the Second Kingdom

599 BP    Geralde I flees to Escorpionica and declares the Second Liliani Empire, or Neoliliana in the imperial tongue of the day.  Estontetso refused to acknowledge Geralde's rule.
579 BP    Goramia declares its independence, which it maintans for nearly 500 years.  In the same year, Goramia conquers Western Arrebarbadera.
572 BP    Edward II "the Great" is proclaimed king in Dascunya.  He marries Johanna of Ançalda, unifying both kingdoms in the Dascunyan and Ançaldan Crown.
549 BP    Geralde II, grandson of the first Geralde, meets with the Emperor of Estontetso and bends knee to him, in return for acknowledging the legitimacy of his claim.  The end of the Second Liliani Empire; beginning of the Kingdom of Neoliliana (the Compact).
548 BP    Edward II of Dascunya dies; his son William IV succeeds him.  The Fields Rebellion in Dascunya, a peasant uprising against the authority of the king, is defeated by the king.
520 BP    William IV of Dascunya dies; Alexander I "the Explorer" succeeds him as king of the Dascunyan-Ançaldan Crown. He marries Lorenza of Uestadenia, unifying all three southern kingdoms under one rule.  The resulting nation is called the Kingdom of Dascunya, Uestadenia and Ançalda, or Dascunya.
490 BP    Alexander I of Dascunya explores the Bowdani coast and finds a weak kingdom there.
487 BP    Alexander I of Dascunya conquers the east coast of Bowdani.
481 BP    Rodolf I becomes king of Dascunya.  He proclaims the conquered Bowdani territory to be the Principality of Bowestra and gives it to his second son, Peter, who becomes Prince of Bowestra.
452 BP    William V "the Magnificent" is proclaimed king of Dascunya.  He marries Catherin of Angliyaa, uniting all the great nations of the south.  The new kingdom is renamed the Anglyodascunyan Crown.
427 BP    Invasion of Dascunya (the Anglyodascunyan Crown) by Estontetso.  Beginning of the Longerathian Wars.
427-139 BP    The Longerathian Wars.
410 BP    Conquest of Ançalda, Southern Divana, Terrablanca, and Western Phenixia by Estontetso.
392 BP    Estontetso conquers the capital of the Angliyodascunyan Crown: Saint Hugues, in Templarianna.
323 BP    Civil war in Neoliliana; the rebel forces defeat the loyalists on the fields of Allayne.  Beginning of the Revolutionary War.

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Last updated October 16th, 1999.
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