George Thomas Thalben-Ball (1896-1987)

After Thalben-Ball’s family moved to Eng­land, he joined the choir of G. D. Cun­ning­ham in Mus­well Hill. He lat­er won a schol­ar­ship to the Roy­al Col­lege of Mu­sic, and stu­died or­gan with Wal­ter Par­ratt. In 1916, he be­came or­gan­ist at Pad­ding­ton Par­ish Church. In 1919, he suc­ceed­ed Henry Walford Davies as or­gan­ist at the Temp­le Church, Lon­don, serv­ing there 62 years. The Arch­bi­shop of Can­te­rbury con­ferred the de­gree of Lam­beth Doc­tor of Mu­sic on Thal­ben-Ball in 1935. Thalben-Ball was knight­ed in 1982.

None of Thalben-Ball's hymn tunes is included in Common Praise, but the tune Arden and two canticles may be found in the red hymnal. Thalben-Ball also composed the beautiful tune Llanherne, to which an English translation by John Blackie of a canticle from the Septuagint (Angels Holy, High and Lowly) is set.


Music Time standard notation

The following links let you hear the Thalben-Ball chant, played by the computer on a synthesised organ.
It will play twice, and clicking on the link again will cause it to repeat.

You might need to click Refresh on your browser, or press F5 before playing, as the chant files change regularly.

Full four-part chant

Soprano Alto Tenor Bass
Hear the part Soprano only Alto only Tenor only Bass only
Karaoke No Soprano No Alto No Tenor No Bass

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J. Malton
February 4, 2006

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