A Woman’s Story of Perseverance Georgina has dreamed of being the fourth generation in her family to practice medicine ever since she was a little girl. Her medical school experience lasts a scant two years before she gets married and starts a family. Putting her husband’s and family’s needs first, Georgina puts her dreams on hold and raises three children, one of whom is plagued by a mysterious health condition. Georgina loses faith in the medical profession when, over the course of a few years, none of the doctors help her daughter get well. When the children have grown, Georgina struggles with the decision of whether to return to medical school. In the end, she realizes her passions lie in alternative health, which is what had solved her daughter’s health issues years ago. She moves in that direction, only to be faced with one obstacle after another. Her erstwhile supportive husband becomes resentful of the time and money she needs to invest in pursuing her dream, her father all but disowns her, and she struggles to find her niche in a practice that is fraught with suspicion at best and threatened by legal issues at worst. Armed with a firm belief in alternative health, faith that she is responding to her calling in life, and the encouragement of a few supportive people, Georgina strives to balance family and career while becoming the healer of her childhood dreams
Learn how to be proactive about your health care and be part of the most important shift in thinking of our time. Why do so many people suffer with nagging health issues? Why are the rates of serious disease climbing? How can we do better at preventing illness? Why are there conflicting views on what constitutes a “healthy” diet? These questions reflect a health care crisis that cannot be addressed without dramatic change. This cutting-edge book offers proven solutions from holistic nutrition. You Can Be Well has a message of hope: You have the capacity to be well; you need not resign yourself to living in ill health. But, there are challenges. Economic and political systems in North America support a health care system that waits until you are sick to intervene, an approach called “sick-care”. You don’t have to wait until you are sick to take charge of your health. This is only possible using the holistic approach outlined in these pages—one based on healthy diet, exercise, toxin-free living, and becoming emotionally balanced. Whether you currently enjoy good health or already suffer a health condition, you will discover your path to wellness here. “Eloquently transports medicine from an archaic symptom based allopathic model to one that gives readers hope and empowerment. It is the best, clearest and most comprehensive book I have ever read on holistic health.” ~Edward D. H. Schroeder, RMT Ruth Thompson has a wealth of experience in promoting health for individuals and communities. In 1992 she graduated with a Master of Social Work from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario. During her social work career she advocated for food security and safe, supportive neighbourhoods. After struggling to find answers to her daughter’s mysterious illness, she attended the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and, in 2004, became a Holistic Nutritionist. Since then she has developed a successful clinical practice in Cambridge, Ontario.
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Faith FM 94.3 Interview
Ruth Thompson - Author
Other Publications
Faith FM 94.3 Interview
Ruth Thompson - Author