,73

The child from this marriage was:

+ 815 M    i. William Moore 1.,73

745. Harvey Moore .1.,73

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 1983. 478

Harvey married Linda 1.,73

Children from this marriage were:

+ 816 M    i. Brian Moore 1.,73

+ 817 F    ii. Cathy Moore 1.,73

749. Barbara Rogers Tyler 1,73 was born on 25 Jun 1950.

Barbara married James Knight 1,73 on 10 Mar.73 James died in Jan 1992.

Children from this marriage were:

   818 F    i. Jennifer Tracey Knight 1,73 was born on 26 Mar.

   819 F    ii. Rebecca Lynn Knight 1,73 was born on 13 Jun 1976.

   820 M    iii. Nathaniel James Knight 1,73 was born on 11 Dec 1980.

759. Mary Jayne Pickard 1,73 was born in 1949.

Mary married Peter Terhaar 1,73 on 12 Sep 1970 in Tonawanda, NY.73 Peter was born in 1949.

Marriage Notes: Marriage date could be Sept 12, 1972.

Children from this marriage were:

   821 F    i. Mindy Terhaar 1,73 was born in 1974.

   822 M    ii. Craig Terhaar 1,73 was born in 1976.

760. Pamela Jean Pickard 1,73 was born in 1947.

Pamela married Jack Cosentino 1,73 on 6 Sep 1969.73 Jack was born in 1947.

Children from this marriage were:

   823 M    i. Jack Jr. Cosentino 1,73 was born in 1970.

   824 M    ii. Andrew Cosentino 1,73 was born in 1971 and died in 1980.

761. James Craig Pickard 1,73 was born in 1953.

James married Cynthia Priest 1,73 in 1973 in Arizona, USA.73 Cynthia was born in 1951.

Children from this marriage were:

   825 F    i. Amy Pickard 1,73 was born in 1974.

   826 F    ii. Meghan Pickard 1,73 was born in 1979.

James next married Alyson Moore 1,73 in 1980 in Arizona, USA.73 Alyson was born in 1954.

Children from this marriage were:

   827 M    i. James Joshua Pickard 1,73 was born in 1983.

   828 M    ii. Paul Caleb Pickard 1,73 was born in 1985.

James next married Rita Rizek 1,73 in 1993 in New Jersey, USA.73 Rita was born in 1955.

General Notes: No children

762. Thomas Mitchell 1,73 was born in 1947.

Thomas married Eileen Lakes 1.,73

The child from this marriage was:

   829 M    i. Nickolas Mitchell .1.,73

764. Patricia Winger 1,73 was born on 20 Sep 1945.

Patricia married Thomas Schillo 1.,73

Children from this marriage were:

   830 U    i. Baby Schillo .1.,73

   831 M    ii. Glenn Schillo .1.,73

+ 832 F    iii. Wendy Schillo 1.,73

   833 F    iv. Terry Schillo .1.,73

Patricia next married Donald Fobaezek 1.,73

The child from this marriage was:

   834 M    i. Donald Fobaezek .1.,73

765. Robin Winger 1,73 was born on 12 Aug 1958.

Robin married David Grabouski 1.,73

Children from this marriage were:

   835 M    i. David Grabouski .1.,73

   836 M    ii. Scott Grabouski .1.,73

   837 F    iii. Nicole Grabouski .1.,73

766. Blair Shular 1,73 was born on 21 Mar 1958.

Blair married Mara Artinian 1,73 on 27 Jul 1985.73 Mara was born on 11 Mar 1959.

Children from this marriage were:

   838 M    i. Brian Shular 1,73 was born on 19 Jan 1990.

   839 F    ii. Amanda Shular 1,73 was born on 14 May 1992.

768. Becky Shular 1,73 was born on 30 Nov 1968.

Becky married Robert Logan 1,73 on 19 Sep 1992.73

Children from this marriage were:

   840 F    i. Victoria Logan 1,73 was born on 10 Nov 1994.

   841 F    ii. Allison Logan 1,73 was born on 28 Feb 1996.

769. David Michael Baker 1,73 was born on 10 Aug 1957 in Fort Erie, Bertie Twp, Ontario.

David married Sharon Kennedy 1,73 on 12 Sep 1981.73 Sharon was born on 28 Feb 1959 in St. John's, Newfoundland.73,364

Children from this marriage were:

   842 M    i. Taylor Louise Baker 1,73 was born on 25 Jun 1988 in Toronto, Ontario.73

   843 F    ii. Meghan Baker 1,73 was born on 15 Dec 1993.

770. Jeffrey Lloyd Baker 1,73 was born on 8 Mar 1960 in Fort Erie, Bertie Twp, Ontario.

Jeffrey married Patricia Ballard 1.,73 Patricia was born on 2 May 1958.

The child from this marriage was:

   844 M    i. Daniel Baker 1,73 was born on 23 Nov 1994.

771. Jeannine Barbara Baker 1,73 was born on 1 Apr 1965 in Fort Erie, Bertie Twp, Ontario.

Jeannine married Steve O'brian 1,73 on 2 Oct 1990.73 Steve was born on 19 Dec 1963.

Children from this marriage were:

   845 F    i. Kevin O'brian 1,73 was born on 1 May 1992.

   846 F    ii. Jessica O'brian 1,73 was born on 11 Jan 1995.

780. Lee Clark Detenbeck 1,73,414 was born on 24 Feb 1940 in Fort Erie, Bertie Twp, Ontario.414

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 2002.

Lee married Jean 1.,471

Lee next married Louise R Hammer 1,414,471 on 16 Jun 1965 in Our Lady Of Mount Carmel College, Doylestown, Pennsylvania 414.,471 Louise was born on 27 Jun 1942.

Children from this marriage were:

   847 M    i. Tyler Clark Detenbeck 1,414 was born on 3 Jul 1967.

   848 F    ii. Susan Mercedes Detenbeck 1,414,471 was born on 3 Oct 1971.

Lee next married Kerstin Inger Margareta 1,471 on 17 Mar 1993.471 Kerstin was born on 17 Jun 1936.

781. Patricia Lynne Detenbeck 1,73,414,471 was born on 13 May 1944.

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence: 2002.

Patricia married James Auber McLaughlin 1,73,414.,471 James was born on 19 Sep 1937.

Noted events in his life were:

• Residence: 2002.

Children from this marriage were:

+ 849 F    i. Anne Katherine McLaughlin 1,73 was born on 12 Mar 1973.

   850 F    ii. Amy Elizabeth McLaughlin 1,73 was born on 3 Aug 1977.

784. Catherine Elizabeth Moore 1,73 was born on 26 May 1969 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.73

Noted events in her life were:

• Residence:

Catherine married Douglas Roger Tattrie 1,73 on 18 Jun 1994 in Nepean, Ontario.73 Douglas was born on 9 Jun 1969 in Ottawa, Ontario.73

The child from this marriage was:

   851 M    i. Richard Douglas Tattrie 1,73 was born on 27 Feb 1997.

787. Jannine Lynne Moore 1,73 was born on 25 Apr 1961.

Jannine married David Keith Clarke 1,73 on 2 May 1985.73 David was born on 21 Sep 1960.

Children from this marriage were:

   852 M    i. Brandon Phillip Clarke 1,73 was born on 25 Jul 1986.

   853 F    ii. Charlie Jane Clarke 1,73 was born on 25 Jul 1990.

General Notes:
The Buffalo News
Front Page > City&Region > Buffalo
Friends help injured girl travel road back to health
After skiing accident, teen faces brain surgery

News Staff Reporters

Charlie Jane Clark gets reminded every day about how many friends she has.
Two groups of Charlie's Angels have formed, at the Buffalo Seminary and Cleveland Hill High School.

Seminary students pay $2 for the right to wear jeans to school, with the money helping to pay her medical bills.

Three good friends of Charlie's, from her days at Cleveland Hill Middle School, came to her Cheektowaga home last week for their own version of Extreme Makeover, turning a first-floor sewing room into a bedroom for her.

And dozens of Buffalo Seminary students signed personal notes in a bound scrapbook given to Charlie soon after she returned home from Women and Children's Hospital.

Charlie is home now, on crutches, two weeks after the serious skiing accident that left her with an open fracture of the left leg, a broken jaw and three missing teeth.

She seems to be recovering quickly, as she awaits surgery on the unrelated brain tumor detected in a CAT scan done the night of the accident.

"It's amazing," Charlie said, as she sat in a living-room recliner. "I didn't know so many people knew about it or cared. I feel really special."

"I'm overwhelmed that so many people care," said her mother, Janine. "I always knew we were a tightknit community. You sort of forget that and take things for granted."

Surgeons will wait until Charlie has recovered more fully from her skiing accident before they perform the delicate brain surgery. Specifically, they want to wait until the wires and bands are removed from her jaw.

The tumor, about the size of a thumb but shaped more like a light bulb, is lodged between the brain stem and the cerebellum, touching the brain stem, her family said.

Janine Clark said the tumor is slow-growing, and doctors hope they can remove all of it. Doctors won't know whether it is malignant, or whether she'll need radiation or chemotherapy, until after the surgery, tentatively set for the end of this month.

"We're just traveling to the unknown and walking on faith," said Charlie's father, David.

Charlie, a 15-year-old Buffalo Seminary sophomore, doesn't avoid questions about her brain tumor. "I know that I have to go in for the surgery, and I'm ready for it," she said. "I totally trust the surgeon. I have to have the surgery, and I'm totally fine with that. I'm glad they found it now."

The Clarks are people of faith, and there is no woe-is-me attitude. They're grateful that the accident led to the discovery of the tumor, which otherwise could have gone undetected for a while.

"I still thank God," Janine Clark said. "I still think [God] did it for a reason."

Friends have set up the Charlie Jane Clark Trust Fund, at any M & T Bank branch, to help with medical expenses and allow Janine Clark to stay home from work to be with her daughter. At least one fund-raising event also is being planned.

Charlie has her smile back now, even as she waits for the end of each school day, when she gets visits from her neighborhood friends or a van-full of Seminary schoolmates. One day, the Sem basketball team showed up at her front door.

Only Charlie could find a way to make a positive out of her lost teeth. With her jaw wired shut, she can eat pureed foods through the hole made by the missing teeth.

"Of course I miss my two front teeth," she said, "but I'm kind of glad I lost them."

The family is effusive in its praise for Women and Children's Hospital, but Janine Clark cherishes having her daughter back home. It brings the Clarks and their three kids together every night.

"I find I get up in the middle of the night and watch her sleep, knowing she's under our roof," she said. "I'm just thankful that she's here, she's OK, and she's going to be OK."

Charlie was asked how she thinks she'll feel a year from now, when hopefully, this whole ordeal will be over. "I'll probably look at pictures [of herself] and think, "Oh, my goodness,' and I'll probably be glad it's all over," she said.

"I don't think I'll take so many things for granted."


   854 M    iii. Reid Keith Clarke 1,73 was born on 20 Sep 1991.

788. Brian Arthur Moore 1,73 was born on 10 Nov 1959.

Brian married Janice Koehler 1 on 14 Feb 1981.

Children from this marriage were:

   855 M    i. Jr. Brian Arthur Moore 1 was born on 23 Aug 1983.

+ 856 F    ii. Lauren Elizabeth Moore 1 was born on 10 Apr 1985.

796. David Jan Curtis Verburg 1,73 was born on 17 Feb 1970 in St. Catherines, Ontario.73

David married Catherine Ulla Lee McConnell 1,479 on 12 Jul 1997.479 Catherine was born on 25 Aug 1964.

Children from this marriage were:

   857 F    i. Shayla Grace Verburg 1,479 was born on 26 Feb 1999 in Owen Sound, Ontario.73

   858 F    ii. Emily Catherine Verburg 1,479 was born on 17 Jul 2000 in Owen Sound, Ontario.73

798. Jayne Elizabeth Shewman 1,438 was born on 4 Oct 1973 in Toronto, Ontario.438

Jayne married James Robert Hoyland Scott-Vickers 1 on 28 Dec 2002 in Old Mill Inn, Toronto, Ontario.438 James was born on 13 Jul 1971 in Grace Hospital, Toronto, Ont..438

Children from this marriage were:

   859 F    i. Clara May Shewman Vickers 1 was born on 16 Oct 2004 in Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga, Ontario.

General Notes: Born at 3:30 PM Oct. 16, 2004
Weight = 7 lbs 7 oz
Length = 20 inches
Head Circumference = 13 3/8 inches

   860 M    ii. Charles Robert Shewman Vickers 1 was born on 21 Jan 2008 in Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga, Ontario.

   861 F    iii. Audrey Joan Shewman Vickers 1 was born on 21 Jan 2008 in Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga, Ontario.

799. Tara Justine Moore-Jones 336 was born on 2 May 1981 in Toronto, ON.336

Tara had a relationship with Kareem El Sayed.

Their child was:

   862 F    i. Vivien Gwendolyn El Sayed was born on 27 Dec 2008.


previous  15th Generation

815. William Moore .1.,73

William married Susan 1.,73

Children from this marriage were:

   863 F    i. Christina Moore .1.,73

   864 F    ii. Jessica Moore .1.,73

   865 F    iii. Billie Jean Francis Moore 1,73 was born on 11 May 1986 in Douglas Memorial Hospital, Fort Erie, Ontario.

816. Brian Moore .1.,73

Brian married Maureen Falardeau,1,73 daughter of Jean Luc Falardeau 1 and Unknown,.

The child from this marriage was:

   866 M    i. Brandon Michael Moore 1,73 was born on 28 Jun 1990 in Greater Niagara General Hospital, Niagara Falls, Ontario.

817. Cathy Moore .1.,73

Cathy married Dave Doyle,1,73 son of Robert Doyle 1 and Bernice,.1

The child from this marriage was:

   867 F    i. Brittany Doyle 1,73 was born on 7 May 1995 in Douglas Memorial Hospital, Fort Erie, Ontario.

832. Wendy Schillo .1.,73

Wendy married Ernest Fogal 1.,73

Children from this marriage were:

   868 M    i. Ernest Fogal .1.,73

   869 M    ii. Aaron Fogal .1.,73

   870 F    iii. Kelley Fogal .1.,73

   871 F    iv. Lee Fogal .1.,73

849. Anne Katherine McLaughlin 1,73 was born on 12 Mar 1973.

Anne married Jason Lee Phillips 1.,471 Jason was born on 17 Jul 1973.

The child from this marriage was:

   872 M    i. Ryan James Phillips 1,471 was born on 19 Oct 2004.

856. Lauren Elizabeth Moore 1 was born on 10 Apr 1985.

Lauren married James Everett Bell 1 on 2 Apr 2005.

The child from this marriage was:

   873 F    i. Sophia Elizabeth Bell 1 was born on 19 Nov 2004.

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