Warsaw issued stamps of late 1918 - early 1919. German occupation
stamps, already overprinted with "Gen. Gouv. Warschau" were
additionally overprinted "Poczta Polska" with bars canceling the German
markings. In Polish Fenigow denominations. Also in this series,
a 20 Fenigow value.
3 other stamps like these were also issued with an additional value
stamped on top:
5 Fenigow on a 2 1/2 pf stamp, 5 Fenigow on a
3 pf stamp, and 25 Fenigow on a 7 1/2 pf stamp.
Poznan and Gniezno also used German stamps with overprints. Poznan
issues included a value in addition to the "Poczta Polska" overprint. This
series included:
5 Fenigow on 2 pf,
5 Fenigow on a 7 1/2 pf,
5 Fenigow on a 20 pf,
10 Fenigow on a 25 pf and
10 Fenigow on a 40 pf stamp.
Two stamps were issued for Gniezno (without the words "Poczta Polska"):
A large reddish "5" on a 2 pf and a large green "10" on a 7 1/2