A Brief History of Samuel Hopkins Horner
Born: 1845, Schenectady, NY, USA
Came to Canada 1847 (Mother's OBIT), Welland Area
1861, Canadian Volunteer, Trent Affair, possibly received
training as military saddler from British.
Received his training in the period before 1865 as a saddler in
Hamilton & Dundas.
1865(?) Received the appointment of military drill instructor for
the Stratford Rifle Company with the rank
of Sergeant (from Obit)
1866, Stratford Rifles, Fenian Raids |
1868/1869, Shown in the Quarterly Sessions of the Court as
being sworn in as a Constable in Stratford
This was further evidenced by a letter from Col. French(first
Commissioner of the NWMP) to Justice Dept.,
refering to recommendation of the vet, Poett.
1869, City of Stratford Directory, listed as a Harness Maker
1870, Ontario Rifles, Red River Rebellion
1875, recruited by NWMP (Regimental #6)
Stationed at:
Swan River (1875-1876)
Fort MacLeod (1876-1878)
Fort Walsh (1878-1882)
Fort MacLeod (1882-1886)
Regina (1886-1890)
Staff Sergeant Horner was present at the treaty made with the
Cree Indians in 1876 at Fort Pitt and was also present at the
famous treaty made with the Black Foot nation and Stonies in 1877
with Col MacLeod and Lieut. Governor Laird as treaty
In 1881 he was on escort duty with Colonel Herchimer in command
of the escort, when the Marquis of Lorne, afterwards the Duke of
Argyll, visited the west as representative of Queen Victoria. The
route of the Governor-General's party was from Fort Ellis through
the west, north to Battleford, then to Calgary and on to Fort
In 1882 Regina became headquarters and in the fall of that year,
Staff Sergeant Horner was transferred to Fort MacLeod, remaining
there until the spring of 1886, when he was recalled to Regina.
In the North-West Rebellion
of 1885, with Inspector Perry in command,
he was with the detachment carrying the nine-pounder
field gun. He joined General Strange's forces at Calgary
and went north to Fort Pitt and Beaver River. For services rendered in this campaign, Samuel Horner was recommended in general order, by General Strange, to the favorable consideration of the comptroller Colonel Fred. White and, at the breaking up of the brigade, was again granted, in general orders, recommendation for increased pay from the time of joining the brigade until its breaking-up, "for valuable services rendered." |
From Red Coats On The Prairies:
"A key figure of the time in keeping the horses equipped for
patrol work was the Force's Saddler Major in Regina, who oversaw
the repair and maintenance of all saddlery. For years the police
had had difficulties obtaining suitable harness, head collars,
bridles and other saddlery accessories. [Commissioner] Herchmer
suggested that the problem might be solved if in future the Force
made its own. "We have the required skill," he informed
the Deputy Minister, "in the person of Saddler Major Horner,
a mechanic second to no tradesman in the Dominion'. All we
need to carry out the job," he continued, "was a few
good stitchers and the leather to do the work." (NWMP,
Annual Report, 1886) "Of course, he added, "it would be
a saving to the public purse."
Ottawa agreed, and by 1889 the Commissioner was able to report
that the soldiers were producing all the martingales, pole straps,
hopples, reins, head collars, halters, side straps and even sword
and cross belts, holsters and bandoliers that were needed. (NWMP,
Annual Report, 1889) "
![]() |
"Horner was the Force's Saddler with the rank of Staff Sergeant from 1875 to 1890. He was easily recognizable around the barracks in Regina by his huge, unkempt black beard." |
1890, retired from the NWMP, moved to
Lethbridge & started a saddle & harness business
with Henry Hutchinson, saddler 1891, listed in Lethbridge (Alberta) Census as a Harness Maker 1891 - 1896, Patronage Contracts for Saddle & Harness with the NWMP (from National Archives MS) 1896, April 13, joined Stratford Lodge # 332, G.R.C. (Stratford Ontario) 1896, September 29 - 1898, June 6, Special Constable, NWMP, possibly in the Yukon 1898, (fall) set up the first Saddle & Harness Making Shop in Cardston, Alberta, next to the Kearn Hotel. 1901, listed in Cardston (Alberta) Census as a Harness Maker 1904, Burnt out in a disasterous fire (in Cardston) 1904 - 1907, Re-engaged into the Royal NorthWest Mounted Police |
Horner's Signature
from the records of Stratford Lodge # 332, A. F. & A.
M., GRC |
1907, June - 1908, August, employed by the RNWMP.
1908, returned to Stratford.
1909, December 7, married Annie Yemen, the widow
of a former member of Stratford Lodge. (Horner's status was
"Bachelor",age 63, Yemen's was "Widow", age
1913, March 27, Annie McRae Yemen Horner died.
1915, August, through the recommendation of Col. Fred. White,
Comptroller of the R.N.W.M.P. to Hon. A. E. Kemp, War Purchasing
Commission, was called up by the Government of Canada to assist
in the war effort by representing foreign countries(Britain,
France and Russia) in their purchases of saddles and harness from
Canadian companies. Inspections made in Edmonton, Fort William
and Ottawa.
1919, went to live with his spinster sister, Selena, who was then
retired from teaching.
1921, made Life Member of Stratford Lodge # 332, GRC
1923, mention of a letter in the correspondence of Stratford
Lodge (02/12/23) in which he thanks the Lodge for flowers
delivered to him while recently in Hospital. (attendance at lodge
was fairly regular from 1908 until the war & attended at
Christmas during the War when he was home for the holidays. He
did not attend after his hospital stay.
April 11, 1929, Samuel Hopkins Horner passed to the Grand Lodge
Above. (newspaper account said it was after a long illness)
Sister predeceased him by two days
There was not a masonic funeral...probably because it was a
double funeral. However, the Anglican Priest in charge of the
funeral was a member of Stratford Lodge and the pallbearers for
both Bro. Horner & his sister were all prominent masons of
both Stratford & Tecumseh lodges.
The newspaper account indicated that his & his sister's
remains would be held in the mortuary chapel from whence they
would be removed to Brockville to be buried with their parents.
However, they were, in fact, buried in Avondale Cemetery,
Many thanks are due to Lutzen Riedstra and the staff of the Stratford-Perth Archives, without whose help, this history would not have been possible!
Please send any inquiries to:
Stephen A. Budge,
15 Church St.
Stratford ON N5A 2P9
(519) 271-7415 ---- (519) 271-2202
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